The world of well, me basically!

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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 27 Feb 2023, 08:56

Good day yesterday.

Finally managed to sort the payment on my device plan on my new phone with O2, they wouldn't do it at the shop, the guy said to either ring up or do it online, I didn't fancy ringing up as I hate talking to call centres in general particularly non-UK ones that don't understand Yorkshire accents.

Fortunately I sorted it through a lady called Deepshika on live chat, and the new payment method will be reflected on next month's bill.

TKD last night, I finally mastered Yul Gok and the 2 step sparring, bring on the grading (15th of March says Mr S)

I also spoke to Laura to confirm she's coming this afternoon 14.00 to 17.00, I like chatting to her, she's easy to talk to, and she's gorgeous lol.
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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 01 Mar 2023, 10:00

So following a chat with Laura on Monday, we've decided to go to Elsecar comic con in May rather than the AL one in Leeds in June, especially when I'm coming to the Sheffield AL one in September as it's only the Mercure Hotel in Town.

Mixed day yesterday, is it just me or does CEX employ numpties who have no clue what they're doing and look like they're on drugs?! Even I know more about cameras than the dopey sod who served me and it'll be 3 years in May since I proper got into photography.

I asked to speak to his boss, and he wasn't much use either!

Apparently, they need the battery charger for the camera, and also the cap off the BACK of the camera! Eh? I took the Lens cap?!

I wouldn't mind but I looked up the price I'd get for the specific Nikon model, £58 for the camera body, no mention of needing the charger/cap off the back of the camera?!

Oh well, at least I got £25 for selling 2 games.
"He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!" (Michael Palin in Monty Python's "Life of Brian")
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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 02 Mar 2023, 15:41

Good day again today.

Not won a penny on the Lottery all week which is annoying, but never mind! I had a very productive morning editing the Batman and Robin project at FlyCheese, more work on that coming up next week and beyond, and eventually it'll end up on YouTube for its world premier.

And last night's TKD was great, I finally mastered Yul Gok and 2 step sparring! Bring on the next grading on the 15th!

I also confirmed the meeting with social services on the 14th, annual review apparently, full House at the Flat, me, Kieran, Mum and Dad, the social worker, and Laura's boss because she's off that day.

And finally, I had a call this morning on the mobile confirming a work meeting for 2 hours next Tuesday morning 10.00 to 12.00.

Hopefully it's the first of a couple of meetings coming up for which I'll get paid, show me the April payslip!

Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty out on Xbox Game Pass tomorrow, looking forward to playing that, I might Google the achievements.

Also, because selling the old camera to CEX requires the charger, I've bought one on eBay yesterday, which is allegedly coming either tomorrow or Saturday, preferably tomorrow so I can pop back to CEX with the camera.

Although I have no plans to go anywhere on Saturday, I gather Wednesday are at Home so I'd rather not get stuck in the football crowds on a Hillsborough bound Tram after 13.30.
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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 02 Mar 2023, 17:51

Yay! Mum's managed to alter the new TKD black Dobok!

I don't have spend about £14 to take it to the place on Crookes!

Roll on class on Sunday.
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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 03 Mar 2023, 17:17

The word of the day is kind of er, lucky lucky!

I've bought 2 games on Steam, neither of which worked on Linux Penguin, I've requested refunds on both games, and they've both been granted! Maybe my luck's in and I'll win some actual money on that big £114M Lottery tonight.

In other news, I've been reading the new Unity 2021 book, pretty cool and I'll work on the projects this weekend, I've also printed out all the pages of the Rollaball tutorial project and will do that as well.

So all in all, a pretty good day so far, plus the Harry Potter and the Cursed Child book from Amazon arrived this morning, I wasn't expecting that till tomorrow.

And I've also managed to get Blender to download/run on Linux Penguin and ordered a beginners book on Amazon which is coming to my Parents on Sunday.
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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 12 Mar 2023, 11:55

Been spending money on Amazon again.

Can't go to comic con today otherwise I'd probably be there now, so I bought myself DC Justice League: Cosmic Chaos on Xbox and it's allegedly coming today.

I also bought the Scream movies on DVD last week, and they're coming tomorrow, after I watched the first one on Netflix last Wednesday, and Scream 6 is out on Wednesday (I'd go but I have an important Hospital appointment that day)

I also bought another Godot Game Engine programming book, which is coming here tomorrow, I did order a Shazam XL costume but I promptly cancelled it, Dad doesn't like me spending a lot of money all at once.

I'll buy it again when I get paid from work next week, not that that'll be much, given that for reasons beyond my control I hardly ever work! I wouldn't mind but I've addressed this with work, and they keep saying there's no demand for my services other than once in a blue moon MS Teams meetings.

