Cooking with out a clue

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Cooking with out a clue

Post by Kilidath » 26 Nov 2019, 12:34

I'm not so much in talking about my but i want somewhere to share my work or thinking that I find interesting or random or maybe cooking ass the time says

Below are a whole bunch poems i have written. :maki: :smoke:

collection 1
The World of Deceit
In this world of Deceit, with eyes clenched shutThe screams of the liars, their falsehoods held high
You curl up tight, to hold your ideals safe from harm
No matter how hard you try, the horrors will always reach you

Broken backs, and torn up dreams lie shattered upon the world
For the greedy to march over, in their quest to corrupt you
They seek that which you hide, things that you hold so dear
They seek to tear them apart and leave them there to rot

They fuck your ideals, till they are as dark as their own
Till you give in and submit to their will, and cease to be you
It’s not something they count or care for, you‘re nothing to them
It means nothing to them, dragging you into their fold.

Their rules allow you no respite, no salvation from torment
Until you use your dreams as weapons to feed your resolve
To cast off their lies and deceit, you must open your heart
And show the truth, the reason and deviation from the rules


It bubbles and babbles, flowing free
Where it can find no path to flow along
It breaks and carves its way through

Ever changing the face of the world
It slowly cuts lines through all we know
Never something to impede its course

It waits for no man, large or small
A gentle touch, of pure raw power
Never truly controlled by mans grasp

It brings hope and joy to those with little
But can turn joy to misery and despair
As bringer of both life and death

A Beautiful Place

Somewhere beyond the veil of this world
Is a place idyllic, pure and beautiful
It’s not something you can grasp or hold

A green plane, surrounded by snow topped mountains
Below, at their feet sits a forest of cherry blossoms
A blue shimmering lake lies below a soft hill.

Across the planes and hills delicate flower sit
Smiling up at the sun an array of a million colours
They gently wave embraced by the soft breeze

On top of the hill stands the eternal guardian
Calmly watching over all with an open curiosity
The great oak tree waits for someone to share its view

The Dance of Life

The dancers, they stand opposite each other
Waiting for the first beats, like that of a first born
So still and calm, patience is their gift

Within an instant the dance begins, quick and panicked
Rapidly it builds to a rapture of movement and action
Gradually slowing, as awareness dawns on the world around

The anarchy of the earlier moves gives way to form and order
Developed from the calmer beats, chaos is brought under control
Evolving into a movement of grace and beauty

As time flows the pace slows, but no beauty is lost
Grace gives into experience and tried moves form a routine
Partnerships form, the pairs move off with their own movements

As the music draws to a close, the pace slows down
Partners embrace, slowing down enjoying the closeness they experience
The music stops, and the dances part, there is no sadness of their faces

They turn and bow to their fellow dancers, acknowledging each ones own part
They nod to the musicians, showing their appreciation for their inspiration
Bowing to the conductor, in his own salute, the scythe is held high

They smile knowing their job is done, some cry, at never seeing this place again
The march passes thanking the conductor for all he has given to them
They joined hands, watching him lead off to the door, out into the wide world

Crafted lies

The world is made up of delicate tales
Lies spun from the minds of the corrupted
All they say are carefully crafted untruths
Hiding the truth which could heal wounds

They seek to break your hopes, your soul
Turn it into the rage, anger, utter despair
Becoming their weapon against the innocence
To eager masses, just to please your masters

Do you have the strength to make a stand?
To defy their orders, their carefully spun lies
No it’s not the leaders upon high you should fear
It’s the people by your side, saying their your friend

It’s their personal agenda, to make you hate their targets
Lashing out with words, to deeply hurt their feelings
Though their body may be unharmed, their soul is shattered
Can you stand up to them, deflecting the lashing out, the hurt?

Unfamiliar ceiling

I lie here for an eternity
Never moving from this place
Its cold here, not a chill to the skin
A freeze that sets my souls ablaze with iced fire

It’s always the same place
Even if it looks different it feels the same
Every time I open my eyes it’s changed
Why is it always the same, this feeling here inside?

