Atem and Jas's Spar (training)(private)

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Atem and Jas's Spar (training)(private)

Post by PharaohAtem » 11 Jun 2020, 18:37

Island of the Cursed and Uncursed: The Television Story!

The Bermuda Triangle was nothing more than a myth told by sailors that said that boats and planes had gone missing for years without explanations. These stories turned into long tails and turned into books that often portrayed a storm of magnetic proportions or some kind of hand reaching from the heavens to capture planes and boats from the the sky and ocean. Some others said that a decremental hole opened up and swallowed them into another dimension, time and space which was like Earth, but not yet Earth. Soon the stories and they myths became online and TV shows that aired on the Sci-Fi Channel and other channels as prime time movies or just small stories that lasted half and hour. Unfortunately for two people this would become more reality then total fiction, but would they survive or kill each upon last, time and space where anything could happen.

Island of The Cursed and the Uncursed

In the middle of the Bermuda Triangle lay the Island of Old Atlantis. Yes the same faced island with dome surrounding the island and the ocean on all four sides. Ancient ruins surround the outer circle of the island which are broken or cracked from age. In the middle is a volcano that emits steam and gas every now and again and a steady steam of lava that rushes into the ocean upon a tube path. Upon the volcano is a glacure that is melting very slowly and produces a waterfall that flows into what looks like a glowing fortress at the bottom of the volcano and floats on top of the lava below. Mist surround this fortress and hides it from prying eyes until it's glowing gates open and a lighted path awaits those that are welcome.

Inner Fortress

Once inside the fortress you see statues of creatures only considered myth and a glowing golden doorway opening into another land that shouldn't be there. Here are rivers of lava, water and other forms of green or blue glowing veins of powers. Towering canyons, deserts and everything that Earth is and isn't.. This is your playground, this is where the fight will begin, but who comes out of it we do not know. 
Shadows can be your friend and sometimes be your enemy. Ghosts are known to rule the arena and have a tendency of hiding on traps upon the arena floor that is mostly sand. Geysers of water and steam blow into the air sending sand and super heated water to annoy it's trespassers. Dragons roar from the mountain caves to those it sees as equals and sometimes throw rocks or blast flames into the arena. This is Mother Nature's arena anything nature can happen, even if it's not invited.




