The world of well, me basically!

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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 24 Oct 2022, 16:56

A lot better weekend, despite the dissappointment of not being able to attend Out of this World yesterday due to heavy rain, I spent most of the day watching TV and chatting to Laura.

She left after lunch, just over an hour later, Dad picked me up and we came back to theirs, via the Co Op to pick up yet another £30 winning Lottery ticket.

We collected that, and came back.

I did some PC work, as the TV now works, apparently the fuse was blown last Friday.

After tea, I went to Taekwondo (and recorded Doctor Who, which I've just watched), good session, not many there though, we learned the first 4 moves of 2 step sparring, just got to further practice, and master the new pattern, and I'll be ready to go for blue belt at the pre-Christmas grading hopefully.

Got back around 21.10, had a coffee, and a bit later, night time tablets and then hit the sack.

This morning I was up around 8.45.

Came down and did some PC work, and then had a protein shake, and went back upstairs for a shower and a shave.

Then I came back down and had breakfast, then I got a ton of personal, work and college emails, apparently I have 2 maths exam resits next week, I knew about the second one on Thursday, but I've had to email Laura, who's gone down to Essex to her sister's this week, to change the rota for next Tuesday, I know she'll moan about the short notice but I only found out about the Tuesday morning exam this morning!

I also emailed Kieran as it'd be him that's coming next Tuesday, he says we can discuss it tomorrow, as I've decided to cancel the whole shift so I can concentrate and not be clock watching to get back for him after 12, and rush the questions.

That's all for now.
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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 26 Oct 2022, 20:41

Been to see Black Adam at the Odeon today, no major problems, although I'm sure some people don't listen to me, and I find it rather annoying.. Like I specifically asked the bloke at the Odeon for a small coke, he gave me a cup for a large, and then the flippin' machine didn't work at first! Thing is I hate drinking large cokes during longish movies, as I always need a wee about half way through the film and I never want to miss any of it, like when we went to Star Wars episode 8 in 2017, I'd just drunk a large coke, it got to just before the end of the movie, I missed the end due to being in dire need of a wee.

I can't help having a weak bladder.

Also, I freely admit I have no patience, but to have to tell the new support guy twice, where the money was, in the drawer, top right hand side at the top of the stairs, and he went into the Lounge! Grr, why is it that when I speak, in a broad local accent, some people do not understand me?! Proper annoying, I wouldn't mind but back in the 80s I actually had speech therapy up at Rygate to correct a slight lisp, I couldn't pronounce my Ss.
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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 28 Oct 2022, 19:04

Grr FFS, I had to ring the Housing this morning in response to a message left on the landline yesterday by they keyworker (I'm sure that man doesn't listen to me, I've been saying for years that I cannot be in on Thursdays due to commitments) he's gone back on annual leave despite being in yesterday, I'm sure he does it on purpose because he knows I find it annoying.

I wouldn't mind but I actually brought this up with his Manager the other week, yet I guarantee they won't do anything, I even requested a new keyworker when I rang up this morning, but there's only him available for some reason.

If I could I'd move out in protest, in fact following several phone calls, I have a meeting with social services next week about possibly moving somewhere with support staff on site all the time.

Let's face it, I'm mid to late 40s, my Parents are in their 70s, and my Brother's 49 and lives in London, works full time and has 2 demanding kids.

And there's no other local family that I know of, the nearest would be Auntie Irene in Lincoln, and she's my Dad's twin sister. I do have a cousin in Norfolk but I've only ever seen him about twice in the last 20 odd years, Dad's nephew, Greg, he left next door to us at one bit.

I have another cousin, our Mike, who lives round the corner from Mum and Dad's but I've not seen him since our Linsey's birthday do about 3 years ago.
"He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!" (Michael Palin in Monty Python's "Life of Brian")
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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 01 Nov 2022, 16:09

I've attended the first of 2 maths exams this week, this morning up at Matrec on Prince of Wales Road.