A few games coming on Steam that I want, annoyingly none of them are available on Linux, only Windows though.

Fortunately, the Last Case of Benedict Fox is out on Xbox Game Pass next month, and BigChick will also be on Xbox at some point seeing as I was watching a walkthrough on YouTube last week.

Oh well, I'll get to comic con at Elsecar in May, and then I'm half tempted to go down to Barnsley in October or another one at Magna in October.

I think Magna's a better venue than Barnsley Metrodome though to be honest, so I'll stick to there.

I know I'm going to the Sheffield AL one in September, booked it ages ago.

Right, I'm off.
"He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!" (Michael Palin in Monty Python's "Life of Brian")
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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Ojisama » 12 Mar 2023, 20:48

It's a shame you couldn't make it today. It was a good one.
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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 12 Mar 2023, 21:19

Ojisama wrote:
12 Mar 2023, 20:48
It's a shame you couldn't make it today. It was a good one.

There's another one at Magna in October, I'll go to that.
"He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!" (Michael Palin in Monty Python's "Life of Brian")
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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 13 Mar 2023, 15:35

Not a bad day today.

Because I found and managed to take a picture of the broken strap on my Fitbit smart watch, and sent the photo to the FitBit company, as of an hour ago they're sending me a replacement watch, free, gratis and for nowt, they're not even charging shipping and handling.

Can't get much better customer service than that.

I've also received another Godot Game Engine programming book, and will work on some of the projects at some point.

I paid Mr S for the mock grading on Saturday last night, bring it on! And the real one!
"He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!" (Michael Palin in Monty Python's "Life of Brian")
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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 14 Mar 2023, 19:50

So predictably the social services "review" this morning was an unmitigated disaster! Some numpty who's never met me and knows chuff all about me other than what's in a file, wants me to cut ties with my Parents, and spend a LOT more time at the Flat! Even to the extent of staff taking me to TKD on a Sunday and Wednesday evening! No, no, and did I mention, no?! It's bad enough Mr S won't let me attend without Dad or someone being there to support me as it is, plus if staff were to take me we'd have to go on the Bus because none of them drive which WOULD be a total pain in the you-know-what.

There was also comments about Dad, but that's partly my fault because I said about he only drives local due to having a cataract op on his eyes around this time last year and his sight hasn't been the same since! The social worker was on about Dad not taking me to TKD and stuff, like I said, NO way! I'd rather stop going than have staff taking me, and if social services think I'm cutting that for their benefit they can sod right off.

They also suggested eventually moving into supported living, with 1 or 2 other people, BIG no! I tried the shared living thing between 17 and 19 as a student and hated every second of it for various reasons.

Sorry for the long strongly worded rant, I just had to get this off my chest as it were.
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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 15 Mar 2023, 15:29

Mixed day today, I originally woke up at 6.30, went to the loo, and promptly crawled back in bed till just over an hour later.

Got dressed, came down and had the usual Protein shake and later, breakfast followed by a coffee and tablets.

I checked the morning's emails, nothing too important, nothing from work annoyingly so next month's payslip will be tiny.

Dentist appointment at 10.15 at Limbrick Road, however we've been going there for years and they're ALWAYS significantly behind schedule on appointments, and we'd to be up at the Royal Hallamshire Hospital for an 11 AM appointment! Fortunately we were in and out in 10 minutes even though we didn't get in till 10.30, she wanted to do a scale and polish but I explained we were clock watching and could we do that next time?

We arrived at the Hospital, the appointment went pretty well, I asked a few good questions, including the logistics of getting down to Birmingham for the Op as I know Dad wouldn't be able to drive there, Mum said we'd look into that.

They also fixed the moulds on my exisiting hearing aid, and touch wood it's not broken/come apart yet like it has been doing.

Annoying afternoon though, when we got back, I had an email from Royal Mail that 10 minutes previous, they'd tried to pick up a parcel from the Flat, even though I specifically arranged yesterday for them to pick it up on Friday morning! I'm sure their call centre drones don't understand English! Particularly Yorkshire accents! I wouldn't mind but one of the Chief reasons I voted remain for Brexit was because I DON'T hate immigrants!

Like I rang up earlier, on the deaf/hard of hearing number, spoke to some Indian woman who didn't understand me! I freely admit I have NO patience but this crap would annoy anyone! :rage:
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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 18 Mar 2023, 19:52

Mixed week since Wednesday, Thursday was good, apart from the fact that even with my glasses on I struggled to see to do PC work at FlyCheese! Fortunately Mum says we've all got Optician appointments next week. Friday was pretty busy, lots of collections and deliveries, including this year's WWE 2K game, pretty cool so far that, I'm enjoying MyRise story mode and have actually won a couple of good matches so far.

