The Veiled World (OOC)

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The Veiled World (OOC)

Post by Ryuuko » 27 Aug 2019, 23:14

The Veiled World


On Earth it is believed that most monsters and the supernatural are make believe. While there are some adults who believe in them, they can't actually prove it. Unlike other secrets this one is kept because they are able to deceive the populous by making such claims of their existence seemed too outlandish to possibly be true. Modern technology has aided this endeavor greatly. This technology does harness a type supernatural powers. Now if people witness monsters and the supernatural at work, the technology makes them believe it was nothing more than a dream no matter how vivid the experience was, and therefore soon forgotten.

However, while there are monsters, there are relatively few of them in the modern world but they are powerful forces to be reckoned with. For now they are following the common doctrine to keep the truth obscured, after all they don't want to become targets. Modern warfare is effective against them, naturally they are much harder to kill than a mere human is.

For those of you who are aware of the true world and are hunters here is a break down of what the world consists of:

Races & Monsters:

Dragons: A spiritual race, that resides in the spirit world. Within the spirit world they are indeed formidable foes, however, they cannot effect or touch the material world at all except through a medium. The medium dragons can utilize are humans and they must contract through one, until the human's death. A dragon can only grant that human the power over one elemental. Those who are granted this power are known as Monks and Ninjas, Monks are benevolent and Ninjas are evil. Outside of that, they are essentially the same both can learn martial prowess with either fists or weapons and use these along with their elemental power.

Vampires: An undead race, that must feed on blood to survive. Not all vampires are necessarily dark and evil, but they must feed on blood as humans feed on food and the same quantities. Vampires must feed on human blood, animal blood will not nourish them. Despite them not all being evil, their creation is evil and sinister but they need not kill those they feed upon. Most in fact don't, evil or not as it attracts unwanted attention. A vampires bite or kiss as many call it do not turn others into a vampire. However draining all the blood of a victim then giving them the kiss of life, which gives the victim the vampire's blood will turn others into vampires. Vampires cannot walk onto holy land or into a church of any kind. They cannot walk in the sun. Both these act will kill any and all vampires. Vampires do posses some supernatural powers. They are incredibly strong, about ten times stronger than a human and twice as fast as them. This allows them to make incredible jumps and makes them quite lethal in combat. Vampires heal incredibly fast and look just like humans besides their fangs. If a vampire looses all of their blood or is beheaded, they die. While they are harder to kill than a human, their strongest trait is they do not age and are effectively immortal and are free of sickness and diseases. All vampires are previously of the human race.

Werewolves: A feral race, that must feed on meat. Werewolves are 5 times as fast and 5 times as strong as humans are. Werewolves are born as werewolves and they are a mix of different types of felines, bears, and wolves, foxes, and coyotes. Still they are all refereed to as Werewolves. They are tougher to kill than a human, but are easier to kill than a vampire. They are prone to sickness and diseases just like humans are and lose their ability to shape when they get old and only retain their human forms. Werewolves are capable of three different forms, one is a human form, which has the same limitations as humans do. The next is their animal form, which has the same limitation as an animal. Then they have their hybrid from in which they become huge monsters, a humanoid from of their animal, more animalistic than human. Though werewolves as humans tend to be more beautiful than other humans and their bodies stay naturally fit throughout their lives until they lose the ability to shape. Werewolves do not gain the ability to transform from their human state into their animal and hybrid shapes until they hit puberty. Werewolves tend to want to blend in with humans and are not considered inherently evil like vampires. A werewolf cannot become a vampire, but vampires can feed on them as they do humans. Werewolves cannot become a medium for a spirit.

