An anime adaptation of the Akujiki Reijo to Kyoketsu Koshaku: Sono Mamono, Watashi go Oishiku Itafakimasu LN series has been announced for the Spring season 2025.
Melphiera is an earl's daughter who's shunned by most of the nobility, thanks to rumors about her proclivity for monster-based cuisine. When she attends a party in hopes of finding someone to wed, she's attacked by a vicious monster—only to be saved by Aristide of Galbraith, feared as the “Blood-Mad Duke.” He begins to take a liking to Melphiera…and before long, he's even interested in the “hobby” she never dared to tell anyone else! Love, battle, and great cuisine await in this romantic fantasy!
'Pass the Monster Meat, Milady!'
Moderators: Expendable, Ojisama, Beex
'Pass the Monster Meat, Milady!'
To those just starting on the journey of life I say...
Bang your own drum. Walk your own path. Live wildly. Love fiercely.
As you near the end, look back with no regrets.
Bang your own drum. Walk your own path. Live wildly. Love fiercely.
As you near the end, look back with no regrets.
'Pass the Monster Meat, Milady!'
Debut confirmed for April 2025.
To those just starting on the journey of life I say...
Bang your own drum. Walk your own path. Live wildly. Love fiercely.
As you near the end, look back with no regrets.
Bang your own drum. Walk your own path. Live wildly. Love fiercely.
As you near the end, look back with no regrets.