[WRITING] Miscellanea's Misbegotten Daughter (c)

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[WRITING] Miscellanea's Misbegotten Daughter (c)

Post by Expendable » 05 Aug 2022, 05:20

Blaster - Plasma discharge weapon, does concussive damage. Effective range 50 meters in atmosphere.
Blaster rifle - Plasma discharge weapon, does concussive damage. Effective range 250 meters in atmosphere.

Laser - energy weapon, does burning damage. Effective range, 50 meters in any environment. Not favored for internal ship use as lasers can puncture the hull.
Laser rifle - energy weapon, does burning damage. Effective range, 250 meters in any environment. Often used for sniping. Usually required that to be brought aboard ship, the energy pack has to be removed and locked up in an ammo vault.

Bass Stunner - sonic weapon, does non-lethal concussive damage, effective range 100 meters. Requires a pressured environment to operate. Bulky, consisting of a parabolic speaker. Anyone caught in the area of effect for the bass stunner should avoid operating heavy machinery for a few days, as excitement causes them to black out.

Needler - less than lethal chemical weapon, shoots glass splinters coated with a paralytic agent. May require an antidote to be administered if they receive too many shots. Can be lethal to children if they prick their fingers on a spent splinter.

Taser - energy weapon, inflicts (usually) non-lethal electrical shocks. Effective range 0 meters / requires physical contact.

Tangler - chemical weapon, non lethal. Packaged as a grenade, when it explodes, stretchy sticky strands are spread in a 7.5 meter radius. Requires an Anti-tangler spray agent to counter the adhesive strands.

Slug throwers - available in multiple forms. Usually used with subsonic ammo in a shipboard or station environment. Some offer less than lethal projectiles.

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[WRITING] Miscellanea's Misbegotten Daughter (c)

Post by PharaohAtem » 08 Aug 2022, 22:21

Now that's an arsenal


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[WRITING] Miscellanea's Misbegotten Daughter (c)

Post by Expendable » 09 Aug 2022, 04:35

Yup! Gotta have weapons if you're pirates. Can't use the glowing energy blade as it's copyright infringement.

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[WRITING] Miscellanea's Misbegotten Daughter (c)

Post by PharaohAtem » 09 Aug 2022, 22:57

Got any uniforms?


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[WRITING] Miscellanea's Misbegotten Daughter (c)

Post by Expendable » 10 Aug 2022, 05:23

No uniforms yet.

Who would wear the uniforms?

Police - on land or sea.

Patrol - the Coast Guard of space, rendering assistance and doing their part to block contraband from getting planetside and on the stations.

UNSpacy - the United Nations Space Agency, in charge of colonization and securing the trade lanes, and backing up the patrol.

Corporation hauler - Someone has to bring in the raw materials and ship out the finished goods. And if you're in uniform, you look professional. Even if it's the plain dark navy jumpsuits with the utility belts.

The Non-Conformists - Rejecting what everyone else is wearing for the plain gray pant suit and the bowl hair cut. We're not conforming to what everyone else is doing!

Pirates - Uniforms? We don't need no' uniforms! Just the low slung blaster. And the hat. And the sash. Beard's nice. But no uniforms, savvy?

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[WRITING] Miscellanea's Misbegotten Daughter (c)

Post by PharaohAtem » 10 Aug 2022, 21:09

Yeah, that's true about pirates they just ha e a look to them that says pirate.


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[WRITING] Miscellanea's Misbegotten Daughter (c)

Post by Expendable » 11 Aug 2022, 04:41

Omni - Consumer communications and computer device. Multiple functions. Must be connected to a compatible communications grid to be of use. Typically short ranged. Usually pocket sized, may be cased or use a specialized holster.

IS Omni - hardened communications and computer device with multiple functions, including atmospheric monitoring - oxygen and pressure foremost.. While it can be connected to a compatible communications grid, is capable of reaching low-to-mid-range orbiting spacecraft. Usually pocket sized, may be cased or use a specialized holster.

NavOmni - hardened communications and computer device with limited functions, but includes atmospheric monitoring. Usually smaller screen but thicker body than the commercial models, apps must be installed using an authorized server tied to a communications module. Capable of communicating to high orbing craft, connecting to a compatible communications grid is at the discretion of the local unit commander. Also provides access to restricted manuals and training materials. May include a specialized holster, case is already ruggedized. These often wind up on the government surplus markets.

Slabs - expansion modules for Omni. Modules are usually only compatible with the same manufacturer's products. This can include spec

NavSlabs - expansion modules for the NavOmni, typically very specialized in use - Engineering, Medical, Sciences, Language Translation, Security.

Lunchbox - Hardened computer unit with folding keyboard. Uses Slabs and/or NavSlabs in expansion slots to incorporate their specialized scanners and databases.

