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Post by purple dragon » 15 Aug 2022, 03:23


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Post by lolin » 15 Aug 2022, 20:44

i greet you

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Post by melanch0lic » 20 Aug 2022, 22:56

lolin wrote:
15 Aug 2022, 20:44
i greet you

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Post by purple dragon » 29 Aug 2022, 01:35


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Post by melanch0lic » 02 Sep 2022, 14:53

purple dragon wrote:
29 Aug 2022, 01:35

yo purple dragon, long time no speak! i'm good thank you, just stuck at work for another 67 minutes :c how have you been!?
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Post by melanch0lic » 09 Sep 2022, 12:04

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Post by melanch0lic » 16 Sep 2022, 23:20

So efforts have been made to get rid of me from both here and the Discord server, efforts which have paid off for those involved as they have won, I have already been in a massive state of depression and AL was the only source of comfort that I had online as pathetic as that sounds but apparently I've upset people in ways I can't even begin to understand - I know that I can be hard work with my bi-polar and such, but what I've discovered has destroyed me and now I have no idea what to do next as seemingly enough more and more people I considered as friends have been involved in what has gone on behind my back, people who offered support for me, people who told me that they were there for me to get me through what has been an incredibly difficult 9 or 10 months but this is the straw that has broken the camel's back and now I'm lost - I truly believed that I made real friends, if I knew why people hate me I could have altered my behaviour to make those people happy but those involved have gone straight in for the kill, I just wish that I discovered this when I was much more resilient but it had to happen when I was reliant on the thought of meeting new people from here at the Birmingham con yet regardless of all this negativity I cannot think of anyone on here in a negative light as during my rather serious level of ignorance people here made me feel that I had genuine friends, I am a pathetic loser who ruins everything I held dear, fuck I am devastated but I hope everyone is happy now, oh my god ;__; There's simply no way I can sleep tonight, this is already bringing my weak mindset down to the point where the suicidal ideations are becoming both more frequent and too prominent for me to ignore - I am seriously not trying to seek attention, but when I say that I am once again ready to attempt removing myself from this earth I truly mean it, I just hope that whoever started this is happy, I imagine that this is exactly what was intended, but I thank each and every one of you for providing me with completely positive vibes over the course of time when I've been here... For those who don't hate me(!), I am sorry for being dramatic and I hope any thoughts you have of me are representing the good that I think that I achieved, I have no place in my heart to get angry, I am not going to insult anyone or start trouble, I am not going to cause issues on both here and the Discord server as I simply do not have the strength to allow this to bring a side out of me which starts trouble, I'm just... done

Once again I thank those who genuinely helped me during my time of need, you are all seriously appreciated, I just wish hand-on-heart that I could repay you with feelings of serious gratitude and all things positive but I can't, all I can do is hope and pray that I am not remembered as someone who intentionally caused problems, all I needed was to make new friends - I am a massive loser and I guess this is what people like me deserve, I am so so sorry for everything I have (intentionally and otherwise) done, please one day forgive me, that is all I ask from anyone reading this

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Post by CrowsZeroBrad » 17 Sep 2022, 06:57

I don't know what's gone on as I was inactive on this forum for 7 years and have only started using it again within the past week. I do know how quickly friends can turn foe though. I was in a cosplay group years ago. I said one thing that the leader of the group didn't like back in 2017 and everyone instantly turned on me. That was the only friend group I had and I haven't had a proper one since. I'm weary of even having a friend group again because of that debacle.

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Post by melanch0lic » 17 Sep 2022, 09:58

CrowsZeroBrad wrote:
17 Sep 2022, 06:57
I don't know what's gone on as I was inactive on this forum for 7 years and have only started using it again within the past week. I do know how quickly friends can turn foe though. I was in a cosplay group years ago. I said one thing that the leader of the group didn't like back in 2017 and everyone instantly turned on me. That was the only friend group I had and I haven't had a proper one since. I'm weary of even having a friend group again because of that debacle.

I probably shouldn't have spilled my guts like that, but I applaud you for reading it all as I can drone on sometimes, but honestly even I'm a little confused - the group of individuals who have secretly and now pro-actively hate me is down to 2 specific individuals who have a lot of power on here, so it seems that whatever they say goes and that's that, I mean I always tried to avoid thinking realistically about the situation as I tried with everything I am to be as friendly as possible, even when my logical side told me what people really thought me but like you said, friends from here can turn on you almost instantly, except in this instance I cannot for the life of me understand what caused it - are the members of your old cosplay group still active here, or have they moved on? It seems like those who lead groups in here have a lot of influence here so like yourself I am stuck when I am trying to defend myself on here as those who have turned on me obviously follow what those at the top say and think as yesterday morning I was being told that people were looking forward to meeting me/asking if I was going to attend the Birmingham convention which in the space of hours has turned into viscious hatred, like no exaggeration, I am now hated by pretty much everyone I classed as my friend, which quite honestly has turned into the same as what you went through - now I am 100% not going to attend the convention, even though I was quite excited to be going, and my attempt at being as friendly as possible has reverted into me now too scared (it sounds dramatic, but it's the truth unfortunately) to ever develop/repair the friendships I had on here... At least we have that in common dude, but as we're in the same boat pretty much you are more than welcome to drop me a PM/Discord message if you ever need to talk (about anything really)!

Also if you read all of this reply then you have a commendable level of dedication lol, it takes people time to get used to me but when they do they see that I'm not so bad, regardless of what a fair amount of people here think...
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Post by melanch0lic » 17 Sep 2022, 10:12

Also to anyone reading I am genuinely sorry for my attempts to be friendly all the time, I had absolutely no idea that my composure was rubbing people up the wrong way, so now I have to get used to being somewhat neutral as I don't think I'll be offending anyone if I avoid any kind of emotion whenever I post, reading back on my old posts is incredibly embarassing but until last night I felt comfortable enough to show my more positive side which manifested itself as a rather high level of excitability, but I'm reigning it in now so my apologies once again...
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Post by CrowsZeroBrad » 17 Sep 2022, 11:46

Yeah, I read all of your reply. It'd be impolite of me not to. And the old cosplay group I was in wasn't on here. It was just a local one here in Yorkshire that organised their meets through Facebook. A load of tweens/young teens joined it in 2016 and caused drama constantly, so I think the group ended up disbanding eventually because the organisers couldn't deal with all of the bickering anymore.

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