[WRITING] Miscellanea's Misbegotten Daughter (c)

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Re: Miscellanea's Misbegotten Daughter (c)

Post by Expendable » 19 Sep 2018, 06:36

The Third Wish

"Genie, for my third wish," my friend said with a wicked glint in his eye, "I wish for infinite wishes!"

"No," the Genie said with a scowl, folding his arms across his chest.

"You can't wish for infinite wishes," the Genie said with a shrug. "I told you at the beginning, you only get three wishes - no more, no less."
"But how is that fair?"

"Fair?" the Genie scoffed, leaning forward to poke him in the chest. "How fair is it if I grant everyone else who's rubbed my lamp three wishes only then I turn around and give you infinite ones? Is that fair to them? No! You cannot wish for infinite wishes! It's not going to happen!"

The Genie turned his back to him, buffing his nails on his chest. "You'd have to be a genie for that!"

"What?" my friend yelped. "Genies get infinite wishes?"
The genie smiled slyly, but turned to face my friend soberly. "Oh yes, although there are some conditions..."
"I want to be a genie!"

"No!" I yelled. "He doesn't want to be a genie! Tell him you don't want to be a genie!"
"But I'll get infinite wishes!"

"Master," the genie almost purred, "Do you desire for me to turn you into a genie?"
"Without reservation?"

"NO!" I yelled, but neither one paid me any attention.

"By your own free will?" he asked, placing his large hands on my friend's shoulders.
"Oh, for the love of... yes! I want you to make me a genie!"
"Very well," the genie said, taking off his turban and placing it on my friend's head and nodded. "So shall it be!"

Light blossomed around them, and then it was gone. My friend floated in mid-air, his skin blue, wearing the brass cuffs around his wrists. While where the genie had been standing was a ragged sailor, hand on the hilt of his cutlass.

"Thank you, my master," the sailor said, doffing his hat with a flourish as he bowed. "I thought I was never going to be free of that curse!"
"What did you do?" I demanded.
"Why, only what he wished of his own free will! I made him a genie!"
"And with it, I get infinite wishes," my friend beamed.

"Well, sort of," the former genie shrugged. "I did say there would be conditions. You get infinite wishes to grant other people! You, my former master, are now servant to those whom have wishes! The only ones you may grant are those they ask for! And I remind you, each receives only three wishes."

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Re: Miscellanea's Misbegotten Daughter (c)

Post by Nocchi » 19 Sep 2018, 10:14

smh at that friend, so greedy!
I didn't know you were into literature, but I'm so glad you bumped this, I really enjoyed your poems too, they were really fun to read especially your first post :D

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Re: Miscellanea's Misbegotten Daughter (c)

Post by Expendable » 19 Sep 2018, 15:50

Thank you, you're very kind.

The former genie fell for this sort of trap too, once. Thoughts of how to extend this are already filling my head.

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Re: Miscellanea's Misbegotten Daughter (c)

Post by Aeri » 22 Sep 2018, 02:34

I liked that genie writing a lot...tugs at my heart thinking of being in servitude like that

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Re: Miscellanea's Misbegotten Daughter (c)

Post by Creophagous » 22 Sep 2018, 23:14

That story made me chuckle. Well written. :)

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Re: Miscellanea's Misbegotten Daughter (c)

Post by Expendable » 25 Sep 2018, 02:23

Aeri wrote:I liked that genie writing a lot...tugs at my heart thinking of being in servitude like that

I'm glad you liked it. It's a bit of a dirty trick, but he did get what he asked for, just not quite what he expected.

Azoth wrote:That story made me chuckle. Well written. :)

Thank you! There was a different twist I came up for this.

The Genie pauses, giving you an odd, worried look - only to wince sharply as his brass shackles flare briefly with violet light.

"As you say, my master!" he says, swelling to immense size (you were sure there was a ceiling there a moment ago...) into a thunderous sky.