Got back around 12.30, and promptly got stuck into work related emails and phone calls, between this Friday and next Wednesday I've got 7 and half hours of meetings lined up, including 2 on Friday, one of the Bosses rang earlier and said there's some other campaign related stuff coming up the week commencing the 21st of November, show me next month's payslip.

Just had a coffee, and trying to work out how to print out some tutorial stuff for Unity.

Dad's printer actually works and has plenty of ink, I just need to work out how to print ALL the stuff out, not just the first page.

I was intensely busy with work related emails and phone calls most of yesterday, today's been even busier, and I have 2 personal meetings tomorrow afternoon plus training at night.

And another exam on Thursday, that one might be easier as calculators are allowed, unlike the one this morning where I had to work stuff out in my head, which strangely enough, despite being mildly Autistic, I'm rather good at.

After Googling the achievements, I've just preordered Yum Yum Cookstar on Amazon for Xbox, comes out end of next week, and after watching footage on YouTube, it looks pretty cool, I was definitely a fan of Cooking Mama on the DS, this looks like an updated version of that.

I'll just ask for Cobra Kai 2 for Christmas, or buy it after the 24th of November when I get paid from work for all last month's meetings.
"He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!" (Michael Palin in Monty Python's "Life of Brian")
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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 05 Nov 2022, 16:40

This week's been quite busy.

Work emails coming out of my er, nose lol, 2 meetings yesterday afternoon for an hour each, and a ton of emails about other meetings next week, and also some campaign work the following week, although I await an email with details of exactly what that entails, if it's stood in a Hall handing out leaflets, I physically can't do it, due to back problems I can't stand for long periods.

We'll see what it is, I can't really say no to work either way, I need the money as there's a few bits I want.

Busy day gaming today, currently top of this month's leader board on over 170 points, with more to come soon.

Mum's just told me her and Dad are going for a weekend away next week from Friday to Sunday, apparently Laura's been informed and extra hours are in place with the support staff.

I'm sure she'll fill me in when she's comes tomorrow.

Well it was Mum and Dad's 50th anniversary in September and they didn't do anything that particular weekend, I did book a meal at a local Italian restaurant but when I mentioned it, Dad made me cancel due to the cost! I wouldn't mind and I know he's got a cob on about my spending habits, but a 50th anniversary only comes once in a lifetime.

Right, I'm off to do some Unity work, I could be some time.
"He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!" (Michael Palin in Monty Python's "Life of Brian")
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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 10 Nov 2022, 16:55

Been busy this week, 3 hour work meeting on Monday, plus a 2 and half hour one yesterday, a half an hour one tomorrow morning followed by at least one next week, and another one the following Wednesday.

Like I said, show me next month's payslip!

The Basil Brush project was finally completed this morning, all we've got to do next week is export it from Premier Pro, and upload it to YouTube for its world premier (although I wouldn't put it on my own channel, due to previous problems with trolls attacking my videos! Meh, it's not my fault 65% of the Internet hates me for reasons I can't help!)

I also received a text this morning, some bloke called Terry wants me to book an appointment at Autism Plus on Bridge St next week, although I'll probably try and get out of it as I could be doing work related activities, I await an email from work next week to confirm what's happening, I also did an employment course with Autism Plus last year which never lead to anything, so I don't think I'd be eligible for the funding to go again, especially at my age.

In other news, training was good last night, finally mastered Yul Gok, and the first 4 moves of 2 step sparring, bring on the next grading.

And finally, we've just got back from taking that Alfred Hitchcock's Vertigo Xbox game to Evri, to be sent back to Game in Basingstoke, because I bought it online last month, I can't just take it back to a Game shop, it has to be posted back to the Depot.

I wouldn't mind but this is about the third game I've bought from them this year that hasn't worked! I now buy all my games on Amazon or, free delivery and the games themselves tend to be considerably cheaper.

I've also had a full refund from Northern Trains yesterday, as Laura told me to change the Sheffield to Hull and back tickets for next Sunday to open return as she can't work beyond 18.00 plus next Sunday's when they switch the Xmas lights on in Town.

