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Describe yourself in 3 words

Posted: 01 Mar 2015, 23:28
by Onizukaftw
Hey all, it's in the title! If you had to limit describing yourself in only 3 words! What would it be??

Mine would be empathic, patient and cautious.

Your turn :)

Re: Describe yourself in 3 words

Posted: 01 Mar 2015, 23:30
by Sinister Minister
Indecisive, talkative, knowledgeable

Re: Describe yourself in 3 words

Posted: 02 Mar 2015, 01:22
by radical ed
witty, anxious, artistic

Re: Describe yourself in 3 words

Posted: 02 Mar 2015, 03:18
by Saints Flow
A goddamn wreck.

Re: Describe yourself in 3 words

Posted: 02 Mar 2015, 04:01
by Kung Bore
Aloof, impulsive, and stubborn.

Re: Describe yourself in 3 words

Posted: 02 Mar 2015, 04:04
by Morning Rose
Loving, playful, anxious

Re: Describe yourself in 3 words

Posted: 02 Mar 2015, 07:31
by gpersie
Reliable,honest and sensitive

Re: Describe yourself in 3 words

Posted: 02 Mar 2015, 08:52
by Yohane
Awkward, impulsive and empathetic.

It's a weird combination and doesn't really make a dent on who I am as a person, but it's the best I can do at short notice. ;P

Re: Describe yourself in 3 words

Posted: 02 Mar 2015, 14:36
by Morning Rose
Ahri wrote:Awkward, impulsive and empathetic.

It's a weird combination and doesn't really make a dent on who I am as a person, but it's the best I can do at short notice. ;P

Other words I could have picked would have been pretty similar to loving (like caring), so I just settled for loving. Another prominent trait of mine is that I am playful, so I settled for saying that, and I decided to put something negative in for the last word because I think it's important to provide a more rounded picture. There were some entirely different words I could have used for something positive, like loyal or empathetic, or I could have used something else negative like depressive instead of anxious, but I thought that the three I picked provided a wide enough range.

Anyhow, the point I was trying to make is that settling for what you or what others think most often about you (preferably a combination of the two) is probably the best way to pick three words because yeah, it is hard to entirely sum up a person in three words, x.x . Trying to give a good spread, etc.

Re: Describe yourself in 3 words

Posted: 02 Mar 2015, 16:23
by Coquette
Anxious, indecisive, stubborn and now that I think about it, none of those words feel very positive.

Re: Describe yourself in 3 words

Posted: 02 Mar 2015, 19:07
by Riggy_3.0
Relaxed, Friendly and Sarcastic =D

Re: Describe yourself in 3 words

Posted: 03 Mar 2015, 15:47
by Morning Rose
Coquette wrote:Anxious, indecisive, stubborn and now that I think about it, none of those words feel very positive.

*gives you a big, warm and loving hug*

I'm sure that you have good qualities!

Re: Describe yourself in 3 words

Posted: 03 Mar 2015, 16:56
by Tuffin
Blunt, Mercurial, Loyal
I can be a pain in the ass to deal with if you don't know me but it's all done and said with good intentions.

Re: Describe yourself in 3 words

Posted: 03 Mar 2015, 17:02
by duzmiu
relaxed, quiet and honest

i tend to be rather quiet but if im bored im usually the loudest and most annoying, its great at work but my managers disagree hehe

Re: Describe yourself in 3 words

Posted: 03 Mar 2015, 17:07
by Deadman
Stubborn, Hyper, empathetic