A new world and itÂ’s weird (RFP)

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A new world and it’s weird (RFP)

Post by Ryuuko » 11 Jan 2020, 16:44

OOC: Character profiles are not necessary to join in this RP. The world is a high fantasy setting. Your character will be summoned from another high fantasy world. Please use the OOC thread to refer to what's known about the world you are summoned too. Feel free to make up whatever you want about your old world in fact make references to it and comparisons. It'll be fun and interesting. You can't be from a modern world, you can only be from a High Fantasy world. Your world is for the most part far more advanced than this world is with some exceptions, I'll be sure to let you know what they are. Below is an introduction to my character in her own world right now. If you have further questions ask them in the OOC. Further, please don't post any OOC posts in this thread. Thanks and lets have a great time roleplaying.


Felia Tempest just finished a job well done as a dungeon guide this time. Others would call her a thief. While they wouldn’t be wrong Felia didn’t like being called one. Being a thief implied you were underhand and not to be trusted. However, she had a reputation for getting jobs completed with an exceptional success rate nor was she a liar. Felia preferred her assassination jobs over her dungeon guide jobs.

Felia was headed back to her Guild where she was considered a veteran. It wasn’t a thief guild either it was an adventurer guild. So they had a large variety of members. There were still plenty of members who were much higher ranking then her. In part that was Felia’s preference, as she could have been higher ranked if she wanted to be. But it’d mean she’d have to lead and train others at times. Two things she loathed.

Felia was a Pixie which meant she was the size of a four year old human in height at least. Otherwise her feminine curves made it obvious she was an adult and not a little kid. That and she usually flew and made herself face height to others. That and she normally kept herself invisible in her natural state which was quite handy when on assassination jobs. Her hair was blue and her eyes gold, which was an unusual mix even among pixies.

Felia did not get along with other pixies well because she believed in killing for money. Other pixies considered this to be evil and therefore unthinkable so she was banned from her home. The guild was her family and friends now, not other pixies. As far as Felia knew they were alive and well but it had been around hundred years ago when she last checked or cared.

Felia never made it back to her guild, as suddenly some type of magical circle started glowing around her, a trap she though, but as she looked around no such thing existed. As if she'd get caught in a trap anyways, so she decided to put her amazing speed and agility to the test since being in the middle of a an unknown magical circle was a very bad thing under any circumstances. She sped away, but somehow the circle stayed with her, which meant she had been targeted by some sort of spell. No since in running she thought, but her resistance to magic was astonishing since she was a fey and strengthening her aura by conditioning her abilities to higher levels with a lot of hard work. And somehow that didn't mean a thing, as she found the forest trail and trees surrounding her vanishing to be replaced by a temple.

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Re: A new world and it’s weird (RFP)

Post by Ryuuko » 21 Jan 2020, 00:22

Felia found herself in a temple, the room seemed to have the same magic circle in with a bunch of dead clerics, or were they just priests? They were wearing priestly robes and considering it didn't stink, they were fresh corpses, the summoning probably killed them. How annoying Felia though as she looked around the chambers she was in. There were stained glass windows with paintings on the wall, this seemed to be a church and a rich one as the material was rare and expensive as it used marble for most of the buildings construction and floors. That was just crazy, windows weren't all that common yet either, so the stained glass windows was also an expensive additive. However, no one was alive in this room but her.

She notice the marble door was opening, and it had extravagant carvings in it, probably a work of art itself, and seemed to be the only exit. A young woman open the door, she was dressed in a priest robe as well, and Felia reliazed something at that point the dead bodies in here were all male, not a single female further they were all human too, and so was the girl that came into the chamber. She was young, barely an adult, probably 15 or 16 years old Felia guessed. She also seemed at bit nervous and concerned.

"Welcome to the Holy Kingdom of Veka, I'm the Shrine Maiden of Creation," the young girl introduce herself, without an actual name, but just a title. Felia wondered if she had a name. Oddly enough her normal ability to stay invisible had been temporarily undone, so here she was now visible to a human when she'd otherwise want to stay invisible, she tested it. The girl suddenly looked around in disbelief her eyes glancing every which way. Yep, Felia, thought, she can't see me, seems the summoning made me visible initially, wish I knew, I suppose it's too late now. Felia then willed herself to be visible, which was it should work.

"Oh there you are, I seemed to have lost sight of you before, perhaps it's because you are small," the Shrine Maiden of Creation stated in surprise. Felia could hear in her voice that she was unsure of herself and anxious.

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Re: A new world and it’s weird (RFP)

Post by Siej » 23 Jan 2020, 01:23

Bing awoke with a start.

Bing started as a Gorgon who desired to be a dog. Every time he grew taller he woud say 'I want to be a dog.' He grew taller all the time! When he was 10 he was taller than most trees and he at that age shouted to be a dog so loudly that a wizard heard his cry. They talked (at first over a didstance of shouts) and the wizard grew to undersand that the Gorgon Bing was pure of heart and only had that as a desire. So he decided he'd make him a Blinkdog, second goodest of dogs. Their innate ability to escape and dodge would save him from being alone. Bing turned into a Blinkdog and thanked the wizard with yips and yelps, but the wizard couldn't understand him. "He needs to speak." said the wizard. He casted another spell on him to give him speech, but the wizard could only do a spell perfectly once a day.... he managed to turn him into a Blinkling (a halfling and a Blink Dog). Bing thanked him, but told that he preferred to be the dog. He said it was because they weren't small. They talked for a long time, the wizard and Bing did, and soon they were friends. They talked about Halflings too, and he decided that he would stay a Blinkling for a while. A while turned into a life.

