No more tears shall drop from your cheeks anymore (Angelic Prime)

Where you can keep a diary of your life. Only one topic per member, please!

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Angelic Prime
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No more tears shall drop from your cheeks anymore (Angelic Prime)

Post by Angelic Prime » 05 Oct 2021, 20:31

So... Been a while hasn't it?

I've been umming and arring about writing this ever since i logged back into this account, i can; even remember the last time i had a journal, let alone fill it with anything even remotely meaningful.

for starters lets get the basics out of the way, I'm Prime, I've been a member here for a long time, almost 10 years, in that time ive been the head mod of video gaming. gaming, its my passion, i loved doing it but I'm glad to see its in great hands with Grace.

So for anyone who knows me, you may want to get comfy and get a coffee, because, boy I've been on a wild ride these last few years.

As anyone who knows me should know, i was a web developer starting in 2014 for a small company, i started there as an apprentice, doing my level 2 (GCSE C-A* equivalent) and Level 3 (A level) in Computer Science, i aced them, distinctions for every module. but i could tell the employer wasen't pleased with me, and clearly didnt like me, he was always dismissive of my achievements, including accusing me of cheating to get 100% in the module he hand selected me to do.

our rapport was fraying more as time went on, but because of the opportunities he gave me through the apprenticeship i felt like i owed him, i tried, as hard as i could to gain his approval, always falling short in some minuscule way and getting a "Talking too", he refused my request to go on another course for my level 4 qualification, the first part of a degree, i was crushed, and that's when my mental health started to become a problem.

I started to stay in bed longer when i could, dread even getting up to go to work. distance myself from everyone who cared about me, closing in on myself just to try and make the dread go away, it never works, no matter how hard you try. and a year after finishing my level 3, i made an appointment to get the depression and anxiety looked at. 

after getting prescribed my pills and being put on the list to see a therapist (who i only got to see once, you'll see why soon) I forced myself to go to work, bear in mind, i never took time off for this, and only did for my leg issues i had in 2014. every other time i worked from home, i dedicated my soul to this job. And being the good employee i am, informed the boss of my current issues with depression.

I really, honestly regret telling him.

What took place over the next 6 months, was torture, he became even more critical of my work, every single misstep in my work no matter how small resulted in a dressing down, he forbade me going to see a therapist, started giving me warnings. initially verbal, then written, eventually resulting in my final warning. i fought hard against the current, over some misplaced loyalty, knowing full well what was going to happen.

And in April of 2019, it did.

I was crushed, at the lowest point in my life, i felt like a failure, like everything i ever worked for over those 5 years meant nothing. the Prime who went into that job with hope for the future and a smile, was dead, replaced with a hollow shell who couldn't look himself in the mirror. who had no idea what he was going to do.

And So began the rebuild. i forced myself to look for work, anything, i got a job with a charity fundraising group, feeling like i couldnt return to the industry i love, i wanted a change, while it made me a little happy due to the friends i made at the time, it was clearly not for me, i lasted a month, but what it showed me was, IT was the only industry i can ever feel happy in. so returning to my homeland of Wales, i sort to find a job in IT, one of the first ones i applied for, was a college, working in Computer Services on a Helpdesk. i applied, as i had what they were looking for, but felt deep down that i wouldn't get it. 

I continued looking, finding other jobs that were good, but weren't what i wanted, needless to say, i need money at this point, so i applied. getting an interview for one, i felt i did well there, but sadly, it was me or another person, and they went with them.

2 months had passed, but all of a sudden i get an email. It was the college job, they apologised for how long it took to get too me, but i had made the interview stage. and could i come in 2 days, i of course, accepted, got suited and booted, booked another interview for the next day, and drove an hour to the campus. The interview went fine, i felt i messed up because i only mentioned the software side of my experience, not the hardware side, they said i would hear that day if i got the job, feeling i messed up I drove to my parents as it was half way there, feeling sorry for myself. no phonecall after 4 hours, so i decide to drive home. on the drive my phone starts to ring over the stereo in the car as i have hands free, and it was one of the people who interviewed me.

much to my surprise, they offered me the job, of all the jobs i applied for, i got the one i wanted. I almost crashed my car in shock.

I promptly accepted the job, and within a week I had passed my background check and started the job that i still have today. and here's the best part. Its an apprenticeship, so, after 2 years i completed the first part of my degree with a distinction. and now I'm working on the level 5. hoping in 4 years I will finally get my degree in Computer Science.

