Disney classic Mary Poppins to be reclassified due to "discriminatory" language

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Disney classic Mary Poppins to be reclassified due to "discriminatory" language

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 27 Feb 2024, 07:32


Raised from U (Universal) to PG (Parental Guidance)

Meh, PC gone mad, a few years back, people were crying about the "black face" scene in this movie, which is a 60s classic IMO, more inane "wokery" from Flag waving Guardian reading lefties.

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Disney classic Mary Poppins to be reclassified due to "discriminatory" language

Post by belsammael » 06 Mar 2024, 13:52

In our country we have a holiday which involves a black face character, Black Pete. The character didn't exist originally, but gradually grew into tradition along the 20th century. At the end of the 20th century, minorities in our country spoke up, because they felt the character to be degrading, and no longer fitting for a modern society. It took a few decennia for that sentiment to gain momentum, and now the thing is at a crossroads between people wanting to preserve 'tradition' and people wanting to modernize what should be a celebration aimed at children. Personally, I think it's good to reflect on your history and give those traditions a chance to grow, as culture is ever evolving and never stagnant.

I think the same would apply to movies and TV shows of that time. The classic Looney Tunes and Max Avery cartoons also portrayed plenty of black face portrayals that were deemed fair at the time (since people of color were considered second class people far more than they are now) but are viewed with a different sense in modern times.
That doesn't mean we need to burn and forget the past; no, but we should be able to view those media with an appropriate mindset.
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