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How has the arts helped you? (Art appreciation thread)

Posted: 22 Dec 2020, 12:40
by LilMissLarBear
Something a little different for this section, but I feel like its important, more than ever, to shine a light on the arts.

I really do believe we are living in a time where we are forever being bombarded with negativity and dread etc and I am also a firm believer that partaking in some kind of art acts as a form of escapism. Or maybe you are a freelancer and this a day job for you?
Whatever it is let's use this thread to share how the arts have helped you, whether that is recently or in a more broader sense.

Lets get some appreciation going!

How has the arts helped you? (Art appreciation thread)

Posted: 22 Dec 2020, 12:44
by LilMissLarBear
For me, doing anything artsy has helped me take my mind off things when things get tough, it very therapeutic for me, and I find that I can easily express myself through the arts as opposed to interacting with others in public.

I also used to perform musical theatre numbers with the musical theatre society at university which worked wonders for my confidence. I always loved the feeling of being anyone besides myself and playing loads of different characters. It was a true escape to how I usually act (anxious, stressed, constantly drained)

How has the arts helped you? (Art appreciation thread)

Posted: 23 Dec 2020, 05:08
by lolin
Drawing is a way for me to get my emotions out sometimes...

As instanced by my Sad-oka


How has the arts helped you? (Art appreciation thread)

Posted: 23 Dec 2020, 20:01
by LilMissLarBear
Awww see this is why I think art is great. It has the potential to let everything out. Without it, I will feel like I bottling things up.

How has the arts helped you? (Art appreciation thread)

Posted: 23 Dec 2020, 20:23
by melanch0lic
I don't now if you'd class it as art (I do, anyways) but whenever I have a lot of mental energy (mostly negative energy, I might add) I sometimes try to make my own electronic music - by no means am I good at it, but it certainly helps me focus on something positive as well as releasing said energy into something healthy/worthwhile, without this I would look in all the wrong places for an outlet to my emotions, something which has lead me to make many bad and idiotic choices and decisions D:

How has the arts helped you? (Art appreciation thread)

Posted: 23 Dec 2020, 21:34
by LilMissLarBear
melanch0lic wrote:
23 Dec 2020, 20:23
I don't now if you'd class it as art (I do, anyways) but whenever I have a lot of mental energy (mostly negative energy, I might add) I sometimes try to make my own electronic music - by no means am I good at it, but it certainly helps me focus on something positive as well as releasing said energy into something healthy/worthwhile, without this I would look in all the wrong places for an outlet to my emotions, something which has lead me to make many bad and idiotic choices and decisions D:

Of course that counts! I know which a few friends that enjoy playing music as it passes the time away for them.

How has the arts helped you? (Art appreciation thread)

Posted: 17 Feb 2023, 21:32
by lolin
so as of late, i've had oodles of anxiety


i've found that doing a drawing takes away a bit of anxiety

so by doing a drawing or three, i actively take away my anxiety, practice a skill, AND have fun doing it

it's literally a win-win-win

How has the arts helped you? (Art appreciation thread)

Posted: 22 Feb 2023, 19:38
by LikkleMel
I just like it as it is quite relaxing. Yes, I love my PS5 but it is nice just to put on some music or a podcast and make beads :) It is nice alone time away from everyone

How has the arts helped you? (Art appreciation thread)

Posted: 22 Feb 2023, 23:41
by PharaohAtem
Drawing is rather relaxing I sometimes zone out when I'm drawing something.