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Should communal male/female showers in schools be banned?

Posted: 06 Apr 2024, 14:06
by Rich-Allen1976
I personally think they should, how about you lot?

I've always hated showers in general, probably stemming from the fact I once got locked in the shower room at school, so they had to send for the Fire Brigade to get me out! 
This comes from a recent post on Reddit.

Should communal male/female showers in schools be banned?

Posted: 06 Apr 2024, 22:00
by Beerkeg
Didn't even know that was a thing in schools... I guess as long as there is a segregated option it's fine. Maybe also depends on what age group we're talking here. If we had that back in my day I don't think we would have really cared. School shower time was kind of a drag anyway since we never had enough time.

Should communal male/female showers in schools be banned?

Posted: 10 Apr 2024, 22:49
by Ojisama
Are we talking a complete banning of showering after PE/Sports, or separate lockable cubicles?

Scratch that! No school is going to have the space to provide 15 - 20 separate shower cubicles large enough for cleaning, drying and changing for both Male and Female students. (30 - 40 in total) or have the budget to supply the huge quantity of hot water required.

So the options shower or not to shower?

Should communal male/female showers in schools be banned?

Posted: 11 Apr 2024, 17:18
by Beerkeg
Oh I completely blanked out and thought the question was co-ed showers. Communal showers? Yeah, thats been completely fine and still is, theres no issues with communal showers. I mean like gyms and swimming pools have communal showers, I don't get what the problem would be. And they're not the 2 hour long showers you take at home cause you just want a cozy place to be, they're a quick in and out, rinse the sweat off and get to class and don't reek for the rest of the day. I think private shower cubicles would make people spend far too much time there and the extra staff hours that would go into cleaning them just makes no sense.

Should communal male/female showers in schools be banned?

Posted: 11 Apr 2024, 20:09
by Rich-Allen1976
Ojisama wrote:
10 Apr 2024, 22:49
Are we talking a complete banning of showering after PE/Sports, or separate lockable cubicles?

Scratch that! No school is going to have the space to provide 15 - 20 separate shower cubicles large enough for cleaning, drying and changing for both Male and Female students. (30 - 40 in total) or have the budget to supply the huge quantity of hot water required.

So the options shower or not to shower?

Remember the scene in Kes back in the late 60s where the games teacher made Billy have a cold shower? 57 years later that would be HIGHLY illegal.

I take your point that schools don't have the resources, namely money, to provide full hot showers for everyone, but that's on the government IMO.

Should communal male/female showers in schools be banned?

Posted: 12 Apr 2024, 06:38
by Beerkeg
Honestly, I'd rather have the extra funding go to the teachers. Those strange drones that mumble in code could do with a bit of motivation if they're going to attempt to guide children to being less dreadful.

Should communal male/female showers in schools be banned?

Posted: 16 Apr 2024, 21:31
by LikkleMel
I agree with having gender-neutral bathrooms in some areas. I know most unis have these, but there still needs to be separate space especially in schools as both girls and boys are developing and some are more confident than others. As someone who was natural large in the chest area at 13 while my friends were more flat, it was still really hard for me to even get changed in the changing rooms for PE cause I wasn't like the others so I'd go to the cubicles to get changed.