Character Sheet


My Character: Anubis
[font]Name: Anubis or Anpu
Aliases: Lord of Death and Rebirth, the Guardian of the Veil, Jackal-God
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Race: Egyptian God
Random statistics: Born upon the light of the moon with a soul shrouded in darkness Anubis moves from one demention to the next seeking the ultimate power that is just within his reach. Cursed by the gods for his powers, he is sworn to uphold an ancient law that has yet to die. With every soul he takes within him, his soul grows more darker with each passing moment and only the purity of one Pharaoh maybe able to stop this angry creature from destroying the universe.[/font][font]Character Tier: High
Character Type: Stand Alone Character[/font]
[font]Physical Description: A person who is revered by the village and protects it from the harshness of the environment that threatens to destroy them all. He is taller then most with raven black skin that is as soft and smooth as a newborn babies. Strong muscular shoulders led way to golden arm bracelets that are attacked to the hands in which the fingers are encased in gold and look more like claws then fingers themselves. A giant emerald lays upon the middle of the bracelet and glows with an inner light that makes it look like waves upon an ocean. Upon the waist is a golden belt with a bust that envelopes the hips with the same matching emerald as in the armlet bracelets, but this goes almost to the knees then leaves off to a flowing black skirt that flays out as if controlled by some kind of breeze that is unseen and felt. Upon the shoulder is a cape that is half black and the other half gold and it also floats as if controlled by some kind of breeze that is unseen or felt. From the middle of the chest another emerald is attacked to what looks like a head bust that has the head of a jackal and is black with gold that falls behind the ears and revolves around the front like free flowing hair. Long black ears point forward and golden eyes that see too much and always seems to go straight for a person’s soul. A black mouth opens to reveal pearl white teeth that are meant for tearing and ripping skin to shreds. As they raise both hands the right hand starts to glow with green energy while the other hand appears to hold a golden staff with a ankh with an emerald in the middle of it on top. The blast obliterates everything in side, but in it’s place is an emerald statue of the person that had dared interrupt the sleep of the Pharaoh within.[/font][font]Personality Description: Anubis is ruled by passions, his emotional control is apparently next to nonexistent. He does what he feels when he feels like it, with only a few instances where restraint was exercised. He is angry, sorely impatient, obsessed with little details, and has trust issues. This inner suspicion and attention to detail makes him hate any form of perceived or actual deception. Also very religious when it comes to Ancient Egyptian, sine he's a god and sorely follows rules that are often broken when they need to be.[/font][font]Skills, powers and abilities:[/font][font]Spirit Blast: Anubis can conjure up a ball of swirling ghostly energy, and then hurl it at an opponent. These blasts are made up of spiritual energy that is transformed out of the atomic blood that whirls within the emerald jewels upon Anubis's armor. His blood is made of atomic liquid and when it comes into contact with human or non human spiritual energy it causes a mass of power which is used in the form of a spirit blast. If it hits, it ignores armor, and does damage equal to that of an atomic bomb considering his powers are of that material. 8[/font][font]Spiritual Eyes: He can also fire unspecified energy blasts from his eyes. These are also power from his blood which is made of atomic liquid and when it comes into contact with human or non human spiritual energy it causes a mass of power which is used in the form of a Spiritual Laser. 8[/font][font]Spirit Wave: Raising a hand he can use the power within his emerald jewels and conjure up a wave of the spiritual power that has atomic powers in which case this wave can take down an entire army and destroy it leaving nothing behind. 8[/font][font]Storm of Sand: Able to control a desert he can control the weather causing huge sand storms that rain down upon villages, choking the life out of those unmasked and burring anything in its way. The more sand that surrounds him the more damage he can do including burying an entire army in the sand. 6-8[/font][font]Material Manipulations: When not surrounded by sand he can use the sand found in one of her pouches and mix it with the dirt around him causing it to look like sand and act like normal sand. He can also use pieces of metal and make a storm out of it like whirling the sand around him and other smaller objects. 6[/font]
[font]Spirit Eraser: Using the hands of his powers which are encased in gold bracelets he is able to suck some of the life force out a person and take it in as his own. He has never killed a person with this power, but in all retro events it is possible to suck the life energy out of a person if it were a death match. This power is his curse for survival least he withers into an empty husk of his former powers. 8[/font]
[font]Command Undead: He is able to control those that have died, including resurrecting bodies from there graves and using them as zombies to attack in hordes against his enemy they have the ability to suck the life energy out of a person, but not at the strength of their master who can kill a person in battle. They then return this power to Anubis and it is absorbed into his body to continue his spiritual growth. 5-7[/font][font]Reality Perception: Anubis can see the network patterns of matter and energy that form the universe with unearthly ability and cross over into other dimensions. In other terms the universe is filled with thermal trails in space that are like roads to other worlds and other galaxy, seeing these paths gives him the ability to use those thermal paths to travel through one dimension to the next and use that power to see things that most humans can only see through thermal microscopes. 8[/font]
[font]Mummification: Anubis is unsurpassed in his ability to perform rituals of mummification. Given a few days and the proper tools, he can mummify anything. No roll required. 5-6[/font][font]Vanish: When the going gets tough, Anubis gets out of there! If things are looking really bad, he can spend an action to disappear in a puff of smoke. Success means thwarting him from using the power, and he can only attempt this once a day. If he succeeds, he vanishes and appears somewhere non-specific and far away. He can't take other people or creatures with him. 8[/font][font]Healing Light: When injured he has the ability to either heal herself or heal someone else. Either way it takes power which causes him to have to rejuvenate later. Using his hand he puts it on the injury and recites Egyptian words as his hand starts to light up. Given to him by Horus himself he uses the powers of light and dark to help others. 8[/font][font]Regenerating Powers: Able to regenerate broken or torn limbs as well as any injury that is sustained in battle. This power comes from the spiritual energy he steels from other creatures and is depended on the power level of the soul energy he is steeling from others. If he has taken in lower level characters powers then the healing rate takes hours instead of seconds as it would in a higher level character’s spiritual energy. 6-8[/font][font]Character Equipment:[/font][font]Shielding of the Gods: The emeralds that are within his golden armor is a mixture of people's spiritual energy and the powers of atomic liquid which swirls together and gives him the power of ultimate destruction not to mention the power to use his powers. This life giving energy revolves is his life blood and protects him from the rigors of radiation that almost all atomic powers give off, but it does not protect others, if he is traveling with someone if they don't have protection they will die. The golden armor itself is made of a golden alloy not found on earth and was said to be hand crafted by the gods themselves and given to those they can trust to use the powers wisely. If he does not use these powers wisely they will become corrupt and start to disintegrate and further more become a death trap for him as the atomic energy that once protected him becomes his enemy and slowly kills him with radiation poisoning. 8[/font][font]Scepter of Osiris: Made from the same golden armor that surrounds its owner it also has an emerald crystal ball upon the top of it to unleash spiritual energy upon lands and destroy if from the inside by causing decay. This gives extraordinary power to destroy cities with a slow process not to mention causes immediate death to those unprotected from such radiation. 8[/font][font]Ankh of Anubis: Ankh symbolizes eternal life. Anubis is god of the dead. This golden Ankh that is upon a golden necklace brings Anubis his eternal life and ability to come back from the dead. He wears it upon his neck, but it unseen to everyone but himself and his followers. This also is part of power he does to use to bring the dead within their tombs to life and attack his enemies. Often many fortune hunters have tried to steal this valuable weapon from Anubis's hands, but often find themselves having radiation burns that often lead to the decay of the skin which leaves to the loss of their hands or arms. This also give him the ability to shape shift into his Jackal form which is in the form of a black dog with long black and gold ears that stand up almost as if they are satellites taking in sounds. 8[/font]
[font]Character History: Anubis was born a child of prophecy to the Egyptian Gods and as he grew he was thought the ways of the Egyptians. He became the God of Embalming, but with these powers he became a ruthless person who protected the gods and goddesses from anyone who dared challenge them. Upon a land that a certain god owned and thrived upon the Pharaoh Atem broke the sacred laws that governed this area and in so her powers were stripped from her and sealed within the ankh that Anubis carried. Owning this power he has gained many abilities and powers besides his own and waits until the day comes when Atem finds the courage to come back and fight for her powers, but this has been centuries and so far her powers have continued to weaken. Sooner or later Anubis will come for her soul and take it for his own, sealing the death of a Pharaoh who's power used to be well respected upon her lands until the day she broke a trust with certain gods and goddesses. [/font]


