Match-Up: Asylum (Expendable / Catacombs)

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Match-Up: Asylum (Expendable / Catacombs)

Post by Expendable » 10 Mar 2019, 05:27

They tried to give her the pink pill in her meds. The next thing she knew, the alarm was going off and she was face down on the floor while the other patients were hooting at her in alarm.

"Damn it Gargoyle," hissed Loto, the Samoan nurse holding down her right arm. He was one of the nice ones. Betty, all 90-old pounds of her had thrown all three-hundred-odd pounds of him across the Common room a month ago, he'd just gotten back today."Calm down! You're gonna hurt yourself or get yourself thrown in the hole!"
"Don't call her 'Gargoyle'," someone said sternly. Sam winced as someone knelt on the floor near her head. "Miss Anderson?"

"Nurse Sunday...?" Sam managed to choke out. The head nurse was blotting her right eye with a tissue.

"This isn't on, my dear," Nurse Sunday sighed. "You've not been sleeping again."
"Don't wannna sleep!"
"You need to sleep honey, you're all agitated."

She couldn't help it, the tears started to flow. Someone was stroking her hair.

"Miss Anderson, I'm going to give you a choice. You can take the pill, or you're getting the shot. Which is it, dear?"
"Not the shot!" Sam cried, trying to struggle free. Someone swore.
"So you want the pill?" Nurse Sunday demanded. Sam nodded. "Use your words, dear. Do you want the pill then?"
"....Yes," Sam managed, her throat all sore as her body went limp.
"And you're going to stop this fighting?"
"Yes, Nurse Sunday."
"Good. Sit her up."

It was Loto who carried her into the room like a baby, the only man she could stand to touch her here. He smelled of spices and sweat and sandalwood. The pink pill was hitting her hard, she could barely keep her eyes open. She was drifting away as they tucked the sheet tight around her and under the mattress to restrain her. Nurse Sunday brushed her hair off of her face, exposing the scar that ran down the left side of her face that she tried so hard to hide.
"Sleep, Miss Anderson," the head nurse said gently. "You'll see, it'll be alright in the morning."

"Nurse Sunday," she heard the Samoan say, "the new patient is due to arrive soon. Do you still want them in this room?"

Someone was leaning over her.
?krow dluow taht kniht yllaer uoy did ,lrig ylliS

It was Doubt - but then it all went black.

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Re: Match-Up: Asylum (Expendable / Catacombs)

Post by Sirena » 11 Mar 2019, 00:43

Priscilla tossed in the straight jacket that the Staff had put her in.She knew what was coming next as the dreaded nurses tried to hold her down.The sedative was given to unruly patients.It seems poor Priscilla was unruly yet again.She couldn't remember what she did this time.She tends to black out from time to time.As the doctor gave her the sedative all she heard as she slipped away into a deep sleep was something about a roommate.

She was dreaming about trying to escape.The Asylum turned into a maze with the Staff changing into monsters every time she made it close to the exit....

Priscilla awoke with a cold sweat. Another nightmare again.... She sighed and sat up.She looked over and saw that she wasn't alone. This must be the roommate that was mentioned, she thought to herself.

The person still seemed to be asleep.They must have gotten the sedative as well.She stared at the wall for what seemed like an eternity to her.
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Re: Match-Up: Asylum (Expendable / Catacombs)

Post by Expendable » 11 Mar 2019, 03:30

With a groan, Sam turned her head as her breathing quickened.

"Noooooo," she breathed, turning her head. "Noooooo....."

Her body jerked, straining against the tight sheets as her eye flew open and she screamed "NOOOOO!"

She laid there for a moment, panting, feeling the sweat pour off her body, soaking the sheets. And that's when she heard it, the slap of the duty nurse's shoes on the linoleum outside in the corridor, coming towards the room. If she came in, she'd get the shot for sure. She forced her right eye closed and began to breathe deeply, letting her body go limp.

At the door, the observation flap was slid aside, then she heard the rattle of keys in the lock, then the slight creek of the door opening.


Nononononono don't come in, Sam thought furiously.


She wasn't alone. Oh god, she wasn't alone!

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Re: Match-Up: Asylum (Expendable / Catacombs)

Post by Sirena » 11 Mar 2019, 19:22

Priscilla quickly layed back down and closed her eyes to pretend that she was asleep.She didn't want the Staff to find out that she was still awake.She dreaded the sedative.

The Staff member went into the same and gave a quick check to see if the girls were asleep.They must have fooled the Staff member cuz they gave a sigh and left the room.Next Priscilla hears the rattling of keys again and the door being locked.

