The world of well, me basically!

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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 27 Nov 2022, 16:38

This morning I was up just after 10, Laura actually arrived just after 9 but I was still asleep.

I crawled out of bed, had breakfast and tablets and had a quick bath as my original agenda was to hit Town and go in CEX again to sell an old Amazon Fire Tablet I don't use any more, Laura advised me to skip Town as today's the last day of the Black Friday sales so it'd be manic.

So we stayed in and I watched the first 3 episodes of Attack on Titan on Crunchyroll on Xbox, after signing up for a 14 day trial.

After checking my emails on the PC, I successfully signed up for a year's subscription to ALL the courses on, for $84 instead of $168, at current exchange rate it works out £70 a year so about £5.80 a month (to quote Ralf Little as Johnny in Two Pints, I'm mathematically gifted, it's both a joy and a curse)

No training tonight as they've all gone down to Worcester for the British Championships, if it was somewhere a bit nearer I'd have entered myself, oh well, I'll try and get to the Lincolnshire Championships next year, that's only at Grantham which is just over an hour away.

I bet my friend, Nic Marsh, wins the Women's lightweight Championship, she won it last year, and in 2020 I think.

Right, I'm off to watch a movie on Xbox.
"He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!" (Michael Palin in Monty Python's "Life of Brian")
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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 28 Nov 2022, 18:05

Well my friend Nic says she came second in the sparring yesterday.

She did well to get to the last 2 though.

Been busy myself today, I was up around half 8, came down for usual routine, had breakfast etc and promptly went and crawled back in bed for a bit, and then had a shower and a shave and cleaned my teeth.

Came back down and had a coffee, and watched some YouTube gaming footage in between posting on here.

Then it was lunch time, and after lunch I had an MS Teams meeting at 13.00 with a contact from work.

I'm supposed to do a video recording to promote my job, although annoyingly the Cheese app on my Ubuntu box doesn't work, well it does but the video's a bit slow, I'll try it on the Chromebox at Home.

I realise I could just record the video on my phone and send it as an attachment to my work colleague, but it's better to do live filming on a proper camera.

I'll sort it somehow, in fact I've ordered a new Webcam on Amazon, which is coming here tomorrow.

I've had the one I've got now nearly 2 years so it's probably out of warranty.

Been watching old Home and Away episode on My5 earlier, the one from 1993 where Bobby dies, also featuring the gorgeous Lisa Lackey as Roxanne Miller, oh yeah back when I was 17 I wanted her to have my babies lol.

Got plans to do some Unity work after tea, I bought a new book on Amazon last week for tutorial projects.

And then we'll head back to the Flat.
"He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!" (Michael Palin in Monty Python's "Life of Brian")
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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 29 Nov 2022, 19:55

I achieved my mission for today, well almost, they said the old Amazon tablet would be worth another 5 and half quid if I sold it with the charger, so we'll go back tomorrow en route to see Matilda at the Odeon.

If only I knew Laura under different circumstances and she was about 3 years older and single lol.

Just don't tell her I said that ;)

Turns out the Christmas do with the Taekwondo crowd's at the Boom Battle Bar in Town, according to my Googling, it's in the Light Cinema about halfway down the Moor, and is considerably cheaper than I thought Mr S said it was, I misread the flyer last night and thought it said £28, turns out it's £16.50, which is slightly easier on the wallet, I'll pay him in class tomorrow night, I owe him a quid for the mock on Saturday anyway.

In other news, because I've got a couple of Christmas dos coming up soon, I was going to nip in Marks' for a pair of dressed up trousers, they're expensive though and the legs are always too long and Mum can't shorten them, fortunately I found a pair in the cupboard that fit even better than before as I've lost weight since I bought them, so that's 30 quid I don't have to spend.

Also, work says they're doing a £250 "cost of living" bonus on the November payslip, which comes out 3 weeks on Thursday, however, I don't think I'll be eligible as I'm not frontline staff, I could be wrong though.

Been for a coffee in Cavells after doing Business in CEX, their coffee's always nice and not expensive.

I've also printed out some Piano music of Christmas song that Mum wants, she doesn't play Piano, she wants to turn them into decorations.

Right, that's it for tonight.
"He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!" (Michael Palin in Monty Python's "Life of Brian")
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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 01 Dec 2022, 19:24

So it turns out that as predicted, I don't qualify for that £250 Christmas bonus from work.. I wouldn't mind but surely Experts by Experience are just as much victims of the "cost of living crisis" as frontline support workers, probably moreso cos we work less hours?

Oh well, at least I asked.

Went to see the new Matilda yesterday with Laura, and also managed to get £17 cash back on an old Amazon Fire Tablet I got free for doing an online course about 2 years ago, well it was just wasting away in the Office, and I kind of could do with the loot so I sold it.