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Atem and Jas's Spar (training)(private)

Post by Jas » 13 Jun 2020, 23:13

OOC: Here's my submission. Figured I'd mirror your duality:

Name: Lance Xavier
Race: Half-Daemon/Half-Angel
Age: Ageless, though he appears to be in his mid-twenties.
Gender: Male
Height: 6 feet
Weight: 205 lbs

Appearance: Lance shows traits from both sides of his heritage. Standing slightly taller than average at six feet, Lance is muscular but lithe. His eyes change, depending on the circumstances. On some occasions, they are the brightest blue, as though reflecting the sky, and at others, a crimson that would put the fiery depths of hell to shame. He has two feathery wings, but of a grey tint. His hair, which falls to his lower back, is black. His trenchcoat is a fine, neutral grey, made of a tight-weave cotton fabric. His undershirt, which shows through behind the armor and trenchcoat, is white, whereas the pants are black. His boots are a charcoal-black color, but with silvery metal fittings (Heel and toe and sole). His full-plate body armor is much like his boots, in that it is black as night, but with the white-silver metal finishings around the edges. Strapped to his waist, in an ornate sheath, is his sword, dubbed Destroyer of Worlds.

Claymore||Destroyer of Worlds - This blade, forged of the black steel from the pits of hell, over the blessed fires of creation, is a stunning 42 inches long from point to pommel. Ten inches are accommodated by the ornate pommel, grip, and hilt, balanced masterfully with the 32 inch blade. A black opal resides in the center of the cross of the handguard and the hilt. At the very base of the blade, before it meets the handguard, is an elaborately etched ankh in a sea of fire. The metal is blessedly light, and intensely durable. The black blade gives off subtle light, only visible when ambient light is low. The blessed/cursed blade is used as an energy conduit for many of his more powerful attacks.
Plate Mail||Mother's Heart - This would be considered a masterpiece to any smith who appraised it. It is forged of the same steel and in the same manner as the blade, but where the metal is worked more (i.e.: around the edges), the steel has taken a more silvery tone, as chrome. This armor has served Lance well in the past, and, though scores and scrapes abound on it's dark surface, it has lasted for centuries unscathed. The same symbol decorates the chest of the armor as on the sword, albiet on a larger scale, miraculously unmarred: A holy ankh surrounded by a baptismal flame, as though submersed in it. The armor protects his upper body to nearly all attacks; it would take a miracle to pierce it.

Personality: Many would say that Lance does not have much of a personality. These people see Lance from the outside, and have no idea the thoughts that crash headlong through Lance's head every waking day and every sleepless night. Lance, neither a being of good or bad, but a being of impartial justice, is quiet in his demeanor. He is not very keen on friendship, and strives to keep the world at a balance. If darkness swells, Lance would want to smite it. If light flourishes, Lance would put an end to that, as well. The life as a Judge of Life is a lonely one, and Lance is a very lonely man. Such is his fate, though, and such will it be. Being more-or-less hermetic does have an effect on the mind, however, and Lance sometimes believes that he is talking to his parents in his head.

