Space Western (Rimworld)

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Space Western (Rimworld)

Post by I AM ERROR » 17 May 2019, 23:28

This is an Open RP, join at your leisure. ... 54MDUc/pub
This is the Fiction Primer for Rimworld the world I expect this RP to be based off of. (Assumedly written by Tynan, and his team, developer of Rimworld)

I expect to launch a colony based on the "Wreck of the Horizon"

"you awake in your cryptosleep sarcophagi to the sound and light of re-entry. the Cryosleep Sarcophogi from the Horizon are designed to be self contained survival units, and escape pods. you thaw on your way towards the planet, and crash land with some other survivor's pods. some conscious, some not.

a material pod is launched by the pilot AI, and it touches down nearby. giving survival meals, medicine, and other simple survival tools. for the foreseeable future, this rim-world is your new home

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Re: Space Western (Rimworld)

Post by I AM ERROR » 18 May 2019, 01:06

(Yup. it's great!)

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Re: Space Western (Rimworld)

Post by I AM ERROR » 18 May 2019, 01:15

(But anyway. To RP?)

Jared coughs and splutters, the foul contents of his stomach bubbling up past his lips as cryptosleep sickness set in. he found an airsickness bag and subsequently hurled. it was practically electric green, a nutrient paste meal he'd had before being frozen all those years ago, the settings hadn't been quite right and while he hadn't been aging all those years, the food in his stomach sure had been.

"Blegh" he muttered folding the bag shut and kicking out the pane of clear material he'd been encased behind. cool air filled into his pod, and he sighed with relief.

they were in a temperate biome for now. and it was summer.

he saw the red smoke of the air drop.

but that probably meant everyone else did too... crashed passengers, and raiders alike. not to mention, he imagined a ship falling out of orbit was similarly a big deal. he gets to the ground and stumbles slightly, getting his leg under him, he started moving quickly for the supplies, looking around for anyone else.

Most of all he looked up, knowing there was still a lot of debris that should be falling to earth...or rather Planetfall... whatever the term was.

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Re: Space Western (Rimworld)

Post by I AM ERROR » 18 May 2019, 01:18

(Go for it)

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Re: Space Western (Rimworld)

Post by I AM ERROR » 18 May 2019, 01:56

"Yeah my thoughts exactly. there's a hill near here, that's where I crashed. I got a decent look at the terrain, there's a river that way. " he points in a direction. opposite the sun "I'll call it east?"

he grabs a tarp off one of the crates

(It's Truer to life than rimworld the game is, at least I'm hoping)

"should be able to rig up some simple tents if neeed be with this tarp. probably the main issue is going to be-" he was about to say more before he wretched again. he spit bile out. "making sure the supplies stay dry. I think I spotted a natural cave nearby,"

Jared was an Ascetic apocalypse survivor. a simple man, who understood people's needs. the radioactive wastes led him to be good at repairing what he could find, making him decent at reparing gear, jury rigging structures and the like. but he was the type to shoot first and never ask questions. he was Glad Ingrid was to the point, and didn't clutter the stream of communication with needless banter.

for now they were survivors first and foremost. and she had a good head on her shoulders.

"You grab one, I'll grab the other crate, we'll move for that Cave by the river? Sound like a plan?"

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Re: Space Western (Rimworld)

Post by I AM ERROR » 18 May 2019, 02:24

"We'll take more direct inventory once we get there." he says taking an even breath.

he was more trying to keep his insides from tying in knots than anything else.

"I'm Jared by the way" he says. figuring he needed to build Repertoire with the woman.

"Jared Mason, and I tell you what, I haven't had my guts hate me this bad since Tantalorn" he says with a small laugh "at least then I was chock full of radiation."

they were about halfway to the cave now. he was taking things slow,

as they approach the cave it doesn't look horribly deep, probably enough for two or three beds, and the crates, it'll be a tight squeeze.

"Could probably put tarps in the doorway." Jared remarks offhand. "use them as a door or sorts."

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Re: Space Western (Rimworld)

Post by I AM ERROR » 18 May 2019, 02:51

"I think it was just these two crates"

he says settling in to listen to her story of ancient horrors, to which he responds

"with what I've seen, I believe it."

he tears into the crate peeling off boards with his bare hands.

he lays out a semi automatic pistol on the floor. then reaching in, he finds some tools. the big red tool box rattles as he lays it down.

"C'mon" he mutters, managing to produce a long arm. a bolt action rifle.

there's a bit of fuzz on the iron sights which he gently picks off, experimentally working the bolt.

"now we're talking."

there was a fusion welder, a number of other tools, and then there was armor. one set, flack vest, pants and a helmet.

there were seeds, as well as a fishing rod.

he finally reaches in and finds a first aid kit. busting it open he pulls out the bottle of anti-Diarrheal.

he reads the dosage instructions, pops two of the pills swallowing it down without water.

"If you had any amount of crypto sleep sickness, take one of these. you'll probably thank me later" he says handing her the bottle. Jared was trying to hint kindly that her stomach and bowels might be clearing out later, without being too crude.

"like you said, the food won't last, So I'm thinking come dusk I'm going hunting.... especially now that I have this" he says referring to the bolt action. he lays it across his lap, towards the cave entrance "that solves the problem short term, but I don't know what kind of Animals will be around come winter, and from what I can tell of the Flora-"

He points to a few trees naming them "Oak, Maple, Birch...This is a more temperate area, which means whatever the climate cycle is, we need to plan for the cold season...but I think I'm getting ahead of myself." he sighs softly rubbing his eye for a moment.

