Stay strong, you are doing great! (mental health/positivity thread)

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Stay strong, you are doing great! (mental health/positivity thread)

Post by LilMissLarBear » 01 Oct 2020, 11:47

I just want to say that this forum has been an absolute god send for cheering me up :) Hate to bring this up, but times have been tough so I want to use this thread to return the favour and use this as a pick-me-up for everyone. From time to time I want to give spurs of positivity to lift anyone up who might need it, but feel free to add anything yourself :)

Anything at all, lets spread some smiles and positivity because no one deserves to feel down!

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Stay strong, you are doing great! (mental health/positivity thread)

Post by LilMissLarBear » 01 Oct 2020, 12:03


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Stay strong, you are doing great! (mental health/positivity thread)

Post by melanch0lic » 23 Oct 2020, 19:54

bumping this thread due to how relevant it is nowadays, i think moar people need help now moar than ever, but i'm no professional - i am down to talk to anyone who may be experiencing difficulties with their mental health in-case anyone needs it, just reply on here or send me a PM, or both, whichever works for you :3 - anime | manga | watch anime online

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Stay strong, you are doing great! (mental health/positivity thread)

Post by Elgood81 » 25 Oct 2020, 19:36

well I could use some moral support as I have an uphill battle against me. on Wednesday I was in A&E because my left leg was super swollen and causing me pain in my knee (it’s still swollen now but my knee doesn’t hurt as much) I was there for 9 1/2 hours and they did bloods and obs on me and they also weighed me. My blood glucose levels were actually good at 5.4 but the blood test also showed that my liver is struggling a little. They told me the only way I was going to make my liver better was to lose weight and when they weighed me I was shocked at how much I was. so I’m challenging myself to lose weight and I’m going to try to lose seven stone in the next year. At the moment I’m fairly positive about it because I’m eating properly and using a potion plate and I’m exercising somewhat regularly but there’s going to be points in this where it’s going to get harder and I need people to give me moral support so that I keep going and don’t quit or give up.

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Stay strong, you are doing great! (mental health/positivity thread)

Post by LilMissLarBear » 30 Oct 2020, 23:13

Something to make you guys smile :)


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Stay strong, you are doing great! (mental health/positivity thread)

Post by LilMissLarBear » 30 Oct 2020, 23:19

Elgood81 wrote:
25 Oct 2020, 19:36
well I could use some moral support as I have an uphill battle against me. on Wednesday I was in A&E because my left leg was super swollen and causing me pain in my knee (it’s still swollen now but my knee doesn’t hurt as much) I was there for 9 1/2 hours and they did bloods and obs on me and they also weighed me. My blood glucose levels were actually good at 5.4 but the blood test also showed that my liver is struggling a little. They told me the only way I was going to make my liver better was to lose weight and when they weighed me I was shocked at how much I was. so I’m challenging myself to lose weight and I’m going to try to lose seven stone in the next year. At the moment I’m fairly positive about it because I’m eating properly and using a potion plate and I’m exercising somewhat regularly but there’s going to be points in this where it’s going to get harder and I need people to give me moral support so that I keep going and don’t quit or give up.

Whether this is for health reasons or not taking that first step will be the best thing you would do! You will feel so much better for it so I am super proud of you taking that step! And to put it bluntly, you are right there are some times that will be harder than others but its always good to be kind to yourself in those moments and take things at one step at a time! You got this!

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Stay strong, you are doing great! (mental health/positivity thread)

Post by Nuggies » 31 Oct 2020, 00:51

Elgood81 wrote:
25 Oct 2020, 19:36
well I could use some moral support as I have an uphill battle against me. on Wednesday I was in A&E because my left leg was super swollen and causing me pain in my knee (it’s still swollen now but my knee doesn’t hurt as much) I was there for 9 1/2 hours and they did bloods and obs on me and they also weighed me. My blood glucose levels were actually good at 5.4 but the blood test also showed that my liver is struggling a little. They told me the only way I was going to make my liver better was to lose weight and when they weighed me I was shocked at how much I was. so I’m challenging myself to lose weight and I’m going to try to lose seven stone in the next year. At the moment I’m fairly positive about it because I’m eating properly and using a potion plate and I’m exercising somewhat regularly but there’s going to be points in this where it’s going to get harder and I need people to give me moral support so that I keep going and don’t quit or give up.

Hope it all works out for you. Personally I've never really found the portion plates to work but I'm speaking from a nursing perspective rather than a nutritionist perspective.

I've recently decided to make a load of dietary changes, more for sustainability and mental health reasons rather than physical health but the difference I'm already noticing physically from simple stuff like using less dairy and switching to oat milk, or simply instead of using beef in a stew, adding extra veg to bulk it out is amazing. Finding myself with more energy and more motivation.

I've also found treats to replace other treats. I've found a soya based chocolate ice cream that actually tastes better than dairy for 80p (it's a B&J sized tub too!). Also, remember, you can have cheat days in there too, just to keep you going. Set a date for a cheat day and make it a motivation etc...