Powers/Abilities: Many of these abilities are based on amplifying his spirit through his sword, the Destroyer of Worlds. Not all of them depend on the weapon to use, though. It will be specified if the sword is needed.

Basic Abilities - These abilities are support abilities, mundane in nature, and constantly in effect.
Flight: A being with wings, Lance can fly as easily as he can walk.
Swordplay: Lance is adept at using his sword as its primary function. He has trained with it for centuries, and have mastered the nuances of the blade. He is a deadly weapon when holding his sword. He realizes also that a sword is not the only weapon a fighter posesses, and will fight with elbows and knees, fists and feet if necessary.
Agility: Lance, while muscular, is very lithe. He is graceful and agile in his movements, and often appears to dance as he fights.

Unarmed Powers - These powers signify the ability to manipulate energy without channeling and amplifying it through the blade. These may be used with or without his sword.
Dark/Light orbs: From the palm of his hand, Lance can issue either a single or a volley of orbs, of his choice of element. This is effective as a diversion, however, it would inflict major damage or kill only a minor NPC. It's more of a nuisance than an attack. Very little energy drain.
Telekinesis: Lance may move inanimate objects with his mind. He has not reached his carrying limit yet, though it did give him a headache when he tossed a Mack Truck at his enemy with his mind once. Energy drain depends on the size of the object.
True Seeing: As a Judge, it is his duty to judge the souls of the mighty. As such, he is granted the gift of inner sight, wherein he can see the nature of a subject's soul, assuming that the subject's mind is weaker than his own. Little sustained energy drain.

Armed Powers - These are the more potent attacks that Lance possesses. They require his sword in hand to be used.
Dark/Light imbue: Lance may imbue his sword with either element. The sword appears as a nexus/vortex of light. Often, it depends on the nature of the monster he is fighting. Moderate sustained energy drain.
Dance of Grey: Lance performs a number of dance-like sword maneuvers, dealing rather heavy damage. A very quick succession of blows. Blockable and dodgeable, but very difficult to do so. Moderate energy drain.
Destroyer Shotgun: Lance, upon placing the flat of his left hand against the flat of the blade, channels (un)holy energy through the Destroyer of Worlds. The energy gathers in the blade until released, unleashing a devastating blast from the tip when it does. If it hits, it hurts. If you're too close, it's probably going to hit. Like a shotgun. High energy drain.
Judgement Day: Lance's ultimate attack. It requires immense concentration and energy to perform. By infusing the blade with his very soul, and releasing it from the tip of the blade, a cannon-like effect is created. Little can stand up to the force of the attack, and it would be good advice to get out of the way, if you can. It moves fast, but it is dodgeable. Barely.

History: Lance was begotten of the daemon Kain and the seraphim Loreili. Let me weave a tale for you, that one might understand how this unlikely match came to be. To understand this story, one must be taken back thousands of years, to a time before man.

A great battle was erupting in the heavens, civil unrest caused by an evil entity. Lucifer was his name, forged of the fabric of heaven in the shape of an angel. He thought he'd become more powerful than his Creator, however, and felt that a regime change was in order. His coup was halted, however, and the Almighty banished him from the pleasures of Heaven. Lucifer fell from grace, doomed to spend an eternity in the fiery depths of Hell. God, o wrathful God that he is, banished all those who did not take his side in the war, to keep the Devil company. The leader of Satan's army, Kain, was among the first to be sent to his master. Once a powerful ArchSeraphim of battle, he was transmogrified into a hellish beast with six leathery black wings, glowing crimson eyes, and a thirst for blood. He resumed his place at Satan's side, where he waged war against the Holy Realm with great ardour.

In one great but ill-recorded battle, Kain Xavier made a raid of the Heavens, trying to get to the Creator. Of course, the fleet of angels came forth to stop his progress, and for the most part, it succeeded. Holy fire and dark energies were slung back and forth, and both sides suffered heavy losses. Unfortunately, with the Fires of Creation on the side of the Holy, angels could be created and sent to battle as fast as Lucifer and Kain could slaughter them. Kain was eventually met with his match--another seraphim of nearly equal strength. Her name was Loreili, with blonde hair and blue eyes, like most angels. She was, however, dangerously skilled in combat, a deadly opponent. With a baptism of fire, she managed to single-handedly decimate Kain's forces. Kain, being the general and the overall most powerful combatant for the swarming horde of daemons, rose to face the challenge.

