Terra Labris Turmoil (N)

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Terra Labris Turmoil (N)

Post by Tanya » 03 Nov 2019, 16:43

OOC: This is one of many Reality settings for Infinity N, the (N) tag is to label this as RP specifically for Infinity N. You can choose to be a member of any of the key groups introduced in the Introduction or be neutral or belong to a neutral group.

Terra Labris is one of many planets in the Uradinas Star System. Their technology is archaic unlike many of the other planets within the system which have developed the capability of start travel. There are many kingdoms, empires, nations, tribes, etc. on Terra Labris. Their government systems are archaic, some do not have any at all, but many of them are full of superstition and tradition.

The natives of Terra Labris were previously unaware of other worlds with a few exceptions. Mastery of Sorcery, Arms, and Divine intervention is what rules them. There are numerous gods and cultures, and nearly each culture have their own. Many languages differences are abound and thus war was common place as negotiations and understandings were practically impossible. War of course occurred for other reasons too, just as many enter alliances or merged.

A business corporation known as the Red Tea Company through surveys discovered a leaf that grew on Terra Labris that had many business applications. The ecological system proved to be the ideal place to grow this leaf. Many other parts of this plant the corporation believed could make them a ton of profits. The Red Tea Company was officially a business that provided health products to the entire Uradinas Star System. This plant was name by the Company and they named it the Red Labris or Labris Leaf for short.

Labris Leaf was already in use by the Natives of Terra Labris as a tea, a herbal remedy and a drug for recreational purposes. It's use changed from culture to culture, but it was already grown in many locations by the natives and unfortunately for other worlds for some reason this plant would not grow on any other planet. Pending on the language this plant had a different name, but off worlders could not speak any of them, it proved to be to large of an undertaking, even though some scientists wanted to do precisely this and only this. But there was no money for it and it was far too costly so the studies never went far.

Terra Labris believed some type of new demon has invaded from another plane of existence and wishes to subjugate them, so talks have started among many Natives of the planet and how to deal with these demonic invaders. They know they aren't like other outsiders they face before as their abilities and weaponry is unlike anything they've witnessed before.

Will the many cultures of Terra Labris put their differences aside and learn to work together or will continue their wars with each other while they battle the invaders? The Red Tea Company has decided its overall policy is to exterminate the Natives as they are seen nothing more than beasts.

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Re: Terra Labris Turmoil (N)

Post by Ryuuko » 03 Nov 2019, 19:02

Klwen now an apparent native of Terra Labris had stumbled across an artifact of some sort, she assumed. It was floating crystal, when she had interacted with it she ended up in a Theology country known as Rafa. As a Theology clergy headed it and under the name of god had experimented to create all manner of people. As a result Klwen went unnoticed as someone different, as she was sure many others did. Though she had a minor advantage, oddly she knew the language of Rafa, and she knew it was not hers. She spoke it fluently as well, as if she had grown up here.

Klwen didn't know them or their culture and over the past year learned it. She was an outsider but until she knew how to return had to make do with living in Rafa. She knew more about the people know and had more her living as a mercenary. She hadn't wanted to stand out too much though, so she limited herself to jobs that would earn enough money to acquire only her necessities and rarely worked with anyone. The latter was so no one would discover she was holding back. This idea was not normally how Klwen operated and she was no liar, so she just kept her mouth shut as much as possible. Others, however, already knew she was hiding something, as to those skilled and discovering such details, it was plain obvious, as to this was Klwen's skills at subterfuge. However as with such people that wouldn't use such knowledge unless it proved beneficial so Klwen was clueless that she had been found out quite sometime ago. They knew she was hiding something and wasn't that familiar with the local culture but little else.

Klwen skills had proved useful for the mercenary group she served and was noted as a skilled warrior so the group decided let Klwen's past be. That was why she was on a mission when a strange group of people even by Klwen's standards attacked them which could only be described as type of magic. They utilized many wands that projected light beams. To Klwen she assumed they were just wands and those who used them had no magical talent at all, but they were quite efficient at using them and their power seemed nearly exhaustible. The other merchants she were with which included a wizard were unsure what to make of them and how to counter them. The wizard did use his sorcery to try and take them down, but these indviduals had some type of personal barriers that protected them from the wizards blasts. Only demons possessed such natural powers, still Klwen was sure it was their equipment.