Demons: is an evil incarnate race. They are evil spirits who have managed to leave the spiritual world and go into the material one. Demons are twice as strong and twice as fast as humans are, but they are also capable casting a variety of magic, all of which is dark and sinister in nature. Demons appear as humans with horns of various size down to 2 feet tall and up to 9 feet tall. Their size does not necessarily equate power, but the bigger ones are stronger with physical force up to 4 times as strong as a human, but their magical power is weaker. Their ability to regenerate, however, is incredible and they are truly tough to kill or vanquish. Beheading of course works, it pretty much works on all creatures except for spirits, that's because they aren't of the material world. Smaller demons are much more powerful in magic and can normally fly with their bat like wings which they can choose to materialize whenever they wish, large demons can create wings as well but cannot use magic when they do. Besides angels the small demons are the most powerful magical users and the most feared of evil creatures. Still they could only managed to destroy a single sky scrapper at a time per spell. However, if you consider how many humans that'd kill it is quite powerful. Only Angels are at an equal.

Angels: is a benevolent incarnate race. They are good spirits who have managed to materialize from the spiritual world into the material one. Angels range in sizes just like demons and can be any where from 2 feet tall to 9 feet tall. Like Demons big angels are physically capable and can be up to 4 times as strong as a normal human. Small angels unlike demons only have the strength of normal humans. All angels are twice as fast as humans are. Big angels have magical powers but they are weak compared to small ones, which have significantly powerful magic, but their magic is benevolent in nature. Small angels have feather like wings that they can materialize anytime they wish. Large ones can create wings, but if they do so, they are unable to use any of their magic. Angels have pointy ears and an angular face and are considered beautiful.

It's important to note, once a spirit leaves the spiritual world he or she cannot return to the spiritual world. Angels and Demons as this might indicate are never born into the material world, and their offspring in the material world are either werewolves or normal humans with no special powers at all. But they are probably more capable of becoming a medium, than others as humans.

Spirits: is a race that resides within the spiritual world. There are many kinds that dwell within the spiritual world. They are incredibly numerous. Spirits cannot interact with the material world in any large way. Through mediums they are able to grant humans with different various powers, including magic. These humans are known as Mediums and are often called Witches, Warlocks, and Wizards. Many Witches, Warlocks, and Wizards are mediums for many different spirits and not just one. Any who choose a Dragon which is type of spirit can only be a medium for it. Therefore those who choose lesser spirits can become mediums for many different spirits, but one natures still limits which type of spirit they can become a medium for. It's important to note although this is true, one who is a medium cannot have metal on them or wear it as it will distort the connection. Why metal does this is unknown, so witches, warlocks, and wizards cannot use metal weapons, which includes guns. At least not while they are using their magical powers and abilities. However, they can use them when not utilizing the different various spirits as medium to cast magic. Magic granted from spirits varies greatly and those who use them can manage to create many magical effects and therefore are the most versatile caster and considered the 2nd most powerful caster, 2nd to Angels and Demons.

Humans: Are humans as we known them today, except some are mediums and their power as medium varies from human to human. Being a medium means they are capable of reaching into the spiritual world and bonding with a spirit and manifest that's spirit's power into the material world, the world of humans.


Elements consist of Acid, Fire, Ice, Water, Air, Lightning, Earth, Lava, Wood, Blood, Shadow, Light and Poison. These are all the different elements and are considered to be separate powers. Blood, Shadow, and Poison are Dark Elements. Light, Wood, and Lightning are Benevolent powers. The rest are neutral and are used by both.

Elemental powers can be created out of nothing, no other powers can do this, they must manipulate something that already exists.

Others: Flight, levitation, shields of various kinds (shields cannot grant protection from more than one type of magic), healing (once dead, healing magic cannot recover a person), illusions, mind manipulation, telekinesis, telepathy, disguise (physically changes your features such as gender and age but physical abilities and actual age aren't actually changed as these changes are cosmetic. (Note please run other magical ability by me before adopting them. No magical power can summon creatures, create inanimate objects, enchant objects, or enhance any physical abilities.)


Vampire: Same as Race. Vampires are the strongest race and they hit harder than anyone make them deadly martial combatants. They are normally quite skilled in melee and considered the equal to werewolves in prowess.

