Welcome to Our Icebreaker Event! A place to get to know other members and a chance to make new friends!
This topic shall be open for the next week!
Reply with:
1. Your Name
2. An Interesting/entertaining fact about yourself (if you're struggling to think of anything then just tell us your hobbies)
3. One question to ask someone (or everyone)! When you ask the question make sure to @mention them (ie: put @ and their username so they get it in their notifications at the top of the page). You can mention one person, two people or everyone - up to you.
My name.... ....Dean.
Interesting fact.....this is not my first account here but I cant remember my password and my old Email is defunct so had to make a new one.
No questions currently...
1: Rich or Richard
2: I'm coming to the Sheffield con on the 14th of September, all day, I might bring 3 different costumes, Spawn, Pelican (big wings - can't fly) and Batman.
3: @Likklemel what time's the talent contest/cosplay masquerade on the 14th?
"He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!" (Michael Palin in Monty Python's "Life of Brian")
"I am speaking UK English in a Sheffield accent!" (Me most of the time I'm on the landline or mobile)