"What's going on in your head?"

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Re: Space Western (Rimworld)

Post by I AM ERROR » 18 May 2019, 03:14

he gives a nod, and quietly heads out.

the weapon had plenty of ammo, and he knew how to make it count when it mattered. as it stood he wasn't planning on hunting anything too big. Squirrels, Rats, or rabbits.

no sooner had he thought this, did he notice a snake sunning itself by the river bed. from all he'd known it didn't look like anything poisonous. he crept up on it.

he lashed out with a bare hand to grab it behind the head. the whole body of the animal writhed. his hand slipped, and he cut his hand, but he powered through the pain and was able to cut off it's head with a quick stroke of a pocket knife.

he triumphantly dragged the snake back towards camp.

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Re: Space Western (Rimworld)

Post by I AM ERROR » 18 May 2019, 03:31

Jared slings the rifle over his shoulder and finds another ax, joining her in chopping wood, clearing the area. he suddenly stops moving pulling out the rifle and crouching. creeping along among some of the trees.

he was a distance away when he gave a shrill whistle with his teeth.

Jared had spotted a ground hog, and the creature's danger signal was to give a whistle to alert the other of their kind to danger.

the animal poked up it's head and he quickly and cleanly executed it with shot.

considering that they had enough fresh material for a few days he took the animal and stringing up a clothesline of sort, started his kills draining.

he was clearly distracted from the work, so he didn't get a ton of logging done, but his help made it go quicker.

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Re: Space Western (Rimworld)

Post by I AM ERROR » 18 May 2019, 03:48

he watched her build the fire, a stupid grin on his face. he shakes his head. more to himself than anything, and set about butchering the meat once it was sufficently drained.

It made a garish mess right outside the cave, but, it beat having blood everywhere inside.

The snake meat he'd cut into coins, and with a cooking pot of some description, he set to work cooking.

Seemingly in the first little bit of his excursion he'd gathered wild tubors. potato like items he also cut up, after cleaning the knife of course

he'd kinda gone silent after they'd made their first plan.

he uses a fork to turn over the snake coins.

the fire glinted in his eyes as he glanced over at her. he looked like he was going to say somthing, but thought better of it.

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Re: Space Western (Rimworld)

Post by I AM ERROR » 18 May 2019, 04:18

"There's a PMC group, they Ascended me off Tantalorn... my home. I thought I'd escaped that hell. honestly, I thought I'd actually have backup wherever they decided to ship me off. Field rations for days, with the dehydrated MRE's that warm when you add water. sitting still in a tower watching some Glassy desert while they did illegal research for some corporation? Government? whoever the hell they worked for."

he makes up a plate and hands it off to her.

"I'd worked for them a bit. Fire is basically a giant come get me sign. so I never typically built one in the field" he reaches foward warming his hands "But it does kinda remind me of home"

he fishes out his own plate

"Cooking is a luxury in constellation's operations. it's good to actually do some campfire cooking, so I'm glad it smells good. I hope it lives up to your tastes, even if the meat is sub-par."

he takes a coin of the snake meat in his fingers and pops it in his mouth. in doing this, she can see the snake bite.

he leans up against the cave wall. relaxing. letting out a big yawn and still lazily eating.

"Damn I miss tables though. did a bit of carpentry on tantalorn, to help me not starve to death. whenever I actually had a home, even if it was a dreggy appartment, always had a table. almost more important than a damn bed."

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Re: Space Western (Rimworld)

Post by I AM ERROR » 18 May 2019, 05:05

"You totally can if it's going to waste supplies on a scratch." he says wincing slightly as she sterilizes the cut. he looks the wound over "you did a good job patching me up. you some kinda doctor?"

"Don't really like talking much... Kinda like Stewing in silence" he says with a slight laugh.

he takes the gear pulling it on. "At range, they're just as likely to use a mortar." he says with a slight scoff "but I guess that assumes too much"

he takes his blanket, taking his spot on the floor.

"If you're afraid of a raid, maybe one of us should keep watch? but there's kinda a paradox of watch.... if we're out there and alert in the night anyone wandering through will know what's up after seeing us, but, if the crate is gone, and it's just supplies and wreckage, they shouldn't immediately have a clue where we've gone.

"Sleep tight Ingrid"

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Re: Space Western (Rimworld)

Post by mopalola2100 » 07 Jul 2019, 17:49

Sadaku wrote:Ingrid was still blearily trying to clear her vision after exiting her pod on her hands and knees, smoke billowing out behind her from her damaged pod. She raised her head, after being sick, the usual effect of cryo-sleep forced awakening and stumbled to her feet, looking around and spotting Jarred. She noted the pod behind him and made her way towards him raising one hand in greeting as she approached. Glancing up at the position of the Sun and shaking her head she moved with him towards the supplies.

"We're going to need shelter fast," She said simply, as she glanced around. "Should pick a good spot too, no sense in building up a temporary quarters just to have to rebuild somewhere better, have you scouted the area at all?" ... sinessman/

She was already kneeling over the supplies and arranging the various meals in a seperate group for easier access, "These won't last too long," She noted, "We'll need a food source pretty quick."

Oh yes I love it though getting the Space Craft built is so hard oof

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