Werewolf: Same as Race. Werewolves are the fastest race and are relatively strong, but their speeds out match everyone else and they can use it to make their hits nearly as hard as a vampires and equal to that of a large incantation. Speed however, give them an advantage over others and probably makes them more lethal than vampires when it comes down to raw combat ability. Coupled with skill, werewolves are truly the most lethal martial artists in the world. Vampires are just harder to kill.

Monk: Human Medium for a Dragon, can use one element of choice and unlike other mediums can use metal. Furthers powers from a dragon come more natural and enhance as one enhances their martial prowess and not their mental. Must be Benevolent. Cannot use any dark elements. Capable of incorporating elemental attacks with their martial combat an attribute only Monks and Ninjas are capable of this.

Ninja: Human Medium for a Dragon, can use one element of choice and unlike other mediums can use metal. Furthers powers from a dragon come more natural and enhance as one enhances their martial prowess and not their mental. Must be Dark. Cannot use any Benevolent elements. Capable of incorporating elemental attacks with their martial combat an attribute only Monks and Ninjas are capable of this.

Small Incarnation: Are angels or demons with powerful magic at their disposal, both can fly at will even they don't have their wings materialized. They are the most powerful magical beings in the material world, but they aren't strong combatants physically. Demons are limited to dark and neutral powers. Angels are limited to benevolent and neutral powers. Ordinarily there is only one of these powers that their strength surpasses all others, not in all of them, and at most two. However, they are not usually weak in any magic.

Medium Incarnation: Are angels and Demons with moderately powerful magic, you could say they are an equal to monks and Ninjas but are more versatile. They aren't quite as powerful in a single element as Ninja and Monks are but they aren't far behind. These Demons and Angels are strong combatants too and on par with Monks and Ninjas. Medium incarnations have relatively good regeneration abilities.

Large Incarnation: Are angels and demons with weak magical powers. Their prowess in battle is great only Vampires and Werewolves can boast more, but they cannot use magical powers at all. Large incarnations have the best regenerative abilities and are the hardest creatures to kill. This makes them the best tank, as they demand the attention of much around them.

Wizards: Wizards are mediums that masters many different types of magic, however, it's so numerous they aren't powerful in any particular magic. However, they can use any type of magic and with great precision. Wizards are the most tactical conscious of the mediums and are more aware of what element or magic will be the most effective given a situation. So they are also the most knowledgeable of the Secret world.

Witch: Witches specializes in non-elemental magic, but they can use some elemental magic, but only to a small degree. Witches aren't necessarily evil and they are both male and female. Witches are fairly knowledgeable about the spiritual world, probably more so than any other.

Warlocks: Warlocks specialize in all elemental magics, sometimes they are stronger in some versus another, but usually they develop all elemental magical equally. As a result warlocks don't tend to be good or evil, but they are self interested and believe they are superior to others. Warlocks are the most knowledgeable when it comes to elements and how they can be used. They know nothing nor care to know anything about the spiritual world and don't believe they are a medium who has their powers granted by a spirit. Element spirits do not care this is a fact, because a Warlocks ability to commune with elements speaks more loudly to these spirits than anyone else does. While a Warlock can use many elements with moderate power, none of them are devastating and could be said is equal to that of a ninja or monk. However, they cannot incorporate their elemental power into marital combat.

Hunters: Charge with killing supernatural creatures, to include mediums. Sometimes they will team up with them, sometimes they are only hunters of the dark supernatural creatures are the benevolent supernatural creatures. However, Hunters are just humans in the end with lots of training and knowledge. They use modern guns and warfare, and know each of the creatures weaknesses and how to defeat them. Despite this Hunters are at a great disadvantage because they are only human and can only reach human potential. So they tend to hunt in groups against solo targets. Being a hunter is a deadly occupation, but they do it to ensure the world is a better place for all humans.

