Crazy time I'm having.

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Crazy time I'm having.

Post by Dalawless » 07 Mar 2020, 16:08

So I need somewhere to vent how I'm feeling with all the midical issues I have.

I started dialysis today. My kidneys failed. The scary part is how long I've been sick but was just getting on with it.

Ive always been a lurker on Al and try and go to the Manchester cons.

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Re: Crazy time I'm having.

Post by Dalawless » 08 Mar 2020, 06:23

I've been reading up on the new diet I have to go on.
Will miss cheese and chips but got to get healthy so changes to my diet is worth the sacrifice..

Got to somehow get to hospital 3 times a week when I'm finally let go. I had to tell my kids I'll be here a few days just don't know how long I will be here. But it's the best place to be..

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Re: Crazy time I'm having.

Post by Dalawless » 08 Mar 2020, 20:15

I had the line removed from my leg today and one put in my chest eventually ill have one in my right arm.

So glad to have it out of my leg give me full control of my legs.

Hopefully a few more days in hospital then I can go home.

Feels weird I've been here for a week already at least in out of intensive care and on a ward..

Anyways I will keep venting in here.

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Re: Crazy time I'm having.

Post by Dalawless » 09 Mar 2020, 09:57

Seen the dietician this morning.. Starting the renal diet today and have to stay on it for good..

Things are looking up feel like myself again.

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Re: Crazy time I'm having.

Post by Dalawless » 09 Mar 2020, 18:22

Today the confirmed my kidneys are at stage 5 which is the worse stage.

It's so hard to think this has been going on inside me for months and I was just dismissing it as tiredness.

Don't think I'll be going the Manchester con even tho I've already got the tickets. Hopefully I'm well enough to attend. Won't be dressing up this time if I go.

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Re: Crazy time I'm having.

Post by Dalawless » 10 Mar 2020, 09:14

Just about to start dialysis today 4 hours with a machine cleaning my blood. It's still hard to take it all in.. A week ago I never would have thought I was seriously ill and could of died..

It's madness.

Well the machine is doing its thing.

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Re: Crazy time I'm having.

Post by Pixiedora » 10 Mar 2020, 10:05

Hi [mention=99656]Dalawless[/mention] sorry you've been going through all this :( I hope the dialysis goes well today!

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Re: Crazy time I'm having.

Post by Dalawless » 11 Mar 2020, 03:57

Pixiedora wrote:Hi [mention=99656]Dalawless[/mention] sorry you've been going through all this :( I hope the dialysis goes well today!

Second dialysis went well its pretty easy I just sit there and let the machine do it's thing.

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Re: Crazy time I'm having.

Post by Dalawless » 11 Mar 2020, 04:00

Today I will be seeing a specialist and making the decision of what type of care I want. I am thinking of home dialysis 3 time a week. I have a line installed in my right arm instead of my chest.

I will keep posting on here it really does help me feel better about my situation.

I will also be having a scan on my kidneys today.

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Re: Crazy time I'm having.

Post by Dalawless » 11 Mar 2020, 13:03

I've had my scan and seen the specialist she was lovely I now need to decide what treatment I want one HD is a line in my arm and is 3days a week but I loose 100% of kidney function and will have to restrict fluid intake and stick to the renal diet.

Or I can have PD which is a tube in my belly. Its less restrictive to my diet but the treatment is 8 hours per day.

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Re: Crazy time I'm having.

Post by Teeny » 12 Mar 2020, 00:29

Hey Dalawless. It definitely does sound like a crazy time for you right now.
I'm glad posting about it here has made you feel better about the situation.
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Re: Crazy time I'm having.

Post by Dalawless » 12 Mar 2020, 11:47

Teeny wrote:Hey Dalawless. It definitely does sound like a crazy time for you right now.
I'm glad posting about it here has made you feel better about the situation.
We're here for you. :)

Thank you Teeny.

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Re: Crazy time I'm having.

Post by Dalawless » 12 Mar 2020, 11:52

I'm attached to my dialysis machine for the next 4 hours.
I'm try to stay positive while I go though this. It's hard but I have to stay positive. Today is World Kidney day or as my brother has named it David's Day haha.

Iv never new about kidney day until this happened.

After my dialysis today hopefully I'll just be left to chill for the rest of the day.

I think the doctor will come see my soon about the future treatment plan. I'll be able to do dialysis at home but it's 7day a week.

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Re: Crazy time I'm having.

Post by Dalawless » 12 Mar 2020, 18:39

Looks like I'll be going home tomorrow can't wait.

I'll have to have an ambulance pick me up and drop off for my future appointments. In 2week around my birthday I'll be getting the tube added to my stomach. Then 2 weeks later I can start dialysis at home but until then it's 3 times a week 6pm until 10pn hopefully Monday Wednesday and Friday each week leaving the weekends free to have my kids.

I miss them so much.

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Re: Crazy time I'm having.

Post by Pixiedora » 13 Mar 2020, 09:06

Glad you're going home! That will be good if it works around having your kids on the weekend :)

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