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[WRITING] Miscellanea's Misbegotten Daughter (c)

Post by Expendable » 01 Sep 2022, 04:52

Skills Proposal Form

Skill: <name>
Type: (common, trained, advanced, specialty)
Level: (1-5)
Prerequisite skills: <name>
History with Skill:

Skills can be sorted into categories - such as Combat, Medical, Practical, and Individual.

I rated the skill levels from 1 to 5

  1. Novice
  2. Journeyman
  3. Master
  4. Advanced / Specialist
  5. Grandmaster

So a med student would be a (1) novice; when they start residency they're (2) journeymen; when they finish residency they're (3) masters; if they become psychiatrists or surgeons they're (4) specialists or supervisors/department heads (4); and when they're highly respected in their fields, (5) grandmasters.

Of course, just because you've asked for a skill doesn't mean the one running the game will approve of it.

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[WRITING] Miscellanea's Misbegotten Daughter (c)

Post by Expendable » 22 Sep 2022, 04:13

Starship Notes / 1 - General

Type definition

  • Barge - a platform, powered or unpowered, used for the transportation of cargo, various kinds of work, or military service.
  • Craft - smaller vessels with limited capacity and range for the transportation of passengers, cargo, various kinds of work, or military service. Sometimes referred to as "boat." Some craft are carried by ships.
  • Gate - an interplanetary or interstellar bridge between two points allowing rapid or near instantaneous transfer without need of an internal star drive.
  • Ship - a large vessel with the capacity for the long range transport of passengers, cargo, various kinds of work or military service.
  • Station - an orbital habitat that provides a suitable environment for one or more races. Limited maneuvering, primarily used for orbital correction.

Spaceship vs. Starship

Spaceship - a large vessel intended for travel within and along the edge of a star system.
Starship - a large vessel that possesses an interstellar drive that allows it to travel between star systems within a short period of time.

General Ship Use Classification

  • Commercial - specifically used for commerce.
  • Military - specifically used for military purposes.
  • Paramilitary - ships built or modified for combat but are not designated as a registered combatant.
  • Pleasure - a privately owned craft used for recreation.
  • Service - utility vessel providing support to ships and or craft.
  • Trans-atmospheric - a streamlined vessel designed for transferring between planetary atmosphere and space.
  • War - a vessel equip with weapons that was designed to take part in armed conflict

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[WRITING] Miscellanea's Misbegotten Daughter (c)

Post by Expendable » 23 Sep 2022, 01:11

Starship Notes / 2 - Commercial

Primary role

Cargo - the movement of freight between two points
Passenger - the movement of people between two points
Service - utility vessel providing general support options

Cargo Ships

Bulk Carrier - the transport of unpackage goods such as ores or grain.
  • Supermax - largest of the bulk carriers
  • Handymax - medium-sized bulk carriers
  • Handysize - smaller bulk carriers
Container - large vessels that transport standard-sized containers for non-bulk cargos.
General cargo - multi-purpose vessel designed to transport loose-packaged cargo of all types other than containers in its hold(s).
Heavy-Lift - designed to carry large loads such as industrial machinery, orbital platform components, and other ships.
Livestock - designed to transport large numbers of live animals with suitable environments providing for feeding, medication, and waste removal.
Reefer - refrigerated ships used for the transport of ice or perishable goods such as from orbital agricultural platforms.
Roll-on/Roll-off - used for the transport of vehicles or craft that can be driven into the ship or mounted on a pallet that is then loaded into the ship.
Tanker - vessels designed for the bulk transportation of liquids or gasses. These include:
  • Chemical - transport of chemicals in bulk. Typically double-hulled.
  • Gas - the transportation of compressed or liquefied gases in spherical tanks.
  • Hydrogen Skimmer - vessel designed to enter the atmosphere of a gas giant and syphon off a portion of the atmosphere, then proceed to process and refine the collected gasses to separate the hydrogen from other useful components.

Passenger Ships

Colony - Used to transfer colonists and supplies for setting up a colony on a distant planet. Some vessels are one-way, intended to be taken apart at the destination.
Courier - small ships intended to transport passengers rapidly between two points. Some may be in two parts with a separate stardrive module and a shuttle module.
Cruise - luxury transport providing entertainment to the passengers, typically used for vacations.
Ferry - designed for the transport of passengers and their small craft or ships between two points, often providing some luxury entertainment and accommodations.
Generation - a spaceship modified for the long endurance voyage between star systems.
Liner - passenger transport providing basic accommodations with few amenities
Sleeper - a spaceship modified for the long endurance voyage between star systems where the passengers and crew are in a state of induced hibernation.

