Recovery of a Mousy She-wolf

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Recovery of a Mousy She-wolf

Post by Wolvenessence » 31 Jul 2020, 14:36

@Akane Mayu
Thank you for liking what I write in my entries, I appreciate it~

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Recovery of a Mousy She-wolf

Post by Teeny » 31 Jul 2020, 14:40

Wolvenessence wrote:
31 Jul 2020, 06:49
Currently at this moment extremely exhausted but can't sleep, tried and kept failing so I was up the whole night. Though other than getting no sleep I'm good otherwise. We'll see what happens today for me.

Urgh I can totally relate! I didn't sleep at all last night, mostly because of how warm it was. I was wide awake from 3am to around 6am. Hopefully we'll both sleep better tonight!
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Recovery of a Mousy She-wolf

Post by Wolvenessence » 31 Jul 2020, 14:48

I'm also sorry to hear you didn't sleep well or at all as well. I think I got maybe 3 hours if not I was up the whole night with my cat keeping me company. I suffer from insomnia and chronic nightmares so.. sleep isn't peaceful as others would say it is for them and enjoyable. I do dread it each and every night to be honest makes me anxious which having server anxiety doesn't help so I suffer with sleeping. Hopfully by changing things in my personal life at this time will change all that, even if it's only a little. I do hope when I sleep tonight I'll dream and sleep better as well, though for me I never know so probably not for me sadly. I do hope you get better sleep though. 

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Recovery of a Mousy She-wolf

Post by Akane Mayu » 31 Jul 2020, 18:32

Wolvenessence wrote:
31 Jul 2020, 14:36
@Akane Mayu
Thank you for liking what I write in my entries, I appreciate it~
your welcome ^_^

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Recovery of a Mousy She-wolf

Post by xMommaWickedx » 31 Jul 2020, 22:36

Wolvenessence wrote:
31 Jul 2020, 06:49
Currently at this moment extremely exhausted but can't sleep, tried and kept failing so I was up the whole night. Though other than getting no sleep I'm good otherwise. We'll see what happens today for me.
I hope you get some rest soon

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Recovery of a Mousy She-wolf

Post by Wolvenessence » 01 Aug 2020, 13:00


Thank you for wishing me well for a good night's rest, I very much appreciate it as well everyone else ~ ❤
I love your icon and signature by the way , their very well made so pretty and kawaii I must say~ ❤ Also your username is very nice and pretty cool as well. ( ^,.,^ )

I actually did slept EXTREMELY better even had a special charm underneath my pillow last night as well. { I ordered off Etsy I ❤ that website and will hopefully selling my work on it sometime soon myself. MUCH respect to those people who make crafts or anything else and sell them on there. Everyone is super talented and some shops even go the true extra mile to make your gift packaged and shipped to you very special and pretty looking, I absolutely love that. I especially loved from the two things I orded last they both was all packaged kawaii/cute like and all handwritten notes as well thanking me for buying there item. Wishing me well if it works for me and I enjoy it/ love it. I still love when people take there time to hand write things to each other. I miss writing letters myself to people, lame or weird I know I'm old fashioned I guess, heh. ( ^,.,^; )

To be honest very shockingly my charm really worked for me and felt no anxiety going to sleep, during sleep/dreaming and now awake. I feel pretty great right now even though I like waking up early sleeping in was pretty nice too. VERY much needed to from little to no sleep before. My cat however wasn't happy pawing my door non stop meowing wake up, Heh. Then was quite happy after I opened up picked him up and cuddled him as he wanted me too. Every morning he does that even knows when I have bad anxiety or a dream and comes running sits by my door waiting for me to open it. { He never sleeps long and ALWAYS wants to play. So he doesn't sleep nor allowed in my room at night. Till he's more older and hopefully mellows out more then he can with me in my room. Since he's a brown tabby he truly LOVES getting into all my stuff fragile expensive stuff, werdio.. ( -,.,-) However always checking in on my knowing when I have my traumatic nightmares or bad anxiety. He knows and comes to my aid for me. Thats a TRUE therapy cat for you so every morning he's right at my door waiting for me. Silly tubby extremely curious mastermind cat, heh }

