The world of well, me basically!

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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 16 Dec 2022, 17:55

FFS, I reported the broken boiler this morning and been waiting for them to come and repair it all day, it's now nearly 6 pm and nobody has been! I wouldn't mind but they marked the report as urgent!
"He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!" (Michael Palin in Monty Python's "Life of Brian")
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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 17 Dec 2022, 17:57

Great afternoon at the Battle Bar today, and despite my initial reservations against doing Axe chucking, I actually enjoyed it and managed to score about 9.5 points! Even better, I won the Crazy Golf! Which was amazing given that it was the first time in 46 years, 8 months and 10 days of being on this Earth that I've ever played Crazy Golf, I've done proper Golf, as back in the late 80s they took us from school to a Golf course at a pub near what's now the Birley Lane Tram stop.

I was expecting they'd be going for grub and pub at some point but the boss hasn't said anything.
"He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!" (Michael Palin in Monty Python's "Life of Brian")
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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 20 Dec 2022, 15:46

So they've finally been about the boiler, bloke says it needs a new part and he'll be back some time this week to finish the repair! I wouldn't mind but that means I've got to stay in all week and I have shopping planned in Town tomorrow or Friday.

I value my physical and mental health too much to go anywhere within shouting distance of Meadowhall or Town on Christmas Eve.

Thing is I knew this'd happen, they were supposed to come and fix it last Friday, nobody ever turned up, and I spent all of yesterday here expecting them to come, did they heck as like!

I rang the Housing up this morning to chase it up, they said between 8 and 17.00, got to 10.30, no sign so I rang up, and got fobbed off, so I told the bloke from the Housing to F off, and he hung up on me.

I wouldn't mind but it's not my fault they just tell me a load of bobbins purely to get me off the flippin' line!
"He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!" (Michael Palin in Monty Python's "Life of Brian")
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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 22 Dec 2022, 19:50

So I trained last night, in the normal white Dobok, due to the black "boots" of the Batman suit being slippy on the Hall floor so I trained bare foot.

I gave some of my friends Xmas cards, including the boss (yep, despite the fact he said no to me grading last week, he's still on the card list lol)

I was up around 8.45 today, spent most of the day online.

Earlier today I had an email from a lady called Sian at the company I work for, apparently I've been shortlisted for a marketing and comms Officer job, although to be honest, even though it's part time it's still 20 hours a week so realistically I don't think I can fit it in with everything else I do in a week, the money's good though.

I've emailed her links to some of my FlyCheese projects that I'm physically in, and wrote the scripts and stuff for.

I'll see what happens, she wants me to do an online interview on the 12th of January but I need to try and either get out of it or reschedule, I can't miss 2 weeks of FlyCheese due to it being funded by the socials, not even for work even though I need the loot.

I've just sent an email to that effect but she's off till next week, not that most of the contacts from work respond to my correspondence much as it is, annoying and needs to be addressed methinks.

It just seems that everyone wants a piece of me in January, I have 2 work related meetings, a job interview, exam results to collect, and another appointment up at Firs Hill Rise, Mum says she'll cancel that but I don't want her to if at all possible.

Anyway I'm off.
"He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!" (Michael Palin in Monty Python's "Life of Brian")
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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 23 Dec 2022, 14:32

So it appears the Boiler's not going to be fully repaired till at least the end of next week! I wouldn't mind but it was reported at 9.30 AM last Friday, and it took them till this Tuesday to even turn up to fix the thing, and even then the guy's had to order a new part for it, which allegedly has arrived today, I rang up a bit since to see if they're coming today, as after today I'm staying at Mum's for probably most of next week.

Obviously I protested, the reason I'm in these Flats in the flippin' first place is because I'm disabled, mildly Autistic and therefore classed as "vulnerable", yeah right, you'd get more sense out of next door's bloody silly dog! :rage:

Also, the afternoon support worker's cancelled, as the Trams are suspended from Mosborough so he says he can't get, duh! They invented Buses like a Million years ago! So that's another 4 hour shift they owe me on top of the 15 hours from last month.

I know the care sector's been in staff turmoil since forever, but come on.
"He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!" (Michael Palin in Monty Python's "Life of Brian")
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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 24 Dec 2022, 19:35

Not really done much today due to feeling a bit like a dog (ruff :D )

I wouldn't mind but I had a cold last year as well at Christmas, right after I'd just had last year's Flu jab!

Currently drinking dry Sherry, to see if it soothes my throat.
"He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!" (Michael Palin in Monty Python's "Life of Brian")
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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 26 Dec 2022, 14:45

Good day yesterday.

Received a few games (which I actually bought myself) and a Fitbit Smart Watch (which technically work bought me)

Although Mum thinks I've got to send the watch back as she thinks I have received 2! I checked the order receipt on Argos this morning, they definitely only sent one.

I'll get Laura or Kieran to help me set it up this week.

