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Posted: 10 Feb 2021, 01:01
by Vypernk

Genre: Survival / Action / Adventure / Sandbox / Crafting

Early Access Release Date: Feb 2nd / 2021

Developer: Iron Gate

Platforms: PC ;

Description (straight from STEAM):

A brutal exploration and survival game for 1-10 players, set in a procedurally-generated purgatory inspired by viking culture. Battle, build, and conquer your way to a saga worthy of Odin’s patronage!



Posted: 14 Feb 2021, 00:29
by Nishizono Shinji
Seen a few articles about this, looks very interesting.


Posted: 16 Feb 2021, 02:51
by GraceMellody
Just been checking this out, anyone here played it?


Posted: 17 Feb 2021, 00:04
by LilMissLarBear
My dad keeps bugging me to buy it because he is playing it XD will probably get it sooner rather than later otherwise I wouldnt be hearing the end of it :lol:


Posted: 17 Feb 2021, 04:24
by Vypernk
It's pretty good...

So far I've only been playing with a friend. I'm trying to keep my "gaming" short... Otherwise I get bored easily nowadays, plus I've been focusing on drawing / piano (besides work, of course).

But yeah, it's pretty good!

We're at the "iron stage" already, pretty much.

But the game is pretty insane, it starts off soft, you just kill some fkn "greydwarves" and "greylings", but after day 10... 15... depending on where your house is, the game just rocks it to 12th gear.

I was minding my own business and a God damn troll, the size of my fckn screen I shit you not, came along with a couple of greydwarves to wreck my base.

But yeah it's pretty cool... The combat and exploration aspects are pretty cool.
In my opinion they gotta work the "crafting / base building " aspect. But so far, it's pretty good. Also, when you summon a boss, a metal soundtrack starts shredding in the background, \m/


Posted: 17 Feb 2021, 17:47
by GraceMellody
It sounds fun!! I’m definitely gonna have to give it a look at


Posted: 19 Feb 2021, 20:27
by Nishizono Shinji
Gunna get this next payday it's early access but looks pretty polished already


Posted: 21 Feb 2021, 03:38
by Vypernk
It is very polished.
To be honest I haven't experienced a single bug in the game. As i've said I'm kinda of taking a break from gaming, just focusing on other stuff.... but just to "give it an idea" of how much I've played it back on release, it went "live" on Steam on Feb 2nd. I began playing it on Feb. 3rd.
By feb. 5th, 6th... I had around 40h of gameplay lol... Anyway, haven't experienced any bugs / glitches, etc.

In my opinion, it's pretty good... and a lot of people criticized how AAA Studios release unpolished shit with insane price tags, etc...


Posted: 21 Feb 2021, 10:58
by Odins_Curse_87
Ive been enjoying this, it may be early access but for an early access game its great. I mostly play on my own but every now and then il get into a group with some friends and have an evening in Valheim. Havent had a troll visit my base yet but im sure that will happen and ill be panicking lol . :)


Posted: 21 Feb 2021, 21:00
by GraceMellody
Vypernk wrote:
21 Feb 2021, 03:38
It is very polished.
To be honest I haven't experienced a single bug in the game. As i've said I'm kinda of taking a break from gaming, just focusing on other stuff.... but just to "give it an idea" of how much I've played it back on release, it went "live" on Steam on Feb 2nd. I began playing it on Feb. 3rd.
By feb. 5th, 6th... I had around 40h of gameplay lol... Anyway, haven't experienced any bugs / glitches, etc.

In my opinion, it's pretty good... and a lot of people criticized how AAA Studios release unpolished shit with insane price tags, etc...
Odins_Curse_87 wrote:
21 Feb 2021, 10:58
Ive been enjoying this, it may be early access but for an early access game its great. I mostly play on my own but every now and then il get into a group with some friends and have an evening in Valheim. Havent had a troll visit my base yet but im sure that will happen and ill be panicking lol . :)
It's really nice to hear about an early access game that's so polished! Hopefully other studios will take note, lol


Posted: 22 Feb 2021, 16:28
by Nishizono Shinji
It's a growing trend. Indie Devs putting multi million dollar AAA teams to shame, and I'm all for it the more it happens the more pressure it puts on major publishers to allow devs to take more time to release a better product.

Valheim has sold 3 million copies in 3 weeks. Absolutely outstanding 👌🏾


Posted: 25 Feb 2021, 05:36
by Nishizono Shinji
Now four million. This is actually quite crazy 😃

"Valheim - Four Million Vikings! - Steam News" ... 4611894475


Posted: 01 Mar 2021, 18:30
by GraceMellody
Damn, I knew it was popular but wot


Posted: 03 Mar 2021, 21:13
by Odins_Curse_87


Posted: 06 Mar 2021, 19:05
by Nishizono Shinji
Definitely getting this game on payday, seen so much great press about the Devs and nothing but positive reviews and comments.