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Post by LilMissLarBear » 28 Aug 2020, 20:21

Any World of Warcraft fans here? Whether thats retail or classic, or you used to play it but don't anymore. I personally haven't played in a while but I have a warlock, mage and shaman on retail and a priest on classic.

Basically share anything WoW here if you have anything :)

Could we have this in the master thread as well please, @GraceMellody

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Post by lolin » 29 Aug 2020, 01:37

i play occasionally but never to do more than just the single player content

most people i see are schmucks who don't give a damn if you think they're mean

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Post by LilMissLarBear » 29 Aug 2020, 16:43

Lolin wrote:
29 Aug 2020, 01:37
i play occasionally but never to do more than just the single player content

most people i see are schmucks who don't give a damn if you think they're mean

Yeah people are trolls like that. I find thats more the case in pvp tbh which is why I don't do it anymore (used to when I started playing). You just play retail then?

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Post by Beerkeg » 29 Aug 2020, 17:51

I still play every now and then. Retail tends to get boring in a few weeks of playing. I dunno, there doesn't really seem to be anything to do anymore everything is just more of the same with a less awarding outcome.
Classic is just... I dunno. I was hoping it to be like in the old days. Toxic people saying terrible things just to say them, trolls in masses and fun people. Instead its just... guild who want to keep everything PG, people selling PUGs and people less interesting than Desolace.
I didn't see this problem on private vanilla servers so I guess its just cause its blizz. The gameplay is still as fun as it was back then, just the community is a bit disappointing.

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Post by LilMissLarBear » 31 Aug 2020, 20:21

Beerkeg wrote:
29 Aug 2020, 17:51
I still play every now and then. Retail tends to get boring in a few weeks of playing. I dunno, there doesn't really seem to be anything to do anymore everything is just more of the same with a less awarding outcome.
Classic is just... I dunno. I was hoping it to be like in the old days. Toxic people saying terrible things just to say them, trolls in masses and fun people. Instead its just... guild who want to keep everything PG, people selling PUGs and people less interesting than Desolace.
I didn't see this problem on private vanilla servers so I guess its just cause its blizz. The gameplay is still as fun as it was back then, just the community is a bit disappointing.

With retail I took a break from playing from Warlords of Draenor, missed the entirety of Legion and picked it back up again for Battle for Azeroth. It was then that it was the first time that I came across world quests and I hate them! I just can't do it! Makes rep grinding an absolute pain, I wish there were other ways, or at least give us more rep for the quests...

I quite like the social aspect in classic, theres a lot more of it than retail. Selling PUGs I've found to be a recent thing if I'm honest! Like when I started playing classic I saw no one doing it, not for gold anyway (I've seen people with higher level characters offer to run dungeons for alts). I then took a little break then all of a sudden its the one thing that fills trade chat, its quite sad I think, not a fan... I think the community is better in classic than retail though. Lets say if you are new to WoW I'd choose to play classic to be honest because people are willing to help but with retail because it is easier its all of a "oh you don't know what you are doing? You are a total noob we don't need you in this group you suck". Probably exaggerating here but I think its easier to assume everyone knows what they are doing in retail because its not as difficult to grasp and if I was to start playing WoW right this second that would intimidate me a lot.

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Post by LilMissLarBear » 31 Aug 2020, 20:22

Anyone getting Shadowlands when it releases?

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Post by Biggkenny » 01 Sep 2020, 07:45

I've played since Wrath. I first quit in Cata and then went back part way through MoP (which was the most fun I've had in the game, combat so good). Quit again in WoD after a few months as garrisons had ruined the game. Came back for legion release. Quit after a few months again because warrior didn't feel good to play anymore and I really couldn't be bothered doing 10000 dailies or grinding AP. Came back a few times to try to get lightforged draenei and got it before BFA released. I jumped to horde on release of BFA because my friends who were going to play were going horde. Nazmir was a really good zone, but I had to quit as I got to max as I hated the daily grind + azerite ruined it. I came back again but on alliance and had a bit more fun on my lightforged draenei paladin and doing PVP was really fun in Naz'jatar until they brought flying out which COMPLETELY killed the group PVP I had been playing, so I quit again. Came back one more time after corruptions and played for maybe 2 hours max before realising this was less than 0 fun.

I did prepurchase shadowlands (when I was having fun), and I will play for 1 month on release, but I'm not hopeful at all.