Character Bio: Characters need to be approved by me before you post in the IC thread. I'll post that once we have at least three players or two others to include myself.

Race: You can be any race mentioned above except a Dragon or Spirit.
Gender: Male or Female
Class: Hunter, Monk, Ninja, Warlock, Wizard, Witch, Vampire, Werewolf, Small Incantation, Medium Incantation, Large Incantation.
B]Occupation[/B]: Your job
Education: High School, some college, Professional, etc.
Skills: C++ programming, Receptionist, Tiler, Taikwondo, Sword style, etc. Please be specific and what skill level you have.
Wealth: How rich are you? No billionaires. Millionaire at best.
Physical Description:

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Re: The Veiled World (OOC)

Post by Ryuuko » 07 Sep 2019, 13:18

I created this to be an open world. I don’t have any specific plots in mind. Thus no IC post yet.

Since you’re interested I’ll put a plot together and create a character.

I’m hoping we can use this as an OOC thread/ character bio thread for many RPG threads.

The idea is one world with many different stories and several game masters.

Others have permission to use their own plots and threads for this. I just ask they use this thread for characters and OOC topics.

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Re: The Veiled World (OOC)

Post by Ryuuko » 08 Sep 2019, 15:45

Name: Klwen
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Class: Monk
B]Occupation[/B]: Programmer and information technology lead
Education: Professional Degree in Computer Science and information technology.
Skills: C++ programming, JAVA, SQL (Various), .Net Framework, HTML, Java Script, networking, IT security, and software engineering and administration. Skill in Martial Arts: Wing Chun Kung Fu, and hacking.
Wealth: Professional (150,000 Annually)
Age: 27

Personality: Klwen is awkward around others except when she's in her natural elements, talking shop. As a result Klwen has never been in a romantic relationship. Klwen can hold a perfectly normal conversation about computers and subjects related to computers, not gaming terms or computer games though. She likes to watch anime so she can talk about anime, but not how relates to life. She likes to read light novels and can talk them too, again not how they relate to life. Normal subjects like the weather, boys, foods, places to go, etc. are beyond her because she knows nothing about these subjects. She doesn't go anywhere but home and convenient mart next to it for daily necessaries. She shops for her clothes and other items online and have them delivered.

Klwen is professional and has a somewhat weird sense of humor, this is a result her lack of normal life experiences though. Those who are familiar with things she are actually understand where she's coming from when she cracks a joke. Mostly though no one ever gets them. Most people perceive Klwen as just serious and professional, which is part of who she is, but she's also a girl who wants to enjoy life too, she just doesn't know how to just chat to others.

Physical Description: Klwen is fairly tall, but slender. She has an athletic build thanks to her practice as a martial artist from a young age. She also appears to be in her early twenties or late teens as she has a youthful appearance. Sometimes she's even mistaken as a high school student. That lends to her being conceived as being younger than she actually is and as a less educated and experience professional. As a result Klwen dresses in business suits most of the time to give herself a more mature appearance. She also keeps her long black wavy hair nestled in a bun to lend to a more a mature appearance.

Although Klwen is a slender beauty, her natural beauty is all in her round face, stunning green eyes, soft vibrant ivory skin. Her body on the other hand lacks womanly curves, she look more like a man, even her breasts were hardly noticeable and sometimes not at all when she wore her suits. Many have mistakenly assumed she was a man with feminine features, her facial, instead of a female.

Background: Klwen has practiced Wing Chun Kung Fu since she first started walking. Her mother taught her the art who was also a monk. Her mother didn't teach it to any of her sons. Its Legacy her family has handed down for centuries and only to their daughters. Unlike most modern Wing Chun practices her ancestor was taught by Ng Wui and while its similar to the modern form it differs. Klwen's family is a long generation of Monks who have been mediums for Lightning Dragons. Their technique has been substantially added to over the years to incorporating the Lightning Element to great effect. Klwen's style along with her ancestors is the ultimate defense style. While Klwen can and has used her Lighting Element to attack with she seldom does and is actually not that effective at utilizing for attacking. Klwen is capable of utilizing he lightning magic to increase her reaction time and speed. Her attacks focus on numbing effects from the lightning. She can handle taking on several foes at once. Further she can use her lighting element like her mother to neutralize magical attacks. To a small degree she can even use her lightning magic to heal.

