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Re: Anime League Beach

Posted: 30 Oct 2019, 11:41
by Emma
Banri arrives at the beach and thinks...

"I'm really hungry, I wonder where I can get some fish and chips"

He looks around and sees a chip shop just a few feet away

He walks in and the assistant asks "What can I get get you?"

"Fish and Chips please" Banri responded

Banri receives his fish and chips, leaves the shop and walks over to the seating area where he enjoys the food

Re: Anime League Beach

Posted: 09 Nov 2019, 23:31
by Emma
Banri notices Kitty and with a smile on his face waves back

"Yes please" he responded. Banri walks over and joins new friends, "thanks for inviting me over" he responded cheerfully

"An idol contest" Banri responded, "please do tell more"

Re: Anime League Beach

Posted: 14 Nov 2019, 03:06
by LikkleMel
*Mel wakes up from her nap on the beach and is shocked everyone's left her. Mel walsk lazily over to the rest of them*

"What you lot been doing while you left me to my nap, hmmm?" :P

Re: Anime League Beach

Posted: 14 Nov 2019, 16:15
by Siej
Siej walks up to the coffee shop with a case of beer and a jug of milk.

"How much coffee can I get in one container?" He asks the staff, holding up his milk. "I brought my own milk this time." The staff laughed and brought a giant cup with a lid and he began pouring the milk as he looked at the others. He smiled, jigglying his big ears with happiness as he noticed a few he could recognize. He waved.

Re: Anime League Beach

Posted: 15 Dec 2019, 20:31
by Tanya
Great Tanya though, she might have to attend this dance festival thing. It just wasn't her cup a tea, this situation was going to be more dangerous than a battlefield. The number of social mines that could explode at something as a dance was inconceivable. Tanya seen that Kitty moved away, oh perfect timing she was distracted.

Tanya dropped the money on the table to pay for the coffee, and took off. She couldn't just start jogging, let them think she went to the powder room to freshen up. Tanya took off in a hurry, but it was for her car so she could get back to her sweet barracks where social mines weren't placed all over the place. Just her men who asked her how high when she told them to jump.

Tanya was hoping as she walked toward the exit of the beach that no one would follow her.