I've "won" a free lucky dip for 2 numbers on last night's Lottery, first time I've "won" anything since around the end of October, although winning actual money would've been nice.

Been recording footage of my new Taekwondo pattern, Yul Gok, at FlyCheese this morning, I need to do probably another take of that next week, and then plan the next project.

We also went for an appointment to see a Psychologist up at Firs Hill Rise, which actually went considerably better than I was expecting, I've seen Shrinks before, and they're usually annoyingly patronisng.

She asked me if I wanted regular appointments, to go and chat and stuff, I said not really as I'm rather busy with work and stuff, we eventually compromised to go alternate weeks, next appointment's on the 15th, although to be honest I could do without it, I have a busy week that week with work and a few other bits.

I'm just glad of having someone other than my Parents to sit and listen to me go on a long rant about stuff that can, and usually does, go wrong in my offline life (yep, contrary to popular belief I do actually have one)

I've downloaded several games on Xbox One this afternoon, including a platform game called Metalgal, which is kind of like the late 80s/early 90s Megaman games on the NES, except the main character's female.

Also all episodes of the final season of Telltale's Walking Dead games, they're usually good for a few achievements.

Christmas do was confirmed last night, they're meeting at the Battle Bar at 12.15 on the 17th for a 12.30 start, so I emailed Laura last night to cancel the shift, she demands 2 weeks notice for cancellations, well that's not her, it's orders from social services due to the funding.

Also pending what happens at the mock grading on Saturday, there's a possibility of cancelling next Sunday, the 11th, I know she'd moan about the short notice but I did mention it last week, so technically she has the fortnight's notice.

I wouldn't mind but we don't even have a proper social worker, except the other week, we had a visit from some bloke called Andy to discuss my potential move to residential care, which probably won't happen, until they take my Parents to a Funeral Home and don't bring them back alive.

And even then they think I'll be able to function in the Flat with support, eh? There's literally Kieran and Laura running the whole company now, imagine in 20 years?! Plus the care sector's been suffering from severe staff shortages since forever anyway because nobody wants to work 90 hours a week for pennies more than minimum wage under jobsworth middle managers that don't know what they're doing.

Anyway I'll stop before I go on a long rant.
"He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!" (Michael Palin in Monty Python's "Life of Brian")
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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 03 Dec 2022, 17:23

Spent most of yesterday gaming, Kieran's completed Plague Tale Requiem for me, although he was complaining about the ending being a bit a bit of a letdown.

Just got back from the mock grading today, I think I worked very hard but to be honest I don't think it'll be good news tomorrow night, although to be fair he said that last time and then changed his mind.

We'll see what happens, although I don't mind if it's a no, I could do without paying the 33 quid for the formal grading seeing as I don't get paid from work till the 22nd and the grading would be on the 11th.
"He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!" (Michael Palin in Monty Python's "Life of Brian")
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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 06 Dec 2022, 19:00

So it was a no the other night, as expected, although to be fair I''ve only just passed green belt for blue stripe 2 and half months ago.

Sir says he's struggling for a venue for the last 2 sessions on the 18th and 21st given that Forge Valley shuts on the 16th, I suggested Lomas Hall up in the Village, he says he's tried there, I also Googled Stannington Community Centre on Myers Grove Lane, in the grounds of what used to be Loxley College, according to Google the local Community Association that ran it was disbanded years ago though as they ran out of money.

So it looks like the last session will be fancy dress next Wednesday.

Busy day for me then, I have an appointment up at the Neurodevelopment place in Nether Edge, behind the former Hospital (where I was actually born despite living in Chapeltown back in the mid to late 70s)

I could do without it as I've had to cancel the 12 PM call with Laura as I thought the appointment was at 13.00, turns out it's at 10 AM but even then I'd have still had to cancel as I can't guarantee we'd be back for 12.

I wouldn't mind but I had Christmas shopping planned that afternoon.

Oh well, I have an agenda to pop to Meadowhall tomorrow, Panto at the Lyceum on Friday, possibly further shopping this weekend.

I've just bought this week's Lotteries online, £9 of tickets even though I guarantee I won't win that £123 Million.
"He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!" (Michael Palin in Monty Python's "Life of Brian")
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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 07 Dec 2022, 15:10

So I didn't win a penny on the Lottery (again)

Mum's had a call from Laura that Kieran wasn't coming at 12 due to family illness! I wouldn't mind but I'd got an agenda to pop to Meadowhall or Town for Christmas shopping this afternoon, I'd possibly be there now.

At least she's confirmed she's coming Friday and this weekend as he's booked the weekend off.

Maybe next year they'll get more staff, yeah right! Nobody wants to work in the care sector, long hours for pennies more than minimum wage doesn't attract good workers, like I said on the meeting yesterday, they need to attract people who are qualified in care, not just students who can hardly ever work due to College or Uni, or Joe or Fred Bloggs from down the Job Centre.