Still coughing my guts up, I'll definitely have to mask up at the Hospital on Wednesday.
"He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!" (Michael Palin in Monty Python's "Life of Brian")
"I am speaking UK English in a Sheffield accent!" (Me most of the time I'm on the landline or mobile)


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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 28 Dec 2022, 18:05

So predictably the Hospital appointment this morning was cancelled, and will be rescheduled at some point.

I just hope they don't book it on a Thursday, as I have a pretty full month on Thursdays in January with work related activities, but knowing the NHS it's sod's law they will do.

I also hope I get rid of this cough by the new year, this not sleeping due to bad headaches and intense coughing most nights is getting old fast, plus if I still have a cough next time they reschedule the Hospital appointment, they'll cancel again.

Methinks a trip to the Doctor's is on the cards next week.

And finally, on advice from the support worker, I've ordered a new HDMI 2.1 cable on Amazon, which is coming to the Flat tomorrow, I also rang the Housing up first thing, allegedly they're coming to finally mend the Boiler on Friday, I bet they don't turn up though, another day wasted waiting for them! I wouldn't mind but it'll be 2 weeks on Friday since I reported it and they still haven't even attempted to fix it yet.
"He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!" (Michael Palin in Monty Python's "Life of Brian")
"I am speaking UK English in a Sheffield accent!" (Me most of the time I'm on the landline or mobile)


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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 29 Dec 2022, 22:22

So I went to the walk-in centre this morning after a bad night last night.

They confirmed I have a chest infection and need to isolate for 3 weeks.

I know this will cause problems as I need to cancel the support workers till further notice and social services will moan about the short notice, but frankly they can swivel, we get almost NO help from official sources anyway.

I've also had to email various contacts at work to inform them I'm out of action for most of the first half of January, however as most of them don't start back from Christmas till next week or the week after, no response yet.

I think I'll have message Mr S tomorrow that I'm off training for at least 3 weeks as well, annoyingly that means I probably won't be eligible for the March grading but health comes first.

Right, you know that thing I haven't done since about the middle of last week called sleep? I'm off to try and do some.
"He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!" (Michael Palin in Monty Python's "Life of Brian")
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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 30 Dec 2022, 20:44

So they've finally been to fix the Boiler this afternoon (so much for the 8 AM start! They didn't come till after 12! Smfh)

And apparently the work's got to be "inspected" to make sure it's up to spec! I wouldn't mind but that means I've probably got to be in at the Flat most of next week waiting for them, and I have plans, assuming I get back at all as I'm currently isolating up at Mum and Dad's due to a chest infection.

I'm sure the Housing staff don't listen to me, I specifcally told them NOT to ring me on the mobile, and to ring on the landline either here or at the Flat, what do they do? Ring me on the feckin' mobile to tell me about the inspection of the repair! Jesus wept.

In better news, I've been gaming all afternoon, and managed to get some achievements, I'm now on 3535 points, and I'm virtually guaranteed to win the month even if I don't get any more points tomorrow.

I also discovered that I can get the full 1000 points on the free trial of a game I downloaded earlier, a point and click adventure I can't remember the name of.

I'll try and clear it tomorrow for some more points.
"He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!" (Michael Palin in Monty Python's "Life of Brian")
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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 02 Jan 2023, 14:37

FFS, I hate hearing aids! It now appears both my aids don't work, and we won't be able to get in at Audiology up at the Hospital till at least Wednesday.

I wouldn't mind but I told Laura this morning that I'd be back for tomorrow's calls.

I might have to retract that.

Great start to 2023 innit? Smh.
"He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!" (Michael Palin in Monty Python's "Life of Brian")
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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 03 Jan 2023, 18:49

Mum's rung up this afternoon about the hearing aid issue, no appointments till the 23rd! WTF?! I know the NHS is in crisis mode but seriously?! She says she's going to ring again tomorrow, and if they say the same thing, she's going to speak to some in authority! Due to the problems on Facebook last night, I've requested a discussion with social services about moving into a new property, however I know for a fact it won't happen, we had a meeting with a new social worker last November at the Flat, some bloke called Andy, he reckons I can function in the Flat, with support, if/when anything happens to Mum and Dad! Pardon?! There's 2 staff running the whole company now! Imagine in 15-20 years?!

I know the care sector's been in recruitment strife since forever because nobody wants to work long hours for pennies more than minimum wage with "challenging" clients, but this is ridiculous, and I commented as much on the last work meeting last month.
"He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!" (Michael Palin in Monty Python's "Life of Brian")
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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 04 Jan 2023, 18:01

Mixed day today, I do feel a tiny bit better, I'm just tired and stressed out.

Like a mug, despite originally deleting my Facebook account due to the problem the other night (see the topic I did on here on Monday evening) I went back on it yesterday, due to missing interacting with a few close friends on there, even with that though I'm still strongly considering deleting again, due to annoying "conversations" on the Xbox groups.

