Unusual Tidings (Casual) -A slice of life

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Re: Unusual Tidings (Casual) -A slice of life

Post by Tanya » 28 May 2019, 02:01

"Sure I'll introduce your to her tomorrow. It's too late today to go see her. Early morning is a good time to visit her." They eventually make it the front. Red asks for meat as usually since he loved meat but asked for some vegetables too. The human behind the counter was about to quiz Red on his request but saw the Rabbit with him oh, and outsider. He was probably not registered with the city. It wasn't a problem right now but it could be.

"Red don't cause trouble," he said instead and handed over the requested food.

"I won't, I'll be sure to take care of things properly." The man nodded.

"Alright we have the food that's head back. Right I almost forgot you have to register as a citizen of this city to get food at that bank. They have a sheet of rules and laws you have to agree to abide by, but it's no big deal."

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Re: Unusual Tidings (Casual) -A slice of life

Post by Basically Deleted » 28 May 2019, 02:13

"Sure...anything for free food."

They went into the city and Almiraj signed all the paperwork and was given a handbook with all the rules in it.

"So what now?" Almiraj asks Red.
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Re: Unusual Tidings (Casual) -A slice of life

Post by Tanya » 28 May 2019, 02:16

"Do you know how to read? If not we can worry about that later, for lets get back to my place and have some food. I'll cook it up if you want, but I'm not good at it, but at least I don't burn it." Red heads back to his cab and digs out a propane hot plate heater.

"Here we are, we'll need to cook it next to the cab."

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Re: Unusual Tidings (Casual) -A slice of life

Post by Basically Deleted » 28 May 2019, 02:36

"When the ray hit and I mutated, I gained the ability to read. I've mostly read books I've found in abandoned houses."

Almiraj looks around Red's place while he waits for him to cook the food.
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Re: Unusual Tidings (Casual) -A slice of life

Post by Tanya » 01 Jun 2019, 23:32

"Oh that's fantastic, then it'll be easy. " Red finished up cooking the food. Red knew his food would be a little bland, after all he was an amateur when it came to cooking but it was edible.

"Here you are friend, I wish I could make a better tasting dish." Red turned into a cat size, and started eating his. Besides after he finished he figured it would be a great time for a cat nap.

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Re: Unusual Tidings (Casual) -A slice of life

Post by Basically Deleted » 02 Jun 2019, 01:03

"Thanks," Almiraj replied as he takes the plate of food and gobbles it down not caring that it's a bit bland.

He ate enough that he became full and decided he'd take a nap.

"I think I'll rest a bit now. See ya in a bit Red," yawns Almiraj as he drifts off to sleep.
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Re: Unusual Tidings (Casual) -A slice of life

Post by Tanya » 02 Jun 2019, 01:39

Almiraj thanked for the simple food prepared and gobbled it down, Red though he's a good bun bun. He'll be a wonderful addition as a buddy. Then he tuckered in and went to sleep. Red decided sleep was a good idea and went to sleep himself.

It was nearly a dreamless night for Red, this was normal for Red, but he did dream of introducing Almiraj to his friend and she immediately fell in love with the fellow. When Red woke, he wondered if that really would happen, well perhaps, she would certainly like the Rabbit better than his wolf friend. Red laughed and prepared a simple breakfast. Hopefully the smells would wake his friend up.

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Re: Unusual Tidings (Casual) -A slice of life

Post by Basically Deleted » 02 Jun 2019, 02:32

Almiraj was awoken by the smell of food. He had apparently slept the entire night away when he had only meant to take a nap. The smells wafting to his sleeping spot certainly smelled better than the food he had earlier and he was quite eager to eat the food.

"Red, I don't know what you're making for breakfast but it smells super good!"

As Almiraj waited for the food to finish cooking he remembered Red telling him that he'd introduce him to a friend of his.

"So, when do I meet this friend of yours?"
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Re: Unusual Tidings (Casual) -A slice of life

Post by Tanya » 02 Jun 2019, 03:16

"Its just some bacon and potatoes, a simple dish for breakfast. In fact it cooks fast, when the potatoes are cut up small anyways." Red finished cooking it and made a nice help for Almiraj, then he asked about his friend.

"Her name is Jamie, we should be able to catch up with her pretty easily, she's 13 years old, pretty young still. However, shes good at looking after herself and unlike me she's a good cook. I can get by, anyways lets chow down, after that I'll introduce you." Red started to scarf his portion down, he liked having a good meal in him, besides he wasn't keen on seeing his wolf friend today with Almiraj in company. Better to hang with Jamie today and be a good Lion and not swindle anyone.

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Re: Unusual Tidings (Casual) -A slice of life

Post by Basically Deleted » 02 Jun 2019, 03:23

Almiraj wasn't sure what bacon was but after trying it, he decides that he quite enjoys the taste of it especially when combined with the potatoes.

"This meal was great! The flavor of this bacon was deli---Almiraj falls unconscious.

After a few minutes pass Almiraj wakes up in utter agony...."I'm never eating bacon again....I think that if I could have died, that'd been it."

"I'm looking forward to meeting this Jamie if she can cook."
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Re: Unusual Tidings (Casual) -A slice of life

Post by Tanya » 02 Jun 2019, 03:51

Red was embarrassed, when Almiraj passed out and a bit worried but he remembered at least he won't die. Still agony wasn't a good thing. After he woke Red immediately apologized, he felt horrible.

"So sorry, my cooking definitely needs work. Sure lets get going so you can get a good meal cooked for you." With that Red hopped out of the Taxi and became a full sized Lion. He started his proud stride anyways, despite feeling bad, it was important to keep up looks. No one should know he had fouled up. A proud Lion must look at his best no matter what missteps he took. He spotted Jamie. He walked towards her and of course she noticed him, after all there weren't that many lions who even lived in the city.

Jamie saw there was a rabbit with sun glasses and a shotgun in Red's company, what a shady character Jamie thought. He was hopeless always getting into trouble and always picking bad apples for buddies. She was going to give him a piece of her mind.

"What are you doing young man! Why another low life? Are you two mugging innocents?" She admonished Red. Red thought nope this totally had not gone how he had imagined it.

"No that's not it, this guy isn't... that kind of trouble," Red defended hastily and correcting himself because lying to Jamie was out of the question. Then turned to Almiraj for backup.

"Are you buddy?" Just tell her you aren't Red, mentally asked him. Not that he'd hear his thoughts, he was just hoping he'd play along. Jamie for her part placed her hands on her hips and gave off that vibe of an angry woman even though she was just thirteen. Who is teaching this girl, Red thought.

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Re: Unusual Tidings (Casual) -A slice of life

Post by Basically Deleted » 03 Jun 2019, 03:06

"I'm not so sure it was your cooking but rather the bacon itself."

Almiraj still felt a bit woozy but for the most part the pain had passed. He hopped next to Red and all of a sudden, someone who Almiraj suspected might be Jamie started fussing at Red and then turned to him and asked him if he was trouble.

"No ma'am. Just a rabbit trying to find a decent meal. Red here needs cooking lessons. He cooked me something called bacon which would have killed me if I was capable of dying."
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