Thank you again as well everyone wishing me well, I truly love AL it's been helping me A LOT feel more comfortable around others more even if I still interact slowly to people here. Thank you all for being truly awesome wonderful and cool people~! ❤

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Recovery of a Mousy She-wolf

Post by Teeny » 02 Aug 2020, 06:58

It's nice to support small businesses during this hard time too! The little charm sounds so cute ^^ I love anything like that, I think the way sellers present the items you've bought definitely improves the opinion of buyers and encourages them to purchase again in the future.
What sort of crafting things do you enjoy doing? Hopefully you will be able to share your work on etsy in the future :)
Pleased you were able to get a better sleep thanks to the charm!
Your therapy cat sounds adorable, what a great friend he is!
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Recovery of a Mousy She-wolf

Post by Wolvenessence » 02 Aug 2020, 12:53


Yes, it's a very cute charm and I love it a lot ( ^,.,^ ) , I also have yet to review the charm on Etsy still the women who made it and her shop. Since I've been busy with some things in person at the moment I hadn't had time yet to say my review on it as well the other item I purchased at another shop which it's super cute as well. ( ^,.,^ ) The charm helps with anxiety since it has all natural ingredients herbs and crystals in the little bottle charm I got. It's one of those spiritual things people can get for natural remedies for healing other than meditation. I'm still taking my anxiety medication so no worries there. However hopfully down the line with therapy more and contintuing staying fit, active  and still eating healthy I could try to take all natural stuff more than prescription  types of aid for my mental health. We will see though in some time  that's just a goal of mine, apologies if its silly or lame.

Well I do DIY stuff for crafting I'm also learning more to Crotchet, Weave and Embroider stuff I just need the supplies and tools to do them more and get to practicing. ( ^,.,^ ) For the DIY I'm  pretty creative with coming up with some art pieces. I'm  currently planning on using real natural items from where I live around my neighborhood sticks  and rocks so far to make some art pecies I've seen on Pinterest. Then maybe my own type of art pieces that comes from my own inspiration and ideas. The sticks I found they've fallen so I never tore them off trees. I have EXTREMELY high respect for trees, plants and ALL nature as well animals. Also I only take what I need and leave the rest, as for the rocks I just picked a few from my patents neighborhood area when visiting couple months back.

I'm  planning on making some dream catchers I just need to buy a few more items to make dream catchers such has the string for them and I would like to get some beads and crystals as well. The rest of my planned projects not too sure yet something to decorate my room since I'm re doing it and about nearly done as well. I made well.. two items or decorative things for my room  in the past months. However I'm.. a bit shy and also very nervous to share them with others showing what I made. I know AL the people here don't seem the type to judge but still nervous disclosing personal  things of things I'm  into on here. However I've been also doing real good on here interacting little by little with everyone and that's a really great thing as well an accomplishment.

So my next journal entry I'll share more about myself and who cares if no one likes it nor accepts it/me afterwords. It's  what I like/love and my passion and what I'm  into. Though just be nice to still be respected is all. So stay tuned for that everyone if your curious and like reading my journal. I hope to sell my work I always wanted to growing up that and working with Sharks , heh yes... Sharks you heard right. Tis another story I will share on why still ❤ and highly respect Sharks in an entry on here at one point if anyone is interested as well why I ❤ and strongly connected with wolves and into werewolf related things as well.  Wow I'm  rambling on and on my apologies,  hey ( ^,.,^ ; ) I just have a lot t say today I suppose, heh. 

Lastly for my cat he's my world and best companion/friend. After my sister and I adopted him and my sister cat from a animal shelter almost 4 years now ago I'm so happy and honored he choose me. As for my sister and her cat which I still strongly love as well, she's just more into my sister which is totally alright with me. They both have helped us a lot in our lives and we're so happy we got them and a part of our family. { I live with my older sister as roommates } Really interesting and amazingly he's actually NOT a real certified and trained cat for that type of work. He's just a plan ol tubby extremely curious mastermind of a cat who just knows me and here to help me and truly wants too as well. It's hard to explain, apologies he loves me a lot is all I know. I'll end my long post here, heh. ( ^,.,^ ; )


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Recovery of a Mousy She-wolf

