[WRITING] Miscellanea's Misbegotten Daughter (c)

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Re: Miscellanea's Misbegotten Daughter (c)

Post by Ryuuko » 14 Nov 2016, 03:33

Space Opera play is fun. I'd like to hear about what you have put together for your home-brew system. My friend and I put together a home-brew system together when we were younger, but it was fantasy based. All in all it wasn't a bad system. Now, I forget exactly how we put it together.

The starting plot to your role-play reminds me of the RP game Paranoia when I played it. Perhaps they have similarities, I don't know.

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Re: Miscellanea's Misbegotten Daughter (c)

Post by Expendable » 18 Nov 2016, 02:21

I mention Samizdat, my home brew system, in posts 24 & 25.

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Re: Miscellanea's Misbegotten Daughter (c)

Post by Ryuuko » 18 Nov 2016, 02:38

You system is quite similar to White Wolf's table top RPG.

They use d10s for everything though.

5 is the max for a mortal in it.

The do skill checks by rolling the number of dice your stat or skill is equal to, and you would add your relevant stat to your skill.

So say you have 3 in Strength, and 3 in melee. Will say strength is the relative attribute for the melee skill. That adds up to 6. So yo roll 6d10.

The Storyteller or GM sets the DC 5 is average, 6 is difficult. 1's are automatic botches, 10's automatic successes, they cancel each other out. But let's say you rolled 1, 5, 5, 4, 10, 7. The 10 & 1 cancel each other out. If you had one or the other, auto success or failure. 3 successes, 1 failure. In the case of melee it determines how much damage by the number of successes, the 4 doesn't count against you. So say armor you have soaks up 2 damage from the attack, 1 damage got through. At least believe that's how it worked. It has been awhile since I played it.

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Re: Miscellanea's Misbegotten Daughter (c)

Post by Expendable » 19 Nov 2016, 03:53

Never played White Wolf, interesting system you're describing. Most of Samizdat rolls use 2d6, it's a very light system - should I need to make dice out of toilet paper in my cell, etc.

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Re: Miscellanea's Misbegotten Daughter (c)

Post by Expendable » 27 Jan 2017, 02:27

The sound you make
can never be as loud
as the scream
within your soul.

But still you try.

A pain so deep
words can never describe
so your scream
says everything.

No one denies.

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Re: Miscellanea's Misbegotten Daughter (c)

Post by Chlobo » 27 Jan 2017, 17:31

That was a very powerful poem.

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Re: Miscellanea's Misbegotten Daughter (c)

Post by Expendable » 27 Jan 2017, 19:00

Thank you.

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Re: Miscellanea's Misbegotten Daughter (c)

Post by DesertKat » 18 May 2017, 17:05

I enjoyed the Tarantula Woman and the Braincell stories.
Also re-reading the 1st couple of badger stories you posted here.

I don't know enough about poetry to comment, so apologies on that omission.

No time to read more at the moment, but I hope to return soon. :)

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Re: Miscellanea's Misbegotten Daughter (c)

Post by Expendable » 23 May 2017, 23:52

Glad you enjoyed my stories.

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Re: Miscellanea's Misbegotten Daughter (c)

Post by Expendable » 04 Apr 2018, 22:35

Badger all over again

"So," Toothpick said as they walked into the lab, "What's dis secret project ya want our helps with?"

"It's very simple," the grad student wearing the lab coat and flip-flops said, pointing the platform, "All you have to do is to stand there."
"Dat's it? Easiest $20 we've made, eh?" Toothpick grinned.
"Ah, boss, what about dem 'high voltage' signs?" Mongo asked, pointing to the four towers surrounding the platform with their dishes pointed down at it.
"Ah, that's just fer insurance, right?"
"Er, yeah, right. So if you'd just get on the platform...?" the kid said, pointing.
"Don't get yer pants inna uproar, we're goin'. But dis wires all over da place, I don't think they're safe."