Priscilla sighed. That was a close one,she thought.She didnt realize that she was paired with a screamer with nightmares.But then again she was happy that she had a roommate this time.Most of the time she was alone.She didnt know why or atleast she couldn't remember why.
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Re: Match-Up: Asylum (Expendable / Catacombs)

Post by Expendable » 12 Mar 2019, 03:49

She waited in the dark, to be sure the duty nurse had left, that everything had time to settle.

The newcomer was on her left, so she couldn't see them - but they could probably see the long scar that ran down from jaw to disappear in her hair - and the empty eye socket, fortunately hidden under the eye patch. With only her head sticking out from under the sheets, she couldn't see the rest of them.

She could see Vanity, wearing a short shirt and a boob tube pointing at her own empty eye sockets as the skull grinned down at her.

"Are you awake?" Sam asked softly.

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Re: Match-Up: Asylum (Expendable / Catacombs)

Post by Sirena » 12 Mar 2019, 22:31

Priscilla opened her eyes and turned over to her side.She was still laying down as she looked at her roommate. "Yeah,I am awake." She sighed then hissed like a cat. "I wish I was still asleep though.What were you dreaming about?" She sounded concerned as she asked her about her dreams.

She then pulled her blanket down and sat up in her bed.She turned herself to face her roommate.Her legs draped over the edge of the bed.In boredom she swayed her feet back and forth.

"Name's Priscilla by the way." She smirked.
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Re: Match-Up: Asylum (Expendable / Catacombs)

Post by Expendable » 13 Mar 2019, 00:54

The sheet held her in like a piece of meat wrapped in plastic on a Styrofoam tray so that she could barely move, but she could turn her head to see her new roomie in the dimness sitting on the edge of her bed.

"Sam," she replied. "Everyone just calls me Sam. I think my dad really wanted a boy."

.meht detnioppasid uoy emit tsrif ehT Doubt said, sitting on the edge of the headboard, filling the corner, gnitnioppasid oS

"I was remembering... the accident," Sam said.

raiL, Doubt smirked. ?netsil uoy did tub ,meht tsurt ot ton uoy dlot I

"We'd just left a rest stop, Dad was yelling at me to put on my seat belt when the semi hit us. I went through a window and got impaled on a tree branch, it messed me up."

.gniog erew uoy erehw gnihctaw fo daetsni uoy ta gnilley detcartsid neeb evah t'ndluow dad ruoy os ,ot desoppus erew uoy ekil ti nrow ylno d'uoy fi yadot evila eb llits d'yeht dnA

At the foot of the bed, Vanity covered its skeleton mouth with its skeleton hand as it shook with mirth. Yeah, the drugs didn't stop her from seeing them everywhere.

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Re: Match-Up: Asylum (Expendable / Catacombs)

Post by Sirena » 18 Mar 2019, 20:49

"Seems you had one traumatizing accident,Sam" said Priscilla. "Which makes the screams understandable.But you might want to try to be quiet or you will get the sedative." She bite her lower lip and sounded a teed bit afraid."I have gotten the sedative more times then I would like...Not fun..."

She laid back into the bed and covered herself with the blanket.She had a cold chill.So she was cold.
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Re: Match-Up: Asylum (Expendable / Catacombs)

Post by Expendable » 19 Mar 2019, 00:38

?elbadnatsrednU Doubt crowed, rocking back and forth in the corner. !sracs eht sees ehs litnu tiaW

Doubt suddenly stopped, growling. !taht pots ,ytinaV hO

Vanity was in a horror pose in front of the unbreakable plastic mirror, reacting to invisible scars on her boney body. At Doubt's rebuke, she stood up and smiled her death's smile at Doubt before she sat down on the edge of the bed, resting her skull chin on her boney palms.

"Yeah," Sam sighed, glancing over at Priscilla, "I'll try that."

But now she was wide awake, with the drugs out of her system, she wasn't going to sleep any time soon - nor were her demons. At least, it was just these two. For now.

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Re: Match-Up: Asylum (Expendable / Catacombs)

Post by Sirena » 25 Mar 2019, 05:19

Priscilla closed her eyes and sweetly told Sam goodnight.She had a feeling that her roommate would not get much sleep if any tonight.She could tell that Sam suffered from her own set of "demons".

Within 10 minutes Priscilla was asleep and shortly afterwards she was in dream land.She never knew what direction her dreams go.Sometimes sweet dreams and the other times nightmares.Things she didn't remember that she had done in her life pop up in her dreams.
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Re: Match-Up: Asylum (Expendable / Catacombs)

Post by Expendable » 25 Mar 2019, 16:56

There's someone new? Fear asked from the corner, eyeing Priscilla with its dark, empty sockets. How long before she turns on us?
She might not even be a patient, Doubt sighed, leaning back and talking normally. She could be a doctor come to trap you.
WHAT?!? Panic roared, bolting out from under the bed, scrabbling to Fear's corner where it grinned toothily at the sleeping girl.
Panic, your horns are poking me, Fear scowled. Lean forward, would you?

