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Re: Journal of Bookworms (Myne & Felia)

Posted: 05 Feb 2020, 02:29
by Tanya
Indeed. On top of that even though he has dragon wings which mimics a Pegasus wings he uses a cape to fly with .

Something about perfect flight for half the speed is better than poor flight at full speed.

I get it, you know, I only had good flight and worked hard to improve my Rogue’s natural good flight to perfect

Re: Journal of Bookworms (Myne & Felia)

Posted: 05 Feb 2020, 02:40
by PharaohAtem
Capes work as well as wings just smaller so at least of you get hit you dint totally fall because one wing doesn't work.

Re: Journal of Bookworms (Myne & Felia)

Posted: 05 Feb 2020, 02:49
by Tanya
Indeed, he has multiple wings. lol though his thought was too hide them. Tactically speaking either is a good advantage to have. Regardless he has both. ^_^

Re: Journal of Bookworms (Myne & Felia)

Posted: 05 Feb 2020, 02:59
by PharaohAtem

Re: Journal of Bookworms (Myne & Felia)

Posted: 13 Feb 2020, 03:24
by Tanya
Appears we won’t be able to roleplay for a bit. The reason why is a long story and not mine to tell. Basically two of my players can’t make time to play right now which is half the group.

On another note my brother will start work where I’m working on Monday. Nothing to do with me. The fact is my sister in law got me an interview at my current job. She still works there. Yeah she’s my brother’s wife that I mentioned previously. I have two full brothers and two half brothers. I almost know nothing about my half brothers so if I mention them it’ll be as half. My older brother lives fairly far away so I won’t mention him often either. Likely when I mention brother I’ll be talking about my younger brother. Then there’s my sister which is simple, I have one. I have two sister in laws. And one brother in law. By the way, I have no idea if my half brothers are married. I know so little about them I might as well not call them brothers. I know one of my half brothers had a girl which is the oldest niece I have. Not sure about the other. Further I know their names and hung out with them when I was a kid. That and my half brothers has a younger sister, which I’m not related to.

I don’t believe they have any other siblings.

Re: Journal of Bookworms (Myne & Felia)

Posted: 16 Feb 2020, 12:19
by xMommaWickedx
Wow, that is quite a few siblings onii-san!

Re: Journal of Bookworms (Myne & Felia)

Posted: 16 Feb 2020, 16:06
by Tanya
My father had six children. 2 with his previous wife, before marrying my mother and 4 with her. My father’s previous wife did her best to ensure my father had nothing to do with her our their children. I met my half brothers after they were adults. I didn’t even know about them until I met them.

Large families seem pretty normal where I grew up. My mother has 7 siblings. My father has 5 siblings. I grew up with three siblings. So all in all I figure I have a normal amount of siblings, not a lot. Then again I don’t really consider my half brothers as siblings.

Re: Journal of Bookworms (Myne & Felia)

Posted: 16 Feb 2020, 23:16
by xMommaWickedx
It's bigger than my family, that's for sure lol

Re: Journal of Bookworms (Myne & Felia)

Posted: 17 Feb 2020, 01:01
by Tanya
My weekend is almost over. Back to work tomorrow.

I just watched Ascendance of a Bookworm again. I’m considering reading the first two volumes of Part 2 again as well. Eventually I’ll reread them regardless.

I enjoy rereading stories I enjoy. Guess I’m a bookworm too. ^_^

Re: Journal of Bookworms (Myne & Felia)

Posted: 17 Feb 2020, 10:58
by xMommaWickedx
My weekend is over too. It went by too quickly as usual lol

I like rereading books or manga that I enjoy too lol :3

Re: Journal of Bookworms (Myne & Felia)

Posted: 19 Feb 2020, 01:59
by Ryuuko
Why is it whenever I try to make extra time for myself more work always surfaces and find myself obligated to work overtime?


I’m not gonna say anything and just hope for the best tomorrow.

Re: Journal of Bookworms (Myne & Felia)

Posted: 20 Feb 2020, 00:36
by Tanya
Admit it Felia, you’re a work alcoholic

Re: Journal of Bookworms (Myne & Felia)

Posted: 20 Feb 2020, 03:00
by Ryuuko
I’m a fan of roleplaying not working

Working is my lifeblood though so roleplaying just has to take a back seat. T-T

Journal of Bookworm (Myne)

Posted: 20 Feb 2020, 06:17
by unoduetre

You qualify to move to Japan, if you ever want to. ;)

Re: Journal of Bookworms (Myne & Felia)

Posted: 21 Feb 2020, 00:17
by Ryuuko
unoduetre wrote:[mention=705]Felia[/mention]

You qualify to move to Japan, if you ever want to. ;)

I already lived in Japan for a few years. I think I’d be more interested in living in the UK next for a few years.