Poetry Sharing Thread

Whether you're a writer, cosplayer, crafter, traditional/digital artist or photographer - anything creative is welcome!

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Jade Dragosani
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Poetry Sharing Thread

Post by Jade Dragosani » 04 Apr 2023, 22:55

So, it's April which makes it National Poetry Month, or in the US anyway.
So, I'm subscribed to this prompt a day email and I'm trying to write a poem a day.some are bound to be terrible.
But it got me thinking, y'know, I can't be the only person on Anime League writing poetry.
So, I looked and didn't see a thread for this already. So, if you too write poems, let's share. Compare. Strengthen and build each other up.
Because, I find writing can be a very lonely and demoralizing business sometimes when you don't have a great network to hype you up and make you strive to be better.
I'll even start by sharing one of mine. I finished this one a few months ago and I'm still quite impressed with how it came out.
Anyways, I'd love to see what others are writing! Also, let me know if you want to see more of my stuff (yeah, I know... But I like showing off)

One of the Boys

I ran with the boys in high school.
Biked around town like we were hot shit.
Played Magic: The Gathering and D&D,
while binging on Taco Bell
and shotgunning Mountain Dew.

I was jealous of
thick shoulders and unshaved legs.
I envied the freedom
to change their bodies:

shaggy hair in wild colors,
tattoos on forearms and calves,
pierced noses, tongues, and nipples.

“Amy,” my grandmother tsked,
“they’ll never be hired looking like criminals.”

I wore my jeans loose and my shirts
too big, afraid of my own flesh.
I wanted checkered canvas Vans,
only available in the boy aisle.
And ball caps too crass for a young lady.

Stewing in my skin, unable
to express how my body failed me.
I had never heard the word “trans”.

That moment,
Where it all coalesced--
Andrew said, “I’m gay.”
Ter’s casual reply,

“So Amy can teach you
to suck dick
and you can teach her
to wear a dress,
like a real girl”

I still carry the sound
of their laughter
in my ears.

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Poetry Sharing Thread

Post by Ojisama » 08 Apr 2023, 20:29

No words.
To those just starting on the journey of life I say...
Bang your own drum. Walk your own path. Live wildly. Love fiercely. 
As you near the end, look back with no regrets.

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Poetry Sharing Thread

Post by Gapchenko » 11 Apr 2023, 18:24

I used to write a lot of poetry, I’ve not written anything for a long long time though. Here’s one of my old ones:
My Beloved Wife

It was the crows calling that gave the final warning on this mid October morning.

Just as the mist begain falling upon the hills in a strange manner that was almost unnerving.

This morn shall be my final calling as my soul begins souring high above the clouds on this mid October morning.

Signalled by the single rose placed upon my coffin.

Not a healthy rose but one thats wilting, It's red petals fading and it's leaves browning.

It was placed upon my coffin by a loan woman who stands morning on this bitter October morning.

She turns towards home and begins walking, towards my old manor house that now stands rotting.

She passes the spot in the garden where she hid the knife the other morning, just before the police came calling.

Alerted by the chamber maid screaming upon discovering my body laying bleeding.

Murder was the diagnosis, probably by a burglar was the prognosis.

The window was broken and my jewellery was stolen.

They didn't bother to ask about the missing kitchen knife, it was all falling into place for my dearly beloved wife.

As she approached she questions what she saw, large boards placed upon the entrance door.

Upon the door a sign held by a single rusty nail, it read this property is now for sale.

Due to deceased occupants an auction will now take place, in gods grace she calles out from behind her veil of lace.

This can't be true, I felt the morning dew seep through into my newly bought shoe, she pauses for breath as she begins to think things through.

Now the truth begins dawning that it was her soul and not her body that left the hill this morning.

We are now two souls exploring, one up and one down on this bitter October morning.

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