The Guild and Kingdoms [RP] hosted by Tempest

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Re: The Guild and Kingdoms [RP] hosted by Tempest

Post by Ryuuko » 07 May 2019, 11:00

OOC: The test will take place this weekend. I'll get the post on Friday. Might be late night Friday or Early Saturday for some of you. To give time to mingle and for others to join, and not have too long of a wait.

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Re: The Guild and Kingdoms [RP] hosted by Tempest

Post by hokage234 » 07 May 2019, 11:51

Adam was thrilled to be in the capital finally, traveling far from his original home to come to the capital and seek out the adventuring guild. He spent much of his day sight seeing the capital, checking out the marketplace and the different shops throughout the city but unable to buy much as he had little money with him from his master. After a first attempt at asking the guards about the adventuring guild, he realized the guards didn't speak or understand much elven and made another attempt in the more common language his mother taught him. His second attempt much more successful, Adam followed the directions to the guild hall.

Adam made his way inside and noticed quite a few people were already chit chatting, a mixture of different races and cultures it seem. He made his way through, not really sure what to say to the different people outside of a nod or wave to acknowledge them before making his way to the counter where a large older man stood, certainly someone who seen battle and could hold his own in a fight. Adam spoke unsure if he was the one to talk to:

"Um, excuse me sir, is this where I need to register myself? I'm looking to join and need to take this..." he paused for a moment to find the right word, "...challenge to join at a higher rank."

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Re: The Guild and Kingdoms [RP] hosted by Tempest

Post by Nishizono Shinji » 07 May 2019, 14:24

Telwyn was deep in thought as he travelled towards the forest, what was it about the human that made him feel so uneasy? Telwyn was used to there being unsavoury characters within the guild, he knew there were certain jobs that only a certain type could fulfil, but for some reason he couldn't shake this feeling he had. He decided he would trust the guild masters judgement and try not to think anything more of it.
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Re: The Guild and Kingdoms [RP] hosted by Tempest

Post by sacred dragon » 07 May 2019, 17:02

Usagi wrote:Kyuro had a huge grin on his face as new member after new member entered the guild. "This is going to be so much fun!" he says to himself. "I'm not even sure whom I should approach first and introduce myself to! Some of them seem a little scarier than others. Maybe I should wait for someone to approach encounter with the girl earlier didn't go as well as I planned but I won't let that setback stop me."

Kyuro decides its time for another plate of food, his dragon blood ensured he had a hearty appetite at all times and the food that the guild had to offer was simply delicious. They had boar that was roasted to perfection as well as ribs with an exquisite barbecue sauce unlike Kyuro had ever tasted before. He was going to love it here he knew.

Tio looks around the room as she senses she's been watched, she can also feel the death around that man, but to her, it's not the biggest deal in the world she has killed many an assassin over her life so far and doesn't even blink while doing it. She then returns to the question about what does she think of the guild master and says" I can feel he's very strong, you could even call it a true fighters aura, and since he has accepted me I'll do my best to cause to much trouble for him". She pauses for a minute then says" She pauses for a minute then says" I'm glad your good at seeing the bigger picture, i get the feeling we'll get on just fine".
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Re: The Guild and Kingdoms [RP] hosted by Tempest

Post by Ryuuko » 07 May 2019, 21:38

The Guild Master watched a young male elf walk in and come up to him and ask about registering and taking the test.

"It sure is, but if your taking the test, I'll get you regestired then. In the mean time the Guild has food and water provided free of charge today. Go on enjoy some food and get to know some of the others here."

Some of the other newcomers seemed to be getting along. The darker two were keeping to themselves, mostly.

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Re: The Guild and Kingdoms [RP] hosted by Tempest

Post by hokage234 » 08 May 2019, 11:42

"Thank you sir." Adam said as he made his way to enjoy some of the food the guild master said was free for today. He certainly could use it after weeks of travel with mostly dried foods and other rations. He made himself a large plate vegetables he recognized back from where he grew up and small pieces of boar covered in a strange sauce he hadn't seen before. Looking around the room, Adam noticed another young elf talking to someone he found strange, wearing some extravagant clothing and what looked like white bunny ears coming from the top of their head. He approached Kyuro from behind him and spoke up to him:

"Hello there, my name is Adam, mind if I sit with you here?"

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Re: The Guild and Kingdoms [RP] hosted by Tempest

Post by Basically Deleted » 10 May 2019, 17:29

Kyuro gazed at the newcomer for a few moments sizing him up. He recognized that he was an elf but he suspected that, like himself, he was only a half breed. He seemed to have an almost ethereal glow surrounding him that instantly made Kyuro trust him.

