Do you have to moderate your manga purchases?

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Do you have to moderate your manga purchases?

Post by Jongriffin » 01 Mar 2022, 02:25

I've learned that it's very easy for me to get hooked on another story. There is just so much good manga being written. I have had to focus on just four series for the time being; Claymore, Witch Hat Atelier, Children of the Whales, and One Piece. While I was at the bookstore today, I had to tell myself not to peruse the pages of another manga, in case I like it and buy it. I even limit myself. I've decided only to buy certain story arcs of One Piece. So much manga, so little funds. Anyone else have this problem? 

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Do you have to moderate your manga purchases?

Post by Momogari » 01 Mar 2022, 02:51

For me it's light novels.

Just because I can afford it, doesn't mean I should.

I don't care so much if I get physical books, but my behavior that annoys me is when I get hooked on a story and just buy ebook after ebook just to keep reading it. I try not to, but I spend so much more money on ebook light novels than I do to watch anime. I pay for four subscriptions to services that stream anime and it's still cheaper than what I spend on LNs on average per month just because every so often I find one goddamn story I can't put down and drop $100+ on the ebooks instead of either just waiting for the anime, spending a little more to at least have a physical copy for when the ebook service I buy them from goes under, or just giving up and ignoring it, because I also have kindle unlimited so there are plenty of things I can read for my low monthly cost so I don't need that particular series for that much money for an ephemeral token of transient entertainment. Why do I do this.

Honestly when I see a series I might like I stop looking at it if I realize I'd have to buy it. Safer to not read the synopsis, then I won't know what I'm missing.
I suppose that's not moderation, that's just being aware of my complete lack of impulse control.
Last one was So I'm a Spider, So What?
I held off for quite a while. I read the first one and said I'd stop there.
Now I "own" 13 ebooks of it instead of $117 I could have spent on tacos or some shit. That's 39 tacos yo. That's 10 meals.
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Do you have to moderate your manga purchases?

Post by Ojisama » 01 Mar 2022, 14:24

Tell me about it!

I was distraught when Tokypop pulled out of Europe. I used to get their series from discount bookshops and second hand shops, sometimes for £1 a copy. Now it's really difficult to get cheap manga. I have to choose between anime DVDs and manga copies.
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