I played classic on release but blizzard absolutely screwed it all up which basically meant that only lasted maybe 2 months. It was a few months of fun but because of blizzards sheer incompetence on release my friendship group got split (in the game) so everyone stopped playing. They also stuck to "no changes" way too closely, with people somehow expecting a game releasing in a different environment to be the same game they once played, and not allowing changes that would help the game in this current environment. It's a massive shame too because I think if we went from classic as a base and then carefully added bits to it (maybe take bc as a base instead) then we could have a much much better game than what we have in retail today. We have hindsight and can actually use it but for some reason we opted not to?? And now we're going to get classic BC which means we'll get classic wrath, cata, mop, wod etc making this a completely pointless exercise. Sacrificing what we could have got out of a rewritten history for a year or 2 of fun is not worth it.

OK glad I got that off my chest :D. I used to raid (and probably would if I went back, but only in pugs I expect as I don't have the time anymore). I dont think I'll go back to classic although I think it's a better game than current BFA. I'm hoping that Shadowlands will improve significantly but I have no faith left in blizz so I'm sure theyll manage to make azerite problem 2.0 *cough* covenants *cough*. Torghast could solo carry it though


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Post by LilMissLarBear » 01 Sep 2020, 08:03

I am purposefully not going to look at any spoilers, gameplay previews or anything for Shadowlands because I feel like I would get too hyped then come release day I will be sorely disappointed. Honest to god I made that mistake when MoP was about to come out and then in the end I was very "meh" about it. So tbh I dont know the absolute ins and outs of Shadowlands features, I am aware of the levels being squished to 60 I know we get new zones and all that good stuff XD other things I will cross that bridge when I get there haha

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Post by Beerkeg » 01 Sep 2020, 08:19

I wish I had time to play classic. The first time around I was in school so I had the time to play 8+ hours a day, but now I got more stuff going on and you really need to play that much to do anything in classic. When classic released I took a 2 week vacation and slugged my way to 60, but then work started up again so I didn't really have the time to do anything else. I am glad I got to 60 as fast as I did cause my friends playing at the time were struggling with quests cause all of the zones were full.

Retail does get boring quite fast, so most of the time I hunt for achieves or transmogs and RP. Raid finder is a joke, took me 40 wipes to kill N'zoth cause people couldn't follow simple instructions and weren't interesting in learning the fight. I'm not sure if I'll get Shadowlands... I might at some point, but from what I've seen so far its really bland.

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Post by LilMissLarBear » 09 Sep 2020, 18:13

Really finding less and less time for it recently, which really sucks because I won't mind playing it again (mainly classic right now).

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Post by Nishizono Shinji » 10 Sep 2020, 19:38

just started playing WoW again after like 14 years only made a starter account but im pretty sure ill get a subscription at the end of the month lol.
I chose Night Elf Druid as i know they can play any role in a dungeon/raid.
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Post by LilMissLarBear » 10 Sep 2020, 20:28

Nishizono Shinji wrote:
10 Sep 2020, 19:38
just started playing WoW again after like 14 years only made a starter account but im pretty sure ill get a subscription at the end of the month lol.
I chose Night Elf Druid as i know they can play any role in a dungeon/raid.

Wow! What made you want to come back? Also druids are great! They are probably one of my favourite classes in the game :) Don't tend to play alliance a lot though. Most of my characters are horde.

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Post by Nishizono Shinji » 10 Sep 2020, 20:47

Heyitslaurenk wrote:
10 Sep 2020, 20:28
Nishizono Shinji wrote:
10 Sep 2020, 19:38
just started playing WoW again after like 14 years only made a starter account but im pretty sure ill get a subscription at the end of the month lol.
I chose Night Elf Druid as i know they can play any role in a dungeon/raid.

Wow! What made you want to come back? Also druids are great! They are probably one of my favourite classes in the game :) Don't tend to play alliance a lot though. Most of my characters are horde.

I just wanted to see if it was still as fun as i remember, turns out it is although the community seems to be more elitist and toxic than ever (was called a "starter twink" first day i came back to playing) but that's unfortunately to be expected in every game these days. I'm playing very casual atm but next month I'll get a subscription and BFA and start looking around for a guild.
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Post by Ash 'Kaosu' Symonds » 11 Sep 2020, 18:49

I havent touched the game really since 2010. Used to have dual installs. One for retail official servers and one for private servers

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Post by Biggkenny » 12 Sep 2020, 08:28

Anyone planning to play some ShadowLands when it comes out? If so what realm / race / class are you thinking?


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