Lord Myne's Creative Niche

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Lord Myne's Creative Niche

Post by Tanya » 01 Jun 2020, 00:49

I use photoshop.

It has a tool set for when you want to do time frames.

There are other options, but I don't know about them.

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Lord Myne's Creative Niche

Post by Noodle » 01 Jun 2020, 01:06

Guesssss I’m goin got have to find out if we are still subscribed to photoshop monthly lol
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Lord Myne's Creative Niche

Post by Tanya » 01 Jun 2020, 01:07

i subscribe monthly which after looking into it is all photoshop offers

But hey there's this alternative to photoshop

Corel PaintShop Pro 2020 which you pay for once. It can be used to make Gifs too.

@Jas might be interested in it as well.

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Lord Myne's Creative Niche

Post by PharaohAtem » 01 Jun 2020, 02:18

I have photoshop hmm I must see as well.


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Lord Myne's Creative Niche

Post by Noodle » 01 Jun 2020, 03:57

i just redownloaded it, and purchased.. apparently we didn't have it..

A Guide to Noodle:
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Lord Myne's Creative Niche

Post by Tanya » 01 Jun 2020, 10:51

The photoshop toolset is Motion for animated Gifs. If you download one and open it it’ll open it it’s still essential but you can still do stuff there.

It defaults to essential which is the top toolset.

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Lord Myne's Creative Niche

Post by Noodle » 01 Jun 2020, 17:59

That’s so cooool
A Guide to Noodle:
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Lord Myne's Creative Niche

Post by Tanya » 05 Jun 2020, 16:51

So I'm going to start adding a few things I've written. I wrote this a bit ago, I didn't just write it. I'll add others as well.

A glimmer

A boy looked up at the carnage. The boy remembered his mother shoving him into a cupboard and told to stay put and be quiet. The sounds that came next stayed the boy; he was frightened. Screams and clatter of metal upon metal everywhere echoed from every direction. The boy wasn't sure what to make of it all. The cupboards where he shivered, had shook with him. Somehow probably due to pure exhaustion he fell asleep. When the child woke and opened the door in his small cubby hole did he spy the massacre.

The boy looked around for his mother. He called for her... No sign, only death, destruction, and carnivorous creatures feeding on the dead remained. The boy emotionally overwhelmed cried.

Sam groomed the horses of the merchant caravan wagons; there were twenty of them. Sometimes she would take jobs as a laborer, and not a mercenary or scholar; she wanted to know humans by living as humans did. But as a Topaz she could always sense trouble through the Earth. Humankind seemed to thrive on war, even the losers. This concept was difficult for Sam to grasp as a Precious.

Another battle took place nearby; Sam sensed the movement, the spilled blood, the panicked scrambling. Not a fight; it was a slaughter of defenseless villagers. Those villagers probably aided the enemy of the aggressors, or perhaps they refused to give into unreasonable demands. Whatever the reason it had nothing to do with her. But there was no reason for the caravan to walk into a battle or a dead village. She stopped grooming the horses, for now, and headed to the wagon master's tent. The Topaz reached the tent.


"Is something wrong with one of the horses Tia?" Tia was the name Samantha had given when she signed up as a groomer.

"No, sir."

"Regardless you should go to the horse master, William, for any problems you have, unless it concerns William. Did William do something, I should know about?"

"No, sir."

"Well get on then."

"Sir, it is important."

"Then spit it out."

"Yes, sir. The village up ahead, I have a bad vibe about it. I don't think we will have any buyers, that is, I presume they'll be dead."

"Dead!" The man roared. "What do you mean dead?" Samantha lied, as she often did to hide her abilities as a Precious.

"The horses, they are rattled, something is amiss. Animals can smell blood from afar, and their reactions suggest blood is what they are smelling. It probably means the village we are heading too; those innocent people are being slaughtered." The caravan leader sat in thought; he was a cautious man, and the community didn't represent much of his merchandise being sold regardless. Then the man responded by running out of his tent and roaring for everyone to come and hear what he had to say.

"GATHER ROUND." He paused and waited for his crew to attend. "We are skipping the next village, so we are changing course in the morning." None questioned the wagon master and only nodded, not knowing the inhumanity of humanity was responsible.