Her mother being a doctor can utilize lightning magic to a much greater degree than Klwen can to heal others, her sister choose to become a doctor, she only has one. Her sister was taught the style as well, but hasn't gotten involved in the spirit world like Klwen has and has focused on utilizing her technique to perform modern miracles for her patients like their mother has.

Klwen chose a different path, she was actually far more interested in modern technology called the computer. Klwen was interested in computers at an early age. She learned about computers and how they function on a deep level. As a result she can develop knew patterns that are highly efficient. Since she can create electronic pulse with her body she can write or hack programs without having direct access to them. Klwen isn't a professional hacker but her knowledge and natural capability to hack is beyond the best hackers in the world since their abilities are limited to the human potential while hers are not. Klwen understands the true nature of electricity and does have the false preconceptions that it is based on modern technology and science, and is in fact based on the spiritual world, its true source. This of course allows her to do other simple things like recharge her cell phone, her electric car, and power her home without electricity. Though done in practice by most Klwen's home does not use any gases to power it, just electricity. Ordinarily Klwen does not use her power to power her home, it would stand out. When she does lose power, she does utilize her power so she isn't inconvenient but does so cautiously.

Klwen understood how computers well so it was only natural that she picked up computer science and information technology with ease and earned dual professional degrees in area of expertise by the time she turned 24 years of age. Her knowledge and techniques were recognized to be the level of a genius after she was hired on as a programmer. Soon she became a lead so others could learn from her.

Outside of Klwen's professional career, her hobbies include anime, light novels, and practicing her martial art techniques. In other words to most people Klwen is weird and unsociable and called an Otaku and has few friends she socializes with.

A secretive association that works outside of modern governments decided to scout her, as they believe Hunters are inherently ineffective against other spirits and mediums. They believe Spirits must be used to fight spirits. They tend to hunt in groups like Hunters can, but they can go after groups instead just solo targets, making their task simpler to a degree.

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Re: The Veiled World (OOC)

Post by Ryuuko » 08 Sep 2019, 15:45

Ah, yes, I approve this bio.

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Re: The Veiled World (OOC)

Post by Ryuuko » 20 Oct 2019, 17:20

[mention=20855]Naughty Kitty[/mention] Are you still planning on joining this RP?

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Re: The Veiled World (OOC)

Post by Ryuuko » 22 Oct 2019, 23:40

It does need more players before it runs.

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Re: The Veiled World (OOC)

