Are you a Good person? Or are you a Bad person? [a frank discussion]

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Are you a Good person? Or are you a Bad person? [a frank discussion]

Post by Nethack » 26 Sep 2021, 19:06

Are you a good person or a bad person?
What makes a good person a good person? What makes a bad person a bad person? Lets jump right in!
Let us start with standard definitions and then we can discuss!
define a good person wrote:These words describe people or actions that are morally right. A good person is kind and helpful because it is morally right to be kind and helpful. A good action is morally right.She is a good woman who goes out of her way to help others.He believes that children should be encouraged to do good deeds.A person who obeys the law is honest.He was a hardworking, honest family man who was only trying to do his duty.For more synonyms of honest, see the article at honest.An upstanding or upright person behaves in a good and moral way and does not break the law.I’m sure most of them are honest, upstanding members of society.He would play the part of the upright citizen.If you describe a person as decent, you mean that they behave in a socially acceptable and fair way.

define a bad person wrote:These words describe a person who behaves in a way that is morally wrong, or to their actions or behaviour. The most commonly used word is bad.A very bad man is getting what he deserves.I did a bad thing, and I regret it.Evil means extremely morally bad and cruel. Wicked has the same meaning, and is often used to describe characters in stories.He was an evil dictator who murdered his own people.Rapunzel was trapped inside a tower by a wicked witch.Some words that are a little more emotional and express a more personal feeling are awful, terrible, dreadful, and abominable.She was truly awful to him through their entire marriage.He was a terrible husband.No one will own up to the dreadful deed.Nothing can ever excuse such abominable behaviour.The word sinful is used in religious contexts to describe a person who has committed sin.Their actions are considered sinful by the Church.Impure is used to describe people who are considered morally bad, especially in a sexual way. This use is found in religious contexts or in literature. In general contexts, impure can sometimes be humorous.
Now let us have a look at the philosophy of such things:

To explain what we mean by Good and Bad, we may say that a thing is good when on its own account it ought to exist, and bad when on its own account it ought not to exist. If it seems to be in our power to cause a thing to exist or not to exist, we ought to try to make it exist if it is good, and not exist if it is bad. When a thing is good, it is fitting that we should feel pleasure in its existence; when it is bad, it is fitting that we should feel pain in its existence. But all such characterizations really presuppose the notions of good and bad, and are therefore useful only as a means of calling up the right ideas, not as logical definitions.

It might be thought that good could be defined as the quality of whatever we ought to try to produce. This would merely put ought in place of good as our ultimate undefined notion; but as a matter of fact the good is much wider that what we ought to try to produce. There is no reason to doubt that some of the lost tragedies of Aeschylus were good, but we ought not to try to re-write them, because we should certainly fail. What we ought to do, in fact, is limited by our powers and opportunities, whereas the good is subject to no such limitation. And our knowledge of goods is confined to the things we have experienced or can imagine; but presumably there are many goods of which we human beings have absolutely no knowledge, because they do not come within the very restricted range of our thoughts and feelings. Such goods are still goods, even though human conduct can have no reference to them. Thus the notion of good is wider and more fundamental than any notion concerned with conduct; we use the notion of good in explaining what right conduct is, but we do not use the notion of right conduct in explaining what good is

  • So! Do you think you are a good person or a bad person?
  • What is YOUR definition of a good person?
  • What is YOUR definition of a bad person?

Lets discuss!

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Are you a Good person? Or are you a Bad person? [a frank discussion]

Post by WorldIsMine » 27 Sep 2021, 00:06

i am an absolute shit of a person, but due to extenuating circumstances, i'd wager i'm good

i could be a bastard and rant about my disabilities, despair, and difficulties, but i make an effort not to

i'm friendly, or try to be at least, lord knows what friendly means today

good? bad? i'd have to say i'm just a human being, trying to crawl through my life under a barbwire fence

god now i want some coffee but it's 6:05 PM

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Are you a Good person? Or are you a Bad person? [a frank discussion]

Post by Nethack » 27 Sep 2021, 00:21

I would say just about the same about myself. I not really like people but that doesnt mean im going to stand by and watch someone suffer.

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Are you a Good person? Or are you a Bad person? [a frank discussion]

Post by Nuggies » 27 Sep 2021, 10:22

Chaotic neutral.

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Are you a Good person? Or are you a Bad person? [a frank discussion]

Post by melanch0lic » 27 Sep 2021, 11:58

a few years ago admittedly i was a very bad person, as in i made a lot of negative decisions for myself without taking into consideration the impact they would have on the people who cared (and still do care) about me - something which keeps me awake at night as i feel constantly guilty even though my family (for example) have told me that they have forgiven me, but when you make certain mistakes having a conscience means that they still play on your mind! HOWEVER, i eventually reached a point in my life where i had no other choice other than to drastically change who i used to be, so i did exactly that :3 i am the polar opposite to who i used to be; i try to be as friendly as possible with everyone, i think about the things i say and do and more importantly i use the lessons i learned to shape my behaviours into things that can help others (my job for example, helping drug addicts actively become clean functioning members of society)... i don't think i would have any friends on here if i was still a terrible person so i hope people think i'm relatively decent! D: - anime | manga | watch anime online

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Are you a Good person? Or are you a Bad person? [a frank discussion]

Post by weeabooweegee » 29 Sep 2021, 09:14

I'd say I'm a nice guy, maybe a bit too nice...

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Are you a Good person? Or are you a Bad person? [a frank discussion]

Post by Shounen-Recycled » 05 Oct 2021, 09:23

I’d say I’m a bad person in general.

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Are you a Good person? Or are you a Bad person? [a frank discussion]

Post by Beex » 05 Oct 2021, 12:50

I'm a bad cat :evillolcat:

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