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What your plans for today

Posted: 06 Oct 2023, 21:58
by TheRedWarrior
I did my washing and visited my sister.

Tomorrow I have a wonderful 10 hour shift and then more anime when I get home.

Either Bleach or Monster.

What your plans for today

Posted: 06 Oct 2023, 22:02
by LikkleMel
waiting for mike to get off the phone so we can continue our civ game

What your plans for today

Posted: 06 Oct 2023, 22:17
by Ojisama
Visits to family, and then it's time to get my costume out ready for Sunday.

What your plans for today

Posted: 07 Oct 2023, 08:00
by Rich-Allen1976
Collecting a new phone handset (landline) from Sainsburys on the High St this morning, returning the wrongly boxed game to CEX, and going for a coffee in Cavells and possibly lunch.

Is it just me or is CEX staffed by incompetent eejits who don't know what they're doing?

What your plans for today

Posted: 07 Oct 2023, 09:46
by LilMissLarBear
I have 2 uni tutorials today, I need to email one of my tutors just to introduce myself I guess then I might go out for lunch after my first tutorial and back in time for the second one. Will probably watch Strictly Come Dancing tonight too

Just as I was typing this my first one finished very early so I have time to get ready and have some down time before heading out to grab lunch :dance:

What your plans for today

Posted: 07 Oct 2023, 11:29
by Rich-Allen1976
We've just got back from Town, rumour has it the Owls are at Home in a bit, so I curtailed my original plan to hit GAME to sell some old games.

Because CE bloody X are staffed by complete idiots.

What your plans for today

Posted: 07 Oct 2023, 13:28
by lolin
gonna try to put away a box of stuff... do a drawing... not sure what else, maybe cook dinner?

What your plans for today

Posted: 07 Oct 2023, 13:34
by UnmeiNoTenshi
About to go for a walk while I wait for some paint to dry (see topic in arts/cosplay section)

What your plans for today

Posted: 07 Oct 2023, 17:47
by Ojisama
richardallen1976 wrote:
07 Oct 2023, 11:29
Because CE bloody X are staffed by complete idiots.

I've never had any problems with CEX staff.

Been getting Halloween stuff out ready for putting out after the Con tomorrow.

What your plans for today

Posted: 07 Oct 2023, 19:42
by TheRedWarrior
So I'm watching Spider Man Far From Home

What your plans for today

Posted: 18 Oct 2023, 23:07
by Ojisama
I'd like to say "something really interesting," but unfortunately not. Just another day of Dad's Taxi Service.

What your plans for today

Posted: 19 Oct 2023, 14:02
by lolin
i gotta unpack at least ONE BOX

also draw some more, this morning's sketches were fun but i crave more

What your plans for today

Posted: 19 Oct 2023, 14:08
by Rich-Allen1976
Play some Xbox, try and get some achievements.

Possibly go back to the Flat for tea.

As I'm expecting some deliveries from FedEx.

What your plans for today

Posted: 20 Oct 2023, 08:01
by Rich-Allen1976
Well FedEx messed up yesterday, fortunately the delivery is arriving today.

What your plans for today

Posted: 20 Oct 2023, 09:23
by Rich-Allen1976
I could do with popping across to t' Tesco for a spot of shopping, but it's raining all day and I don't have a heavy enough raincoat.

However, I don't need enough to warrant spending money on shopping online.