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Re: Tanya's Pub (Casual, just your local pub hangout)

Posted: 22 Jun 2019, 07:33
by Sirena
Sirena looks at them and smiles.

"My name is Sirena. Pleasure to meet you all. I could use another "Sex On The Beach". Food wise, why don't you fine men surprise me and pick something out for me to try."

She sits up straight and try her best to so how gratitude to them for interacting with her without speaking too much for the moment.

"After another drink I am sure I will open up and be social.New people and crowds intimidate me after a while...I am sorry.But I will be fine soon." she kindly explains.

Re: Tanya's Pub (Casual, just your local pub hangout)

Posted: 22 Jun 2019, 19:17
by Fate
"Ah nice to meet you then Sirena!" *smiles* "yes these two seem like fine gentlemen don't they?"
*thinks for the moment looks at her briefly try to guess what she'd like and says to himself "She doesn't seem the type want anything too messy". Chili dogs and Burgers are out then.*
"Tanya can you bring the fine lady Fish and chips please?"

Re: Tanya's Pub (Casual, just your local pub hangout)

Posted: 30 Jun 2019, 23:59
by Sirena
Sirena nods. "Thank you for the meal."

She looks around.

"Seems the place is quiet now..."

Re: Tanya's Pub (Casual, just your local pub hangout)

Posted: 02 Jul 2019, 01:03
by Fate
Sirena wrote:Sirena nods. "Thank you for the meal."

She looks around.

"Seems the place is quiet now..."

* looks around and notices that it is indeed not as rowdy as earlier*
"maybe they are in awe of your beauty miss"
"Tanya I'll have a refill please."
*as he waits hes tries think something talk about*

Re: Tanya's Pub (Casual, just your local pub hangout)

Posted: 03 Jul 2019, 01:33
by Sirena
Sirena blushes a deep crimson color as Fate indirectly called her beautiful.She took a moment to regain her composure before she tempted any actions.

"I doubt that is the reason why.They would atleast attempt to say something."

She raises her hand up. "Tanya,may I have another Sex On The Beach,please?" She asked kindly.

Re: Tanya's Pub (Casual, just your local pub hangout)

Posted: 03 Jul 2019, 02:01
by Fate
Sirena wrote:Sirena blushes a deep crimson color as Fate indirectly called her beautiful.She took a moment to regain her composure before she tempted any actions.

"I doubt that is the reason why.They would atleast attempt to say something."

She raises her hand up. "Tanya,may I have another Sex On The Beach,please?" She asked kindly.

*says with out much thinking* "not if they are to nervous I admit I was nervous myself"

*Why did I say it out loud? If i wasn't obvious by how I interacted with everyone already it is now*

Re: Tanya's Pub (Casual, just your local pub hangout)

Posted: 18 Jul 2019, 00:47
by Ryn
A slender tan woman with green eyes and brown wavy hair walks in.

"This place seems dead," she says under her breathe to where no one can hear her.

She reaches the bar and sits on a bar stool.

"Can I have a whiskey please," she asked politely and kindly to the bartender.

Re: Tanya's Pub (Casual, just your local pub hangout)

Posted: 18 Jul 2019, 01:47
by Fate
*since Fate was getting to awkward around the lady now at the table he looks around and notices someone new finally entered the bar*

Re: Tanya's Pub (Casual, just your local pub hangout)

Posted: 18 Jul 2019, 04:05
by Sirena
Sirena blushes a deep crimson red.

"Why would you be nervous?"

She noticed a new person walking in and she ignored her while she looked at Fate.She was more curious about his answer to her question.

Re: Tanya's Pub (Casual, just your local pub hangout)

Posted: 19 Jul 2019, 01:56
by Fate
*notices the woman was getting red and staring at him. Maybe he said something wrong? He thought to himself. He sighs "I might as well admit some of it"

"I get nervous around pretty women miss but you seem nice so now I'm even more so."

*He tries play it off with laughter*

Re: Tanya's Pub (Casual, just your local pub hangout)

Posted: 30 Jul 2019, 07:55
by Sirena
Sirena blushes even more.

"Looks can be deceiving Fate," she smiled as she said so.
"But you are right to assume I am nice.No need to be nervous around me though.I am cool.Just think of me as one of the guys...I tend to hang out with guys anyways and can be a bit of a tomboy at times."

Re: Tanya's Pub (Casual, just your local pub hangout)

Posted: 30 Jul 2019, 18:22
by Fate
*Fate thought for a moment how to respond she didn't seem the tomboy type at first*

"I guess so I didn't perceive you as the tomboy type. I still don't think so both see how that goes. So are you from around here are you here on some kind of trip? "

Re: Tanya's Pub (Casual, just your local pub hangout)

Posted: 02 Sep 2019, 00:01
by Dark_Vale
Vale slumped into the bar like a donut on a conveyor belt. He showed off his ID listlessly hoping the bouncer would remember how age wears upon a person and not need to ask for such trivial things in the future. He wore a down played attire; black and white striped shirt like prison garb with a short sleeved black jacket and khaki pants and brown work boots, a lit cigarette in the corner of his mouth. His dark brown hair was brushed back and naturally yet stylishly parted in the middle. He waded through the crowd, seemingly half drunk yet unnoticed as he walked up to the bar.

He shoved his hands in his pockets and passed his credit card to the bartender. "Can I get a double shot of whiskey and a beer chaser? And let it ride please."

Re: Tanya's Pub (Casual, just your local pub hangout)

Posted: 04 Sep 2019, 22:58
by Fate
*fate noticed his face was in his plate did he pass out again? he looked around noticed that more people were in the bar but nobody at his table moved how bizarre he thought to himself*

Re: Tanya's Pub (Casual, just your local pub hangout)

Posted: 06 Sep 2019, 21:42
by Dark_Vale
The amber liquid of his whiskey shined like the last rays of a setting sun, giving the sensation of a false warm promise. He poured it into his beer making his ow Boiler Maker and in a slow steadiness that came with years of practice downed the contents like a cold drink of water, sighing as he placed his cigarette back between his lips and ordered another double. He glanced over at the feline femme, returning the slightest of nods as he looked over the crowd. So far it's first impressions weren't too displeasing, neither were the smells, and one of the few establishments that didn't get riled up when you smoked indoors. He never understood that new concept; a bar was a place most went to to wait to die, cutting off smoking wasn't going to make the skies part and fix the whole in the ozone.

His eye fell on an old piano, pushed against the back wall along with most of the dust. Now that was a classic decor for any place. He took his drink and walked over to it, setting it down on the top as he exposed the ivories. It had been some time since he'd been near an old goat as this, but he felt his knuckle creak as he brushed the key at the memories that went by. But tonight didn't feel like a time for fond memories...

He sat down in front of the old upright, taking a sip of his drink and started playing, keeping his lips tight as smoke swirled around his head. (