"I'll keep it in mind," the kid snorted, walking over to a console and flipping a switch. The room began to hum.
"I don't dink dis is right, boss," Mongo said as they climbed onto the platform.
"Ah, shut yer trap!"

There was a sudden flash.

The kid turned around, then the door opened.
"So," Toothpick said as they walked in, "What's dis secret project ya want our helps with?"
"Boss," Mongo frowned, staring down at the tiny capo, "Didn't you....?"

"What are you doing over there?" scowled the grad student. "You're supposed to be on the platform!"
"Don't get yer pants inna uproar, we're goin'," Toothpick scowled back. "But dis wires all over da place, I don't think they're safe."
"You said that already."
"I what?"
"Just get on the platform!"
"Dat's it? Easiest $20 we've made, eh?" Toothpick grinned.
"Ah, boss, what about dem 'high voltage' signs?" Mongo asked, pointing to the four towers surrounding the platform with their dishes pointed down at it.
"Ah, that's just fer insurance, right?"
"Boss," Buttons rumbled, "I think somethin's fishy goin' on..."

There was a sudden flash.

"So," Toothpick said as the badger gang walked into the lab, "What's dis secret project ya want our helps with?"
"Boss, didn't you just say that...?"
"What?!" the kid yelled, turning back. "The platform's over there, geniuses! Get on already or you can forget the money!"
"Don't get yer pants inna uproar, we're goin'," Toothpick and The Shark said in unison. "But dis wires all over da place, I don't think they're safe."
"How did you do dat?" Toothpick demanded as they climbed up onto the platform again.
"Boss," Buttons rumbled, "I think somethin's fishy goin' on..."

There was a sudden flash.

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Re: Miscellanea's Misbegotten Daughter (c)

Post by Expendable » 04 Apr 2018, 22:41

The Badger Client

The Judge leaned over the edge of his desk to stare down at the four defendants, the Badger gang - Toothpick, Buttons, The Shark, and finally Mongo, towering over all three.

"So, we're back again, are we?" he thundered. "What is it this time?"
"It looks like murder, your honor," began the assistant district attorney.
"Murder?!? We didn't kill nobody!" Toothpick sputtered. "I keeps tellin' ya what happened, but ain't nobody listenin'!"
"Is this true?" The judge asked, glancing at the ADA.
"Well, we're still investigating, your honor, but...."
"But nothin', dis is a travesty of justice! We demand ta be heard!" Toothpick yelled, waving his clenched paw.

"Do you have legal counsel present?"
"Naw," Toothpick declared, pointing at Mongo. "He did some reading da last time we got sent up ta da big house."
"Indeed? And you're okay with this, er. Mr. Mongo?"
"Yer honor," Mongo shrugged, "I figure it won't hurt much."
"You do know the old adage, a lawyer who represents themselves has a fool for a client?"
"Yeah, but dem public defenders ain't worth a dime," Toothpick growled.

"If you wish to make a statement, with the understanding it can be used against you in trial, you may proceed."
"Thanks, Judge. Well, we just got sprang from da big house, and had just got the car from da impound yard, and we were just lookin' fer ta paint da town red, but someone...." Toothpick scowled, looking at Mongo, "..only brought purple paint! Who paints da town purple, I ask ya?"

"Anywho, we were goin' over to dis dame's place, ta check in on her, when somethin' falls offa da back of dis truck! We almost ran over it!" Toothpick declared, hopping.

"So we gots out ta yell at da driver, but dey just sped off! Da nerve of some people! So we decided ta have a look, and inside was a dead guy!"
"They were in a sack or something?"
"Yeah, ain't you got no ears? Now, I've seen a lotta dings dat fell out da back of a truck, but dis one was a new one ta me!"
"I see, and what did you do next?"
"Well judge, we couldn't just leave it lyin' in da street, it's wasn't, wasn't... what's da word?"
"No, dat other word. Mongo?"
"Hygenic?" Mongo shrugged.
"Dat's da one!" Toothpick smiled, slamming his fist into his other paw. "Hygenic! What if da kids were ta find it? Dey might take his dings, when we found him first!"
"So you moved the body to protect it from kids? What happened to the man's dings... er, things?"
"Already picked over, Toothpick sighed. "So I says ta Mongo, you got dat place tat people put der garbage, right?"
"You mean you put him in a dumpster?!?" the judge demanded, wide-eyed.