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Stay strong, you are doing great! (mental health/positivity thread)

Post by melanch0lic » 31 Oct 2020, 00:57

i've been feeling really fucking low for the past week or so, like i haven't been this down in ages and i can't find the motivation to think positively about the future, i just want to sleep but my several mental disorders make sure that doesn't happen, so i'm jealous of those who can sleep 10/12 hours per night - i'd kill for that, as it effects my mental wellbeing massively... ugh, kill me now D: - anime | manga | watch anime online

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Stay strong, you are doing great! (mental health/positivity thread)

Post by Nuggies » 31 Oct 2020, 01:16

melanch0lic wrote:
31 Oct 2020, 00:57
i've been feeling really fucking low for the past week or so, like i haven't been this down in ages and i can't find the motivation to think positively about the future, i just want to sleep but my several mental disorders make sure that doesn't happen, so i'm jealous of those who can sleep 10/12 hours per night - i'd kill for that, as it effects my mental wellbeing massively... ugh, kill me now D:

Dunno if it'd be any help but you can get promethazine over the counter. Strong antihistamine. Wipes you out for a fair few hours. Knocked me out so much I woke up for work, fell back to sleep and ended up being late after a total of 14 hours sleep. I tend to get 4 hours on a good night. Hurray for insomnia and mental health issues :lol:

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Stay strong, you are doing great! (mental health/positivity thread)

Post by melanch0lic » 31 Oct 2020, 01:27

miserableatbest wrote:
31 Oct 2020, 01:16
Dunno if it'd be any help but you can get promethazine over the counter. Strong antihistamine. Wipes you out for a fair few hours. Knocked me out so much I woke up for work, fell back to sleep and ended up being late after a total of 14 hours sleep. I tend to get 4 hours on a good night. Hurray for insomnia and mental health issues :lol:

thanks for the suggestion mate, but unfortunately nothing works medication-wise anyways, i mean i'm prescribed various medications which should knock me out essentially, as i'm currently on:-

20mg Olanzapine,
100mg Promazine,
15mg Arpiprazole,
300mg Pregabalin,
200mg Sertraline,
15/500mg Co-Codamol,
150ug Levothyroxine,
10mg Diazepam &
7.5mg Zopiclone

the first 3 & the zopiclone should help me out with my sleep but they don't, so i'm stuck like this forever i think ;_; feel free not to answer, but do you have mental health problems also? i've got bi-polar (type 2), borderline personality disorder, anxiety & depression, all are fun to deal with and don't affect my life negatively in any way! >_> - anime | manga | watch anime online

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Stay strong, you are doing great! (mental health/positivity thread)

Post by Nuggies » 31 Oct 2020, 01:55

Ick. Sertraline. Never again. :lol:

I'd say that I'm surprised the Zopiclone doesn't work but if the Diazepam doesn't help, that ain't gonna as they are kind of related on a way. You may have developed a tolerance for benzos. I'm no mental health nurse but I am a nurse who deals with a lot of these medications, as well as withdrawal, alcohol & drug dependency etc... You do find that for some people, various types of medication because less effective.

I have borderline personality disorder, CPTSD, depression, general anxiety disorder and good ol' social anxiety. Recently come off of diazepam and 300mg venlafaxine (it was making my rapid mood swing more angrified... :lol:)

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Stay strong, you are doing great! (mental health/positivity thread)

Post by melanch0lic » 31 Oct 2020, 03:59

miserableatbest wrote:
31 Oct 2020, 01:55
Ick. Sertraline. Never again. Image

I'd say that I'm surprised the Zopiclone doesn't work but if the Diazepam doesn't help, that ain't gonna as they are kind of related on a way. You may have developed a tolerance for benzos. I'm no mental health nurse but I am a nurse who deals with a lot of these medications, as well as withdrawal, alcohol & drug dependency etc... You do find that for some people, various types of medication because less effective.

I have borderline personality disorder, CPTSD, depression, general anxiety disorder and good ol' social anxiety. Recently come off of diazepam and 300mg venlafaxine (it was making my rapid mood swing more angrified... :lol:)

sertraline is definitely the one anti-depressant that actually works for me and i've tried a few; lithium, citalopram, escitalopram, fluoxetine, etc... I definitely have a dependence with my Diazepam, i've been on them since i was like 17/18 D: i too have borderline personality disorder, anxiety, depression, insomnia and bi-polar (type-2) so i feel you with - as bad as it sounds, if i had to choose between having physical or mental health disorders, i'd choose physical every day of the week, especially when the amount of medication i take doesn't help with all of the symptoms i display... D: how long did it take you to come off of the Diazepam mate? - anime | manga | watch anime online

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Stay strong, you are doing great! (mental health/positivity thread)

Post by Nuggies » 31 Oct 2020, 07:57

Ahhh, Sertraline was VERY bad for me, had to come off of it almost immediately. I've been through the ringer with medications, nothing seems to work, best thing for me is talking therapy but I'm still on a very loooong waiting list. So I am having to do it via workbooks etc...