There's also a rumour that the Trains will be on strike next weekend so sod's law we won't be going to Hull anyway.
"He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!" (Michael Palin in Monty Python's "Life of Brian")
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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 11 Nov 2022, 19:06

I had an early work meeting today, 10.30 to 11 with a lady called Brittany from work about further work next week, I await emails on Monday with further details.

Other than that, been busy gaming most of the day and getting achievements on Xbox, finally completed The Quarry, and got 4 out of 10 achievements on a game called Super Ninja Miner, and downloaded some crap Game Pass game called Vampire Survivors.

I do have an agenda to pop down to Barnsley tomorrow morning to CEX to try and get a new camera, whether it'll happen, I don't know, depends what the weather's like.

I just want to get out of the Flat for a couple of hours, due to work and other stuff we've not been out all week apart from Taekwondo on Sunday and Wednesday.

Also, I rang that bloke called Terry up from Autism Plus, I tried to get out of the 11 AM meeting at Bridge St on the 22nd, but he insisted... I wouldn't mind but this seems to be a common theme, I say stuff, nobody listens to me, rather annoying.

I also have a Hospital appointment up at the Hallamshire on the 25th, normally I'd try and get out of that but Mum's insisting I attend it so I spoke to Laura last night, to book an early call that day, whoever's coming to get here for 8.30 AM.

It's not like on a Sunday when the Trams don't start till 8.45.
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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 14 Nov 2022, 21:05

Mum and Dad have been away this past weekend, got back tonight, been up to North Yorkshire for a weekend in a B and B.

I've had extra support including today, didn't really do much over the weekend except gaming, popped across to Tesco to get some stuff.

Today though, I spent most of this morning chasing up work related stuff via phone and email, is it just me or do most companies, especially post Pandemic, have the communication skills of a Sheep and not respond to emails or phone calls? Rather annoying IMO, like I rang Autism Plus this morning to get out of a meeting next Tuesday at 11 AM, arranged by some bloke called Terry last week, he wasn't there when I rang up this morning, I spoke to reception, they said they'd pass the message on, I'm sure I'll get a message this week! I wouldn't mind but I informed him last week that I was pretty busy with work stuff so I couldn't commit to an employment course at Bridge St for 6 weeks to begin with, it appears nobody listens to me though and just books me to do stuff.

If I wasn't aware that I have almost no chance of getting another job, especially not for 15 quid an hour just for attending MS Teams meetings like this one, I'd resign on principle due to the fact nobody ever tells me anything.

I wouldn't mind but it's not my fault it's virtually impossible for a mid 40s disabled guy who can only work a few hours a week, to get a job in anything other than the voluntary sector, which I've been doing for Donkey's years, I wanna work, but get paid for it.

Means tested PIP? Won't happen, even the DWP aren't that stupid.
"He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!" (Michael Palin in Monty Python's "Life of Brian")
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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 15 Nov 2022, 13:05

Busy day so far today.

I've had to cancel my Theatre tickets for this Saturday afternoon due to a sparring session up at Ebenezer Church in Walkley (opposite Greenhow St Doctors), I tried to get out of the sparring, as when I went last year it killed my hearing aid, but Mr S says it's compulsory for everyone from blue stripe and above, and I'd like to try and go for blue belt at the pre-Christmas grading.

Dad's consented to me going, but if wearing the head guard does kill the hearing aid, I'll have to make my apologies and come away.

I'll pay Mr S the tenner tomorrow night, and also a fiver for the mock grading 2 weeks later.

Fortunately I have cash, I traded in a load of games yesterday at CEX, trouble is I'd originally got most of that loot earmarked for food and stuff at comic con on Sunday.

I'll get Dad to get me some cash.

Going to a movie at the Odeon tomorrow, the new Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, to be honest I'm not that fussed, I didn't rate the first one as I didn't understand the story, but this was the only movie on early enough to see it, and get back before 17.00 that I haven't already seen at least once.

