~Leave All Behind~ - Rayl's Notes

Where you can keep a diary of your life. Only one topic per member, please!

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~Leave All Behind~ - Rayl's Notes

Post by Rayl » 26 Apr 2021, 22:11


I've never been good at keeping a journal, but perhaps i can place my notes here now and then.
Perhaps, in time, this place can serve as a method of making sense of me as a person, for those looking in.

And with that out of the way, let's begin.

I've been
Rayl on the internet since i was 16, as of writing that was 20 years ago.
I've worn many hats since i took on this name and not all of them have fit, but that's life, right?

Graphic design for a start, i took that one on pretty early, taught myself from start to my first few works, sadly these don't exist any more for the sake of comparison, but i improved on my own for a good long time, it never really went anywhere besides making the odd desktop wallpaper and forum set, mostly for myself. I always knew my style wasn't for everybody and even the people who liked it wouldn't use it personally, that was fine, it was a hobby and as long as people gave me some praise now and again my young pride was easily uplifited but it slowly became less satisfying as the years went on, i couldn't even tell you when i stopped doing it or even why at this stage but hey i know how to wrangle a copy of photoshop well enough to make something when i need it.

Some quick examples of things i've done over the years:

I've tried my hand at video editing, helped organised "game rooms" for con meets for a certain forum (wonder which forum that was for *cough*) being a forum admin/mod, clan leader for a gaming clan, i was a mod on SheezyArt for a time (hoo boy those last three really didn't work out) and a bunch more that i've likely forgotten over the years and despite things not working out and alot of my choices and actions resulted in an eventual downward spiral into some pretty heavy depression, i don't think i'd change anything. I am who i am because of the things i've experienced after all.

I like to think that at the end of the day i've become a pretty decent person, somebody people have turned to for advice, if they need cheering up, a laugh or to speak in confidence. I feel i've earned a measure of trust for a few people and that is a remarkable feeling.

But for people new to me, i feel like i'm not approachable, the years have taught me to temper my passions and i feel that makes me seem somewhat cold and sometimes even jaded, alot of the things i love i'm more critical of and i can speak harshly of them but i wouldn't be that way if i didn't care and i care deeply about a fair many subjects.

And here we are, at the point:

For anybody reading up to this point, god i'm sorry for the ramble but i wish to ask of you, if you are interested in me or my thoughts on a subject, please go ahead and ask, i'll leave you some notes and maybe we can make some sense of me.

Stay Safe, Stay Well.

Last edited by Rayl on 26 Apr 2021, 22:38, edited 3 times in total.

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~Leave All Behind~ - Rayl's Notes

Post by Rayl » 26 Apr 2021, 22:27

This opening post took far too long to make, from the header graphic to the words i wished to convey, i'm not accustomed to writing about myself, my history most of all, i'm certainly not comfortable on writing for such an extended period of time either. I prefer to be as short and concise as possible.

But hey, it doesn't look like the worst thing in the world. A bit rambly maybe.

Some notes on my day then;

My attempts at Fitness Boxing still do not go well, it's only recently that i've taken a more active (IE: Beyond simple dieting and going out for walks a few times a week) approach to losing weight, i should have started at the BEGINNING of lockdown, not the end, cie la vie as they say. My rhythm starts strong but i'm a utter wreck not even half way through the program.

Today was nothing much to speak of in terms of productivity, but you can't be productive if you've got nothing to do, "i spent more time talking about Sonic The Hedgehog today than i have in the last six months"- levels of nothing to do. Not that i didn't mind it of course.

I made a slow cooked tuna and prawn pasta today, very simple but satisfying. Might go out tomorrow and buy ingredients for a slow cooked chilli tomorrow, maybe a jacket potato if i'm feeling adventurous.

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~Leave All Behind~ - Rayl's Notes

Post by Rayl » 27 Apr 2021, 18:42

Today's been pretty interesting as far as things go, couldn't go out as i'd slept in a weird way and my ankle and back had decided to be super sore today, didn't fancy risking it so takeaway it is i guess.

However i learned that my local Sainsbury's now has a "Sushi Gourmet" in the deli section, so will be visiting there tommrow knock on wood for some sushi and mochi, looking forward to it. Also i'd like to visit HMV to buy some Ocean Bombs and unusual Kit-Kats so two-birds and all that.

Tonight's dinner is pizza, nothing fancy and certainly not as good as making something myself but needs must and all that.

Today i've been mostly been getting pictures of my girlfriend's dog while she visits them, it's certainly one of the highlights of every Tuesday getting these, she's always very adorable.


But otherwise been doing a bit of gaming, played some Donkey Kong Country 2 and getting my backside handed to me, it's been a while i guess!

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~Leave All Behind~ - Rayl's Notes

Post by Rayl » 27 Apr 2021, 21:04

Additional note: Dinner was 100% food coma level, ordered way too much but didn't realise till it was all done and dusted, whoops!

Additional additional note: More dog.


