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Share an unpopular anime and manga opinion

Post by Jongriffin » 30 Apr 2021, 16:39

Yes, share an unpopular anime and manga opinion. You can even share several opinions. However, don't make me regret posting this. While gentle ribbing is okay, don't be nasty to one another. We all have differences of opinion and that's okay. Without further ado. 

Tenchi Universe - aka Tenchi TV- is better than than the original Tencho OAV. Yes, I get that the OAV has more background on the characters. I get that Tenchi has more power, such as summoning the lighthawk wings. But I still found Universe to be so much more enjoyable. I loved the buildup of Universe, where it starts out with Tenchi just being a backwater farmboy, who by the end learns he's a prince of Jurai. I thought the buildup to that revelation was so much more powerful than it was in the original OAV. Also, the two movies that followed it, Tenchi Muyo in Love and Tenchi Forever - aka Tenchi Muyo in Love 2 - were beautiful ways to end the story, exploring themes of love, devotion, and sacrifice. I felt that the third set of OAVs of Tenchi was a mess, introducing too many new characters and pushing the ones we love to the back. In other words, I felt like the OAVs tried to do too much, whereas Universe didn't do as much but inevitably did so much more. 

Original Dragonball is better than DBZ. Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy DBZ and I think it's a good show, but the original DB was superior. Fighting was more about strategy rather than brute strength. I loved the humor and the happy-go-lucky story in a world full of anthropomorphic animals, elements that were mainly lost in DBZ. 

Speaking of DBZ, DBZ Kai is better than the original DBZ. Original DBZ just dragged on with useless filler. The only filler I really liked to Z was the Garlic Jr. Saga and the little side-story of Maron. Garlic Jr. was cool because it showed that Gohan, Krillin, and Piccolo could fight and defeat evil with Goku. As for Maron, it made it more meaningful when Krillin met android 18. These fillers were underrated and dare I say awesome. But much of the rest of the filler just dragged, creating unnecessary plotholes and not getting anywhere. Kai is so much closer to the manga in feel and in spirit. No waiting forever for Planet Namek to explode. No more useless stories about driver's ed, etc, etc. Kai was closer to the manga and had better pacing issues because of it. 

On the topic of Toriyama, the Dr. Slump manga is underrated in America. Goofy? Absolutely! Pointless? Sure! But I find it so ridiculously funny. It's a manga that makes me laugh a lot. Though it's pointless without much of a story, the same could be said for the anime Lucky Star. Though I find Dr. Slump amusing and Lucky Star just obnoxious. 

As for single movies, I would like to bring up 5 Centimeters Per Second. Don't get me wrong, Makoto Shinkai is a wonderful storyteller. But he has so many better movies. For instance, Your Name is absolutely a beautiful work of art with an intriguing story and even more intriguing characters. I found 5 Centimeters Per Second to be lacking in the story department and the characters didn't grab me as much as they did in Your Name. 

The manga Love Hina is highly overrated. There is some great harem manga and anime out there, such as Ranma 1/2. But the manga Love Hina (I don't dare see the anime) was just garbage. I wish I remembered it more to express why I feel that way. But the whole thing just felt so shallow to me. 

Okay, so what are your opinions?


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Share an unpopular anime and manga opinion

Post by lolin » 30 Apr 2021, 16:42

Honestly, I share most of those opinions too

However, I will add: Code Geass is a travesty, especially the second season

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Share an unpopular anime and manga opinion

Post by Expendable » 30 Apr 2021, 16:59

When you start of a series, more often than not you're still figuring things out as you go, basically a shaky foundation.

The advantage of spinoffs and sequels is you've worked out everything - all the background details, the hidden details, the characters, the setting - all of it. Which means you can now have a solid base to improve on it.

Of course, you could be looking at the Star Wars prequel and be asking yourself, "What idiot came up with midi-chlorians as being the source of the Force?" (Of course, we know who it was)

This happens a lot in sequels, where something new is introduced only to discover that they've basically jumped the shark.

I think that's the reason I like Evangelion a little better than Neon Genesis Evangelion as it's got that solid base to work with, some shiny new cgi, and it's shorter so I don't have to listen to Shinji's whining so much. But I do miss the original ending of "fly me to the moon."

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Share an unpopular anime and manga opinion

Post by Emotive » 30 Apr 2021, 18:55

Generally speaking, I love fillers. It might be because I've got so much time on my hands, but I just love watching every single episode of an anime.

Specific opinions though:

I think DBZ was better than DB. I liked it better than Kai, even though I also liked Kai.

I LOVED DBGT and still think it's one of the best DB series, right up there with DBZ. To this day I don't understand the hate it gets. I know it's "not canon" but who cares? It's an awesome series even if it isn't "canon". SSJ4 was one of the best transformations as far as I'm concerned. It looked so awesome, and how deep their voices got was also pretty cool.