The sword that would become the Destroyer of Worlds rested in Kain's left hand, the Holy Avenger in Loreili's right. The Holy Avenger is a broadsword, enchanted by holiness, with the hilt in the shape of an ankh, the pommel creating the circle at the top. A single ruby adorned the blade, set into the center of the blade, halfway from pommel to tip. Kain struck first with all the hatred his black heart could muster. Loreili kept up with the daemon's assault with ease, striking out occasionally in a counterattack, each time scoring blood. Each strike that went unlanded sent the dark general into a frenzy, and eventually he managed to remove one of the angel's wings. Though she still had five to support her weight, the momentary disorientation cost her dearly. Instead of finishing her, as he might otherwise have done, Kain wanted to keep her prisoner. Lust filled his eyes as he reguarded her, for she was truely a beautiful specimen. He removed her right hand, Holy Avenger falling to earth, and ordered four of his men to escort the angel to Hell. Wounded as she was, she was unable to cast holy fire, and she went fairly easily.

His quarry caught, he ordered his force to fall back. As he sealed himself safely back into his fiery realm, Lucifer guided Kain to his room, where he was not all that surprised to see Loreili, bound and stripped. That night, Lance was concieved, not of love but of lust, and ten years later (merely the bat of an eye to such immortal beings), he was born. Kain had kept Loreili alive long enough to give birth to his son, then Kain ravaged her once more before ending her life by removing the remainder of her wings and severing her neck. Kain had a son, which he would raise with enough fear and hatred to fuel Hitler's army.

Years became decades, decades to centuries. Lance grew, slowly, into a fine man. He had the good looks of his mother, and the battle prowess of his father. Kain was a harsh father, and Lance harbored hatred not for the world, as his father did, but for the man himself, and one day it bubbled over. Kain had nearly killed Lance earlier in a rage, and now, while he slept, Lance plunged his father's blade into it's owner's heart, spilling the black daemon's blood over the blade. Dying, Kain's spoke seven words: "You will never be rid of me!" His body vanished, and there was no way to trace the murder back to Lance.

Weilding the blade of his master and father, Lance took the reigns of the army and led it to many a battle, though never to victory. After a particularly horrible defeat, Lucifer approached Lance. The weaver of lies, shadowmaster extraordinaire, nearly tricked Lance into killing himself. When he proved to have too strong a will, Lucifer attempted to dispatch him himself. Lance barely got away with his skin, fleeing to the only other realm available to daemons: The mortal world.

He wandered the world, homeless, meaningless, a harmless vagrant. Out of the harshness of Hell, his dual nature kept him from murdering humans, and even several times he ended up saving a person or two from a lesser evil. One day, the angel Gabriel appeared to Lance, having kept an eye on him since he was an infant. His influence was nil in the netherworld, but he had as much ease of transport to Earth as Lance did. He told him of his mother, how she had fought bravely in battle, how his father had raped, then killed her. He offered to help him by offering him the power of his mother--the power of angels. Lance accepted his offer, a new meaning in his life opening up. Gabriel parted from him briefly, taking the blade that had murdered his mother to the Heavens to reforge it, make it anew. He returned with a sword as wondrous as any: Of the durable, superior steel of hell, but of heaven's fine make. The hilt was completely remade, and the symbol of the ankh blazed on the fresh steel. Along with the blade, Gabriel had reforged his armor, making him into a full Knight of the Holy. His daemonic nature was supressed, and he fought heaven's battles on earth, assignments passed out from the Almighty himself, translated through Gabriel.

Lance has been working in this way ever since, working his way ever closer to striking back as Satan and the underworld as a whole, symbolizing all that his bastard father was.

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Atem and Jas's Spar (training)(private)

Post by Jas » 17 Jun 2020, 03:23

Lance's blue eyes surveyed the doors of the fortress. While they were open and inviting, he just thought it was too easy.

The shadows inside this gate are exactly where I would set an ambush, Kain's voice observed in the Judge's mind. Better safe than sorry, Lorelei responded, and Lance drew his claymore. Gravity drew the tip towards the ground, and the weight pleased the man.

The tails of his grey tenchcoat fluttered as Lance set off through the gates. He found no army in the shadowy interior, but a minotaur seemed to be enjoying a meal of what appeared to be a minor gorgon in the corner. More feral than anything, the bull-man whirled around, startled, then charged at the intruder, horns low to gore. Lance sidestepped the reckless charge easily, and with one hand brought the claymore down on the bovine's neck as he passed. The minitaur took a few more steps before stumbling to the ground where his body remained. His head continued a few yards, rolling and bouncing a bit.

The gorgon was already dead, so Lance continued inside to meet his actual target: Anubis, Egyptian God of life and death. Judgment was on its way.

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