Sam returned to grooming the horses; the violence wasn't moving toward them, it was focused. Still, she wondered why. After the Topaz had finished grooming the horses Sam did seek out the horse master this time. Sam wasn't concerned that she would be in danger, but if brutality could be avoided, it should be. Sam found the horse master at the fire settled down and drinking with his wife, the caravan's cook.

"I'm resigning as of now, sir," Sam told William.

"What happened? We still need you hired on," William asked.

"Nothing, I just feel it is time for me to move on," Sam answered.

"I can't convince you to stay? Now isn't the right time to leave, so I guess you'll be leaving at the next village." William stated in his assumption of the time frame.

"No, I'm leaving tonight. And yes, I can take care of myself. And if I can't then I'm a stupid girl you needn't bother worrying about." Sam stated before giving the others a chance to interject. But William's wife did.

"Stupid is right. You are staying put Tia, and that's the end of it." The cook ordered. Ignoring the cook, Sam continued.

"Thank you for your hospitality, I'll be going now." Sam turned and walked off into the night. William's wife stood to stop her, and William grabbed her arm.

"Wait woman. If Tia is leaving now, she has good reason to do so. That girl knows her business; I never had a single problem with her grooming our horses and keeping them fed and tacked and untacked properly. Tia can take care of herself." The cook stopped, unused to her husband speaking up, but if he did, he meant it.

The village…
The pungent aroma of death hung in the air. The Precious, found herself hating a part of humanity once more. Doors laid splintered on the ground hardly recognizable, some once rich in detail other remnants of old scrap wood tied together.

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Lord Myne's Creative Niche

Post by Tanya » 13 Jun 2020, 02:33

A shrine

Imagine the twilight of the morning sun shinning down in the forest chasing away the last remnants of the night sky. The moon is slowly retreating over the horizon making room for the new day. Leaves are whistling as a gentle breeze takes place with limbs swaying back and forth dancing to their tunes. A tranquility calming is taking place as a small stream starts flowing for the first time down a small hill cascading pass small rocks. Flowers and intricate vines are exemplifying their beauty. Amidst this nature wonder lays a simple yet elegant shrine dedicated to the sun. Although it stands in a remote isolated place signs of it being well maintained and looked after are evident, as there is a fresh water basin by the gate to wash with and cleanse one's spirit as not to offend the Kami. Fires are lit to light ones way to the inner shrine softly glowing yet still giving off light in the early morning.

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Lord Myne's Creative Niche

Post by Tanya » 27 Jun 2020, 13:53

This is old work,I may revise it. Not sure. I wrote this over a decade ago.

Village of Otto

Sanin Jounouchi Soji paused and breathed in deeply tasting the slight tangy herbal aroma in the air. He felt a light refreshing breeze dance and prance about. Yet no change what so ever was in evident and it had been three years, but that was as it should be. Yamimura, like the mountains it was cut out of what appeared to be unaffected by the passage of time. Places of trade, service, entertainment, government, and even residencies were carved from the mountain face, while others were built from gathered stones and harvested logs, however they shared the same dull earth color of the rock which they stood on. Children as usual played snakes and stones while women strung out the daily laundry, looked after the young and slaved in the hot kitchens. The men were out and about and hard at work patching roofs, selling goods, keeping the streets clean and digging out the riches of the mountain. It was an elaborate piece of working fiction, while the rare ores played a vital role to the world; this place was in fact the hidden mountain village. The village was nestled deep within the Myoboku Mountains near the home of the Myoboku toads. As a result the area they settled in had plenty of waterfalls that would splash down rocky out coves creating small tantalizing pools splitting into dozens of sparkling clear streams carving honeycombs designs through the vegetation and rocks producing slick paths, hidden groves and most importantly a natural paradise for toads.

