Fragile Dreams- The Journal of a Kitsune and Kitty [Izzy & Kitty's ALJ]

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Re: Fragile Dreams- The Journal of a Kitsune and Kitty [Izzy & Kitty's ALJ]

Post by PortgasDAce » 25 Nov 2019, 07:29

Izzy wrote:Yep. If you can help it, never work for a company like them. Our district manager is an idiot as well. But that's whole other can of worms.

On another note.. I should be sleeping.. but eh, can't seem to get comfy.

I know how that goes. Tossing and turning for hours on end, waiting for the bliss of sleepiness to hit. I hope you're not kept up for ages though.
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Re: Fragile Dreams- The Journal of a Kitsune and Kitty [Izzy & Kitty's ALJ]

Post by Izzy » 25 Nov 2019, 07:31

PortgasDAce wrote:I know how that goes. Tossing and turning for hours on end, waiting for the bliss of sleepiness to hit. I hope you're not kept up for ages though.
I have to be up in roughly two hours to drive my husband to work lol and then drive home and get the kid up and ready for school.

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Re: Fragile Dreams- The Journal of a Kitsune and Kitty [Izzy & Kitty's ALJ]

Post by PortgasDAce » 25 Nov 2019, 07:34

Izzy wrote:I have to be up in roughly two hours to drive my husband to work lol and then drive home and get the kid up and ready for school.

Oh boy. So you need sleep like, yesterday. *lol*
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Re: Fragile Dreams- The Journal of a Kitsune and Kitty [Izzy & Kitty's ALJ]

Post by Izzy » 25 Nov 2019, 07:36

PortgasDAce wrote:Oh boy. So you need sleep like, yesterday. *lol*
Yeahhhh. I'm some kind of permanently exhausted pigeon at this point in my life. Neither morning bird nor night owl. 😂

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Re: Fragile Dreams- The Journal of a Kitsune and Kitty [Izzy & Kitty's ALJ]

Post by PortgasDAce » 25 Nov 2019, 07:39

Izzy wrote:Yeahhhh. I'm some kind of permanently exhausted pigeon at this point in my life. Neither morning bird nor night owl. 😂

Hang in there. I really hope there are days in the week when you can get some extra shut-eye
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Re: Fragile Dreams- The Journal of a Kitsune and Kitty [Izzy & Kitty's ALJ]

Post by Izzy » 25 Nov 2019, 11:46

Yeahhh... The sleeping thing didn't happen. Lol. Just got home from taking the husband to work. Stopped and got me some breakfast on the way home. Now sitting here and chilling for an hour and fifteen minutes before having to take the kiddo to school.

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Re: Fragile Dreams- The Journal of a Kitsune and Kitty [Izzy & Kitty's ALJ]

Post by Kitty » 25 Nov 2019, 17:24

Thanks for fixing it. 💜

So I have already put my 2 weeks in. And I have one week left working at my current job. And at the end of December I'm moving in with my soon to be hubby. 💜 Super scary and exciting time in my life
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Re: Fragile Dreams- The Journal of a Kitsune and Kitty [Izzy & Kitty's ALJ]

Post by Izzy » 26 Nov 2019, 01:38

Kitty wrote:Thanks for fixing it. 💜

So I have already put my 2 weeks in. And I have one week left working at my current job. And at the end of December I'm moving in with my soon to be hubby. 💜 Super scary and exciting time in my life
Just remember. Patience and love. Always patience and love. Living together is a big step that requires a lot of patience.

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Re: Fragile Dreams- The Journal of a Kitsune and Kitty [Izzy & Kitty's ALJ]

Post by PortgasDAce » 26 Nov 2019, 04:05

Izzy wrote:Yeahhh... The sleeping thing didn't happen. Lol. Just got home from taking the husband to work. Stopped and got me some breakfast on the way home. Now sitting here and chilling for an hour and fifteen minutes before having to take the kiddo to school.

Dang! I'm sorry.
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Re: Fragile Dreams- The Journal of a Kitsune and Kitty [Izzy & Kitty's ALJ]

Post by Izzy » 26 Nov 2019, 04:08

PortgasDAce wrote:Dang! I'm sorry.
I slept for a few hours during the day after the kid went to school. Now trying to sleep again because I have to repeat the daily routine again tomorrow except I won't have the extra time to sleep after the kid leaves for school because I have to take my sister Lydia and her fiancé to speak with the funeral home director at 10:00 AM.