Service Ships

Communications - often abbreviated to "Comm", these ships act as relays for in-system and interstellar communications traffic.
Hospital - Used for providing hospital services to those locations that do not have access, as well as providing medical assistance during an emergency.
Mining - used to extract usable ores, may include refining.
Recovery - deployed to recover bodies following an accident or battle.
Rescue - rapid response vessel providing assistance to ships and orbital stations.
Research - a vessel with dedicated facilities and personnel to conduct research.
Salvage - Recovery of derelict and non-functional ships or craft too far from conventional facilities for the purposes of repair or to strip away usable components and materials.
Support - Personnel and supply transport to remote locations and transient ships
Survey - a vessel designed to perform system and planetary reconnaissance in order to locate suitable resources, unusual phenomena, and identify indigenous life.
Tender - Maintenance and repair ship, typically:
  • Satellite Tender - used for the retrieving, maintenance, repair, and replacement of satellites.
  • Ship Tender - used for maintenance that does not require drydock service; or interim repairs to get the ship to a drydock.
Tug - vessel used to maneuver barges and ships as needed.

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[WRITING] Miscellanea's Misbegotten Daughter (c)

Post by Expendable » 26 Sep 2022, 02:44

Starship Notes / 3 - Military

Military vessels used to conduct and support military operations.

Military Main Classifications:
  • Auxiliary - Commercial ships obtained by the military for use in a support role. Sometimes armed, usually for self-defense.
  • Combatant - warships and warcraft that were designed for improved performance and to withstand battle damage.
  • Reserve - Retired ships that have been transferred to Reserve Fleets or units. They can be recalled and reactivated in the event of an emergency.
  • Support - utility vessels providing support for military operations. Sometimes armed, usually for self-defense.

Auxiliary Category:
  • Combatant - Modified and armed so as to be able to take a more active role in battle.
  • Q - cargo ships that have been outfitted with hidden armaments to surprise convoy raiders.
  • Transport - concerned with the movement of cargo, fuel, and personnel into and out of remote operational areas.
Other support roles as needed.

Combatant Ship Category:
  • Battlecruiser - Cruiser outfitted with battleship-level heavy armament - because of the lighter armor, are more responsive than battleships. Typically used against battleships and dreadnoughts, but can conduct planetary bombardment. Capital asset, usually escorted by ships tasked to defend it from attack.
  • Battleship - Heavily armed and armored warship. Typically used against battleships and dreadnoughts, but can conduct planetary bombardment. Capital asset, usually escorted by ships tasked to defend it from attack.
  • Corvette - Used for patrol or convoy escort, it is the smallest combatant ship but can be built by most commercial shipyards, making it suitable for most independent systems. Military grade weapons, sensors and others sytems often obtained on the interstellar market. Typically one main gun, small missile batteries, and a manned or drone warcraft.
  • Cruiser - Multirole warship, typically with large missile batteries and systems for defending against a large number of missiles and warcraft. Often tasked for independent missions.
  • Destroyer* - primary role is to defend larger ships from attacks from missiles, warcraft and other ships, but can be independently tasked as it is designed for long endurance missions.
  • Dreadnought - Heavy battleship with uniform heavy weapons for its main battery. Typically used against battleships and dreadnoughts, but can conduct planetary bombardment. Capital asset, usually escorted by ships tasked to defend it from attack.
  • Frigate* - primary role is to protect other warships, auxiliary and support ships from attack. They are fast and maneuverable, and are larger than a corvette.
  • Planetary Warfare Ship - Mobile base used to transport and support ground forces, using shuttles or assault pods to ferry troops and assets to the landing zone.
  • Spacecraft Carrier - Mobile base for warcraft, which acts as its primary weapon system. Secondary weapon systems are for the defense of the carrier from other warcraft and missiles attacks. Capital asset, usually escorted by ships tasked to defend it from attack.

*Note - Some militaries swap the title of Destroyer and Frigate.

Reserve Roles:
  • Active Reserve - transferred to local system defense forces, subject to call up or recall.
  • Inactive Reserve - "Mothballed" ships that are placed in high orbits or on airless planetoids, receiving minimal maintenance to keep them operational. May be missing some components required for full operational readiness.
  • Museum - transferred to a citizen group who has agreed to keep the ship maintained, while key components required for their operation are removed to keep the vessel from full operational readiness.
  • Service Academy - transferred for training purposes to allow cadets to become familiar with shipboard environment, routine, and operation.

Support Roles:
  • Command - provides command, control, communications and intelligence support to the commander and staff of a fleet, and may act as the flagship.
  • Hospital - providing medical care to personnel in remote operational areas.
  • Manufacturing - collects raw materials and converts them into ammunition, rations and supplies necessary for continuing military operations away from supply lines.
  • Prison - detention ship for confining prisoners of war (POWs) and criminal offenders.
  • Replenishment - supplying one or more of the following: ammunition fuel, food, ammunition, and/or supplies to ships operating in remote operation areas.
  • Repair - providing maintenance and repair for ships operating in remote operational areas.
  • Research - vessels providing research or testing facilities, or survey operations.
  • Support - providing communications relay, rescue, salvage, tracking, and fleet command capabilities
  • Station - supporting station operations through the use of shuttles, tugs, and various barges to assist the movement of ships, supplies and personnel.
  • Transport - concerned with the movement of cargo, fuel, and personnel into and out of remote operational areas.