"Who's there?!" he shouted, the sound echoing in his house and a little further outside. He rose from his seat before he waited for an answer and appeared at his front door with nothing but a shirt on. He was sure to grab the longsword he'd always kept to the right of the door before he opened it, however, but what he saw when he opened the door told him that he needn't the weapon.

"Oh it's here!" He cried, tearx of joy streaming down his face. His book had arrived. He quickly swooped onto the book and leapt back inside with it, forever eager to read the contents. With a slam and another vaulting kick he landed on his bed. The light of his candle illuminated his canine features and a satisfactory amount of the room. He had two dog ears and two human ears. He had a dog tail and a gay ass (that's when the cheeks seperate. In his case, .75"). He had brown skin and white fur with black spots. While you were reading that, he was getting dressed for his read; now he had recovered his pants and underwear and sandals and had managed to sit in his chair.

"And so it begins."

And so it would! He opened the cover of the book, saliva dripping on his chest from his overly long/large tongue.

I was a dumb dog. The page had a picture pf Bing with a dunce cap on, tarred and feathered.

"I didn't write that!" He shouted, pissed off. He spat by his chair onto the linoleum and looked again.

I was a dumb dog. The first page said to him, mockingly. He turned the page.

I was a faggot. said the next page in big pink letters.

"Who dares call me a fag?!" He was enraged now and crying, flipping the pages rapidly through more and more demeaning comments until he saw a glowing glyph on one of the last pages. When he saw it he struck the pages, opening it to what he saw. In doing so he touched the seal, and in seconds the room was alight with hot, stinkh, glowing red energy. In what could've been the same second he reacted. He leapt backwards, his body flying over and out of the chair and speedily towards the door in one jet. His hands had flung forward, launching the book out the window.

"Can't catch me dyin' to no book. Mine neither!" He thought in speeds.

It would seem that his Blinkling speeds were outclassed, however, by the magician who had altered his book. It flew right at him the second he landed and smacked him in the face. It was at such speeds that he'd no time to close his eye and it knocked him blind (in his left eye) and in blinding pain in his whole head! The big book fell to the ground as he landed and fell against the door, the everburning glow of the glyph now pointed directly at him again as the book had (as fate would have it) landed in a standing position, open to the same page. In a minute the glow had started to reach outside the smalll, one-room building into the forest he stayed in, tantalizing the wildlife beyond. Blinded by pain, his broken left eye, and that shiny bit of redness, he groaned and tried to kick the book closed.

It was then that he was sucked in.


A book fell, inside a church. It was a Blue book of leather and fine silky pages. It was not heavy... maybe ten pounds? .... That's heavy for a book, isn't it? Yes, a book.

It fell near a little girl, out of nowhere.

In it, a man slept on page 1.

((OOC: You can spawn him from the book in your post, or I will on my next turn))
All men die but not all truly live.

All Characters and Works © Undersiej


We should give an execution menu to the convicted. God that would be awesome.

Can you even imagine?

You could get a butterfly ballot a week before your execution, and punch out a box next to () Public or () Private and () Electric Chair, () Guillotine, () Hemlock, () Firing Squad, () Fire, () Bears, () Ritual Sacrifice, () Sodium Pentobarbitol, () Gallows, () Wicker Man

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Re: A new world and it’s weird (RFP)

Post by Ryuuko » 15 Mar 2020, 18:28

"I do naturally go unnoticed normally," Felia responded to the Shrine Maiden of Creation. The Shrine Maiden nodded and seemed ready to continue but a blue leather book suddenly crashed on to the floor. The young Shrine Maiden looked around wondering where it came from. The book dropped by Falia so she picked it up. The Shrine Maiden gave Felia a Stern look.

"Don't touch it, I mean put it down, we need to inspect it!" The Shrine Maiden commanded with authority quite sure of herself and her authority. Unfortunately her authority meant nothing to Felia, because Felia had never heard of this Shrine Maiden before and right now Felia wasn't about to listen to someone who seemed to already be forcing her against her will. Asking first was important, simply forcing was never welcome, not to her anyways. Felia opened the book and immediately knew it was magical in nature. Perhaps this book would undue the summoning spell. While Felia knew quite a bit on how to use magical items, she couldn't actually surmise what they did without researching them first. Guessing this leather bound book would undo the spell she activated it immediately. Unfortunately it did not have the intended results Felia was hoping for, a trip back home. Instead it spawned what in her former world could only be called a monstrous humanoid, part dog and part human? Felia could not guess, so she asked.

"What manner of creature are you?" Felia asked the new arrival. The Shrine Maiden simply nodded, although she seemed a bit upset, since she was ignored.

"Greetings, I am the Shrine Maiden of Creation," the young woman repeated than continued. "If you have any questions, I'll be happy to answer them. Our priests have summoned you as heroes to save our world from the Waves." Finally the Priestess had shared some light on their situation. Though Felia looked at the Shrine Maiden's Aura and guessed she was quite weak and not someone capable of summoning, unless it was a wolf, perhaps, probably not even that, probably only a rat. Felia though decided to wait on the Blinkling to respond and ignore the weakling for now.

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