Hospital appointment up at the Hallamshire next week, I booked a Taxi for that this morning for 9 AM next Friday morning, appointment's at 9.30.

I'll just have a bath when we get back.

Another Hospital appointment up at Nether Edge booked for the 14th of December, I probably need to mention that to Laura but it's 4 weeks tomorrow, no need to mention it till next time I see her, on Saturday.

Bit of gaming going on, Sommerville and Pentiment, I'll play both this afternoon.

That's it for now, I could be back with further updates in a bit.
"He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!" (Michael Palin in Monty Python's "Life of Brian")
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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 16 Nov 2022, 21:35

Been to see the new Black Panther: Wakanda Forever today, it was actually considerably better than I expected seeing as I didn't rate the first one, but that was mainly because I didn't get the story.

Tried to book a Taxi to come back from Town, no availability from City, Excel or Uber after 16.00, I wouldn't mind but the schools chuck out at 15.00 these days so they're not still doing the school runs, I think there's a show on at the Lyceum this week, could be that that's booking all the Taxis up.

We were scheduled to go to the Lyceum on Saturday to see Sunshine on Leith but something's come up so I had to ring up yesterday and get a refund on the tickets.

I've got the film on DVD anyway so I can watch it any time.

In fact I might stick it on on Friday.

In between playing Man of Medan: Devil in Me on Xbox.

I kind of like those narrative driven point and click adventures, used to play that kind of thing all the time on the PC.

Just got back from MA class, paid for the sparring on Saturday, and the mock grading next month, although Mr S says I owe him a quid for that, I'll pay him either on Sunday or next Wednesday.

Just got time for a coffee and a quick shower so I don't have to get up quite as early tomorrow.
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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 18 Nov 2022, 17:28

We finally completed the Basil Brush Zombie Horror Comedy project yesterday, it'll make its world premier on YouTube next week, I might even post a link on here.

Today, I've made several phone calls, including trying to get out of a Hospital appointment next week as I'm working on Wednesday afternoon, somebody's ringing me next Tuesday to reschedule, I wouldn't mind but can't they just reschedule it there and then? They might send another letter out with a new date, and if it's the first, second or sixth of December I can't go due to work commitments, however as far as I know I'm free every day except Wednesday, Thursday or Friday next week, well I can kind of do Friday afternoon, except I have a prior appointment that morning.

I'll see.

Been gaming all afternoon, bought Grapple Dog, and been playing Man of Medan: Devil in Me, pretty cool so far.

Busy weekend planned, sparring for 2 hours tomorrow, and then Hull comic con on Sunday.

I've ordered a 2 Gig SD card on Amazon, and a memory card adaptor as my Chromebox at the Flat only has a slot for micro SD.

I just hope the sparring doesn't kill my hearing aid like it did last year.

I've had emails from Game regarding a refund for that Alfred Hitchcock game that was sent back last week, they've received it back and have granted the refund, which will be back on my card in 5 to 10 working days, so hopefully by the end of the week after next.

I've also emailed The Game Collection as I accidentally ordered 2 copies of Man of Medan: Devil in Me, and I've got to send 1 back, I'm waiting for them to send a return label, however, I know Royal Fail are on strike, so I'm hoping it's an Evri return label.
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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 21 Nov 2022, 12:24

Grr FFS, I've just rung City Taxis up to book a Taxi up to the Hospital on Friday, as I know from old that unless you book ages in advance, it's impossible to get one between 8 and 9 during term time in the week, I rang them on my mobile, Foreign woman couldn't hear/understand me (I speak clear English in a Sheffield accent!) so I rang back on the landline, and booked it for 9 AM on Friday, appointment's at 9.30 but I can't really book the Taxi any earlier as the support worker's not coming till half 8 and I've got to eat, have my tablets and get dressed before the Taxi comes.

I wouldn't mind but I actually booked the Taxi like 2 weeks ago on the City app, but I had to ring up to confirm the booking... Why is it that these Taxi firms are staffed by numpties who have the communication skills of a Sheep and don't confirm messages and stuff?!

