Expendable - Another Year in Exile

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Expendable - Another Year in Exile

Post by Emotive » 27 Apr 2021, 14:04

Dayum, I honestly wasn't expecting it to cost that much. :sweatdrop:

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Expendable - Another Year in Exile

Post by Expendable » 30 Apr 2021, 02:27

Looks like they've included the desktop client with the pro subscription. Probably will need to try other programs like Blender.

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Expendable - Another Year in Exile

Post by Emotive » 30 Apr 2021, 03:27

It's cool, I mean to try it at some point but I always lose track of what I plan to do or try a little too quick after planning it. >_<

How ya been btw? *BEARHUGZ*

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Expendable - Another Year in Exile

Post by Expendable » 02 May 2021, 03:24

Emotive wrote:
30 Apr 2021, 03:27
It's cool, I mean to try it at some point but I always lose track of what I plan to do or try a little too quick after planning it. >_<

How ya been btw? *BEARHUGZ*

No hugs please.

Naughty Kitty wrote:
01 May 2021, 04:12
Go for it, couldn't hurt could it? :)
Sketchup has a nicer interface, very easy to use. Blender is a whole new learning curve, but I'll have to try it.

Today was totally exhausting. I should have stopped for coffee and a treat.

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Expendable - Another Year in Exile

Post by Expendable » 04 May 2021, 02:49

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Expendable - Another Year in Exile

Post by Expendable » 04 May 2021, 03:09

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Expendable - Another Year in Exile

Post by Expendable » 06 May 2021, 01:13

Just finished reading Neal Asher's book Hilldiggers. Two planets in the same solar system have been fighting a repeating war as their planets draw closer every three years, then start rebuilding their military forces as they start moving away from each other. But one of them has captured some alien tech....

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Expendable - Another Year in Exile

Post by TheRedWarrior » 06 May 2021, 14:56

Aww. I kinda know how you're feeling. I also wish I was in the USA so I could look after all my American friends.
I'm always here if you want to talk.



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Expendable - Another Year in Exile

Post by PharaohAtem » 06 May 2021, 19:24

There always seems a way someone will gain something that gives them advantage over the other in someway or form.


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Expendable - Another Year in Exile

Post by Expendable » 07 May 2021, 04:08

TheRedWarrior wrote:
06 May 2021, 14:56
Aww. I kinda know how you're feeling. I also wish I was in the USA so I could look after all my American friends.
I'm always here if you want to talk.

Thanks for the offer.

PharaohAtem wrote:
06 May 2021, 19:24
There always seems a way someone will gain something that gives them advantage over the other in someway or form.

One of the characters picked up a disease from his homeworld that makes him effectively immortal and extremely hard to kill (which is one of the reasons he was selected for this mission) - with the possibility that some of his parts if lost could regrow as a part from another species from this planet. But he also contracted a second disease that was genetically engineered to kill the first one, so his immortality is actually being challenged.

There's also an interesting AI that looks like a tiger with a ball, calls itself "tigger."

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Expendable - Another Year in Exile

Post by Expendable » 09 May 2021, 02:10

Another Saturday and a lot of hard work. I'm going to be sore tonight.

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Expendable - Another Year in Exile

Post by Expendable » 12 May 2021, 14:46

I was so tired last night that I was nodding off after dinner, waking up finally just before bedtime. You can guess what happened after that.

There's a book sale that happens every May - except last year (three guesses why) and now we've learned it's being postponed until the fall. Whee.

Oh well, maybe I can start crafting some decent sized bags to hold the books. Most of the bags I've found are not quite as tough as I like or hold them as they should. So I'm thinking I may want to craft something a lot like what sailors would make for their canvas buckets and work bags - basically a canvas sleeve where the bottom edge is wrapped around a rope grommet (a rope circle), then a plank of wood is fitted inside, sitting on the rope and it's pinned in place with nice looking upholstery tacks.

I'm thinking something about the size of a paper grocery sack. Lots of books and other things too.

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Expendable - Another Year in Exile

Post by Expendable » 14 May 2021, 05:32

Rebmemer, my demon says, and so I do
Each and every face
The horror and the pain
While the others watch
Until I scream and scream again

Staring fearfully at the door
not knowing who will be there
the nurse with the needle
or those who don't understand
but tonight the door stays shut

Ybab roop, my demon coos
Stroking the scars,
Picking at the bandages
It's the ones you can't see
That hurt the most

Tluaf ruoy ton s'ti,
My demon smiles
While the possibilities parade on by
All the choices I didn't make
All the paths I didn't take

Sdnah eseht hsaw s'tel,
As she shows me the blood
Only she and I can see
No matter how many times
I scrub them raw

She guzzles handfuls from my well
overflowing with my pain
While in the back of my head
I can feel the others awake
A demon for each of my flaws

There are pills for those who can get them
And booze for those who can't
Or something sharp to spill the blood
All so we can forget
But only for a while

Our demons wait patiently
For their toy to be ready
Once more to remember
Once more to regret
Once more to drink the pain

Don't listen to the demons
No power in their whispers
No pain for them to inflict
No need for them to strike
When we're willing to play their game.

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Expendable - Another Year in Exile

Post by Expendable » 14 May 2021, 20:54

Emotive wrote:
14 May 2021, 02:12
Oh, sorry ^_^;

How have you been? :)

Just my usual self. How about you?

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