"Sure!" he replies cheerfully as he pulls out the chair for the newcomer to sit in. "My name's Kyuro. What's yours?"
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Re: The Guild and Kingdoms [RP] hosted by Tempest

Post by hokage234 » 10 May 2019, 18:47

"Thank you" Adam spoke to Kyuro as he sat down and began to eat through his heavy plate of vegetables. After finishing his potato he responded to Kyuro's question. "My name is Adam, and I come from a forest village about a month's travel away from the capital. Came out here because my Master thought it be good way for me to get some real experience besides getting my butt kicked by him everyday in mock battles." He popped a small piece of boar in his mouth and looked puzzled. "This meat is oddly sweet, but still taste wonderful. It must be this mysterious sauce." He looked to Kyuro and the other woman and said to them both, "Sorry, I tend to say more than is needed, what brings you folks to the guild?"

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Re: The Guild and Kingdoms [RP] hosted by Tempest

Post by sacred dragon » 10 May 2019, 21:44

Tio gently laughs then says" For the time being I'm curious to see if I can make it as an adventurer, the guild master says" Says the death rate is pretty high, but I've flirted with death many a time and they have yet to claim me as for how long that stays true who knows, but my brother used to say your not living if you don't test your full potential". She pauses for a minute then says" I don't remember much about where I was born, to be honest, but I do know my people had a lot of salted goods and food that kept us going for days at a time". Tio had not eaten yet so she goes over to the food and plats gets a plate and puts a decent mix of things then goes back to the guys. She tried the sweet boar it was a little unusual to her given she hardly eats sweets or sweet food, she puts some in her mouth and after several chews says" Nerves can get the best of one, and while i don't mind it to a greater extent you might not want to keep that habit of yours given how cities can be".
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Re: The Guild and Kingdoms [RP] hosted by Tempest

Post by Ivory » 11 May 2019, 12:05

(OOC: I keep forgetting to post here, guess it's time to join the party. >.<)

Emiko stared at the door that supposedly led into The Guild which she found after asking several different people for directions around town, some had good things to say about it while others giving unwanted advice told her just to steer clear that bad things tended to happen. Not one to cast judgement based solely upon rumors Emi decided to give it a shot, since her mother passed away two weeks ago she had been completely on her own. A stray tear slid down her cheek thinking about it but then wiped it away while taking a deep breath, steeling her nerves and walked into the building to find the Guild Master so she could see about advancing her skills to become a white mage one day. Her owl companion, Zephyr sat asleep on her shoulder which wasn't unusual considering the current time of day. The inside of the guild was slightly darker then outside though Emi's eyes adjusted quickly and found a stern looking older man amongst several others, walking up to him she gave a small polite bow.

"Hello sir. I'm looking to join your Guild in hopes of advancing my skills as a healer." Emiko stated firmly, hoping she looked more brave then she felt.

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Re: The Guild and Kingdoms [RP] hosted by Tempest

Post by Ryuuko » 11 May 2019, 12:20

The Guildmaster looked at the young female elf. She seemed different from a normal elf, and she had a pet owl asleep on her shoulder.

"You've come to the right place to advance your skills. Do you intend to take the test or start as an E ranked adventurer? It won't be long until it starts now."

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Re: The Guild and Kingdoms [RP] hosted by Tempest

Post by Tanya » 11 May 2019, 15:00

Zya's body started to burn when an elven girl walked in with an owl. It was screaming at her to kill it. Zya dropped her coffee, as her eyes started to glow green. No, why was it awakening, Zya thought? This is bad, as she fell to the ground, fighting for control. Pain flooded her body, her demon blood was boiling intensely. My eyes are purple she thought, I want my purple eyes, I want to be me. Let go, but the demon blood in her was asking for blood for that girl's blood, it insisted on being sated. Zya was crying out in pain, gritting her teeth as she rolled. Damn, it hurts she thought, stop, stop, Zya demanded. It wouldn't stop though. She couldn't kill anyone here, it was wrong, but the demon part of her didn't care about that.

Okay she pleaded with it, I'll kill something tonight, I'll do it. It calmed down enough, that her blood was only barely boiling. That she could manage, it still wanted her to kill that female elf. But she managed to get up, it hurt, but she was use to pain like this. Her eyes were purple again, but she clearly had tears. She looked at her coffee, wasted. The cup was broken.

"Sorry about that," Zya picked up the pieces, and cleaned up the mess. Her poor coffee, she thought, you didn't do anything wrong, it was her cursed blood again.