I lie here staring up at the ceiling
Unable to turn my head and look away
I have sense of time passing me by
All I can do is stare, at this unfamiliar ceiling

I not sure why this really is
Shouldn't I be afraid of this feeling?
I don’t know why I am here
I'm not afraid, there’s a finality and resolution to it


I sit here staring out at things I should enjoy
That should inspire my mind, stir my soul
But that’s not what’s there, not anymore
The bland view of creams and greys
A sterile eyesore, so blunt and cold

When I laugh it’s hollow and empty
Like simply going through the motion
Only to hide my despair, my depression
This illness corrupts, it infects all I see and hear
They say stay positive, stay hopeful

The infection corrupts it, condemning it
Feeding the darkness that envelops me
The lifelines cast to me are so far away, so weak
The voices of encouragement so weak and quiet
Drowned out by the subtle put downs

It teases and torments, with flashes of light
They grip and elevate, pushing me up in to euphoria
But it’s a torment, used to further the darkness’s hold
For as far as I rise, I plummet passed my last depth
Where I lay till the next assault on my hopes


They are everywhere, with their voices
Contradicting, harassing, they seek to push and pull
As they vie for pole position, they stab their opposition
They seek your attention, complete, un-distracted
Uncaring to the needs of those, who seek your aid
Their tendrils sink in beneath the skin
Leeching out compassion from your heart
To be the centre of you attention
Taking the focus from your own life
So you fall into decay, and emptiness
You become just a tool for their games
An Avatar for their will, losing all you were


Selfishness with out bounds, disillusioned self importance.
Their existence is sickening, only concerned to out do everyone
Never wrong, even when clearly incorrect
Always right, no matter how little truth supports the claim

Their depravity shatters the souls of those who try to help
Claiming to be alone, yet is surrounded by those who help
Yet where were they when those people needed help?
Making mockeries of them, breaking them pushing them down

People like them, who have so much handed them for free
They earn nothing, expects everything to be given to them freely
It is sickening to help, to then be ignored, spoken down to
To have all my effort count as for little of nothing!

When I needed help was this refuse ever there?
Were they there to help me when I was broken,
When I was naught but an empty dying husk
Unable to communicate my most inner fear

No! They left me to die, my shoulder shatter,
My bones may mend but my mind remains in tatters
Yet, I still help them, am I that pathetic? That desperate?
Is the need of a friend, really what I want any more


Opposites pull the soul, conflicted by self need and the need of others
Though there are tiers to their compassion, between blood and bond
They spends too much time worrying about what others think of them
They try to change the views of other by over compensating in action and money

Yet under this there is the need to be right, to be better then you
Action always spoken, like they is reading his stage directions
No thought left unspoken, No check run to filter out the bad ones
Confused by their own disillusionment, can they truly not hear their own words?

Amongst all the evils that affect the pages in my life, I think this is the most insidious
Their words seep in as their actions frustrate, in stilling rage, and hopelessness
Should someone who appears to have such good intentions be the source of despair?
At least these demon has some saving graces making them neither enemy of friend


The force that guides us
Along the unknown path
It bears us no ill
Though has no compassion

It drives us ever onward
Down the path it has chosen
It is neither cruel nor kind
Spares no thought for desires

It takes us to the place we need
Sometimes the places we want
Often in a straight line
Other times on long quests

Invisible hands gently guide us
You can’t hear its whispers
But it’s always there
Driving you on wards

From the day you were born
Until the day you die
Its will picks you a path
Though you to walk alone

Driving Force

Each day when my eyes open
I rise up into the hands of despair
Feeling hopelessness take me over
As I follow the daily routine
I prepare for what is to come

The demoralisation I feel
As I leave my home
I wander through the day
Without knowing why I try
After all, it always ends the same

Each day I go the same way
Never knowing why I don’t stop
No one ever said it’d always be the same
Every day ending the same as the last
Its heart breaking to be so alone

They say if you try hard, you’ll be rewarded
If you want something, you can get it
That nothing is ever out of reach
These are the people who have it already
As they paved their way using my blood

It is all a lie, that positive attitude
It’ll bring you a positive response
Bubble wrapped against it all, the truth
That first impressions can never be undone
Yet I strive to change their point of view

I am here now beyond their sight
Hiding behind the self I’ve thrown up
I must hide my madness, my depression
Though they know the falsehood I create
Wanting the belief, I feel ok, good, great

But they don’t care it’s a lie
They enjoy knowing I suffer all the more
With two selves in pain of insincerity
I don’t want to be so alone
Con none see that I need them

collection 2
Entwined in passion’s embraceBeyond reason’s grasp
Beneath the ivory moon
Upon the cold of snow
I lie with you for eternity
Only ever wishing to stay
Though days pass by
And the season's change
Our desires will always remain
Desperate longing only for your heart
And yearning for your tender lips
Though flowers bloom around us
As snows covers our flesh
Your warmth will keep us
Though I could search all the heavens
I will never find something like this again
Tough the cold is all around
Your sweetest kiss upon my lips
Does thaw my aching heart and frozen soul