Letters dripping like flame appear as he speaks, but somehow you cannot understand a word of what is being said. You suddenly realize he's not alone. Reflected in the sky, you catch the horrified looks of oracles and mystics, while in between you see glimpses of demons, dragons, and gods, some looking on in interest between the bolts of lightning and comets, others with maniacal glee. And some are so unearthly that the mere glimpse will keep you from sleeping the next several days.

The Genie's words rise to a sudden crescendo as a mighty thunder crack seems to split open a hole in reality (again)....

...and the Genie's back to to normal, handing you 3 babies bundled tightly and squirming.

"As you commanded, infant witches."

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Re: Miscellanea's Misbegotten Daughter (c)

Post by Expendable » 22 Oct 2018, 23:12

Chat RPG Scenario #1: Boddy Manor

Sitting isolated in the hills above Los Angeles sits Boddy Manor, infamous for a dinner party in 1954 where guests were unexpectedly confronted by their blackmailer, Nathan Oliver Boddy. He and several of his accompliaces died in various ways at the hands of their victims before the survivors were arrested in a police raid.

As no surviving relative of Nathan Boddy could be found, the estate was claimed by the state, who auctioned the house off to a Mr. Dibbler. Intent on capitalizing on the estate's recent notoriety, he walled off the estate and installed a turnstile gate so that he could charge admissions to tourists by the bus load.

An anonymous tip to the IRS however quickly ended that. The manor was seized by the US Government and Mr. Dibbler wound up spending the next few years in prison. On his release, he wound up working Hollywood Boulevard with a hot-dog cart, which proved to be a launching ground of many shady deals and endeavors.

The manor sat undisturbed for several years before being sold once more to a Mr. O'Connor, who intended to renovate the place. However, the job was plagued by a series of accidents, and was eventually abandoned.

It's about this time that rumors began that the mansion was haunted; and that Nathan Boddy, who had never trusted banks, had hidden away his fortune inside the manor grounds. Would-be thieves who made it past the turnstile gate found themselves having the same sort of accidents that plagued the renovators.

Just recently, police responding to a 9-1-1 call from a burglar trapped inside the turnstile found the rest of the crew who made it inside had died in various grizzly ways, which the police put down as a falling out between the invaders, as they had been hit over the head, stabbed, strangled, and one man found hung from the upstairs Bannister, somehow impaled on his own crowbar.

Do you dare the brave the manor? Only four can enter, then as they die off, the turnstile will admit replacements one at a time. It's suggested to avoid weapons and damaging the house - it will only kill you faster.

Character sheet

Character Name:
One object (the more innocuous the better):


Ground floor: (use Clue game board as reference, with a square manor), with a servant stair from the kitchen to the first floor Linen closet.
First floor: Bedrooms and bath, rear Linen Closet with servant stair leading down to the kitchen, servant stairs leading to the servant quarters on the second floor.
Second Floor: Attic, female servant wing, male servant wing.
Basement: Storage, furnace.

There should also be hidden passages (access to the hollow-wall ventilation system?), secret rooms and cubbyholes.

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Re: Miscellanea's Misbegotten Daughter (c)

Post by Sirena » 23 Oct 2018, 00:51

Seems like it would be an interesting RP
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Re: Miscellanea's Misbegotten Daughter (c)

Post by Expendable » 23 Oct 2018, 02:10

Catacombs wrote:Seems like it would be an interesting RP

Thanks, I'm probably going to come up with a few of these.

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Re: Miscellanea's Misbegotten Daughter (c)

Post by Expendable » 23 Oct 2018, 02:12

ChatRPG - The Seven Isles

Post-Apocalypse Fantasy


Some among the people developed fantastic powers and fought among themselves, ignoring the damage they did to the world until it shattered.

Then the Nine stepped in, combining their powers and the world reshaped itself, becoming a giant statue of a woman, staring down at her cupped hands. It was here in the bowl of her hands that the Mother cradled the last of the oceans rested, and the survivors, desperately clinging to boats or swimming in the water.

And the Nine came together once more, raising the Seven Isles for their people. But when the Trickster tried to create an island for his own people in the center of the ocean, the others rebelled and broke away. Without their combined power, the Trickster found he could not raise the few small islands.