A great chat (and rant) to Laura about various issues such as the unmitigated disaster that was the social services "review" on Tuesday, I wouldn't mind but I seem to nearly always be right when I predict something indeed will be an unmitigated disaster! If only I was that good at predicting the Lottery numbers then I'd be a Millionaire several times over lol.

Oh well, at least 1 good thing came out of today, I checked a Lottery ticket from this Wednesday at Sainsburys on the High St in Town, and it was good for £30, I thought she said £80 at first, but it was £30 lol, still my first winning ticket all year worth more than about £2.60.

Shazam 2 was pretty good as well, and I've ordered a Shazam cosplay on Amazon last night that's coming tomorrow.

Attending the TKD mock grading this afternoon, although I know it won't be good news for the 29th, but technically that's Sir's fault for not telling me or Dad on Wednesday to bring the sparring kit today, I just can't say that to him as he'd tell me to never darken his club again.

So basically, if it hadn't been for the £30 Lottery win, I'd be in a FOUL mood now, in fact I still am a bit.

At least I found an easy video on YouTube for how to install Roblox on a Chromebook, which I'll try tomorrow morning.

And I'll have a shower after tea before either going back or staying here overnight.
"He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!" (Michael Palin in Monty Python's "Life of Brian")
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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 21 Mar 2023, 08:01

So it appears O2 have possibly fucked up and not done the payment even though I spoke to that Deepshika woman last month on live chat! Paypal rang me on the mobile yesterday about failed payments of £198 for my new phone.

I told Dad I thought I'd sorted it, obviously not! We've now got to go down to the Bank, again, and sort it! FFS, I hate Paypal but it's essential for certain companies such as eBay.

Oh well, at least that Shazam costume fits me perfectly, can't fly with the cape obviously (and no, I haven't tried, even I'm not THAT daft) but it looks pretty cool.

No verdict from Mr S on next week's grading yet, although I'm fairly certain it'll be a no.

Social services, my arse! Are they actually trained to not understand local accents and generally be as annoying as possible?!

I just tried to make a formal complaint about the social worker from last week, I'd get better results making a formal complaint about next door's cat! I wouldn't mind but part of my Council tax pays for these clowns!

Annoying day today.

I need to have a longish chat with Dad about supporting me to attend care Home inspections in an official capacity for work, seeing as Choice Support staff apparently can't do it, not in a paid capacity anyway and they're struggling to get volunteers, I wouldn't mind but if they'd told me this job would be this much hassle when I signed up in November 2021 I doubt I'd have taken it on!

I'm just stuck because a bloke my age/with my problems can't get any other job, not for £15 an hour for doing chuff all once in a blue moon, there's also the fact that due to personal circumstances I can't work full time so most places don't wanna know! I wouldn't mind but direct discrimination's supposed to be ILLEGAL under the 2010 Equality Act, but of course there's loopholes in the law to discriminate without actually saying they're discriminating.

Plus tomorrow we've got to go and have a probably annoying conversation with Virgin Money about paying off £198.51 on my new phone contract! WHY did I insist on upgrading to a Pixel 7 when I'd only had the Pixel 6 about 4 months out of a 3 year contract?! Especially when probably in the next 2 years or less, I'll upgrade to a Pixel 8 if/when it comes out.

I despair! Fortunately I did have some good news this morning, I used the last £1.50 on my National Lottery account last night, and the ticket was good for a fiver! So between last Wednesday and today, I've won 3 times! And although I don't believe in that Astrology stuff, my horoscope says Tuesday's going to be lucky, and the Lottery's £45M tonight.
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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 22 Mar 2023, 06:03

So the Astrologist was wrong (predictably) and I didn't win the £45M or anything else last night.

Banking this morning, to attempt to sort out the total fail that is my Paypal account.

And this afternoon on suggestion last night from @Ojisama we're going to try Lee's in the Moor market for some Oriental grub.

I might even try and do some filming on the WeVideo app, a "flying" scene with a cool background dressed as Shazam, might work, might not.

If it does I'll chuck it on YouTube and link to it on here.
"He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!" (Michael Palin in Monty Python's "Life of Brian")
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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 22 Mar 2023, 19:11

We went to the Bank this morning, and a very nice young lady called Gemma sorted it all out for us! We initially thought the Paypal call on Monday might not've been genuine, turns out it was.

The Bank's paid off the £198.51 owing on my O2 account, and have upped my allowance on my ready cash account to £40 a week instead of £60 alternate Tuesdays.

That doesn't mean I can spend 40 quid a week on Amazon though, Dad's orders.
"He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!" (Michael Palin in Monty Python's "Life of Brian")
"I am speaking UK English in a Sheffield accent!" (Me most of the time I'm on the landline or mobile)


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