So, I'm still recovering, I don't feel like i got over the depression, but at this moment in time, I'm in the best place i can be, and hopefully one day, i will feel like my old self again, but i like where i am right now, lets hope it continues

Thanks for reading, and i hope no one missed me, too much.

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No more tears shall drop from your cheeks anymore (Angelic Prime)

Post by PharaohAtem » 05 Oct 2021, 22:17

Man you've been through the ringer, but yiu know even though you delt with mental abd other issues you never gave up. You never stopped looking or doing what you loved. I'm proud of you. *hugs* you always gotta look up even if your down abd stop trying fit the better.


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No more tears shall drop from your cheeks anymore (Angelic Prime)

Post by Angelic Prime » 06 Oct 2021, 20:41

*hugs* Thanks Atem it means a lot, :)

Had class today, very dry but the lecturer at least tries to have fun with it, makes it easier to grasp I find, work was good, but incredibly busy

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No more tears shall drop from your cheeks anymore (Angelic Prime)

Post by Nethack » 06 Oct 2021, 23:03

@Angelic Prime WELCOME BACK!!!!!!!! *hugs*

Im also proud of you. The ups and downs suck, but you're strong and you've got this!

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No more tears shall drop from your cheeks anymore (Angelic Prime)

Post by Angelic Prime » 06 Oct 2021, 23:15

Nethack wrote:
06 Oct 2021, 23:03
@Angelic Prime WELCOME BACK!!!!!!!! *hugs*

Im also proud of you. The ups and downs suck, but you're strong and you've got this!

*Catches in a hug* thank you it's great to be back, and thank you, it's good at the moment, I just want my degree at the moment

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No more tears shall drop from your cheeks anymore (Angelic Prime)

Post by PharaohAtem » 06 Oct 2021, 23:48

Yeah some teachers try to make things fun or interesting. I had ti take physiology class the teacher cracked us up then there are those that are boring or just weird. Colleges hace everything.


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No more tears shall drop from your cheeks anymore (Angelic Prime)

Post by Angelic Prime » 07 Oct 2021, 13:08

honestly a teacher whos into the subject is honestly invaluable, it what makes me want to get into teaching, thats my end goad at the moment.

Also i really should say, the name of the journal comes from my all time fav game at the moment, Persona 5 Royal, its from the final boss music, its an incredible piece of music, check it out :)

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No more tears shall drop from your cheeks anymore (Angelic Prime)

Post by Angelic Prime » 19 Oct 2021, 20:11

Life has been going steady for me at the moment, just working for the most part, got Metroid Dread, loved it! I really dont get why people are calling it super hard, i did it in a day and a half, been playing Back 4 Blood with a work mate, its been fun.

Did anyone listen to the song i shared? is it worth it to share any other songs that inspire me?

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No more tears shall drop from your cheeks anymore (Angelic Prime)

Post by GraceMellody » 28 Oct 2021, 10:17

Angelic Prime wrote:
19 Oct 2021, 20:11
Life has been going steady for me at the moment, just working for the most part, got Metroid Dread, loved it! I really dont get why people are calling it super hard, i did it in a day and a half, been playing Back 4 Blood with a work mate, its been fun.

Did anyone listen to the song i shared? is it worth it to share any other songs that inspire me?
Maybe you're just good :P How's Back 4 Blood?
~UK Artist, Idol & Mother~

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No more tears shall drop from your cheeks anymore (Angelic Prime)

Post by Angelic Prime » 03 Nov 2021, 10:10

GraceMellody wrote:
28 Oct 2021, 10:17
Angelic Prime wrote:
19 Oct 2021, 20:11
Life has been going steady for me at the moment, just working for the most part, got Metroid Dread, loved it! I really dont get why people are calling it super hard, i did it in a day and a half, been playing Back 4 Blood with a work mate, its been fun.

Did anyone listen to the song i shared? is it worth it to share any other songs that inspire me?
Maybe you're just good :P How's Back 4 Blood?

Well I try not to get a big head, bit maybe that's the case :P

Back 4 Blood is really good, definitely a good Left 4 Dead 3 substitute, I also love that it's Cross Platform.

Also getting excited for CoD Vanguard, we started playing Warzone and really enjoyed it

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