Post by Teeny » 05 Aug 2020, 10:20

Wolvenessence wrote:
02 Aug 2020, 12:53

Well I do DIY stuff for crafting I'm also learning more to Crotchet, Weave and Embroider stuff I just need the supplies and tools to do them more and get to practicing. ( ^,.,^ ) For the DIY I'm pretty creative with coming up with some art pieces. I'm currently planning on using real natural items from where I live around my neighborhood sticks and rocks so far to make some art pecies I've seen on Pinterest. Then maybe my own type of art pieces that comes from my own inspiration and ideas. The sticks I found they've fallen so I never tore them off trees. I have EXTREMELY high respect for trees, plants and ALL nature as well animals. Also I only take what I need and leave the rest, as for the rocks I just picked a few from my patents neighborhood area when visiting couple months back.

Oh that's cool!
That reminds me of a video I saw about month or so ago. It was by a youtuber called Jonna Jinton and she went and collected natural ingredients from the outdoors and made paint of her own and it was really cool and different.

Wolvenessence wrote:
02 Aug 2020, 12:53

I'm planning on making some dream catchers I just need to buy a few more items to make dream catchers such has the string for them and I would like to get some beads and crystals as well. The rest of my planned projects not too sure yet something to decorate my room since I'm re doing it and about nearly done as well. I made well.. two items or decorative things for my room in the past months. However I'm.. a bit shy and also very nervous to share them with others showing what I made. I know AL the people here don't seem the type to judge but still nervous disclosing personal things of things I'm into on here. However I've been also doing real good on here interacting little by little with everyone and that's a really great thing as well an accomplishment.

The Dream catchers sound awesome! The beads and crystals will certainly make it look pretty!
You're doing so well and I'm really pleased you are enjoying being here on AL with us :D

Wolvenessence wrote:
02 Aug 2020, 12:53

I always wanted to growing up that and working with Sharks , heh yes... Sharks you heard right. Tis another story I will share on why still ❤ and highly respect Sharks in an entry on here at one point if anyone is interested

Sharks are awesome! I think media and films have given them a bad reputation sadly.
When I was younger, I considered working towards becoming a Marine Biologist. I ended up doing a work placement in an Aquarium which was really interesting.
I ended up shifting my career to work with birds in the end but I still find marine life fascinating ^^
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Recovery of a Mousy She-wolf

Post by Wolvenessence » 05 Aug 2020, 10:55


Yeah, why not use things you already have for arts and crafts you know? Save money and even help the environment as well if related to wood or something natural like you'd get outdoors. There's tons of inspirational ideas for arts and crafts projects you can do DIYs on Pintrest, YouTube and etc. 

Thank you well I thought I make some couple for myself than maybe sell some perhaps left over. Yes, they would be very pretty check Etsy and Pintrest I think just typing in dream catchers some will have really cool things added to them than standard dream catchers you see. Yes AL is a very nice and relaxing place I enjoy my time here a lot. I'm still shy a bit around most people aroud here, though I'm getting there slowly opening up more as well.
( ^,.,^)

Yes they do and probably always will very sadly which makes me very sad all the time. I'm  SUPER excited for this years Shark Week. I watched it growing up for years and never missed one yet. You learn so much about them and it's fascinating and very cool as well I think. My opinion  if people  would really shush it, listen and watch they see there're NOT monsters nor kill you just because and that we need then in our oceans. So misunderstood and judged horribly.. makes me very upset all they time when people really hate on them. The truth without sharks in our ocean  we wouldn't have an ocean since they help the eco system for us. So if all people wiped them all out well we'd be more screwed speeding up climate change more. 

That's really cool I love birds too I'm  going research more becoming a bird watcher or birder I think some call it? I always every morning look out my window though more going out on my walks like to spot our local birds where I reside. It's fun and as the morning and sun makes me happy hearing birds sing and flying about also dose. 


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Recovery of a Mousy She-wolf

Post by Akane Mayu » 05 Aug 2020, 21:12

-waves- hi hi sup

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Recovery of a Mousy She-wolf

Post by xMommaWickedx » 15 Aug 2020, 18:35

Thank you very much! I am glad to hear that you got some well deserved rest! :3

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