Tears From Heaven | IC

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Tears From Heaven | IC

Post by Gowi » 25 Mar 2019, 05:16

A Dystopian Sci-Fi RP


OOC Thread

Solomar isn’t a normal planet.

There isn’t a culture on Solomar or really any history to speak of. Unless you think being dropped from the thermosphere and scrapping by on a half-destroyed planet is culture, the only thing you can say about Solomar is that it is the worst kind of hell.

It’s the hell I grew up on, anyway.

If you think about it, we’re kind’ve stuck. There is no transportation off the planet. There’s no contact with the greater galaxy. Our nonexistent overlords in the Imperium see us nothing more as a side effect of Solomar’s use as an imperial dredge; a glorified penal colony and garbage dump that once was the subject of one of the Imperium's many enemies. Now it’s just where they drop the prisoners that aren’t the most dangerous felons in the galaxy. Your run of the mill criminals, idiots, and problems. People who haven’t pissed enough important people off. My great grandfather was a smuggler who got caught with hand is the proverbial cookie jar. His sentence? Play a game of survival on a planet with little-to-no infrastructure defined by a few centuries of the Imperium dumping people they didn’t want to imprison indefinitely or reprogram in their little rehabilitation programs. We’re a planet defined by grifters, anarchists, and vagabonds.

And that's not even describing the wildlife.

Basically, Solomar sucks and we've got no choice but to survive here; god knows nobody expects us to.

“They dropped another wreck in the Red Wastes.”

“Gonna be a race to see who can pick it apart first. A bit too far out for my crew.”

“That’s assuming Migos’ crew doesn’t make it a bloodbath.”

“Wouldn’t be Solomar if they didn’t. Gotta be real brave or real stupid to try to beat Migos to the punch.”

The three scavengers looked out to the far west as they downed the next round of their drinks, the hot sun reflecting on the mountains in the distance; the direction of the Red Wastes. What kind of fools would be so eager to try to make a living by “stealing” from the region’s biggest warlord?

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Re: Tears From Heaven | IC

Post by Gowi » 15 May 2019, 12:29

“Wow! It’s a big one! Awesome!”

Cia Cieoxam smile widened so much the other members of the brown-haired scavengers “gang” could see it fall off of her face as she peered through the old spyglass. The old piece of tech sputtered out every fifteen seconds and it had a few distinct lines permanently stuck through its lens, but it was good enough for CD to see the old vessel as it sat, smoking, on a pile of scrap. Problem was, the landing had awoken a lot of the metabeasts from their holes as they scrambled looking very angry and very hungry.

Hangry. The worst kind of mood.

“Bad News, though, girls and boys. The metabeasts didn’t like the big kla-blam sound this ship made when it landed!”

CD ran a few fingers in front of her mouth for a minute, thinking over the very real predicament. It was still a race for time – but CD was pretty confident she had beaten Migos to the punch by several hours. Even Migos’ fastest crew wouldn’t show up for a good while. She turned to face her friends, spyglass visor still planted in front of her eyes as she did so.

“So, what’s the plan? We gonna wait ‘til the sun drops so we can sneak in when they’re sleeping and risk losing out or does somebody got a super plan that doesn’t end with us becoming metafood?”

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Re: Tears From Heaven | IC

Post by Kuro » 19 May 2019, 02:22

"We should wait until night, I think. If we leave now, we'll only find ourselves stuck between Migos and the metabeasts later on."

The thought of allowing Migos and his crew to touch her vessel with their grubby hands was a difficult pill to swallow. Even if the vessel was a burning hulk, there was money to made in salvaging rare metals, computer wiring and other miscellaneous electronic parts from it. However, if they left for the wreckage right then and there, the group risked being stuck between a rock and a hard place, with metabeasts on one side and Migos on the other. Novi wasn't keen on leaving the Solomar equivalent of gold to callous murderers and thugs, but she wasn't the same as everyone else on Solomar. Perhaps Novi was too much of a pacifist, but dying over scrap and useless junk wasn't her way of doing things. By the stars, if they weren't so busy killing each other, they could've been off this planet by now!

Nonetheless, Novi was willing to go with whatever the group decided. She simply couldn't abandon her friends or CD because of her own morals. If the mission wound up a disaster, it wouldn't be the first time Novi had to drag her sister out of the frying pan, anyway.

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Re: Tears From Heaven | IC

Post by TsundereSantaiga » 20 May 2019, 09:57

Beatrix sat on the ground, listening intently to the rag tag group that hired her. Sure she didn't fit in well with them at all, but they accepted her for what she could do. After listening to their plan to do things at night, she shifted her head towards them. Clutching her scarf, she holds it close.

"Migos' crew won't be a problem at night, but the Metabeast variants that prowl the night will. I've seen them rip many a man or woman apart. They are no joke..."

She stood up and stretched. Patting all the dirt and grime off of her. She moves to where CD stood, looking in the direction of the ship that they were talking about. She saw many Metabeasts, but nothing remotely as dangerous as herself. Of course this was her own opinion, most people didn't believe that she could turn on them at a moments notice, if the right event's were triggered.

"However, you're the boss. So I'll do whatever you all need me to do. Just back away when things get crazy, I'd rather not hurt a friendly." She pauses a moment. "Remember these words, 're-attach your head', it should bring me into my right mind."

Beatrix looks back down with a sullen look on her face. Life has been hard on her, but it has shaped her into what she was now. She promised herself that she wouldn't let these people down.
(Chorus from Let You Down by Seether)So say something beautiful/Say what you're keeping inside/This anticipation, I will only let you down/Say something meaningful/Say what you're trying to hide/This anticipation, I will only let you down

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Re: Tears From Heaven | IC

Post by Expendable » 22 May 2019, 07:19

"Well...." James Noiret drawled, "Sure don't want to get caught in the open come nightfall, but we sure don't want to be hereah either."

His hand reached up and nudged his hat up so it wasn't covering his face.

"Now, I'm a fair pilot, but there's nothin' on this rust bucket planet we can get our hands on. Air-rafts aren't gonna come fallin' outta the sky around hereah!"

The corner of his mouth quirked. At least not around here they didn't fall - in working condition.

"I suppose we could round up a few bicycles...?

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Re: Tears From Heaven | IC

Post by Hokum_Y2K » 27 May 2019, 00:37

"So we´re in between a rock and a hard place, huh..." mused Brock, kicking a piece of scrap with enough force to send it sputtering a couple of feet. His hands were shoved deep in his pockets, and his back slouched as he glared at the ground in frustration. He really, really didn´t want to mess with someone as powerful as Migos. At least the local fauna could be outsmarted. Or at least, it could if you were a solo adventurer who could run and hide pretty easily. Brock currently found himself in an improvised group of people, all of which had their own ideas as to how they were planning on surviving. He had been quiet for the most part, recognizing the all too familiar greed in their words that he had seen surface in the faces of his sisters whenever they set him out to explore. He´d be lying if he said he didn´t share the feeling to an extent, though.

Brock´s thick eyebrows contorted at James´ mention of bicycles. "Bikes? Where are we gonna get those?"

After a brief pause in his words, Brock´s face lit up. "What if the wreck´s got some?"

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Re: Tears From Heaven | IC

Post by Expendable » 01 Jun 2019, 02:35

"Bikes?" frowned James, scratching his chin. "Why would there be bikes aboard a space ship?"

What he wished for was an air/raft - but anything salvageable would have been stripped off, lest it was too old. Even then, if they left it clamped it would have torn through those on impact. Anything left wouldn't be flyable.

"What we need is transportation," he scowled. "And we don'ts got any."

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