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Re: The Art of Krayne

Posted: 29 Oct 2013, 18:37
by Anni
Not a bad advice at all :)

Your new pics look amazing. You improved the robot a lot, well done!

Re: The Art of Krayne

Posted: 30 Oct 2013, 13:33
by Krayne
thanks! :D

Once I more time to myself again, I'll be animating him.... need to find some time to return to my angel character and make a devil for him to fight

Re: The Art of Krayne

Posted: 30 Dec 2013, 04:38
by Krayne
long time since a post, been busy going to events and networking, gotten advice on my portfolio and what seemed dominant was to make a video instead of a pdf of images to show to clients/employers. Also 2 prominent pieces of advice given to me were to improve the textures so they aren't just realistic but have character/personality (like dirt/scratches/paint/etc) and secondly to be more ambitious, model something complicated to show my limits. They seem to like my work and think Im good enough to hire BUT they want to know my limits so they can tell what task would be too hard for me. Sounding promising Ive started to re-texture and re-render a select few of my models and in the mean time mulling over what would be a cool ambitious project to model (environment/prop not character/organic).

Anyway here is the first one so far, a short 12 or so seconds rendering still of the video. You'll remember my truck, now with mud.


Re: The Art of Krayne

Posted: 30 Dec 2013, 06:16
by Ioreth
That's awesome news! Glad to see an update from you, Krayne. For the muddy truck, it would seem that you were able to apply the given advice successfully. A rusty look would also be pretty neat and convey a bit more character. If you ever need ideas, I'm happy to help. :)

Re: The Art of Krayne

Posted: 31 Dec 2013, 11:29
by Anni
I think you received some great advice about objects telling a story, it is something that can actually make a huge difference.

I really like your truck now, it looks more realistic, and the mud effect is well done :)

Re: The Art of Krayne

Posted: 31 Dec 2013, 14:53
by Krayne
And here is the video of the truck. Still stuff to be added and fixed, like it says in the description


Software used: Maya (Rendered with Mental Ray), Photoshop.
Studio Worked for: Pandora
Professional Level: Unpaid Mod Community
One of my first attempts at modelling a vehicle, the first time round it was too simple and I was advised to give it more life and character, to also put it into an environment. Well that is exactly what I have done, I returned to this model, revamped the textures completely by adding mud and doing more in-depth research to layering textures to create better more unique materials. It now has mud and it renders quicker then before without losing any quality.
2 Things I need to fix before adding it to my showreel is re-render the first 120 frames, the background is missing and the tail lights aren't moving. Also I will be expanding on the breakdown to include wireframe, diffuse, mud and ambient occlusion.
Time taken to Complete: 5 Hours
Poly Count: 10,183 (19,818 Triangles)

Re: The Art of Krayne

Posted: 31 Dec 2013, 17:09
by Expendable
Your truck is incredible, very nice job! Shame about the background but you still have road.

Re: The Art of Krayne

Posted: 01 Jan 2014, 13:13
by Krayne
took close to 3-4 days just to render that video, so giving me computer a needed break while I make a new banner for my youtube page and for my website (once my entire showreel is finished, the website will be revealed, for the moment its just a whole load of old work)


Re: The Art of Krayne

Posted: 01 Jan 2014, 22:55
by Anni
The video is amazing!

And your website seems to be interesting, can't wait to see it :)

Re: The Art of Krayne

Posted: 18 Jan 2014, 16:11
by Krayne
I have updated the video, it includes wireframe, and other breakdowns. It's now complete.


Now onto my next project. Need to improve my Ambulance to be just as good. New paintjob, add environment and life.

For my ambulance model, I am going to recreate a murder crime scene and implement it into a carpark environment. I am going to model the environment and add small props to give life to the environment. Like a bodybag, evidence markers, murder weapon, blood. Because the vehicle is a 1950’s design, the environment has to be accurate and Ill be taking some influence from the game “LA Noire”
Although some of these pipes, speakers and lights most likely were not around in the the 1950’s let alone in America (this is in London). It gives me a guide of what to look for. I now know to look for signs, lights, pipes, grates and floor paintwork.



Re: The Art of Krayne

Posted: 18 Jan 2014, 20:13
by Ioreth
Wow I can't wait to see how it turns out! And I must say, that banner is perfection. Very professional looking. Nice work, Krayne <3

Re: The Art of Krayne

Posted: 31 Jan 2014, 18:54
by Krayne
Well I decided to go ahead and update my website anyway. I'm still rendering a new showreel video to go on the front page, but not reason I can't have a simple slideshow in the mean time.

Also another piece of advice I have gotten from alot of recruiters is that although my work is good, I don't have a WOW piece that looks ambitiously complicated... So while I make this CarPark I need to come up with something.

Any suggestions are welcome, I need something complicated, WOW and AWESOME! No organics, so no animals, characters or creatures. I have to focus on in-organics, so like architecture, environments, vehicles. Robots and Spaceships are iffy, they are cool and awesome but recruiters get so many of them in the post, mine would have to stand out from those by being incredibly detailed and complicated.

Like I said, any help is most welcome :D

Enjoy my website :D

Re: The Art of Krayne

Posted: 05 Feb 2014, 20:48
by Darksabre
When you say it must be inorganic, do you mean that it cannot be in the shape of an organic thing at all?

Because as far as complexity goes, anatomy is hellaciously complicated (and cool looking), so maybe (if its possible, I am just kinda throwin' an idea out) looking at a body of a thing [human/whale/watever] but as it would have been built out of inorganic things? Like, a really detailed look at inorganic-organic-based eyes would be hella radical, but that may not fit.

Or not, yenno.

What sort of thing do you really like working on in the inorganics, and what do you know a lot about? Picking a big project is that much better if you are kind of comfortable with your subject material and like what you're working with.

Re: The Art of Krayne

Posted: 07 Feb 2014, 01:32
by Ioreth
How about an intricate castle? Or a ruins of sorts? Maybe even an oriental style village? Or a church with beautiful stained glass windows? Pretty common ideas, but I bet you could put your own personal twist on them. Looking forward to seeing the new showreel video, by the way.

Re: The Art of Krayne

Posted: 02 Apr 2014, 07:32
by Krayne
Hey one and all, sorry for my in-activity, been crazy busy. What with my day job giving me more overtime (we lost a couple of staff recently) and Ive joined 2 indie teams on projects. 1 is having me make an asset pack of Muscle Cars. Not sure if I am allowed to post images yet, I'll have to double check. The other Im working as the Lead Artist on an Indie Game, so not only am I making characters and environment assets, Ive also got to assign work to the right people and make sure things are done. We are on time with the work and will hopefully have a demo out next week, which our project leader is gonna try and take to PAX East to showoff and get advice.

The Indie game that I am working on with 14 other members across the globe, can be found here:

Also thanks for the great advice.

[mention=2329]Darksabre[/mention] Do you mean like making an animal or human out of nuts, bolts, pipes, tv's anything that fits together? Cause thats a cool idea, not so much cyborg but sounds like modern sculpture almost.

[mention=32476]Ioreth[/mention] With my indie game I should have a chance to make an intricate castle or ruins, so yay :D As for Oriental style village, I can definately put my own spin on that once I've got myself some time again. Been reading a Historical Fiction book about Genghis Khan when he was a boy and how he united the Mongols, its giving me the push to want to do that village even more :P