Yes, it was good to be back, Soji decided. He approached the sentries of the village and they looked him over. Jounounchi resembled an executioner. He was a dark handsome masculine shinobi in his thirties of average height with wavy dark hair, slanted sharp eyebrows over murky green hawk-like eyes and a bull nose resting between flat sun bathed cheeks above a hard distinct jawline ending with a pointed chin. Soji’s demeanor was emphasized with a thick black leather vest worn over a light wool long sleeve gray shirt above a pair of loose coarse black leather trousers that draped over the top of worn sturdy blackened leather boots and his identifying mark, a black Yamimura headband wrapped around his forehead.

The sentries were two chuunins standing watch on the gate. The slender athletic ninja on the left had blond spiked hair with blue gray eyes. He wore the chuunin gray green jacket over a dark blue ninja suit with a kunai and pouched strapped on his waist. He was a shinobi of Yamimura as the ninja had the identifying headband. The thick short ninja on the right was bald with round eyes and a pudgy nose. His attire was the same as the other chuunin. The two identified him as a shinobi of the village because of the headband he wore. Neither recognized the famed ninja however and they weren't about to let any hostiles pass through their gate.

“State your business,” the blond spiked hair chuunin ordered Soji.

“I’m here on business with the Yamikage,” Soji replied.

“What business might that be?” The round-eyed pudgy noised shinobi asked so Soji turned to address him.

“If the Yamikage decides to share it with you, you will know. It is crucial that I visit with the Yamikage as soon as possible.”

“I don’t think so mister. I don’t even know who you are. Just because you are wearing a headband of the village doesn’t mean you're part of it,” the bald ninja stated. Soji reached into his pocket and pulled out a slip of paper that he presented to the gate sentries.

“Here, this states that I’m allowed entry into the village and it is signed by the Yamikage. Before I put it away I know it doesn’t mean I’ll see the Yamikage, but it does mean I can go into the village. I’ll request an audience with the Yamikage once I make my way to him.” He stopped and watched them for a moment but they didn’t move. They kept their eyes on him.

“Send word ahead if you like, I won’t take it amiss.” Done with them; he passed through the gates. The shinobi made no move to stop him because they recognized the seal of the Yamikage. There was a standing order to let all pass through the gate with the seal of the Yamikage. He strode quickly through the twisted roads of the village. It was laid out like a maze to confuse the enemy; unless one was familiar with the twists and turns they would become lost and disorientated. Eventually they’d be able to navigate, but it would take time. However, he knew these streets well and would have no problem locating the mansion of the Yamikage.

As always Soji was alert to his surroundings and walked casually atop water pitted stones passing by several business establishments at first. Then onto shabby logged built homes; at least orphans and beggars weren't on the streets. The residencies enhanced favorably as he drew closer to the Yamikage mansion. It was like so many other villages; it was rough and gray on the outskirts yet it brightened as one made their way toward the center it became exquisite and rich. Soji arrived at the Yamikage mansion, there were two ANBU hidden with one shinobi standing guard at the entrance.

“Welcome back Soji-sama,” the shinobi greeted Soji while he bowed in respect.

“Thank you Urda.” Soji said to the ninja in return as he walked passed him.

“I take it you’re the ninja we were sent word about?” Urda inquired of Soji.

“Yes, you may rest easy my friend.” Urda sighed with relief and relaxed a bit.

“That’s good to know Soji-sama. It is good to have you back.”

“I’m not back. My mission still continues. I just discovered something that the Yamikage should know about.” Urda nodded his understanding. Soji walked up the stairs to the main hall and took a right and knocked on the Yamikage’s door. The door opened and Soji went in.

In the village shopping center Jounin Paimiko was window-shopping again while she snacked on some sweet battered baked crunchy walnuts, she loved them. She spotted a pretty yellow dress with a cleavage cut and pretty white laces emphasizing the chest. The bottom was long with a bell shape. She daydreamed of wearing it and how prettyshe would look in it. Then…she looked up as she heard whispers of a sky messenger. It was still far off, but it knew she was who the message was for and she heard it seek her out.

