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Scarlet's Cat Cafe (Casual)

Posted: 01 Jun 2019, 23:41
by Tanya
OOC: Welcome to my cat cafe where cats, Nekos, and people are all welcome. Naturally at Scarlet's Cafe you need to be a cat lover and have fun playing. You may feed the cats and pet them. You needn't wait on me to interact or to get your food or drinks. Just post that servers got them for you. Remember its casual and posts are just for playing with cats, petting and cuddling. And enjoying a meal.

IC: Scarlet puts up the Grand opening sign which read cats and Nekos are welcome and of course cat lovers. Come and enjoy a place for cats, nekos and cat lovers. Scarlet, herself loved cats. She had long curly red hair and sharp green eyes, she was a Neko herself, as she had orange furry ears too.

"Meow, come and enjoy my place."

Re: Scarlet's Cat Cafe (Casual)

Posted: 01 Jun 2019, 23:52
by Luffynatsu87
Luffy being a big cat person likes the name of cafe, as he look through the door and opens the door and walks in "hello is there any cats in today" he looks see the toys for cat all over the place

Re: Scarlet's Cat Cafe (Casual)

Posted: 01 Jun 2019, 23:56
by Tanya
Scarlet tops playing with a Red Yarn ball.

"Meow, no. You're my first customer."


"Ask the servers and you shall have, meow." Scarlet starts playing with said yarn ball again, chasing it. Really Scarlet couldn't help herself. Many told her she'd be too busy playing to be a good host and owner of a cafe. But she wanted a place to play, so she hired help so she could. It was not just her Cafe but her play place too.

Re: Scarlet's Cat Cafe (Casual)

Posted: 03 Jun 2019, 16:26
by Basically Deleted
Brownie walked into the cat cafe. He was a Neko with a large fluffy brown tail and ears. He had blue eyes and long brown hair. He immediately spots a ball of yarn and pounces on not even thinking about how he might have to pay to play. He gets tangled in the yarn and another Neko appraches him.

Re: Scarlet's Cat Cafe (Casual)

Posted: 08 Jun 2019, 02:39
by Tanya
Scarlet walks up to Brownie whose playing with one of her balls of yarns and gives him a stern disappointing look and raises her voice.

"What do you think you are doing?" It was loud and stern, and clearly stated he was most certainly doing something unacceptable. She looked quite angry too.

Re: Scarlet's Cat Cafe (Casual)

Posted: 08 Jun 2019, 21:00
by Angelic Neko

Alex stands at 6’ 9” and fairly lean form. There are several scars on his chest and body from past wars he has had. In his normal human-like form he has cat-like ears instead of human ones, also has a black tail that can be used as a limb. He usually wears all black, Black steel toed boots with loose fitting cargo pants. He loves to wear light weight cotton shirts. To add to his appearance he wears a trench coat, which is heavily modified to take bullets and hide ammo weapons and blades. He has shoulder length black hair which usually covers part of his face which conceals his blue eyes.


He cautiously approached the cafe, he had turned his back on the world for many years now. His adopted daughter insisted he get back out into the world and open up. He was still fairly closed off and a bit cold but he was willing to at least try. He walks into the café and looks around. He smiles a bit as it reminds him of home. His ears twitch and tail sways as he takes in the smells. “Mmm something smells divine…” He said as he took a seat by himself.

Re: Scarlet's Cat Cafe (Casual)

Posted: 09 Jun 2019, 01:26
by Basically Deleted
Brownie hears the neko approach but is unable to free himself from the yarn. He helplessly lays there as the neko that he assumes is the owner scolds him.

"I'm sorry," he mews..."I saw the yarn and couldn't help myself....."are you going to kick me out?"

Re: Scarlet's Cat Cafe (Casual)

Posted: 13 Jun 2019, 01:12
by Tanya
Scarlet laughs at Brownie.

"No, you can keep playing, just share with my other customers, 'kay. Order something too, I need to make some money so I can keep my fun cafe open," she winks.

Scarlet then turn toward the all new comer who appeared to be a Neko too. The man took a sit. She walked up to him.

"What would you like to eat or drink here, meow?"

Re: Scarlet's Cat Cafe (Casual)

Posted: 13 Jun 2019, 02:03
by Ivory
A rather petite sized female neko named Ivy walked into the café with calico colored ears and tail, her long white hair was pulled back into a braid and she wore a white off shoulder blouse, jean shorts and sandals. Her soft yellow eyes roamed around the warmly decorated café, she eyed the other patrons curiously especially the one who wore a trench coat during the summertime. Deciding it was none of her business, Ivy found an empty seat and sat down, unsure what she was supposed to do now that she was here.

Re: Scarlet's Cat Cafe (Casual)

Posted: 13 Jun 2019, 05:02
by Basically Deleted
Brownie let out a huge sigh of relief.

"I'm glad I'm not in trouble."

Before Brownie could say any more, the other Neko walked off. Brownie sighs...

"Wish I could haven't gotten her to untangle me. I'm stuck."

Re: Scarlet's Cat Cafe (Casual)

Posted: 13 Jun 2019, 12:22
by Ivory
Ivy saw movement out of the corner of her eye and turned her head towards it, a male neko was on the floor tangled up in what appeared to be yarn with a rather pitiful look on his face. Sliding off of her chair, she walked over to him and used her claws to slice through the yarn.

"Are you okay?" She asked him with a small smile

Re: Scarlet's Cat Cafe (Casual)

Posted: 14 Jun 2019, 01:03
by Basically Deleted
Brownie had just about lost hope of getting free when a rather cute Neko came up to him and freed him and asked if he was okay.

"I-I-I'm fi-i-ne now," he stutters as he tries to gather his dignity. "Thanks for freeing me."

"Let me buy you something here as thanks. What would you like?"

Re: Scarlet's Cat Cafe (Casual)

Posted: 15 Jun 2019, 02:40
by Fate
Fate walked into the cafe sneezing he's allergic to cats but they're so cute he went in anyway* I wonder whats on the menu *starts reading*

Re: Scarlet's Cat Cafe (Casual)

Posted: 22 Jun 2019, 14:21
by Tanya
Scarlet failed to realize the Neko she had interacted with was stuck in the yarn. But noticed a new customer had come in and seated herself, and decided she'd help untangle the Neko later, but the female Neko walked over and did that for her. Well Scarlet thought, this was for the better after all.

A man entered and looked up at her menu. Tuna, as well other fish was on, and a variety of different birds and rodents, and of course catnip and cake. It was all favorites of Nekos and cats and good for their diets. The cakes were special as they were made for cats and Nekos. Scarlet greeted them.

"Welcome, welcome." She bounced up and down excitedly.

"Mew would like what? Mew Mew?" Scarlet waited for her customers to order, but she wanted to play some more. But she tried to stand still and be patient.

Re: Scarlet's Cat Cafe (Casual)

Posted: 25 Jun 2019, 21:32
by Fate
*Fate seeing all the cute nekos orders some catnip and a server brings it and as a surprise a tiny piece of cake *

"Here we go I just set it here in front of me and watch them play around"

*Being allergic he placed it far enough that they wouldn't trigger him so easily *