Annoying and needs to be sorted IMO.

Especially when I booked for 9 and I can guarantee they'll be late, back when I went to school in Norton via Taxi back in the late 80s, they were late nearly every time in those days, it was only because I had a form teacher who knew me being late for Assembly nearly every morning wasn't directly my fault that I didn't spend 75% of my life in Detention.
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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 22 Nov 2022, 20:40

Busy day today even though I didn't surface till around 10, well 10.30 as I went straight in t'tub and promptly fell back asleep lol.

Got out and got dressed around 10.30, and as I was having breakfast, phone rang (landline), I answered and said I was having breakfast and could they ring back in 10 minutes, half an hour later no call so I rang Mum, she got me the number and I rang up, spoke to some Foreign reception drone who didn't understand me (annoying but it's the way of the world) and eventually got put through to the correct Dept, the lady I needed was in a meeting and couldn't answer the phone! I wouldn't mind but I specifically rang up last week to cancel the appointment tomorrow as I have a work meeting at 1 PM and wouldn't have been able to concentrate on an 11 AM appointment due to clock watching to get back for the work meeting.

Fortunately, Mum's rung up and rescheduled for next Thursday, however I did also have a work meeting that afternoon which I've had to get out of, health before wealth says Mum, I wouldn't mind but I predicted this would happen when I rang up last week.

To quote Kenan Thompson, "Whyyyy?!"

In better news, on the way back from seeing a rather good Japanese anime at the Odeon, I checked the balance on my debit card at the ATM, and was pleasantly surprised, I also get paid from work on Thursday for last month's meetings and that'll be in triple figures.

And there's another anime on next week I might try and catch.
"He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!" (Michael Palin in Monty Python's "Life of Brian")
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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 24 Nov 2022, 15:05

At the risk of getting trolled, I'm posting that I've had a mixed morning today.

Started off well, but then on the way to my course I got a text from the NHS that my Hospital appointment tomorrow morning's been cancelled due to staff illness! I wouldn't mind but I predicted something like this would happen, plus I had to message Laura to tell her, and then have a rather annoying conversation with City Taxis' call centre drone to cancel the Taxi for 9 AM tomorrow morning.

I seriously think I need speech therapy, it appears to be a rather annoying ongoing problem that people don't understand me on the phone, I speak clear English in a Sheffield accent.

Thing is back in the 80s I actually had speech therapy to correct a slight lisp, I couldn't pronounce my Ss.

In better news, we've finished the Basil Brush Zombie Horror Comedy project, and it's in line for its world premier on YouTube (not my own channel, I set that to private due to problems with trolls)

We've also done live filming of my new Taekwondo pattern, I'll refilm that next week, in uniform.
"He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!" (Michael Palin in Monty Python's "Life of Brian")
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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 26 Nov 2022, 17:23

Busy day gaming most of yesterday.

Today, we've been to Town to return that surplus to requirements camera that I bought from CEX last week, they accepted it back no problems, as it's within the 14 day return period, just, the return period would've expired next Monday.

I asked about trading it in towards a camera that does HD videos, but they'd none in stock for a price I could afford.

After that, we went in Cavell's and I ordered lunch, and a hot chocolate and a cappuccino for the support staff, and a half of John Smiths for myself, which promptly got spilled on the counter as I was getting my wallet out, fortunately the Bartender poured me another one and didn't charge me.

We then went back for the Tram, there was one just coming up at Castle Square but it was full, fortunately there were 2 more behind it, with it being 4 weeks to Christmas, and also Black Friday weekend, they've put extra Trams on.

There's also been a match at Hillsborough, Wednesday were at home to Man U.

Although to be honest I pretty much stopped following football as far back as the mid 80s.
"He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!" (Michael Palin in Monty Python's "Life of Brian")
"I am speaking UK English in a Sheffield accent!" (Me most of the time I'm on the landline or mobile)


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