Pai sighed, if the bird was coming it meant the Yamikage had a mission for her and her team. There was a singles party tonight and she had had really high hopes that she’d find a cute guy to cozy up with. Ah, well normally she didn’t have any luck attracting a man anyways. In fact she thought on it, she hadn’t got one yet. She looked down at herself before she could stop herself. In the loose blouse she wore her breasts were drowned as if they could be called that, and she looked like a ten year old because she was so short. It didn’t change the fact though that she was already seventeen and had been chasing men for three whole years but none of them though took note of her. The fact was she was even shorter three years ago and her breasts were nonexistent. She looked down at them and tried to will them to grow just to be normal even for someone of her size.

The hawk landed on her out stretched arm. She took the scroll attached to its leg and untied it. The messenger then lifted off to return to its home. The note was just a summoning. Well it wasn’t sealed with a jutsu or anything so why would it have been anything important, she thought. Well nothing more to do about it and she headed to the tallest building in the village to meet the Yamikage. Pai knew she didn’t need to find her teammates, as they would have received similar messages by bird or shinobi. Pai arrived at the Yamikage’s office and knocked. She heard the Yamikage.

“Come in Pai.” That man had extraordinary senses, he already knew it was Pai, but at she could tell he wasn’t alone, but if it was a Ninja, whoever it was, had suppressed their chakra completely, which meant a high level ninja. Most likely it was probably a customer. She could tell because of her so called Blood Limit the Pearl Gate which allowed her to communicate with objects, plants and animals to a small degree. Their thoughts weren’t complicated so the details were simple enough that she could learn basic details from them. Still it was a good ability to have. She entered and looked up at the stranger and grinned.

“Sensei Soji,” she chirped.

“It has been awhile Pai. I’ve been told that you are a Sensei now with your own students to teach. Do me proud.”

“Don’t worry Sensei I will.” She shadowed boxed to emphasize her point.

“Easy little one, this isn’t the battlefield. Don’t forget not to push yourself too much. There is a limit to your unique jutsu.”

“I know Sensei, just look at me; I look like a little kid. My jutsu hasn’t help my body mature at all.”

“I wouldn’t worry about that too much Pai. With your condition you shouldn’t have been able to be a shinobi at all. You have become much stronger because you believed in yourself despite your physical disability.”

“But Sensei, I need to attract boys, specifically hunks and with this body, well I have had no luck.”

“Pai you’re still growing and you’ll find someone who will love and cherish you. Don’t worry, you’re still young.”

“I know Sensei, I guess when it comes to my body maturing I’m impatient. But what brings you here Sensei? I thought you were on an S-Rank mission.”

“I haven’t finished my mission yet Pai, but I have run across some information, well more so rumors then anything else. I’ve already discussed them with the Yamikage and he called you here to investigate the rumors to see if there is any truth to them. They aren’t just thin flaky ones either. There’s a good chance these rumors are true. You remember the village of Otto?” Pai nodded.

“It’s the village that was destroyed by the Five Tails fifteen years ago after which it disappeared supposedly. No one knows where the Five Tail went. Investigations were sent out to the village so why bring up old news?”

“Well Pai, those investigations might not have been as thorough as they should’ve been or they decided to leave at least one of their findings undisclosed.” Pai covered her mouth as she cried in shock.

“You don’t mean?”

“I do, there is something still there. It is of course well hidden other wise someone would have found it by now. What we believe this is; is a scroll containing instructions on how to use one of Otto’s more impressive Jutsu perhaps there most prized Jutsu, the ‘Faijin Salun Jutsu.’” Pai’s eyes widened at the mention of it.

“You’re kidding,” she gasped.

“Pai I wish I was, but evidence supports the rumors, I needed to make sure the Yamikage was informed of it. Pai your mission will be to head to the destroyed village of Otto and locate the scroll. You are not to break the seal on it. We aren’t sure if they’re any protective Jutsu on it and we’d like to have it here so we can have a team analyze it first.” Pai then turned to the Yamikage and he nodded before giving his two cents.

“I’ve already sent word for the rest of the team I have selected for this mission to assemble here. I expect other villages may be on the move because of the rumors, but I can’t be sure, so you’ll need to be careful. It is doubtful that they will send a veteran team though, so your team should do fine on this mission. The mission has been classified as a B rank.”

“Understood Yamikage,” Pai replied and waited for the others to arrive. Soji on the other hand took the opportunity to leave and continue on his more pressing mission.

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