Night of Darkest Passion

Tightly pressed against you
Like a second skin
Binding you to my will
With chains of passion
As flesh caresses flesh
Lips stroke, kiss and bite
Fingers pressed deep
Passion rises and fills all
Your body on mine
Your tenderness up mine
In the deepest throng of lust
The moans from your lips
Fill the night with the sweetest song
Silencing all other sounds
And drowning out the light
As we slither deeper down
In the darkest desire
Our hearts and minds create
Never wanting to leave this place

A desperate longingThat nothing else can satisfy
It’s only you I need
To fill this hollow world
With passion and joy
Loosing myself in you eye
Your crimson lips kiss me
Like rose petals upon the snow
Is this what madness is?
To looses ones self in another
It that true, madness I embrace
Just like you in the cold night
Logic sent to sunder
In the depths of you heart
As you mind cradles mine
Beneath the enchanted blue

All the darkest days I left behindThe Pain you made my heart let go
It all came down to you
The one covering my eyes

A thousand paths walked down
Roads that never took me anywhere
Just to find this one
The one you were on

Seconds use to drag for months
Weeks were decades in dust
Your hand took mine
dust fell from view

Worlds clouded in the grey
Never feeling colours touch
Like a Meteor you came
Drawing life anew

SheShe sits in her room, all alone
A prisoner of her own design
She won’t let anyone near her
Afraid of their words whether harsh or kind
Fearing the cuts from knives of silver, so sharp

Drowning in possessions she doesn’t care for
Bought by family, friends to change the mood
But life doesn’t work like that
They provide little more then a burden of guilt
To consume her further with agonising despair

She’s too afraid to cry out to those who love her
Unable to ask for help, from those who could protect her
Who would hold her close away from harm
But she’s afraid, people are always pushing her down
She avoids the pain, hiding away in her bubble of isolation

I try, I want so much to reach out to her
To let her know she’s no need to alone anymore
Just to be there to hold her hand in the dark
Sitting alongside her in the darkness, waiting for the light
Waiting to see how it ends, without others pushing her down

I would never be like, or treat you like the rest them
Telling her to be happy, and there’s nothing wrong
That she has so much, and nothing ahead but brightness
I will be there, her equal, to share her loneliness
After all we are alike, are we both not driven here by them

The tinted eyes of the emptyThey walk around everyday
In trappings of their past
Held high like badges of merit
To them everything is great
No problems, perfect and good

They are ignorant
As to the pain of others
A pain they can not feel
To them it’s simple
Obvious, clear and indubitable

That life should be great
That you must be wrong
Truth is they don’t see you
Only what they want to see
Observe, view and notice

The truth is very different
Nothing is what it seems
It’s all gone wrong inside
Distilled in damnation
It’s lonely in despair
Hopelessness and depression

Their taint on life is a shield
Just to keep them from seeing
The outside face, not what lurks within
They can’t take it, the truth
And realise they are just as empty
Devoid of feeling, hollow, so shallow

Be happy or get out!You do what they say
Never question their orders
But you know that if you don’t smile
You won’t be coming back tomorrow

Any hint of dissension is forbidden
Never aloud to express the truth
Not matter the depth of your sorrow
You can never let it show

Bury the true feelings deep
Let not your eyes betray you
Always smile and humour them
With false smile upon your face

Give in to being humiliated
Learn to enjoy that feeling,
No matter how disgusting
Welcome to the dead masses

Now you feel nothings true
Thoughts are no longer real
It matters not, your their instrument
Show individuality, you’ll soon be gone

Fairy tale of liesI remember when I was young
I loved to hear stories in fairy tales
They filled me with so much wonder
Listening to adventures and happy endings

I held onto these notions for a long time
Believing that hero’s and love conquered all
The good guys were always going to win
Evil people always loose and are destroyed

Though with age these dreams become tarnished
But still they are holding on, still shining
Despite being a little bit dimmer every day
You want to believe in them so very much

So I do, I still want to believe in them
Though sometimes things get in the way
They tear open you eyes to something else
Even if you want to keep them closed

You can scream and cry that it can’t be true
Clinging to your dreams never wanting to let go
But it’s not that easy, things happen to shatter them
That happened to me, not only once but twice

The first time it shattered my dreams of love
The second shattered my belief in good and evil
I can longer see things as black and white
The fairy tales of my youth lie shattered at my feet