They were humanoids with a single large glass eye on their foreheads, but Klwen knew it was just a helmet, in her world glass did exist but one wouldn't use the fragile material for a helmet. Here though glass did not exist, so the others in her group assumed it was an eye and a demon they hadn't encountered before. Klwen didn't know why they wearing full body suits nor did she understand how they created their barriers.

Klwen did have a small talent in using magic, but she used it to enchant her weapon in various ways, to protect herself, and for seeing the unknown. In this case she used her magic to see what the source of their magic was. She sensed no magic emulating from the or their equipment, but she did sense energy from their equipment. Energy shouldn't be possible without magic supporting its creation but here it existed. A true mystery, but it confirmed Klwen's belief that the equipment was providing these people's overwhelming strength.

However, her group commander decided to retreat. Luckily they weren't concerned and did not follow them, they had a different goal, what Klwen did not know yet. Klwen aimed to find out, knowing their goal she would learn more about them, and by knowing more she'd discover their weaknesses. There was probably a way to disable their equipment, catching them off guard would be difficult as she was sure they very well knew they were in a hostile environment.

There was another thing, she heard them speaking, and it was very much the words an armed group would use, they were some sort of military group. By the way the others were talking in her group, they didn't understand a word they were saying. Klwen knew she could not understand other languages before, the runes carved in her skin did not have that particular ability. If she had been different type of infused Scarred they would have had the exact ability. However, sometimes Klwen learned knew abilities from one of them, some of her runes were still dormant, perhaps another had activated as a survival mechanism so could somehow cope with her knew environment. Her runes fueled all of her magical abilities and her understanding of how to create magic was almost none. She was no mage, but she was adept at identifying magic and its weaknesses purely from her experience.

Safely back in the city, her group dismantled. She wasn't included in the strategic discussion or report as here she was just a hired warrior and nothing more. Klwen decided she needed to give the encounter some more thought herself, and perhaps get more involved. These strangers may have knowledge on how she could return too. She decided she'd think over with a drink at the pub she frequented, which was also the inn she stayed at, so it was convenient.

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Re: Terra Labris Turmoil (N)

Post by Warheit » 25 Nov 2019, 14:37

It had been several weeks since Aziol had arrived on this continent though he has not bothered to learn most of the names of towns and the like. He found himself wondering down an open road, a few thin trees to either side as he trotted along. The grass was a mixture of greens and yellows yet the fields were abundant with them and hid the dirt quite well below. The ground beneath the blanket of greens and yellows was still moist from the rain days before though the grass did not show, or at least Aziol could not tell as the road he walked upon was as dry as his throat. His raven-black hair billowed in the gentle breeze and his equally dark eyes stared off into the abyss as he held a brisk pace down this path. Though he was lost in thought he knew that a city waited at the end of this path, he could simply not get lost. A kind stranger told him of this way, a quiet path though it was longer than the more traffic-heavy path into the city. The somewhat young-looking mage was off in the clouds pondering about various spells he has memorized from the pages he carries, it's easier this way--especially on a windy day like this.

Suddenly, a voice broke his concentration and Aziol was brought back to reality by a familiar sound. When his black eyes came into focus he noticed a few men were surrounding him but they were walking alongside him as he was so lost in thought he hadn't reacted to the blades held in his direction. The ambushers hadn't wanted to outright stab the spacey traveler so they walked with him like a few weird bodyguards until he finally realized and came to a stop. "Hey, I know you!" Aziol exclaimed he had immediately recognized the 'leader' as the one who told him about this backroad. Aziol had also realized then why he asked him to take this path, to do just this. A gruff voice spat from the jowl of this increasingly angering man, he seemed in a dire need of riches rather quickly. Perhaps it was Aziol's fault he was a target, he was wearing several pieces of jewelry out in the open. His robes were colors of white, gold, and a deep blue with his chest exposed as usual. A few different necklaces made of gold and gems hung from his neck while a few bracelets dangled from either wrist. Aziol didn't usually wear jewelry but they were rewards for his aid in villages and towns he ventured through on his way to the city.