"No, yer honor, he means da community compost heap," Mongo declared, "But dey got a strict no-meat policy."
"So we didn't take it dere," Toothpick shrugged. "Den ta Shark had an idea. He heard of dis farm where dey take da dead bodies, so we thought we'd take it dere instead!"

"You took the body to a body farm?" The judge asked faintly.
"Dat's da place. We figured we might get a little stratch fer bringin' one ta dem, but dey dropped a dime on us and called da flatfoots! Of all da lousy ingrates!"

"So you tampered with a dead body by bringing it to a body farm?"
"Iffen you say so, Judge."
"And you all agree with this.... account?" the Judge demanded, glaring down at the other members of the gang.
"Yes, yer honor!"

Leaning back with a sigh, the judge glanced over at the ADA. "There's no evidence they did anything more than transport a dead body to the body farm?"
"No, not at this time...."
"Two hundred hours community service for interfering with a dead body, the DA's office is free to file charges if and when they have the evidence to bring this to trial."
"Thanks, Judge," Toothpick smirked, then leaned over to Mongo. "Psst! What's dis 'community service'?"

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Re: Miscellanea's Misbegotten Daughter (c)

Post by PharaohAtem » 07 Apr 2018, 23:06

I thought that first one was pretty funny it brought a smile to my face. The last one made me laugh as well. Nice little stories there.


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Re: Miscellanea's Misbegotten Daughter (c)

Post by Expendable » 26 Jul 2018, 00:48


Name: Ïvêrrí Ólfwë-Ídèrrä

Age: 40 (Young Adult)

Race: Wild Elf

Affiliation (if applicable): Independent

Description: This lady makes you think of a dangerous bird of prey. She has almond-shaped silver-colored eyes. Her fine, curly, charcoal-colored hair is worn in a severe, simple style. She is short and has a lean build. Her skin is ruddy. She has knobby pointed ears and full lips. Black makeup covers her forehead down to her cheek bones. A cressant-shaped moonstone on a black leather band is tied across her forehead.

Her normal clothes are fringed tanned buckskin leggings and tunic, reinforced with blackened goblin bones - a goblin skull caps her right shoulder like a pauldron. A stout leather belt holds up her black loincloth. A small bag hangs off her left hip, and an animated shrunken goblin head hangs off her right.

Weapon(s): She carries two blades - one long kukri blade, and a shorter skinning knife. A laminated compound bow and a quivver of arrows.

Abilities: Elvish Magi of the Ùnålæ Line, sometimes translated as "Moon Maiden", which gave rise to a popular misconception that their powers wax and wane with the phases of the Moon. In actuality, Ùnålæ was the Magi who wrote the spell book that is copied by each apprentice and so started the line. Only a handful of spells are affected by the lunar phase.

History: Born in the northern wastes, Ïvêrrí lived with the Anraad tribe, nomadic elves. They would winter in sheltered valleys with their flocks, migrate to warmer pastures in the spring, fight the Goblin raiders, then in the fall they would join with the other tribes in the area for their Autumn Gathering before returning to their valleys for the long Northern winters.

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Re: Miscellanea's Misbegotten Daughter (c)

Post by Aeri » 26 Jul 2018, 10:51

Are you gonna join the multiverse in Roleplay Nation?

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Re: Miscellanea's Misbegotten Daughter (c)

Post by Expendable » 26 Jul 2018, 14:16

Considering it, yup. Half the fun is her conversing with the shrunken goblin head, although usually she has six. Figured one was enough for this trip.

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