Now the strong hand of reality grips me tightly
My world changed, made up from shades of grey
I’m not sure, am I not better off without the lies
Sometimes I find myself thinking back, still believing

Collection 3

Summers day in a village

In the sweltering heat of a mid summers afternoon
Walking through a serene village at the height of bloom
Past limestone building, over cobble pavements I walk
I wonder what on earth possessed me to put on a jumper

I walk past a full grave yard, surrounding a peaceful towering church
With the sun beating down, I seek out the salvation of some shade
I discovered a sorrowful willow tree hanging low over the river
Sitting under its shading canopy I watching the day drift on by


When the skies grow dark and the land is covered by the shadows of clouds
Most feel fear and dread, that the heavens will open and the rains will fall
Not me though, I love the rain, no matter what the time of year is
It lifts my spirits far more than the sun on a brilliant summers day
From the beating sound as it hammers against roofs and windows
To the rustle of the leaves as the rain bombards trees and bushes
Splashing as it finally reach the ground creating pools for life.

The rain cleanses the air, beating dust and pollen to the ground
Leaving the air clean, fresh, every lung full revitalising the body
It washes away the heaviness of a close humid British summer
Leaving behind it a gleam and shine over everything it has touched
Nothing quite beats the feeling you get from being caught out in a storm
As it washes away all the troubles of the day, leaving you a broad grin
Nothing quite beats a rain storm, well maybe the beauty of a frosts

Eyes of an Angel, heart of a Devil

You stand there looking at me with eyes so pure
They gaze into mine with such innocence
My heart rate quickens, I catch my breath
I feel light headed under that gaze of yours

Your luring me in, I know you are
You fire my curiosity, so I can’t help myself
I loose control, with out thinking my body moves
This feels so unreal, like a semi-lucid dream

It’s only when it’s too late that I realise
Those eyes lie, simply luring me into your trap
It’s now too late I am caught by those eyes
As I continue to be pulled in by them

Now I am at your mercy, unable to run away
In your grasp I’m subject to your hearts desire
Its desires are deep, dark, and as cold as ice
Chilled to the core in the prison of the devils heart

Escape is only a fallacy but I must hold onto it
I know now my folly, never trust beauty alone
That only leads you down a dark and twisted path
What is really weird is that I kind of enjoy it

Swords and Boards

They stand there, solid, shoulder to shoulder
Unflinching they stand ready to face of their foes
With shields locked in line ready to take the charge
Swords held ready, a sense of calm takes control

Knowing the end approaches, one way of another
As they brace themselves for the impact to hit
With lightning reflexes they lash out in a counter
Then within an instant the shields are back up

Never leaving any opening for too long
They stand fast, the heart of the line, vigilant
Ready to hold, to push and spring in attack
They are never reckless, ever patient they wait

Taking the openings whenever they appear
Then they advance forward, steady and true
Without fear they hold the line so other may charge
For they are the sword and shield, noble and true


You make out I'm a Horror
This thing in the dark
A thing to make children cower
To you its such a lark

Your a fool you, shouldn't make demons
to fear the masses to submission
Casting those out who disagree for treasons
locking them in a hollow prison

Seeking only to down this world in hate
you fill their mind with fear
Till they feel they stand at hells gate
crying for with eyes all a tear

What will you do when this monster fights back
Tearing your plan all to sunder
laying waste to the sown world of black
never considering to surrender


Falling down in Sorrow
Through the darkness of regrets
Can you reach out to save me?
From all these fears and sorrows

Can you forgive me?
For all the sin upon my soul
I don’t care about anything else
Just say you’ll save me here

Hiding from the truth
Denying all their claims upon me
Knowing that I can’t erase this
Just please don’t let go

I’d sacrifice my soul
If just to see you again once more
To satisfy these desire that burn so
Just kill my heart

Eye to eye in arms
I don’t care about any of them
Just so long as I never lose you
Standing here against the world

Iced light/harsh reflection

The glare of the sunShine hard against the wall
A sign the mornings come
Its harsh light cutting the night

Feet upon cold wood
Raising from bed in to the chill
Staring into a reflection so cold
Stark contrast of light to shadow

Scars deeper then flesh
The mirror shows them all
Though it never give me an answer
Why is it always like this?

Hollow room reflected
Just like a life empty of everything
Eyes so cold ice clings to the mirror
It’s just another day…

Smile in the Night
There nowhere to go nowWe’ve been running for so long
Hoping our nightmares will never reach us
Watching flowers bloom and fall to dust
All these horrors that follow us

Please kiss me and stay with me
I don’t know how but you still smile
Your soft touch so warming to the chill
A gentle illusion of love fending off the night
Are you smiling just for me?

