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Re: Video Game (VG) Lounge

Post by Ryuuko » 02 Nov 2016, 15:33

Ferefire wrote:Final Fantasy VII is where it's at for me. I'll be getting that xD

This is actually the one game I'm looking most forward to getting, but sadly there is still over a year to wait. It looks like it is going to be amazing though.

It's the second to last final fantasy game, I actually finished playing all the way through. The others, well some, I never played, others I just started, and some I quit just before I finished them.

FF8 was the last one I finished, which I did find to be fun, but restoring magic it was pain. I'm glad that idea was dropped.

Edit: Sadly I haven't played any games as of late. The last game, I played, was Valkyrie Chronicles. But I did get the Platinum trophy. Only because it is a really fun game. I'll go back and play it again at some point.

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Re: Video Game (VG) Lounge

Post by Chlobo » 18 Nov 2016, 01:57

Found some nice little goodies at my local retro shop. ^_^

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Re: Video Game (VG) Lounge

Post by YukiChan » 23 Nov 2016, 08:22

Chlobo wrote:Found some nice little goodies at my local retro shop. ^_^

what did you get o:

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Re: Video Game (VG) Lounge

Post by TrainerN » 05 Dec 2016, 17:59

The worst thing about gaming is the advancements in technology. Dont get me wrong I love it getting more realistic however remember when we were all years younger and things like Ocarina of Time / Tomb Raider / GTA3 etc all looked super realistic and now we look back at them and its all blocky and disappointing.
I mean look at the new skyrim, it looks exactly the same to me even though there are obvious graphic updates.
But hey thats my opinion.

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Re: Video Game (VG) Lounge

Post by Lilblossomcub » 05 Dec 2016, 18:07

TrainerN wrote:The worst thing about gaming is the advancements in technology. Dont get me wrong I love it getting more realistic however remember when we were all years younger and things like Ocarina of Time / Tomb Raider / GTA3 etc all looked super realistic and now we look back at them and its all blocky and disappointing.
I mean look at the new skyrim, it looks exactly the same to me even though there are obvious graphic updates.
But hey thats my opinion.

I love the newer versions but some games I just can't play too long anymore. The camera motion sensoring gets me motion sick on some games. Cause of either the graphics or how I'm moving in the game the picture changes too much.

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Re: Video Game (VG) Lounge

Post by MyVisionIsDying » 05 Dec 2016, 18:10

TrainerN wrote:The worst thing about gaming is the advancements in technology. Dont get me wrong I love it getting more realistic however remember when we were all years younger and things like Ocarina of Time / Tomb Raider / GTA3 etc all looked super realistic and now we look back at them and its all blocky and disappointing.
I mean look at the new skyrim, it looks exactly the same to me even though there are obvious graphic updates.
But hey thats my opinion.

I completely agree!
I think we're beginning to rely on a game's graphics for how good it is instead of the gameplay/plot etc. I can try and compare The Sims 3 to The Sims 4 because I've seen people complain about The Sims 4 in terms of the graphics and such while overlooking how the gameplay's been improved because it shows that gamers look out for visual appeal more so than the other factors. I mean, I have a friend who tried to persuade myself and my best friend to buy a PS4 not only so we could all play together but because it's got "good graphics" for games or something along those lines. Eh, I can't make sense of it at the moment but this is pretty relatable.
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Re: Video Game (VG) Lounge

Post by YukiChan » 27 Dec 2016, 06:53

So the steam sale has drawn me in x__x I was considering buying Dishonored or ARK, anyone know what they are like?

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Re: Video Game (VG) Lounge

Post by King Jimmeh » 27 Dec 2016, 09:20

Dishonoured is meant to be very good (if slightly buggy, it is Bethesda after all). Basically first-person stealth action with swords and various magical powers.

ARK I don't really know much about.

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Re: Video Game (VG) Lounge

Post by ShadowONeill » 27 Dec 2016, 11:36

MyVisionIsDying wrote:I completely agree!
I think we're beginning to rely on a game's graphics for how good it is instead of the gameplay/plot etc. I can try and compare The Sims 3 to The Sims 4 because I've seen people complain about The Sims 4 in terms of the graphics and such while overlooking how the gameplay's been improved because it shows that gamers look out for visual appeal more so than the other factors. I mean, I have a friend who tried to persuade myself and my best friend to buy a PS4 not only so we could all play together but because it's got "good graphics" for games or something along those lines. Eh, I can't make sense of it at the moment but this is pretty relatable.