Special designations:
  • Class - ships sharing a similar design
  • Class leader - the first ship built for a ship class, lending its name to the class.
  • Flagship - identifying which ship is being used by the commanding officer in charge of a fleet, typically a commodore or an admiral.
  • Lead ship - see Class leader.
  • Warcraft - small vessels built for warfare, usually carried by larger ships.
  • Warship - alternate term for combatant.
  • X - Experimental or prototype design

***Note - all Starship Notes are subject to periodic review and modification.

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[WRITING] Miscellanea's Misbegotten Daughter (c)

Post by Expendable » 27 Oct 2022, 04:41

Hook Me in 25 Words or Less:

The dim ultraviolet light went out, then the pod shudders as the locking clamps release it, waking her in darkness and flailing for the grips.

Tag to remember:


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[WRITING] Miscellanea's Misbegotten Daughter (c)

Post by Expendable » 04 Jan 2024, 19:14

Izlanbu, The Floating City

Nation Type: Independent City/State

Overview: According to legend, the various trade houses hired mages to bless their ships - and to put curses on those of their competitors. This, it is claimed, caused a collection of ill will to form over the city. It rose to the point that it caused an earthquake that collapsed the ground under the city and altered the course of a river as well as created a rift to the ocean.

The city was flooded, forcing the survivors to climb the hills to reach higher ground. These became islands in the new lagoon. They then began sinking pilons to extend the usable area of the hilltop islands and excavating a canal to join the lagoon with the sea.

Contact with the merfolk allowed for underwater construction, which lead to better expansions, but in some cases, the only way to build was up. Some islands have warehouses at their base, with offices, shops, and homes stacked on upper levels, surrounded by catwalks and linked by bridges to the other tower constructions on neighboring islands.

It is said the poorest live at the water's edge, while the richest live in the clouds.

The city is now a major independent trading port, with ships entering the Grand Canal, offloading to barges that take their cargo to the warehouses. Gondolas and small boats do double duty transporting people and distributing goods across the city.

Government Type: Oligarchy

Capital: The Island of Qore holds the Patriarch's Citadel - this small fortress in the center of the city houses both the Patriarch's Residence, Court, and Library (private), The Guard Headquarters, and a prison for high-value prisoners. Anchored prison ships hold lower value prisoners.

Leader: The Patriarch

Advisors: The Governing Council - made up of the heads of the city's guilds and top trading families.

Law enforcement: The Guard (a.k.a. The Black Legs after the fabric wrapped around their legs from above the knee to the ankles). they wear a helmet, black tunic and breeches with a red stripe running from the waist to the knee. Carries a pike and rank is determined by counting the number of stripes on their shoulder boards.

Officers carry a sword and have pips on their shoulder boards, and are typically either the second or third sons of.

The practice of Magic is forbidden (Religous healings are not banned).
A person attempting to bribe a Mage to work forbidden magic within the city will result in branding.
The penalty for illegaly trafficking enchanted items is a moderate fine.
The penalty for abusing a goat is exile.
The penalty for killing a messenger bird is a few month's imprisonment.
Committing a crime against a council member will include a flogging in addition to any other sentence imposed for their crime.
The penalty for plotting murder is a few year's imprisonment.
The penalty for thievery is branding on the hand and imprisonment.
Under penalty of law, any new books discovered must be turned over to the Patriarch's library. A copy of the book will be returned to the original owner.

Bit - Copper coins of various sizes and denominations: Half-bit, Bit, Two-Bit, Three-Bit
Lune - Silver coins of various sizes and denominations: Half-Lune (Also called Six-Bit), Lune (12 bit), Piyat-Lune (seven-sided coin worth 5 Lunes / 60 bits)
Sols - Gold coin worth 20 Lunes
Kometa - Platinum coin worth 10 Sols.

Also Known for:
The Red Sails - a mercenary navy home ported in Izlanbu that carry letters of marque to protect shipping by pursuing pirates, can be hired as escorts for merchant ships.

Magetown - a shanty town of towers and huts on the shore where the mageborn live.

The water in the canals is too brackish to drink. Currently the city is constructing a viaduct to route water from further upstream of the river to the city.

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[WRITING] Miscellanea's Misbegotten Daughter (c)

Post by Sirena » 14 Mar 2024, 23:00

I may sound a bit dumb here but these are looking more and more to me like D&D setups.
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