All the men started to chime in and shout at Aziol so he finally decided to respond to the ambushing mastermind. "Look, I don't want there to be a fight." Aziol carried in his right hand a large mystical looking staff but it was nothing more than a fancy walking stick. One of the men to his side made a remark about how he knew he was a mage and was ready to stab him if he started chanting anything. Aziol smirked at this, chanting... how silly. "How about I just give you this trinket and we just all walk away?" He raised his hand and removed the largest of the necklaces and held it out to the leader. "You lot don't seem like bad people, so why don't we help each other out? I give you this for your troubles and I don't burn you all to ashes for being dumb enough to attack me." Toward the end of his sentence, his usual cheerful smile quickly dropped to a stern frown with a piercing glare. Aziol could see the man wanting to consent and he started to throw the trinket to him but quickly retracted his arm. "Do you have any water?" He said with a raspiness creeping in the back of his voice. The men looked around and then shook their heads to the thirsty mage. Aziol dropped his head and clasped his gaze for a moment then threw the gem-encrusted gold necklace to the leader, a nod was exchanged and Aziol was allowed to past. One of the men started to go for a sneaking strike but he was immediately stopped by the third man, who realized that they were all lucky and none of them really who just how powerful of a mage that robed man was.

The truth is Aziol just didn't want to waste the energy on those little fools, he wasn't as bloodthirsty as some magic wielders he has come across but it seems to be a running theme in these new lands he has been wondering. He was willing to lose what potential odds and ends he could find in the big city he was heading toward. It wasn't more than another hour that Aziol had arrived at the open and welcoming gates of a city he still didn't know the name of. His first agenda was to get some water in his throat and then after, wine and hopefully some kind of steamed vegetables. Despite his outlandish attire, among these streets, Aziol blended in with the rest of the travelers and traders that bustled alongside him. Though he could communicate with the natives due to a magical sort of paste that he rubs onto his ears, it did not help his eyes. Eventually, he flagged down a citizen of the city and asked for directions to a tavern. Aziol was in luck as he was directed to a pub with room and board combined. Aziol rushed there as fast as he could without his pace turning into a jog, so much so he almost rushed himself into the arms of a tavern aid--where he would have knocked the contents of the tray from her grasp.

Aziol quickly apologized and hurriedly placed his order of a pitcher of water, a pint of wine, and a variety of vegetables either roasted or steamed or however they could be provided in a cooked manner. The pub maiden took all his mannerisms with a smile and was probably thankful his guy wasn't her usual customer who only pretended to almost run into her. She showed Aziol to an empty table about the center of the whole room. They exchanged a smile and Aziol sat down to the nicely polished wooden table as the maiden went to place his order. With his bright white and deep blue hues of his robe, Aziol stood out to any would-be adventurers that might require the aid of a strong-looking mage--and that is exactly what Aziol would want to do, after a tall glass of water of course.

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Re: Terra Labris Turmoil (N)

Post by Ryuuko » 27 Nov 2019, 13:11

Klwen noticed an unusual dark haired man walk into the bar, his eyes were a shining black that seemed more like pools a liquid instead of actual eyes. His skin had a bronze tint to it and he was bare chested sporting an assortment of jewelry. The bartender's daughter as usual greeted the man and steered him toward a seat while expertly avoiding the men's hands who had already forgotten the stranger. They were use too odd and strange looking men in this city. However, Klwen instinctively knew he was an outsider like her. At least she had a feeling he was. Klwen got up from the bar and headed to the man's table, to inquire if he knew anything about the strange men she had encountered earlier. By now the story was circulating anyways. So it didn't matter if others overheard them. Besides Klwen liked getting to the point.

"I've never seen you around here before, do you know anything about those one eyed demons and how they got here?" Klwen asked the stranger, Aziol.

Klwen did not sit down, instead she stood looking down at him intimidatingly, it was Klwen's normal stance, so many were either uncomfortable or admired her for it. Klwen did have other looks but she didn't have one here, because everyone here were strangers and she didn't feel particularly fond of any of them. After all her goal was simply to get home, it wasn't to find a new one. She decided to add more, because she was sure the man knew nothing about the strangers, and he'd be an awkward position to answer.

"If not, you appear quite capable would you lend me a hand in discovering whom they are?"

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