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~.:A Forsaken Souls' Playground:.~

Post by Nethack » 08 Mar 2021, 15:21

So... my dumb ass landed in the ED last night :|
I suffer from chronic migraines with aura (where you see the lights and what not or get tunnel vision). So that SUCKED. I can usually get it under control with my regular medications, but every once in a while i end up having to get medical help. Ive developed an allergy to NSAIDs, so i cant just take ibuprofen like one normally would. And tylonol is not the best pain realiver so YAY. uuuuuugh

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~.:A Forsaken Souls' Playground:.~

Post by PharaohAtem » 08 Mar 2021, 16:08

I have migraines with aura as well so I know the pain. I'm in meds too and the last time in which I can take it to in a day dudnt help I was at work. The the aura went away then came back so I left work got home and puked for a while. So yeah I know tha pain I really hate them.


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~.:A Forsaken Souls' Playground:.~

Post by Nethack » 14 Mar 2021, 02:46

PharaohAtem wrote:
08 Mar 2021, 16:08
I have migraines with aura as well so I know the pain. I'm in meds too and the last time in which I can take it to in a day dudnt help I was at work. The the aura went away then came back so I left work got home and puked for a while. So yeah I know tha pain I really hate them.

I would never wish a migraine on ANYONE. I get the whole shebang. Aura is the most mild of my vision symptoms, i get the tunnel vision, sometimes double vision, and i also get EVERYTHING else. Every time I have to go to the ER i literally end up having CTs and MRIs because they think it may be a tumor, a stroke, or a brain bleed. The imaging always comes back normal though, and im glad they do the imaging im just sick of not knowing wtf is wrong with me. I have yet to be able to see a neurologist even though they keep telling me I need to see one. You have to have a referral to do that...... like I cant just make an appointment with a neurologist. im sooooooo frustrated about it. UGH

Anyway lol
How is everyone doing post server fire?

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~.:A Forsaken Souls' Playground:.~

Post by Nethack » 14 Mar 2021, 22:23

Happy PI DAY!!!!!

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~.:A Forsaken Souls' Playground:.~

Post by PharaohAtem » 15 Mar 2021, 00:37

They like to take brain scans when you have them makes easier to figure things out but there hard to figure out either way.

I'm good otherwise


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~.:A Forsaken Souls' Playground:.~

Post by Nethack » 15 Mar 2021, 03:05

PharaohAtem wrote:
15 Mar 2021, 00:37
They like to take brain scans when you have them makes easier to figure things out but there hard to figure out either way.

I'm good otherwise

I know, im just sick of paying for scans when the scan is ALWAYS normal. Seriously they are ALWAYS normal.
im glad you're doing well.

Yesterday was eventful for me. For MONTHS we've been having a fun time trying to figure out who the hell it is that lives in my building that keeps hot boxing the communal laundry room. I have ZERO issues with cannabis smoking (in fact im a huge supporter of cannabis), however my husband is allergic to the pollen, and the laundry room window is literally right next to my central air intake unit. So when they smoke in there, my whole apartment is filled with smoke, my husband has a crazy reaction, and my toddler says it "smells funny". Not only that, but right across the hall is my neighbor who has a 2 year old who has saver asthma and RSV. SO!

Last night they were here doing it! its like a group of 10-12 teenagers. The property management tells us now that every time they do this, we have to call the police (which I personally think is stupid), so we call the police hoping they wouldn't leave before the police got here. We've been trying to catch them for MONTHS, but every time we call they are always gone before the police get here. So this time, the police got here without the teens noticing until it was too late. He made them all come outside the building and he screamed at them. He told them how disrespectful it is to be hot boxing the laundry room and that the next time he has to come out here for that they are all getting tickets. At that point they all threw one girl under the bus and said it was only her in there smoking (she learned who her real friends are I guess) and he told them all to get fucked. Like... he does "I dont care. You're all here together, EVERYONE gets a ticket."

Ive been saying this forever. In Maryland pot is legal... well its decriminalized. Meaning you can have it and smoke it or what ever and you're not breaking any laws (aside from like public intox if you're not at home or DUI if you're driving high etc). So go outside the building and smoke dude. Its not hard. I go outside to smoke a cigarette, you can go outside to smoke a joint. This cop told these kids the same thing, he was like GO OUTSIDE!!!!!

Maybe they will listen this time? I doubt it. We will see though.

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~.:A Forsaken Souls' Playground:.~

Post by PharaohAtem » 15 Mar 2021, 11:31

Teenagers, what do you expect. They should've have in anyway personally.


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~.:A Forsaken Souls' Playground:.~

Post by Nethack » 15 Mar 2021, 22:29

PharaohAtem wrote:
15 Mar 2021, 11:31
Teenagers, what do you expect. They should've have in anyway personally.
Yeah i just wish their parents were more involved.

Naughty Kitty wrote:
13 Mar 2021, 00:44
I'm sorry to hear that glad you're okays though my gosh.

lol thanks for the concern! Yes im alright. I suffer chronic migraines, every once in a while i end up in the ED for it. Life is life. How are you doing btw?


Medieval Times is re-opening!!!! This is the job I had before the whole COVID thing happened. Its a job that I truly LOVE. Its been a long hard year, and FINALLY we are coming back baby!!! Im sooooo stoked!!! Like I seriously cant wait! Dancing Dancing Dancing Dancing Dancing Dancing

So I had to send an email to the company I was actually just hired at to thank them for their time and consideration because I am going back to Medieval Times as apposed to taking a secutity job. I feel bad about it because they legit gave me a second chance. My dumb ass didn't check my email when I should have and missed the orientation they wanted me to go to. I asked if they would consider giving me a second chance and they did. Which was really cool, but now im like "Sorry, im going back to this old job" *shrug*

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~.:A Forsaken Souls' Playground:.~

Post by PharaohAtem » 16 Mar 2021, 01:11

What's that?


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Post by Nethack » 16 Mar 2021, 03:27

Its a medieval style dinner and show. Like....
Its a live show, with horses and jousting and sword fights. You get a four course meal throughout the show. Its set in 11 century Spain. All of the employees have costumes on etc. Its great fun.

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~.:A Forsaken Souls' Playground:.~

Post by PharaohAtem » 16 Mar 2021, 03:28

Oh hell yeah that sounds like fun. We have the Bristol renaissance faire here


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~.:A Forsaken Souls' Playground:.~

Post by Nethack » 16 Mar 2021, 03:45

PharaohAtem wrote:
16 Mar 2021, 03:28
Oh hell yeah that sounds like fun. We have the Bristol renaissance faire here

Its the BEST!
Little secret- Ive never been to a renaissance fair..... which is crazy lol

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~.:A Forsaken Souls' Playground:.~

Post by Nethack » 16 Mar 2021, 16:22

My manager from this job called me today (we are also good friends) to offer the job. I was like yeah man, I am absolutely in. I've already got a promotion lined up because the supervisor in that department will not be returning, so its just a matter of time. So im stoked for that. WOOT!!!

Now to clean my apartment, put the laundry away, and have a personal dance party :dance: :dance: :dance:

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~.:A Forsaken Souls' Playground:.~

Post by PharaohAtem » 16 Mar 2021, 16:30



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~.:A Forsaken Souls' Playground:.~

Post by Nethack » 16 Mar 2021, 22:32

heheheh I talked my husband into getting a desk top as apposed to a laptop... So that we can both use it. He is both happy and not happy at the same time :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

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