Also, contrary to popular belief, people with learning disabilities aren't thick, on the contrary, some, me included, are rather clever, we just get treat like morons on the Internet, and if anyone ever calls me "special" to my face, I'd slap them so hard their arse would turn red.

Been listening to Xmas songs on YouTube all day.

Might pop on Amazon shortly for a power pack for an Xbox One S.
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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 07 Dec 2022, 17:56

Is it just me or is YouTube populated by complete idiots?! I've just had to block 2 muppets (and not in a comedy Jim Henson way) for attacking me because I don't vote for Reform UK, never have, never will.
"He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!" (Michael Palin in Monty Python's "Life of Brian")
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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 08 Dec 2022, 15:09

Good morning on my course today, finally managed to film me doing Yul Gok, and actually getting it right after watching a pro do it on YouTube for research.

Moving on to the next project after Christmas, a Superhero cosplay masquerade, possibly using Batman, Darth Vader, Superman, and Thor, although technically Darth Vader was a super villain, lol.

Been listening to Christmas songs all morning, such as the uncensored version of Fairytale of New York by the Pogues and Kirsty Maccoll, and Merry Christmas Everyone by Shakey, and of course the one that gets played to death every year, Merry Christmas Everybody by Slade.

Chill out session next week, and then Christmas break for 3 weeks, I might wear cosplay like I did last year, I suggested a YouTube Karaoke, like we did last year, one of the ladies said she sounds like, and I quote, "A growling cat", well she can't sound much worse than some I used to hear at Karaoke nights in the Coach House in Cleethorpes in mid 1993, I've heard better sounds from people in agony lol.

On the way back, I had a message from some woman called Georgia about a "Coding Institute" course, which is allegedly funded by the Uni, I tried to ring back but there was nobody there! Anyway I have a Google Meet with her at 15.30.

I freely admit I have NO patience, but dealing with people who have the communication skills of a Sheep and don't respond to messages annoys the heck out of me.

Like when I had the work meeting on Tuesday for 3 hours, a lady from the CQC said there's another meeting on the 16th, which is next Friday, for an hour and half, I'm not just doing that for the extra £22.50 on next month's payslip, I'm genuinely interested in the topic.

No response to the email I sent 2 days ago, I've emailed work to arrange it through them, no response!

Jack and the Beanstalk Panto at the Lyceum tomorrow afternoon, looking forward to that.

Might pop to Town beforehand for a spot of shopping.

So I've just had the conversation from hell (again) with a Game customer service agent, it'll now be 10 working days till the game I ordered last week will arrive! If it was with Royal Mail, who are currently on strike, I could understand it, but it's Evri/Hermes, arguably THE worst couriers in the Country!

Oh well, at least this has taught me to stick to Amazon for game purchases in future, faster delivery and most of the time, cheaper games.
"He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!" (Michael Palin in Monty Python's "Life of Brian")
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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 08 Dec 2022, 19:15

So it turns out that the plug for the new Xbox One S power pack I bought on Amazon yesterday does fit, I'd not taken the cap off the plug end! D'oh!
"He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!" (Michael Palin in Monty Python's "Life of Brian")
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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 08 Dec 2022, 21:03

I had the Google Meet this afternoon, audio only, and then she rang me on the mobile but as it's turned off unless I'm expecting calls, I told her to ring me on the landline.

It's a 2 year funded course, and at the end of the course, if I can earn £28K, which I will never do as I cannot work full time, I'd pay it back at the end of the course, I said no as I can't work full time, more to the point, even if I had the £28K, and I don't, Dad would never let me spend it on a course.

WHY do I keep signing up for this kind of thing when I know I can't work full time or even commit 15 hours a week to online learning due to work and other commitments? I wouldn't mind but they should put this info on the flippin' websites then I wouldn't enquire and waste mine and their time in the first place.

Also, I know I get paid for attending meetings for work, but I am half considering giving it up, most of the contacts at work have the communication skills of a Ferret and don't respond to emails or phone calls about important scheduling and stuff.

I also don't think the original job description, attending care Home inspections with CQC Inspectors, will ever happen due to COVID, although I could be wrong and things might open up next year.
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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 11 Dec 2022, 13:23

We went to the Panto last Friday, best show ever, even better than Mother Goose last year! Featuring fit blonde female dancers, always a bonus lol. No major problems with the Taxis there and back, I just hate talking to City Taxis, their Foreign call centre drones do not understand my strong local accent, rather annoying.

When we got back, made a coffee, and then it was tea, which was Pizza.

I spent the rest of the night watching TOTP, although I still haven't forgiven that annoying Blobby thing for knocking Meat Loaf off number 1 in late 1993.

No support yesterday or today, due to the weather, Laura's unable to get, she lives up at Intake at the top of a Hill apparently, if the Buses aren't running, she's stuck.

