Match-Up: Asylum (Expendable / Catacombs)

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Re: Match-Up: Asylum (Expendable / Catacombs)

Post by Sirena » 04 Jul 2019, 06:50

OOC: [mention=17199]Expendable[/mention] finally posted in it again :)


While being in her drugged induced sleep Priscilla had no thoughts,no dreams,no feelings.Nothing....It was pure emptiness.Somewhat similar to a void or black hole in a sense.Time pasted by but she didn't stirred when she did finally awoke she was unsure how much time had pasted this time.It seemed this last dosage was stronger then any of the previous ones.As if they made it specially for her.Even though deep down Priscilla truly doubted that.

How much time passed by? She thought to herself.

She didn't dare to look over at her roommate.She was truly ashamed of herself for the way she had yelled in fear that night and she feared that she had frightened her roommate anyways.Which is something that she had never intended to do.She wondered what Sam thought of her now.Probably someone not to be trusted.If she can only remember ever detail she could explain herself.For now she decided to continue to lay in bed and keep her face hidden from view.Pretending to still be asleep seems like the best action right now.
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Re: Match-Up: Asylum (Expendable / Catacombs)

Post by Expendable » 05 Jul 2019, 01:50

Maybe it was because Priscilla was in the room, but she actually drowsed for a bit listening to her new roommate's breathing. She didn't stir until she heard the familiar sound of the key in the lock.

"Good morning!" Nurse Flynn called out, flanked at the door by the two orderlies she nicknamed Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum, they looked like twins but weren't. They were really chummy with Scott, before he disappeared. For whatever reason, they held her responsible for that. She didn't mind, no Scott meant no nightly visits.

"Sam, you're actually waking up!" she grinned, undoing the sheet that held her down, then clicked her tongue. "Still having those night sweats, huh? We'll get you in the shower first thing before breakfast."
"Great. What's it today? Powdered eggs and...?"
"What do you care? You always have the oatmeal."

Nurse Flynn turned to the other bed.

"Good morning! Are you awake, yet?"

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Re: Match-Up: Asylum (Expendable / Catacombs)

Post by Sirena » 06 Jul 2019, 07:18

Priscilla clinched her fists in fear which were hidden under her sheets.She wasn't ready to let them know that she was awake just yet.She developed an fear of getting stabbed by the dreaded sedative shot that even when she was well behaved she believed that she would get it soon if not at that exact moment.After receiving it so many times since she arrive at the Asylum her fears seem rational.She counted to ten in her mind and tried regain her composure before she answered otherwise her voice would give her feeling of fear away.Counting to ten seemed to work this time.In the past it didn't always work.More like a hit or miss kind of thing.

"I am awake.." She replied.Her displeasure in being awake did came through in her voice but atleast not her feeling of fear.

The nurse's chipperness annoyed Priscilla more than it should.It was never a good day let alone a good morning at the Asylum.Too many horrors within these walls as much as within each patient.With that on her mind Priscilla frowned as they were about to begin yet another boring and routine-based day.
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Re: Match-Up: Asylum (Expendable / Catacombs)

Post by Expendable » 07 Jul 2019, 05:17

"You could probably use a shower, too," Nurse Flynn smiled. "So, ladies, if you would like to accompany us to the showers...?"

The bathrooms would have two nurses inside, watching, always watching. Then after they dried off, fresh pajamas and then the chaos that was the common room, now laid out with cafeteria tables. Food and morning meds.

I just can't wait, Sam thought to herself, rolling her eyes.

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Re: Match-Up: Asylum (Expendable / Catacombs)

Post by Sirena » 12 Jul 2019, 03:57

After being clean and pushed into the Common Room,Priscilla hissed lowly at the Staff.She hated the Common Room more than her room.Her room mate Sam wasn't that bad.She actually seemed alot better then most people here honestly.

Priscilla went into line to grab her medicines.Like usual two of the female patients to wards the back of the line were fighting about their place in line.Hair pulling and shouting.Another normal day at the Asylum.Once it was her turn she grabbed the cup with her medicines and the cup of water.She swallowed both of showed the inside of her mouth to the Nurse so they can check to see if she took her medicines.Afterwards she grabbed an apple,oatmeal,and a bottled water and sat at her normal spot to eat her breakfast.She glared as she looked up every once in a while.She had her guard up.You never know what will happen when in the Common Room.
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Re: Match-Up: Asylum (Expendable / Catacombs)

Post by Sirena » 18 Jul 2019, 04:29

OOC: [mention=17199]Expendable[/mention] are we still continuing this? I want to know so I can lock it if we are not.Second Part of Asylum is now up if you are interested
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Re: Match-Up: Asylum (Expendable / Catacombs)

Post by Expendable » 18 Jul 2019, 18:16

OOC: sorry, lots of things going on. Can continue.

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Re: Match-Up: Asylum (Expendable / Catacombs)

Post by Expendable » 24 Jul 2019, 01:16

There was a loud sniff at her back. Turning, she found that the grandmotherly figure of Betty was behind her.

"Good morning."
"Got you rooming with the new girl?"
"What? How did you..." Sam stammered.
"Who else would it be?" Betty shrugged, then glancing over to where Priscilla was already having breakfast. "Is that her? What's she like?"
"Yeah, I guess she sticks out, being new. She's... nice."

At the glass of the hallway door, a shadow loomed. Betty's face when flat, then she growled slightly. The shadow quickly vanished.
"Uh, are you...."
"Dry throat," Betty smiled, patting Sam on the shoulder. "Help an old lady, would you? That's a dear!"

Betty took her pills and rambled over to get coffee while Sam got hers, then sat down near Priscilla. She covered her mouth and coughed, then slipped the pills into her pocket before taking a swig of coffee.

Sam appeared with water, a plastic spoon and a yogurt. She faltered for a moment when she saw Betty, but tacked on a smile and sat down.

"Priscilla, this is Betty," she said, pointing the spoon at the other. Did she warn her about Betty?

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Re: Match-Up: Asylum (Expendable / Catacombs)

Post by Sirena » 28 Jul 2019, 05:27

Priscilla looked up at Sam and the elderly woman as she was being introduced to Betty.She kept her hands and her eyes on her meal and drink when doing so though.After everything she has been through she didn't trust anyone and who could blame her? She was always betrayed it seems and with that "ghost" haunting her she had even more of a reason to be afraid.

"Nice to met you Betty," she said with a smile as she kept her eyes on everything. Priscilla tried to be as open and kind as possible when acknowledging both Sam and Betty.She cleared her throat. "I am sorry for not shaking your hand though and I hope you understand that I am weary of everyone.This place seems to have that effect on me."
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