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Re: Fragile Dreams- The Journal of a Kitsune and Kitty [Izzy & Kitty's ALJ]

Post by PortgasDAce » 26 Nov 2019, 04:16

Izzy wrote:I slept for a few hours during the day after the kid went to school. Now trying to sleep again because I have to repeat the daily routine again tomorrow except I won't have the extra time to sleep after the kid leaves for school because I have to take my sister Lydia and her fiancé to speak with the funeral home director at 10:00 AM.

I'm glad you got a few hours at least. I hope you get some more tonight.
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Re: Fragile Dreams- The Journal of a Kitsune and Kitty [Izzy & Kitty's ALJ]

Post by Izzy » 26 Nov 2019, 05:10

So, since my sister Lydia finally made her post about what's been going on this last week, I'm going to say something about it here because my heart is breaking for her.

My Sissa, Lydia, was around 5 months pregnant. She was carrying her and her fiancé's much desired baby boy. She was due this spring. However, Monday, she noticed and felt that something wasn't right as she and her fiancé were headed out to dinner. So, instead they went to the hospital where the doctors checked her over. And well.. Maybe it's best I just copy and paste her post here..

"It has taken me longer than I wanted and expected to write this. Even now I am still not sure I am ready to share. Some of you already know, most of you do not. Austin and I spent last week in the hospital. This past Monday on our way to get dinner, we noticed something was not ok. Upon going to the ER we learned that the little boy we have been waiting so long for will not be joining us this spring.
Nothing could have prepared us for this. Weren't we just going to get Chinese food hours before, laughing and making plans for the following week?
It's amazing how all your plans for the future can be taken away from you just like that.

The doctors did everything they could and I cannot be more grateful for all they did to save our baby boy and and myself.
All in all, as a result of the complications and blood loss associated, I ended up having the entirety of blood volume replaced, essentially twice - as well as a hysterectomy. However, I feel so very lucky to still be here with my family. As for our baby, he ended up being still born via C-section.
It has been the hardest experience I have ever had to endure and I know it has only really just started.

All of this is to say, we really do appreciate the love and support from our family and friends who have, and I'm sure will continue to be there for us.
Please keep sending your love, prayers, positive vibes, whatever - because we will no doubt continue to need them.
I will also ask however that everyone refrain from asking too many questions please, as I am not ready to answer most of them.
Please keep sending us your love, this grieving journey has really just begun."

They lost the baby and we almost lost her. If it wasn't for the amazing surgeons at our local hospital and my sister's sheer will to survive we would have lost her. She finally was allowed to come home Friday. I went and saw her Saturday night after work and she and her little family could just use some serious positive vibes and prayers. She'll be out of work for the next few weeks and they are due to move into their new place in the next few weeks as well. Physically, she's recovering but I know her heart is breaking. They were so excited for their baby boy to make his debut.

So, just asking for positive vibes for her. She needs them. I'll be seeing her tomorrow as I'm taking them to the funeral home to arrange the cremation and memorial if they choose to have one.

I am saddened by their loss but I am also so thankful that I still have my sister.

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Re: Fragile Dreams- The Journal of a Kitsune and Kitty [Izzy & Kitty's ALJ]

Post by PortgasDAce » 26 Nov 2019, 05:38

I'm so sorry for your sister. Definitely willing some positive vibes their way. I'm glad she pulled through though, and that she has so much support.
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Re: Fragile Dreams- The Journal of a Kitsune and Kitty [Izzy & Kitty's ALJ]

Post by Izzy » 29 Nov 2019, 04:28


It's been an exhausting week. And I came home from Thanksgiving dinner to have my father in law bitch at me about food HE neglected to put in the freezer. Like. I haven't had the time to barely even sleep this week much less cook an actual meal besides some chili dogs the other night when the husband actually got off work at a reasonable time.

Between the husband's work schedule, the kids school schedule, and running my sister anywhere she has needed to go the past week I haven't had the damn time. If he knew he wasn't going to cook that stuff while the kids were here over the weekend then he should have put it in the freezer because I work the weekend and then run all week long.

And yes, I get that he did it in an attempt to save us some money food wise. But that only works if we actually have the time and energy to cook. Which we have had neither of. Most nights we haven't been getting home until after 9:00 PM and at that point all we want to do is sleep (which I haven't done much of for whatever the reason) like tonight we didn't get home until 11:00 PM. And over the weekend they left my kitchen a total wreck and I haven't even had the time to clean it up.

Both husband and I are just so stressed and are being ran ragged lately. 😬

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Re: Fragile Dreams- The Journal of a Kitsune and Kitty [Izzy & Kitty's ALJ]

Post by PortgasDAce » 29 Nov 2019, 05:12

I'm sorry. :( I wish there was something I could do for you.

Just a side note, but chili dogs sound delicious.
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