And so the Nine went among the people to help them to rebuild. Seeing their blessed powers, the people fell apon their knees and called the Nine gods, and built temples to them. But the Trickster denied they were gods, merely the children of the Mother. So the Eight casted him out, calling him vagabond and heretic. His niche in their temples were defiled and he was forgotten.

The Eight looked apon the world and at first were contented, as was the people. Until one day a fight broke out among the people as to which god was superior? And the people's strife infected the hearts of the gods, and they too began to bicker among themselves as who was better.

But the Eight could not fight one another without shattering the Mother. It was then the Trickster returned, whispering among the people that they could prove whose god was best by competing in a series of games. And the people embraced the idea, as did the Eight, and for a short time there was content among the Seven Isles.

Unfortunately, the Eight could not leave well enough alone. Seeking to give their champions an edge, each of the Eight gave them items of power to use against one another, all for their own vain glory. And used the items of power each champion did. And the people cried foul, and the fighting began again, this time becoming war.

And the Trickster became angry, but knew that he could not use his full powers outright without the Eight in turn using theirs.

One day, standing on the shores of the Center Islands, he spied a naval battle between two ships of the Seven Isles. As he watched, one of the ships began to flounder and the crew abandoned the ship. The Trickster pulled himself aboard and found to his horror that the sailors in their haste had forgotten the rowers, still chained to their benches. Taking up a hammer, broke the locks that bound them, and guided them off the ship to cling to the floating wreakage. As night overtook them, he gently guided the survivors back to the shores of the Center Islands where he tended them.

They did not recognize the Trickster, believing him to be just another survivor like them. Collecting the floatsam, he help them build shelters, to fish and hunt game, all the while listening to their stories. Some, he learned, were members of his own people, taken in among the Seven Isles but treated as being outsiders or worse, slaves.

Some among them had a small spark within them, and the Trickster decided to test them, teaching them small tricks. One of the, Igan, learned faster than the others, taking to the Tricker's lessons like a fish to water. And the Trickster saw within him goodness of soul and great strength, so decided to make Igan his champion. Using Igan and the others, they went among the people of the Seven Isles and took back the gifts of the Eight from their champions. They crippled their armies by destroying their weapons and sinking their warships.

But it did not stop the Eight, who accused one another of deceit and falsehood. And so the Trickster visited each of their main temples among the Seven Isles and laid for them a trap, using the very gifts they had given their champions. When they came to their priests by taking over their carved statues, they found themselves bound to them, able to speak but stuck like a fly in honey.

Speaking to each in turn, the Trickster made them face the horrors they had wroth and to swear to the Concord, to restrict themselves to the Place of the Nine where they could watch but not directly interfere in the affairs of the People.

Igan and his companions, and several of their freed people returned to the Center Islands, where they built a city on pylons driven into the shallow water, and named it Concordia.

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Re: Miscellanea's Misbegotten Daughter (c)

Post by Sirena » 02 Nov 2018, 03:08

Love the story.Definitely another great roleplay theme from you.
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Re: Miscellanea's Misbegotten Daughter (c)

Post by Expendable » 02 Nov 2018, 21:25

Catacombs wrote:Love the story.Definitely another great roleplay theme from you.

Thank you! It's a start. hmmm.

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Re: Miscellanea's Misbegotten Daughter (c)

Post by Sirena » 06 Nov 2018, 00:54

You are welcome.

If I don't see your writing as a theme for a roleplay in the future I would be sad. I would definitely take part in a lot of them :^_^:
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Re: Miscellanea's Misbegotten Daughter (c)

Post by Expendable » 06 Nov 2018, 06:09

I've not had a lot of luck here with roleplays, sadly. But it all gets used somewhere.

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Re: Miscellanea's Misbegotten Daughter (c)

Post by Sirena » 07 Nov 2018, 00:48

Atleast it gets used.

That sucks you haven't had luck with them.
Seems only a few roleplay these days which is sad.I actually enjoy roleplaying.
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