Silk like Touch
Beneath a ceiling illuminates by candlesAtop sheets of softest silks
Two lovers lie entangled
Limbs twisted around the other
Lips touch flesh tenderly
Caressing flesh increasing passion
As his tongue curls around her nipples
He lips upon his should
Fingers delve into passion heat
As bodies arching together
Gripping her tightly
To the symphony of lust
Their bodies meet in deep desire

My Masters will
I kneel before her all in black
As she strides around me
Heels click on cold stone
As she sidles up behind me

My Mistress bows to my ear
She whisper he commands
Dripping with seduction
Fingers pull my hair back

Commanding eyes gaze into mine
As a riding pushes me chin
Lips meet is lust caress
My Mistress smiles

“you will as I command”
I nod silently gazing up at her
“I have great plans for you”
My Mistress whispers

TimeTearing through realityDistorting the world around us
Looking back through it
Cover all in that rose tint

It can never be deterred
But perception can be distorted
Quick as joy or slow as boredom
It’s never the same for all

It’s like a blossom in the wind
Ebbing and flowing beyond our view
Never predictable though we measure
Leading us to when we need to be

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Re: Cooking with out a clue

Post by Kilidath » 29 Nov 2019, 07:00

I'm only just getting into Fate/Stay Night, but this guy is super annoying:
The attachment shirou-emiya-3498.jpg is no longer available
/he just comes across as a whiney child with no idea how to live exist or fight.
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Re: Cooking with out a clue

Post by unoduetre » 29 Nov 2019, 07:16


Yup! He's totally annoying. :)

Two things:

1. It is an important plot element that he's so annoying. In other words, you're expected to be annoyed by him. And you'll need to wait until Unlimited Blade Works to understand why.
2. As a positive thing, he's an opposite of most shounen characters. That's a good thing imho. :P (But he's still annoying.)

Advice: Don't focus on him but on the other characters. :P

What is the last episode you've seen?

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Re: Cooking with out a clue

Post by Kilidath » 29 Nov 2019, 07:22

Episode 12, Rider just got blown up, do you ever find out riders name?

I'm trying to find the VN to go through.... providing a challenge

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Re: Cooking with out a clue

Post by unoduetre » 29 Nov 2019, 07:42

You'll get the name eventually. :)

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Re: Cooking with out a clue

Post by Kilidath » 29 Nov 2019, 07:43

I quite like Rider she seemed like she would have more involvement but finger crossed for later

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Re: Cooking with out a clue

Post by unoduetre » 29 Nov 2019, 12:45


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Re: Cooking with out a clue

Post by Kilidath » 30 Nov 2019, 13:27

Taking a slight break from anime to watch friends! I am up to the end of episode 13 from fate stay!

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Re: Cooking with out a clue

Post by unoduetre » 30 Nov 2019, 13:31


Cool! You're half-way.

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Re: Cooking with out a clue

Post by Kilidath » 02 Dec 2019, 09:14

Fate/stay night = finished. Somethings were confirmed as I watched. the CGI was terrible and the plot lost track but bit but over all not too shabby

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Re: Cooking with out a clue

Post by unoduetre » 02 Dec 2019, 13:44


Yes, that's exactly it. It's just an average one.

It's just a more or less "standard" visual novel story. Like many others. That was on purpose.

You know, MC and the harem. A "shy" girl as the main target of his affection etc. A very standard setting.

But you had to watch it to get the "basis". You know the characters so you don't need to be introduced to them. You know who they are. You know the general things like e.g. how magic works in this world and all general plot elements and you know about servants.

But now…

Now you're ready for Unlimited Blade Works. :P

It's like: "what would happen, if we did things differently". ;)

Have fun!

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Re: Cooking with out a clue

Post by Kilidath » 02 Dec 2019, 21:23

Yeah, I watch episode 00 and the animation I so much clearer.

The romance between saber and Shirou felt very force though.

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Re: Cooking with out a clue

Post by unoduetre » 03 Dec 2019, 00:44

Kilidath wrote:The romance between saber and Shirou felt very force though.

Ha ha, I won't spoil anything. :P

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Re: Cooking with out a clue

Post by PharaohAtem » 03 Dec 2019, 04:28

Hi, Hi Killi


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Re: Cooking with out a clue

Post by Kilidath » 03 Dec 2019, 07:33

Hey [mention=717]PharaohAtem[/mention] How are you doing?

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