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Re: The Guild and Kingdoms [RP] hosted by Tempest

Post by Rysiu » 12 May 2019, 09:45

Sulfurus only shook his head. Lack of self-control could only bring trouble and if they were to work together at some point it could bring some unnecessary difficulties. He realised that there might come the day when he has to put her down. Many raging demons he witnessed during his service in Requiem.
"I hope the wait will be over soon, wouldn't want to kill without getting paid for it" - he thought glancing at the girl which finally got back to her senses.

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Re: The Guild and Kingdoms [RP] hosted by Tempest

Post by Ryuuko » 12 May 2019, 13:22

Gramm looked over at Zya, hmm, that could be a problem. He didn't know what had happened but he was going need to ask about it. Health issues had no place in guilds if they were bad. Well a D rank could have one that was bad, but any higher was out of the question. However, he needed to ask her about it before he could really judge what to do. He looked back at Emiko.

"Well it's just past noon it's time for the tests today, you might as well join." Murdock walks over to the Guild's receptionist who handled job requests, Sana.

"Sana since we are giving out tests, if anyone comes in to join go ahead and send them up." Gramm then turned and walked toward the back door leading to the practice yard. In a deep bellow he made an announcement to all the new guild members.

"It is time for the test, please follow me upstairs for official regestration and your test for evaluating your starting Rank within the Guild. The Guild Master into the closed in practice yard. There he found Fulgar and Mathew. Fulgar and Mathew were the top guild members in the Capitol they were both A- ranked members. Some B+ members were expected to arrive later. Fulgar was a skilled Black Mage, and Mathew a skilled Fighter. The Guild Master then waited for the others who followed him to arrive.

The practice yard was a good size for being enclosed, by enclosed it had stone walls around it. At one end it had targets on the wall for bow practice. At another it had straw soldiers for melee or magic practice. On the last wall it had a tight rope, a pit, and some hurdles. It was basically a mini obstacle course. The middle was wide open dirt and for most where they practiced. After they all arrived he explained the first test.

"Welcome to our Guild, I hope you all do well as I'm looking for some skill members to join our ranks. The first test is one for survival. You'll be on your own, Master Fulgar will summon 2 goblins for you too battle. They are weak and small monsters and barely decent fighters. Two, however, gets dangerious for ill prepared adventurers. Everyone is required to take this test no matter what your class is. This is a test of survival and goblins will do their best to out number you. These goblins will have spears and basically no armor, its a low summoning spell. A good one for testing, though. If you kill one you'll make D Rank but there will be no futher testing, you must kill both to advance to the next test which will be Class based. So I'll take your official regestrations at that point." The Guild Master then moved over to one wall and Fulgar came out to address them.

Fulgar was a balding man with gray hairs and a knarled wooden staff in grandier robes. In fact he seemed to be wearing all sorts of fancy magical items. That said he looked old and tired with a menacing aura.

"Alright, one at a time, step up when you are ready to take the test and I'll summon 2 goblins to battle you, if you are in danger, I'll end the summon." With that Fulgar waited for each to step forward and take the test.

Alright for this post everyone should write out how their entire battle took place. Goblins are 2 and half feet tall and ugly green humaniod monsters. They are agile, but they are physcally weak with the strength of a 10 year old. Their fighting skills are mediocre, still with two spears coming at you, that's dangerious and goblins are excellent at fighting in a team despite this. Another note, goblins fight dirty, so they tend to work on distracting and taking cheap shots.

I can't wait to see your posts. Sorry for starting this first test up late. I'll proceed with more after a couple has taken this one. We don't need to wait for everyone to complete it.

Sana will be who greets any new adventurers coming to join the guild from this point forward. Lets have some fun.

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Re: The Guild and Kingdoms [RP] hosted by Tempest

Post by sacred dragon » 12 May 2019, 14:24

Tio is used to fights, one of the goblins is trying is to attack her from behind as the other kicks sand in her face, Tio just manages to dodge the back attack at the last moment and then moves into a position where it's harder to flank her as they did before, while they couldn't flank her this time around they are still trying to corner her with attacks, one of them gets her with a few shots to the side of her waist because she is trying to hold back her skill level so she doesn't make the other newbies feel too bad. She winces a little and then somehow manages to somehow grab the spear and moves to the side so she would not get any more injuries, she also uses the blade ring on her left hand to cut the goblin's leg a couple of times. The goblin staggers back the rage on his face as he looks at tio, he and his friend go to try and stab her legs but she shes this coming and uses her long legs to kick one of the goblins in the nuts. The goblin didn't see it coming as she brought the blade ring into his gut right after and it slices him up bad and he keels over.
His friend goes to put his spear through her waist but she turns her hand into a spear by focusing the muscles in her hand and puts her hand into his chest and rips out his heart, she then realizes she forgot to hold back and is thinking crap my body reacted on it's own i was trying not to show off to much'.
[size=-1]By Nethack[/size]

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