DBZ Kai I liked for its adult language and use of blood. I can't remember if it showed as much blood in DBZ but it was a big selling point for me that it did in Kai. It was different and unexpected to hear actual swearing in Kai. It definitely felt shorter though and I like fillers so that was something I didn't like them leaving most of those out of it.

One Punch Man I didn't like. Probably because the fights were always so quickly resolved. I mean, I get that it's in the name of the anime but I just didn't think it was very good. When the fighting happened it was pretty fun to watch though. I just wish they were longer, even though the name of it is One Punch Man.

Dragon Ball Super seems like it gets a lot of hate (or maybe I'm just not hearing many people give it praise) but I don't understand that. It was (or is) an awesome series. I loved that they made another series, and the God tier power is pretty astounding. I haven't seen Goku's Ultra Instinct yet but I plan to watch the Tournament of Power at some point. Like most things that seem to get a lot of hate, I really don't get why some people don't like it. I loved it.

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Share an unpopular anime and manga opinion

Post by Expendable » 01 May 2021, 00:24

One Punch Man is a superhuman parody - so it's not really about the fights, but how this guy, despite his incredible strength, is almost completely unknown.

He's the reason why the Hero Association was created, but nether he or them realize it.

We see him panic once during a fight - not over the monster, but realizing that he was about to miss a big egg sale at the local supermarket. Despite everything, he's an ordinary man with ordinary concerns.

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Share an unpopular anime and manga opinion

Post by Tanya » 01 May 2021, 00:39

For some reason no one seems to include Web Novels, Light Novels, and Visual Novels as if they are the Black Sheep of the Japanese Otaku Culture that is very much a part of Anime and Manga culture of Japan.

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Share an unpopular anime and manga opinion

Post by Nuggies » 01 May 2021, 00:51

If you get into it properly. Natsu Dragneel could beat anybody.

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Share an unpopular anime and manga opinion

Post by lolin » 01 May 2021, 00:56

Expendable wrote:
01 May 2021, 00:24
One Punch Man is a superhuman parody - so it's not really about the fights, but how this guy, despite his incredible strength, is almost completely unknown.

He's the reason why the Hero Association was created, but nether he or them realize it.

We see him panic once during a fight - not over the monster, but realizing that he was about to miss a big egg sale at the local supermarket. Despite everything, he's an ordinary man with ordinary concerns.
Yeah, I was going to say it's kind of a deconstruction of long anime fights because all the shounen style fights (lose, get powerup, win, next enemy, lose, get powerup, etc.) fights end with that character usually losing.

It's basically anti-long fights and continual powerups. Genos is going to get wrecked every time because that's part of the show.

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Share an unpopular anime and manga opinion

Post by Momogari » 01 May 2021, 01:07

Jongriffin wrote:
30 Apr 2021, 16:39
Original Dragonball is better than DBZ. Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy DBZ and I think it's a good show, but the original DB was superior. Fighting was more about strategy rather than brute strength. I loved the humor and the happy-go-lucky story in a world full of anthropomorphic animals, elements that were mainly lost in DBZ.

Jongriffin wrote:
30 Apr 2021, 16:39
The manga Love Hina is highly overrated.
Fuckin lmao. I agree but shit. I remember its popularity back in the day, so I get that, but I hear of it so little these days that hearing opinions on it is like lol what. Did Love Hina ever really matter.

I never liked Fruits Basket, but I don't remember why.
I guess that's a dusty relic of an opinion too, even if it has a remake.
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Share an unpopular anime and manga opinion

Post by lolin » 01 May 2021, 01:18

The first episode of Lucky Star (being almost exclusively about a type of food) does not make any of the other episodes redeemable or worth watching. You can't expect me to spend 25 minutes just listening to school girls talk about a food and not draw my ire.

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Share an unpopular anime and manga opinion

Post by Momogari » 01 May 2021, 01:21

Lucky Star doujins > Lucky Star anime
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Share an unpopular anime and manga opinion

Post by Tanya » 01 May 2021, 01:25

Didn’t ISay I wanted to be Average in My Next Life anime was complete garbage and hope no more anime based on the Light Novel is made if they keep turning a great LN series into garbage

The LN is quite good though.

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Share an unpopular anime and manga opinion

Post by Expendable » 01 May 2021, 01:27

Right. Saitama doesn't look like a hero - he's short, wiry, bald and very ordinary looking. But only Bang, Genos, and a handful of others have any idea just how powerful he is. Most of the others are just wondering what he's doing there?

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Share an unpopular anime and manga opinion

Post by Jongriffin » 02 May 2021, 13:51

I'm probably going to get fried for this one, but that's okay. I also would say Samurai Champloo. It tries way too hard to be hip that it just comes across as ostentatious. I also hate the dialogue. No, I don't understand Samurai Champloo's appeal.

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Post by lolin » 02 May 2021, 22:20

Champloo's basically a measure of how culture evolves (Mugen) vs. the old ways (Jin)

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