I wouldn't mind but she knows what social services are like about short notice cancellation of the shifts even though it's weather related.

The Taekwondo grading's also been postponed till Wednesday, which means the annual fancy dress session will be after Christmas probably as Forge Valley shuts on Friday so they won't be able to do it on the 18th unless Mr S can find an alternate venue.

I'm sure he'll let us know.

Currently posting on here, I'll put the Xbox on in a bit.

And I've ordered The Calisto Protocol on Xbox from Amazon, £70 for the Xbox One version, eh?! The Series X one was £46.99.
"He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!" (Michael Palin in Monty Python's "Life of Brian")
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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 12 Dec 2022, 17:42

Another busy day today.

A few calls on the mobile, and sending and receiving work related emails.

Also, I've actually had a successful conversation with a customer service Agent from Game, who's sent me the return address for that copy of Evil West on Xbox that was posted through the letterbox at the Flat yesterday lunch time.

I just know it'll be a nightmare to send it back as as far as I know Royal Mail are on strike most of this week.

Why don't the government step in and sort this all out? The strikes can't go on forever, even though technically it's the government's fault the Posties are on strike in the first place.

Oh well, at least Mr S found an alternate venue for the last 2 Taekwondo sessions, this Sunday and next Wednesday at Wood Lane Countryside Centre at 18.00, according to Google Maps it's across the road from Forge Valley Sports Centre.

I've also successfully applied for a Marketing job with the company I already work for, although if I get offered the job after interviews in January, I'll probably end up having to turn it down, due to other commitments, I probably can't commit 2 full days to it.

Oh well, we'll see what happens.
"He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!" (Michael Palin in Monty Python's "Life of Brian")
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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 14 Dec 2022, 20:10

Busy day today.

Appointment up at Nether Edge at the Neurodevelopment place, for which we were fashionably late after getting stuck in traffic going through Crookes and Broomhill.

They still saw us though and it went considerably better than I expected.

I just hate being asked personal questions by strangers, I know it's their job but come on, a bloke's entitled to keep some stuff private surely? Even if they are bound by confidentiality rules.

When we got back, it was lunch time.

I've been on YouTube and Facebook all day, in between trying to complete the third Bounty on High on Life on Xbox, I keep dying on part of the level where you've got to get to the next bit.

FlyCheese Christmas session tomorrow, I think I'll dress up, possibly in the new Batman getup, or do a flying Superman film like I did last year.

Seeing Avatar 2 on Friday at the Odeon, although I might cancel that, if the weather gets any worse between now and Friday morning they'll cancel the Trams which means Laura won't get anyway.

I'm sure it'll be fine.

Big plan for early next year to visit the Emmerdale tour in Leeds, apparently it's more accessible than the Corrie equivalent over in Salford, and Leeds in general is cheaper to get to than Manchester.

Just needs Military planning to ensure no aspect of the day out goes wrong, and even then it probably will do, like we went up to Leeds for a spot of shopping a while back, got all the way there, checked my Bank card, I'd got 29p.

So we had to turn round and come straight back, I wouldn't mind but I'd got a whole day at the Royal Armouries planned.
"He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!" (Michael Palin in Monty Python's "Life of Brian")
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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 15 Dec 2022, 18:01

So I contacted the Emmerdale tour in Leeds last night about disabled access, they got back to me this morning, if I pay for my own ticket (£38, the Corrie tour in Salford would've been cheaper, but Leeds itself's cheaper to get to and more accessible) the support worker (probably Laura) would get in free.

It's a plan for next year, before my railcard expires in April, although I'll probably renew that in March.

Tried to do a Batman project with live filming on my course this morning, the live filming worked, that bit that didn't work, was trying to put the footage into Adobe After Effects on Windows, and edit the footage with a cool background I nicked off Google, After Effects kept crashing! And they wonder why I pretty much gave up on Windows in general 20 years ago after the total fail that was trying to run anything under any version post ME?!

Oh well, I bought a new camera that does filming from CEX last week, I might attempt to do it myself.

In other news, I finally got my rather long toenails done this afternoon at the Chiropodist, next appointment's in 6 weeks, although I do have a work meeting on the 26th of January but that's in the morning.

Going to see Avatar 2 at the Odeon tomorrow at 12, although given that I didn't rate the first one, I might see if there's owt else on and cancel Avatar 2.

Plus I've got a ton of Christmas cards to write tomorrow morning.

I also have an agenda tomorrow to visit the O2 shop in Town to try and get a new phone upgrade seeing as I'm on the Switch Up plan with O2 that says I can potentially have a new phone whenever I want one and I'm after a Pixel 7.

Right, I'm off to cancel the movie.
"He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!" (Michael Palin in Monty Python's "Life of Brian")
"I am speaking UK English in a Sheffield accent!" (Me most of the time I'm on the landline or mobile)


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