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~Leave All Behind~ - Rayl's Notes

Post by Rayl » 28 Apr 2021, 19:19

Alright, time for another series of notes on my day and here i thought i was going to drop this whole diary immediately.

So i went out today, as i stated yesterday, to go to my local Sainsbury's. It's not exactly a short journey mind so i got a decent walk in at least!

So yeah, got to the Sushi Gourmet but sadly they were out of anything to my taste but my gf picked up some sushi at least, i meanwhile picked up some chocolate mochi and some Kewpie mayonnaise. Also i grabbed some ingredients for that chilli i've been saying i'll cook since the start of this journal, looking forward to it!

I also went to HMV to check out what Kit-Kats they have but i was disappointed in the selection really, i instead picked up two Ocean Bombs (Apple and Orange) instead.

Took some pictures of the HMV selection, dunno why but might as well share them.


Dinner was cod and salmon fishcakes, mashed potato and some veg.

And since it seems to be an ongoing thing and as a reward for reading, have picture of dog.


You're welcome.

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~Leave All Behind~ - Rayl's Notes

Post by PharaohAtem » 28 Apr 2021, 19:28

I love salmon


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~Leave All Behind~ - Rayl's Notes

Post by Rayl » 28 Apr 2021, 19:48

Salmon is pretty sweet my dude, plenty of great cooking applications. Turns a pretty decent surf and turf meal into a great surf and turf.

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~Leave All Behind~ - Rayl's Notes

Post by Rayl » 29 Apr 2021, 18:24

So today's notes are fairly simple, nothing much to go over.

Got some extra shopping done today, drinks, ingredients and the like to last into next week. Put together a cauliflower cheese with bacon, cowboy hotpot and got started on the slow cooked chilli, the first two items are made in advance so i don't have to worry about prep while i'm staying over with my girlfriend on the weekend.

Slow cooked chilli came out looking like this:


Had half of that with a jacket potato, incredibly filling and satisfying to boot, the cajun spices i added really gave it a bit of bite, not to mention made my kitchen smell wonderful.

I know it's customary to post a picture of my dog but today i came across this little fellow again for the first time in about half a year, apparently my girlfriend knew he was around because she brought him treats.


As for the rest of evening, not sure what the plan is, maybe some Fitness Boxing and finishing off the mochi i bought yesterday. A decent day by my reckoning.

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~Leave All Behind~ - Rayl's Notes

Post by PharaohAtem » 29 Apr 2021, 19:39

Chillis tasty with some cheese is also good


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~Leave All Behind~ - Rayl's Notes

Post by Rayl » 30 Apr 2021, 00:23

I sometimes cook it with cheese, yeah. It's damn good stuff. Triple cooked chips are also a nice little replacement for jacket potato but i gotta feel like i'm taking the healthy option sometimes haha :sweatdrop:

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~Leave All Behind~ - Rayl's Notes

Post by PharaohAtem » 30 Apr 2021, 20:34

Hey taking the healthy option isn't bad. I've had turkey chili that tastes pretty good as well.


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~Leave All Behind~ - Rayl's Notes

Post by Rayl » 03 May 2021, 20:29

Naughty Kitty wrote:
01 May 2021, 04:23
Not rambling at all by the way hope all is well. :)

Could be a bit better but not so bad that a good night's sleep won't fix!

That being said, notes from the weekend, granted not much to talk about!

Played RE7 with my gf in preperation for RE8 this weekend, had some homemade sushi and it was the best homemade sushi we've made yet.

Been having a few rough nights but i'm just gonna crash myself into bed and hope a few good lay-ins will do the trick!

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~Leave All Behind~ - Rayl's Notes

Post by Rayl » 04 May 2021, 18:01

Awrite, notes for today:

Feeling majorly refreshed sleep wise, christ the last few nights weren't great. But hey, to celebrate i'm making a big ol'chicken dinner (And i didn't even have to win a battle royale to get it) which includes:

Spicy popcorn chicken, smooth mashed potato and some breaded cajun chicken topped with macaroni cheese and some smokey BBQ sauce.

Struggling a little to think of some good food to make for this weekend, i want some really nice stuff to be able to munch on while playing RE8, got plenty of time till then but still, better to start now. Maybe sushi again.

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~Leave All Behind~ - Rayl's Notes

Post by PharaohAtem » 06 May 2021, 19:22

I've had buffalo chicken macaroni and cheese and the cheesy the better.


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~Leave All Behind~ - Rayl's Notes

Post by Rayl » 07 May 2021, 10:20

So i've spent the last day or two ultra tired, ultra sore and flipping between headaches and nausea. Taking the time this weekend to just take it easy rather than doing everything i can for work.

The travelling has been the worst as in recent years i've become, shall we say, not exactly great with it. I can manage bus and train better than say a car but even that has it's limits. Having to wake up early and then have to travel around has resulted in a pretty funky physical state.

Doom and gloom aside, assuming my body doesn't go any further down the drain, i'll be playing RE8 later and of course, here's a picture of dog to raise everybody's spirits


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