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Posted: 08 Jun 2021, 17:26
by Nishizono Shinji

Where to start with Warframe... A game that was initially launched on PC in 2013 by a small team of developers who were on the brink of bankruptcy and decided to go all in on a concept they'd been pitching to publishers for years. For the team that brought you Unreal Tournament, It was a hail mary, one last attempt to bring to life a vision that once was called too ambitious, too grandiose. They attempted to get publishers on board but to no avail, the only thing that came from their efforts was the stripped down lacklustre Dark Sector.
Now in 2021 it's one of the most popular free to play games on the market, available on all platforms (Xbox 1|X|S, PlayStation 4|5, PC & Switch).

But what is Warframe? As mentioned Warframe is a F2P game but when it comes to genre its hard to encapsulate into any one category, essentially its a 3rd person-action-mmo/co-op-space ninja-lootershooter (I think that covers it lol). Above all else its just A LOT of fun, it has a unique and amazingly fluid combat and movement system with several different procedural map based missions making up much of the core gameplay, alongside some very beautiful open world elements. There are literally hundreds of different weapons and dozens of characters or "Frames" all of which can be modified to suite every style of gameplay you'd wish to try. There is a steep but short learning curve, it takes a moment to figure things out as there is very little hand holding for new players, but the playerbase is so friendly and helpful it wont be long until your in the swing of things.

Being an F2P there is of course a premium currency which you can use to buy skins and weapons etc. However, you don't have to actually pay real money if you don't want to, it is very easy to farm items and sell them for premium currency, failing that if you don't mind a little grind absolutely everything that can be bought with the premium can be attained through gameplay. 

Its also enjoys what is in my opinion, one of the best gaming communities. The developers are very hands on and interactive, seemingly consulting the player base on every major decision and update. There is "Tennogen" which are artworks and skins made by players and added to the game and TennoCon the annual Warframe convention where thousands of fans meet up every year.

If you've never played Warframe I highly suggest you check it out. If youve played before i still think you should give it another shot as there have been some major changes and updates over the past few years that even an old hand will find plenty new to discover and enjoy.


Posted: 15 Sep 2021, 14:46
by GraceMellody
Never actually played it! Anyone here play?


Posted: 22 Sep 2021, 22:31
by Oni
I play Warframe a lot I was MR 18 on Xbox but I've now moved to pc which i'am currently MR 6. it is a very grind heavy game however.


Posted: 28 Jan 2022, 17:59
by Nishizono Shinji
Leixrov wrote:
22 Sep 2021, 22:31
I play Warframe a lot I was MR 18 on Xbox but I've now moved to pc which i'am currently MR 6. it is a very grind heavy game however.
Yea the grind is real. I'm MR 26 and finding it difficult to go higher as most of the weapons I need are vaulted lol