Backseat Gamer.

Discuss anything relating to Video Gaming, Tabletop Gaming, Card Games even Roleplaying.

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Backseat Gamer.

Post by Sdbillustrations » 02 Jul 2020, 08:48

Every now and then I play through a game with my brother in law. They are all games he has already completed and he enjoys seeing my reaction to the games... especially my reaction to the scary games :haha:

In the past he's seen me play through resident evil vii, until dawn, Detroit become human, last of us etc.

I do enjoy these experiences but I'm not a fan of choice-based games etc, and my brother will be quick to let me know when i didn't play the game right etc.

Although sometimes i can get annoyed being told how to play a game and sometimes actually find the game stressful when i don't play it right and get told i messed up, at the same time I'm grateful as alot of these games i probably wouldn't have had bothered with missed out on the fun memories we have playing them.

I'm both looking forward to and slightly dreading playing horror games last of us 2, resident evil 2 & 3 with him once the lockdown loosens up more. :D

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Backseat Gamer.

Post by Buta » 03 Jul 2020, 21:34

I can find backseat gamers annoying I think but I don't think I come across them much. Unsolicited advice or opinions can be a bit much at times but they only tend to pop up when the other person is taking things too personally/are an entitled gamer.
~ Chaosymphonia's Adopted Big Sister ~

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