As someone who has physical problems (chronic knee pain and damaged nerve in my spine), I'm not sure what I'd rather not have actually, it's all shite :lol:

See, I came off of the diazepam same time as I came off of the venla. I didn't notice any of the diazepam withdrawal symptoms because the venlafaxine threw me into discontinuation syndrome. Constant brain zaps, barely being able to sleep and occasional delirium for 2 weeks followed by a further 2 weeks of intermittent side effects.

I'd say if you want to come off, reduce it. Diazepam can come in 2mg form (you may know this, I'm not sure) which I'm pretty sure you can half to 1mg. It shouldn't be as noticeable if you start reducing it by 1mg it 2mg every 1 or 2 weeks (whatever you can tolerate). Would take awhile but it's what I'd recommend (this is professional advice here, I am a trained withdrawal specialist :lol:)

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Stay strong, you are doing great! (mental health/positivity thread)

Post by melanch0lic » 31 Oct 2020, 08:51

miserableatbest wrote:
31 Oct 2020, 07:57
Ahhh, Sertraline was VERY bad for me, had to come off of it almost immediately. I've been through the ringer with medications, nothing seems to work, best thing for me is talking therapy but I'm still on a very loooong waiting list. So I am having to do it via workbooks etc...

As someone who has physical problems (chronic knee pain and damaged nerve in my spine), I'm not sure what I'd rather not have actually, it's all shite :lol:

See, I came off of the diazepam same time as I came off of the venla. I didn't notice any of the diazepam withdrawal symptoms because the venlafaxine threw me into discontinuation syndrome. Constant brain zaps, barely being able to sleep and occasional delirium for 2 weeks followed by a further 2 weeks of intermittent side effects.

I'd say if you want to come off, reduce it. Diazepam can come in 2mg form (you may know this, I'm not sure) which I'm pretty sure you can half to 1mg. It shouldn't be as noticeable if you start reducing it by 1mg it 2mg every 1 or 2 weeks (whatever you can tolerate). Would take awhile but it's what I'd recommend (this is professional advice here, I am a trained withdrawal specialist :lol:)

i remember when i first started taking Sertraline, it would kick in about an hour after taking them and they would make me feel super-suicidal, but eventually i began to level out somewhat - when i was taking the likes of citalopram for example the side effects were severe, like twitching randomly and other more negative sexual effects (which i'm sure you're aware of if you take anti-depressants!) but talking therapy is probably better than just medication alone, i too am on the list to see a psychologist but it won't be any time soon, i've only been waiting like 3 years...

i know how you feel physically also; i have hypothyroidism and sciatica in my lower back and legs so if it's not one thing it's another, it is all bullshit tbh and it makes me wonder why good people (not calling myself a good person, i mean people like yourself) are often struck with the worst illnesses/disorders :< I've been reducing my Diazepam gradually over the past 3 months, i was on 40/50mg a day at my worst (not a recreational dose, i only used so much to get myself outside of my flat but doses like that incapacitate me) but my doctor is understanding and has been reducing my prescription at the same rate meaning i'm not going to have any seizures or shit like that, i already suffer with insomnia so the one thing that scares me is the lack of sleep associated with the withdrawal process from benzos! i know it's hypocritical but i find that weed sometimes helps me more than Diazepam, but i try not to smoke during the day/before work as it can make me lazy, but i've even been reducing down my intake of that as i was getting through far too much (about an ounce a week which is a lot for one person D:) - you have a great job btw, i'd love a career helping people with shit like substance abuse as i've been there and gotten over it so being there for others at their time of need is what i'd love to do c: - anime | manga | watch anime online

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Stay strong, you are doing great! (mental health/positivity thread)

Post by Nuggies » 31 Oct 2020, 13:49

Yeah, that was my issue with Sertraline, the probably was that it made me actually try and act on it. Was a huge wake up call that I needed to take my meds more seriously and get ones that worked. Citalopram and fluoextine didn't really do anything for me, sexual side effects aside. They just kind of made me numb, which I didn't want. The Venlafaxine was great to start with but as you can guess, as I was oh such a high dose, it didn't last long. Eventually it stopped regulating my serotonin and regulated my adrenaline too much, to the point I was getting snappy and angry all the time. All came to a halt when it started happened at work.

See, I strongly believe that weed needs to be used more for mental health. I haven't smoked it in a few years (partly because I've lost my contacts :lol:) but there's sufficient evidence out there which supports its use. I'm glad your doctor has been reducing you, I just came to the decision I wanted to be med free and my doctor agreed with me.

I'm primarily a elder care specialist but I did extra training and I'm my wards withdrawal link. A lot of elderly are used to drinking and when they come into hospital, they're cut off from it so you get them withdrawing quite back. Due to my secondary role, I tend to work in gastro and hepatology a fair amount too as that's where a lot of the substance withdrawal is in my hospital.

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