Post by PharaohAtem » 23 Oct 2019, 04:56

Name: Allistara
Race: Demon
Gender: Female
Class: Medium Incantation
B]Occupation[/B]: Your job (bounty hunter for demons or other creatures)
Education: High School, some college, Professional, etc: Collage for Demons
Demonic Weaponry: Makes staffs out of lava, by cooling it.
Flaming fire balls or flames: Able to call upon the fires of hell to burn buildings, throwing fireballs at people.
Regeneration: Can regenerate at aa medium rate, but must suck the souls out of humans or creatures to help with the regeneration.
Lava Power: can create demon like creatures by molding lava.
Wealth: How rich are you? No billionaires. Millionaire at best. Demons don't have money like humans, they live by how many humans they insalave, kill.
Age: :Unknown
Personality: Allistara, was born and bread a demon and has the fiery temper like the color of her red hair. She's a spitfire and often does what she wants, unless she's in a binding contract and holds her tounge though there are times you will see tiny flames burning her eyes whenever she's angry and her evil little smile comes out when she's up to something not so nice.
Physical Description: Allistara head had large slightly curved black horns and has crimson red hair that goes down to her hips and is either raised up when her powers are building, or lays flat to her back. Her wings are large and red with black outlining and chains on the top pinions that are connected when she returns to hell. Her wings look like they have white holes from age, but they are just spots that her family get in age. She wears crimson and black armor from the chest down and a smaller neck amor at the top. Her clawed hands are cleared except black leather half gloves that are missing the finers like exercise gloves but made of stronger material. In her human form she is just a normal human being with red hair anda green eyes and siimple blue jeans and a black shirt.
Background: She grew up in hell surrounded by a large family of mostly girls and she was often asked to hunt down wayward demons and bring them back to their masters for punishment. As she got older she started to take on jobs from those outside hell to track, stalk, kill and destroy armies that those payed her to take care like a bounty hunter. There are times where she has made enemies of those she's destroyed or those that she's decided doesn't want to help. Either way she still tracks down wayward demons by blending into the human world, but always knowing there might be a change someone way figure out whoe she really is.


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Re: The Veiled World (OOC)

Post by Ryuuko » 23 Oct 2019, 21:53

Your bio and character sounds fun.

A few notes on your powers though.

Okay, so Dark Matter isn't a stated Element. Please choose Blood, Shadow, or Poison as your Dark Element instead. But you can choose Acid, Fire, Ice, Water, Air, Earth, or Lava too.

As I stated, these are the only magical powers that can be created out of nothing. This means a power such as Dark Matter is an impossibility.

I also stated that no magical power is able to summon any other creatures.

Instead you could create something that acts likes a creature out of one of the elements.

Outside of that, the rest is good.

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Re: The Veiled World (OOC)

Post by PharaohAtem » 24 Oct 2019, 05:33

Cool I'll fix that. She's kinda like a gangster bounty Hunter fir demons. For others sometimes the right price helps. But all demons can get snippy.


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Re: The Veiled World (OOC)

Post by Ryuuko » 26 Oct 2019, 14:26

That's an intriguing character concept. Let me know when you've made the changes. Then I'll post the IC so we can get things moving.

You can either re-post or edit your character bio post above.

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Re: The Veiled World (OOC)

Post by PharaohAtem » 27 Oct 2019, 23:40

[mention=705]Klwen[/mention], how's that i took out the dark matter and did lava.

Demonic Weaponry: Makes staffs out of lava, by cooling it.
Flaming fire balls or flames: Able to call upon the fires of hell to burn buildings, throwing fireballs at people.
Regeneration: Can regenerate at aa medium rate, but must suck the souls out of humans or creatures to help with the regeneration.
Lava Power: can create demon like creatures by molding lava. (weakness lots and lots of water)


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Re: The Veiled World (OOC)

Post by Ryuuko » 02 Nov 2019, 01:15

PharaohAtem wrote:[mention=705]Klwen[/mention], how's that i took out the dark matter and did lava.

Demonic Weaponry: Makes staffs out of lava, by cooling it.
Flaming fire balls or flames: Able to call upon the fires of hell to burn buildings, throwing fireballs at people.
Regeneration: Can regenerate at aa medium rate, but must suck the souls out of humans or creatures to help with the regeneration.
Lava Power: can create demon like creatures by molding lava. (weakness lots and lots of water)

Awesome, you are good to go.

Sorry for the late response. Weekdays are hectic for me.

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Re: The Veiled World (OOC)

Post by Ryuuko » 27 Nov 2019, 12:45

I would have liked more to sign up, but I think I've waited long enough to kick this off.

Does that work for you [mention=717]PharaohAtem[/mention]?

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Re: The Veiled World (OOC)

Post by PharaohAtem » 27 Nov 2019, 13:49

Yeah sure let's do it


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Re: The Veiled World (OOC)

Post by Tanya » 15 Dec 2019, 18:48

Indeed this should be fun.

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