My Twitter account was deleted last week, and will stay deleted... I have neither the time or patience to keep blocking annoying inbox messages from Foreign women who send porn links (which don't work, and would get blocked by my ISP if they did)

In better news, that second copy of Evil West on Xbox which I put on eBay last week, has actually sold, for considerably less than my original asking price but at least it's sold.

I've also managed to sort out the total fail that is the security on my Google account, seeing as I updated my password on Monday, as I do every year, and it wanted to verify it was me, which wouldn't have been a problem if I'd had my phone to hand but at the time I didn't, so we had to come Home, have lunch, drop Mum off at Lidl to do some shopping, and call at the Flat to sort that out and print a postage label out for the eBay game.

I've also texted Laura to see if it's possible for staff to come up here for the calls till further notice as I don't know when I'll be back at the Flat due to health and hearing problems, I've also requested a meeting with social services re moving House due to the Facebook issue on Monday, although I guarantee they won't do anything, and even if they do, I'm not living the other end of the City, I want to be close to my family.

Plus in 2002 I had a week of respite in a place up Woodhouse, after 3 days I was on the phone begging to come Home, as much as I love Xbox there's only so much spending time in my room playing it I can stand.. And being sat in the communal Lounge watching TV with a load of mentally handicapped tenants who don't know what day it is gets old fast.

And don't get me started on the hopeless staff there... Like one evening, I saw a pub quiz advertised in a local pub the next night, I gave the staff 24 hours notice asking if it was possible to attend, on the night, they said they'd no staff! Que?! But with regard to care staff in general, you know the saying "Pay Peanuts, you get Monkeys"? That's definitely true in the care sector IMO.

Trouble is, I doubt the situation will ever improve, qualified carers don't wanna work in a system that pays pennies more than minimum wage for stupidly long hours with NO support from senior management, and with "challenging" clients (I'm a Pussycat compared to some guys I've seen in the care system, and I do have my problems!)

Shame I can't train due to hearing and health problems otherwise class would've started 20 minutes ago.

I informed Sir yesterday.

I'm sure all the guys miss me.

At least that Hospital appointment that got cancelled last week's been rescheduled, not till the 23rd though, fortunately that's a Monday so I don't have to change anything with the support workers.

I will still inform Laura though as it could lead to further appointments that probably will involve them.
"He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!" (Michael Palin in Monty Python's "Life of Brian")
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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 05 Jan 2023, 16:04

Mixed day today.

That second copy of Evil West sold on eBay yesterday, and we've just got back from the PO sending it off, however, because I don't trust Royal Mail to not lose stuff as it's happened at least twice previously, I had to pay considerably more than I charged the buyer for special delivery postage, at least that means that with luck, he'll get it by close of play tomorrow.

Not my fault or problem if he's at work and misses the Postie.

I've been Googling First Aid courses as I'm after doing one, preferably free, in Sheffield, no free courses, British Red Cross quoted me £155 for one based in Attercliffe, I don't have that kind of money, nor would Dad let me spend that much if I did.

In the interim, I've emailed Laura to see if it's possible to do one for free through work, no response yet but she doesn't work Thursdays due to working most weekends.

New camera's come, that I ordered from CEX last week, fortunately it was only £25 but Dad's still got a cob on about me buying yet another camera.

I'll take it to comic con next month in either Chesterfield or Leeds.

In better news, I now have 2 working hearing aids, and will be back at work next week, even better, I'll be back training on Sunday.

Right, I'm off.

Dad offered me a coffee half an hour ago.
"He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!" (Michael Palin in Monty Python's "Life of Brian")
"I am speaking UK English in a Sheffield accent!" (Me most of the time I'm on the landline or mobile)


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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 06 Jan 2023, 18:55

Been Xboxing all day, completing missions and achievements on Gotham Knights (and despite the fact the game got bombed in reviews last October, it doesn't suck! 30 fps non-issue? Cry me a flippin' river!)

I've also been trying the total fail that is contacting work about various meetings and other stuff next week and beyond, however most of 'em don't start back from the Christmas break till next week, so it'll be at least Monday before they respond! I am so over people who have the communication skills of a Sheep and don't respond to important correspondence though.

In better news, now that my cough's almost gone, I've managed to do a song on (The Carnival is Over by The Seekers, as sung by the late Judith Durham, died towards the end of last year sadly, and she was only late 60s!) I was in the process of doing another song when Dad arrived, Mum was waiting in the car so I had to shut the PC down and come away, I might do another attempt after tea here.

Even better, that Trumptonshire trilogy DVD boxset I ordered on Amazon last week, has arrived today, original delivery estimate was towards the end of next week.

Might watch some of that later.

Right, I'm off.
"He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!" (Michael Palin in Monty Python's "Life of Brian")
"I am speaking UK English in a Sheffield accent!" (Me most of the time I'm on the landline or mobile)


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