Sadly I think every game developer has been depending a bit too much on flashy graphics to get their games to sell rather than some unique/innovative game controls, engines, mechanics, and an actual story. I think they're starting to learn their lesson with it, but there's still a reason why I don't wanna bother forking over a month's worth of rent for a system that I'm barely gonna bother playing. Destiny is probably the worst offender of this: great gameplay and online experience (of a sort), but its storyline was little to nothing. Cade-6 was probably the only interesting NPC out of the entire game because he actually had a personality.
And yeah, most gamers aren't exactly helping the matter, since they're more concerned about 1080p, ultra-high quality graphics, and all that nonsense. Though I can't really help but think those are mostly these snot-nosed, self-entitled, whiny little millennial bastards that want everything handed over to them (and I'm being fairly mild about my true feelings about them for the sake of sounding fairly reasonable). It's really devolving back to the 80's movie mentality of compensating big explosions and thrilling action over character development and plot: among other things. Now it's not to say most games these days have crap stories, but they're sadly few and far between. It's pretty much the equivalent of someone wanting to date or having a crush on someone simply based on their looks. As the old adage goes: beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

All in all, I'd much prefer playing older games that have a good balance of story and 'sub-par' graphics rather than this flashy malarkey going on. And yeah, I'm sure I made myself look like some hipster gamer asshat, so feel free to poke fun at me for that. xD

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Re: Video Game (VG) Lounge

Post by PharaohAtem » 27 Dec 2016, 21:27

So what kind of older games do you like which i mean played or wanted to play but never did?


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Re: Video Game (VG) Lounge

Post by King Jimmeh » 27 Dec 2016, 21:40

Ahh, the "good old days of gaming" when the matter of the day was how many coins can we get the kids to feed into the arcade machine.

Even in the hey day of the PS1 and PS2 the stories of most games were still pretty mediocre, and I say that as someone who loved those eras. Yes, a lot of AAA games are sacrificing a focus on story to instead push graphics, but its not like the stories are drastically worse than 10 years ago. Compare the 2 modern Tomb Raiders to the original trilogy, I'd bet the story and characters are better in the newer ones even if they are still somewhat derivative. Plus games now are becoming a lot more competent at environmental storytelling.

I wonder if people who grew up on the Atari and Commodore 64 were hating on the PS1 and N64 kids with their multi-taps and memory cards and analog controls and 3D polygons ruining the 2D purity :roll:

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Re: Video Game (VG) Lounge

Post by Ryuuko » 27 Dec 2016, 21:54

And you forget to mention the Pinball Machines.

They definitely hated Atari and Nintendo for their games.

The problem is how advance Technology is. It's lot more difficult to tell an engaging story when everything is no longer left to our imaginations. More writing and storytelling goes in games than ever before. A quality lost is the fact most games were written by one author because telling a game story was in ways simpler than writing a novel. Graphics and gameplay helped fill in the gaps, our imagination the rest. Now lots of writers have to get together and write for a game. Sometimes they do a great job coordinating those writers to make a cohesive game. The story is good, the graphics are good, all of it is.

That said, I prefer a good story over good graphics. Good mechanics are a must though, without that, I just won't play the game at all even if the story is good. But the problem might be in games today not the graphics but all the extras added to them. It seems like a lot of them has nothing to do with the game, and actually takes away from them. I believe those extras are turns most games into garbage because they essentially ruin the story because they have nothing to do with it.

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Re: Video Game (VG) Lounge

Post by PharaohAtem » 27 Dec 2016, 21:55

I grew up with an atari before anything else since my stepfather grew up in that age and I loved that thing to death. The old packman and mrs packman on those systems were far better then the newer packman there more into graphics then the real levels and fun of game playing. Though mario I won't attack since ninteno I grew up upon and I"m still a huge mario fan and golden coins is fun, but damn bowzer i can't beat him yet figures

I miss old pinball machines my moms work had them as I was groing up so we went in the arcade and played many a game.


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Re: Video Game (VG) Lounge

Post by King Jimmeh » 27 Dec 2016, 22:20

I'd simply argue that video game writing and narratives have always been fairly mediocre and aren't really any worse now than in the past. New graphics and mechanics have always been the order of the day even in strong narrative games ala The Last of Us or Mass Effect. If anything, with the rise of the indie scene, we're getting homages to classic gameplay that is now adding in better use of environmental storytelling with the likes of Bastion, Limbo, Inside and others.

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Re: Video Game (VG) Lounge

Post by Ryuuko » 28 Dec 2016, 18:58

I disagree, there have been some great written narratives and stories for video games. Mediocre they were not.

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