Great, they were all showing up. And here she was, pinned by her sheet and blanket, unable to move.

Hatred stared back at her with its burning eyes from the footboard, teeth like bars, playing with its switchblade. Sorry sweetheart, you don't want it that much.

Poor baby, Doubt sighed, leaning down to stroke Sam's face with her massive hand. So afraid of being alone. Well, you're never alone - you have us. You'll always have us.

Sam shuddered in the sweat-soaked sheets, but one of her demons hadn't shown up, despite the nightmare. Not since the incident with Betty.

I said all of us.

"what...." Sam whispered, glancing over at Priscilla's sleeping back. If she was sleeping. "What happened with Betty? Did she...?"


Doubt's hand on her face stilled. The others were now staring at her.

How could she? Doubt didn't sound reassuring. She sounded... worried.

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Re: Match-Up: Asylum (Expendable / Catacombs)

Post by Sirena » 27 Mar 2019, 01:29

Priscilla tossed and turned violently as she fought back tears.She didn't realize she was dreaming.It seemed too real to her...She could swear that she felt strong hands pushing her down as she tried to fight and escape.The face of her assailant was way too familiar.That is when she knew she was dreaming and she awoke in a cold sweat.She sat up and buried her head down in between her knees and quietly sobbed.

She hoped that she didn't alert the Staff that she was awake.She wasn't sure if her screams were silent and within the dream or not.

She was shaking from head to toe it seemed.She hated when she dreamed of her ex boyfriend.She knew when she saw him that it was always a dream or him haunting her.Still tormenting her from beyond the grave.He has been dead for 2 years.She knew the exact moment he died....She was the one that killed him.Not like she meant to.He was being violent and that was the first and last time that she fought back.Afterwards she sat in their apartment and slowly went insane with guilt or as a product of his torment when he was living.

Something told her to look up.When she did she saw him in the corner of the room and she let out a blood curling scream.
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Re: Match-Up: Asylum (Expendable / Catacombs)

Post by Expendable » 27 Mar 2019, 03:46

Sam was just on the edge of loosing consciousness when she heard someone scream.

!...suoiciled dekool taht ,yM, Doubt said, licking her lips with a long tongue, giving the vacant corner a nod.

The new girl had screamed, now they were in for it.

"Hey," she called out to Priscilla. "It's okay, you're awake now. They can't hurt you."

She could probably have used a hug, but she was still trapped.

The privacy flap flipped open, then there was the jiggling of keys in the lock.

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Re: Match-Up: Asylum (Expendable / Catacombs)

Post by Sirena » 31 Mar 2019, 11:01

Priscilla panicked on the inside has she heard the keys jiggling in the lock.She knew what was going to happen next...THE SEDATIVE SHOT....Her silent panic turned into fear and without trying to she didn't hear Sam trying to calm her.All she could think about was what was about to happen next.

The door then flew open to reveal instead of the normal night nurse but 2 security guards and a male nurse.They must be new or something since she never have seen them before now.Priscilla was known to try to fight when she was given the shot and it seems that they were prepared for it.The guards were not small and weak looking like usual but strong and built.

How did they know to be prepared tonight? she silently asked herself as she tried to fight them as they subdued her to the bed so the male nurse can deliver the shot without him getting hurt by her.

She screamed in protest and sobbed uncontrollable as the needle pierced her skin and the fluid entered her body.The security guards continued to hold her down after the male nurse backed a few feet from her.They waited to make sure that the sedative was starting to take effect before letting her go and existing the room.

As the sedative started to take effect she felt the drowsiness and numbness that came with it.Before slipping totally away in a dreamless sleep that it induces she heard the male nurse speak to her as himself and the security guards started to exit the room. "Foolish Priscilla you are predictable.The whole Staff knows your patterns and behaviors.We are the ones they call for the worst and unruly ones...." The rest of his speak was lost to her as she completely faded into her drug induced sleep.

Unruly?.... Worst?.... These were her last thoughts of the night.More like unanswered questions then thoughts.
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Re: Match-Up: Asylum (Expendable / Catacombs)

Post by Expendable » 11 Apr 2019, 04:01

Do you think that will fool them? Doubt asked, stroking the side of her face. Closing your eyes and pretending to be asleep after that scream?

Sam didn't think she fooled them, but since she was being quiet, they let her be. The door slammed shut behind them, and she waited for their footsteps to fade.

"Why can I see you?" she whispered.

Would you like to believe it's because you're special?
Doubt grinned.

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