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Werewolf Game (Signups Closed)

Posted: 18 Apr 2020, 20:35
by Tanya
●●● WereWolf Game ●●●

What The Game Is:
The Werewolf Game takes place in a village where a small group of werewolves are secretly posing as villagers. During the night, this ban of werewolves claims a poor innocent villager as their meal. During the day, the villagers are horror-ridden with what has happened and quickly become suspicious of one another. Each villager is allowed to vote who they think the werewolf is. Whoever has the highest number of votes against them is then "lynched" and killed off by the villagers. The kicker is because wolves are disguised as villagers in the day, they too are allowed to vote. Watching how villagers vote could offer clues as to their identities! Day and Night phases continue to alternate in this manner until all the wolves are killed by the villagers, or the wolves outnumber the villagers in a way which is obvious that the villagers cannot win.

Rules & How To Play:

  • There is usually (1) Wolf per every (4) Villagers. In a game of (16), there will be (4) wolves.
  • Wolves will know who one another are and thus communicate via PM or Skype which (1) Villager they chose to eat in the night phase.
  • Once the wolves decide, they will PM the Game Host their victim, which will be revealed in the game by the host.
  • Villagers will not know who the wolves are. Villagers must vote in the game thread ONLY. Outside collaboration is not allowed.
  • Once a villager or wolf is killed they can no longer vote in the game, but they are allowed to interact as "ghosts".
  • Insta-Lynched: In a day phase, if a villager receives at least 51% of the votes (eg: there are 11 players and 6 votes against the same person) Insta-lynch is invoked and that person is automatically lynched.
  • You may change your vote as many times as you like until day phase concludes or insta-lynch is invoked.
  • If a villager misses/does not vote in 2 consecutive day phases, he/she is insta-lynched for inactivity by the game host. All other votes are rendered moot.
  • Wolves have up to 48 hours to send the game host their victim. Failure to do so will result in no one being eaten in the night phase.
  • As long as at least (1) Wolf communicates the kill to the game host, the wolves will not forfeit their night phase if not all the wolves are present to agree on the victim within the time allotted (eg: if only 2 of the 4 wolves have agreed and time is almost up, those 2 can go ahead and PM the game host the wolfs kill..or whichever wolf/wolves are active at the time).

Game Players:
Every person who signs up to play is PM'd a role by the game host. The roles are assigned randomly. Those roles are as follows:

Every new "day" in the game, the villagers vote to hang the person they think is a werewolf. The werewolves also participate in the voting process of the game and are treated as villagers during the day. The person who is lynched may not participate in any further voting.

Every "night" in the game, the werewolves choose someone to kill in secret by PM’ing the victim’s name to the game host. There is usually more than one werewolf in a game so it is the job of the team to come to a consensus and choose one villager to kill per night phase.

Every night (after the villagers' vote) the seer may try to discover whether another player is the werewolf or not by sending the game mod a PM with the player's name. The game mod will confirm or deny the suspicion. The seer may reveal his/her role to the village in hopes of lynching a wolf, but in turn, risks their own life as the wolves are sure to eat them the next night phase. If the seer wishes to remain anonymous, he or she may try to get other villagers to go along with who they are voting for. This too can be deceptive as anyone can try this trick. If the wolves eat the seer, the seer can no longer assist the villagers in who the wolves are.

Every night the guardian may PM the game mod a member’s name to save from the clutches of the werewolves. Only will a guardian successfully save a villager if the member chosen to save was also targeted that same night by the werewolves. The guardian does not know who the wolves are.

One night during the game the vigilante can PM the game mod with a member’s name to kill in hopes it will be a werewolf. The vigilante only gets one shot, so best to make it count!

Master Wolf
The master wolf is "invisible" to the seer. For this example, we will say Thederus is the master wolf. At the beginning of the night phase, the seer may PM the game mod with the name "Thederus" and the game mod may respond with: "Green" or "villager." However, if the village chooses to lynch Thederus, his name will show up in red to indicate he was a werewolf this whole time!


  • For a vote to count, villagers must put their vote in the following tag: [ vote ] Name Here [ /vote ] (do not include the spaces).
  • The name will appear like this: Name Here and will be counted by the game host.

Werewolf Signups

Posted: 18 Apr 2020, 20:35
by Tanya
Game Host: Lord Myne

Players 10 to 20 required

Sign Ups:

@Pirate TimeLord

Re: Werewolf Signups

Posted: 18 Apr 2020, 20:37
by Tanya
We'll start once we either have the max number of players (20) or on May 1st if we have at least 10 players. If we don't have the minimum amount needed by May 1st, then we'll start once we do.

We have 4 players

Werewolf Signups

Posted: 18 Apr 2020, 20:49
by Arya
@Master of Vvardenfel

Re: Werewolf Signups

Posted: 18 Apr 2020, 21:10
by LikkleMel
Yes :D Sign me up! Thanks for the mention :)

Werewolf Signups

Posted: 12 May 2020, 22:09
by Tanya
Mass mention will come up soon.

After all I intended to start this sooner. I was considering doing it earlier but since the new board was coming I postponed it. But were here now, so time for a mass mention.

Werewolf Signups

Posted: 13 May 2020, 00:57
by LikkleMel
Yeet yep I wanna join :)

Werewolf Signups

Posted: 13 May 2020, 16:07
by PharaohAtem
I'll join as well if you need more people.

Werewolf Signups

Posted: 17 May 2020, 22:51
by Tanya
@Naughty Kitty
@purple dragon
@Lord Myne
@Akane Mayu
@Pirate TimeLord
@Nishizono Shinji
@Morning Rose
@Yamada Zero
@Poetic Screamer
@Master of Vvardenfel
@Overlord Kujo
@Leo Mark Radomir
@sacred dragon

Werewolf Signups

Posted: 17 May 2020, 23:09
by Tanya
PharaohAtem wrote:
13 May 2020, 16:07
I'll join as well if you need more people.
Thanks Atem, if I get nine signups and ending up needing a 10th to launch the game I'll add you, otherwise I won't. Much appreciated. Hopefully we'll get enough players.

Werewolf Signups

Posted: 22 May 2020, 12:30
by Jas
Oh hey sign me up

Werewolf Signups

Posted: 25 May 2020, 19:47
by Tanya
Moved this to CL as it's going no where in CN.

Besides this section is this Werewolf's home.

I think others didn't know this is game might of assumed it was clan.


Werewolf Signups

Posted: 25 May 2020, 19:49
by Jas
Good call.

Werewolf Signups

Posted: 25 May 2020, 20:37
by Jas
Just a few friendly mentions. Trying to remember some of our big sheets from before.

@GraceMellody @graciettie @unoduetre @Sphere

Mention anyone else you think would be interested!

Werewolf Signups

Posted: 25 May 2020, 20:45
by Citizen

You interested bro?